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Osmosis:- The net diffusion of free water molecules through a semi-permeable membrane from a

region with a low solute concentration to a region with high solute concentration

Simple Diffusion:- The passive net movement of a substance from a region with high concentration
to a region with low concentration

Facilitated Diffusion:- The passive movement of molecules across a membrane down a concentration
gradient via a specific channel or carrier protein. Does not require energy. Carrier Protein – change
shape to help a molecule through a membrane

Transmembrane proteins – channel proteins and carrier proteins

Active Transport – The movement of materials across a membrane against their concentration
gradient, via a specific carrier protein. Requires the cell to spend ATP energy

Bulk transport:- involves the movement of materials, too large to pass through a carrier or channel
protein, in membrane-bound vesicles that fuse with the cell membrane. Two kinds of bulk transport,
endocytosis(molecules enter the cell) – the cell furrows, or “invaginates” to surround a particle and
engulf it within a vacuole and exocytosis(molecules exit the cell) – process by which large molecules
or particles are exported by a cell by the fusion of a vesicle with the cell membrane.

Phagocytosis – solid is engulfed (‘cell eating’)

Pinocytosis – fluid is engulfed (‘cell drinking’)

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