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Bachelor Degree in Economics and Social Science

Law and Economics Course

Guest Lecturers
o 24 March, 12.00-13.30
Valentino Cattelan, PhD, Lecturer in Law, Birmingham City University
The law of Islamic Finance in Europe: Open Issues
o 28 March, 10.00-11.30
Christian Gelleri, PhD Candidate, University of Würzburg
Transforming the Society with Complementary Currencies
o 5 April, 10.00 – 11.30
Andrea Castillo Olano, PhD Candidate, University of Zaragoza
Spanish Implementation of PSD2 from the Users' Perspective
o 17 April, 12.00-13.30
Cecilia del Barrio Arleo, PhD, Associate Researcher, European Banking Institute
Central Bank Money in the digital currencies world
o 19 April, 10.00-11.30

Marc Pilkington, Associate Professor of Economics, University of Bourgogne

Libra 1.0 and Libra 2.0 (Diem): Learning Lessons from Facebook’s Failed Global Stablecoin Project
o 10 May, 10.00-11.30
Marin Beroš, PhD, Senior Research Associate in Political and Economics Philosophy, Institute of Social Sciences “Ivo
Money and Identity - Old Questions in the New Setting
o 16 May, 10.00 – 11.30
Filippo Zatti, PhD, Associate Professor f Economic Law, University of Florence
The Economics Law of (Central Bank) Digital Currencies
o 22 May, 12.00-13.30
Hossein Nabilou, PhD, Assistant Professor of Law & Finance, Amsterdam Law School, University of Amsterdam (UvA)
The Law and Macroeconomics of Custody and Asset Segregation Rules: Defining the Perimeters of Crypto-Banking

Gabriella Gimigliano, PhD, Module Leader

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