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If we heat water continuously, it evaporates.

If we don’t heat water continuously, it doesn’t evaporate.
Does water evaporate if we heat it continuously?
Type 0  If S. Present, S. Present.
 fact (will NEVER change)

We will cancel the trip if it rains heavily.

Unless it rains heavily, we will not cancel the trip.
Unless means IF NOT.
We won’t cancel the trip if it doesn’t rain heavily.
Will we cancel the trip if it rains heavily?
Type 1  If S. Present, S. Future.
 possibilities / guesses

If we could turn back time, we would tell him sooner.

If we weren’t his kids, we would not suffer this much.
Would we suffer this much if we weren’t his kids?

If I was you, I would kick him out.

 If I were you, I would kick him out.

Type 2  If S. Past, S + would + V1.

S. Past:
1) V2 / didn’t + V1
2) were (followed by) Noun / Adjective
 imagination / IMPOSSIBLE to happen

If we had told him sooner, he would not have shot her dead.
Had we told him sooner, he would not have shot her dead.
(omission of IF)
If we had not told him sooner, he would have shot her dead.
Had we not told him sooner, he would have shot her dead.
(omission of IF)

Fill in the blanks with the most suitable forms of the verbs in parentheses, bearing in mind
that all of the verbs should conform to conditional types.

1. Gerald … (forget) to bring the documents if I … (not, call) him earlier.

2. If I … (be) Irene, I … (totally, tell) him off.
3. … (you, reconsider) the proposition if Stanley … (be) the one to approach you?
4. If everything … (run) smoothly, we … (finish) the ceremony on time at 9am.
5. Joanna … (know) that something is definitely off if you … (not, stop) stuttering.
6. … (you, tell) him the truth if you … (not, know) that he had been lying to you all
7. Juan keeps on breaking up; if he … (keep) this up, he … (date) more than fifty times
before he reaches twenty.
8. … (I, be) aware of it sooner, I … (not, get) angry. But then, it’s useless crying over spilt
9. The gravity of the situation was enough to discourage everyone. I bet if Johnny …
(hear) of the situation sooner, he … (not, have) the guts to go there alone.
10. If you … (open) your eyes and the sky is still there, that means that everything … (be)

Would he have shot her dead if we had told him sooner?

Type 3  If Past Perfect, S + would + have + V3
 regret / wishing something had happened the other way around

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