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A Quantitative Research
Presented to the Faculty of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics
Bayugan National Comprehensive High School
Division of Bayugan City

In partial fulfillment of the requirements in

Inquiries, Investigation, and Immersion

Dapetilla, Charlee A.
Abejaron, Marian Mae L.
Buagas, Kaye Antonette B.
Lumandez, Charis L.
Enriquez, Arvie Jay L.
Guerra, Leister C.

Grade 12-Pasteur

Crystelle Anne B. Montera

Research Adviser

Date of Completion
Chapter I


This chapter of the paper presents the problem and its setting. It includes the

background of the study, the statement of the problem, significance of the study, and

scope and delimitation of the study, conceptual framework, and definition of terms.

Background of the Study

One of the most crucial decisions a student will ever make is what to do with

his or her career. They will be affected by this decision for the rest of their lives.

Career is quite important. And important role in the individual's life because it

dictates the pattern of his or her income, influences the person's mentality, and

shapes how they view life. Career success is therefore a lifetime goal. It is the order

in which a person has held important positions throughout the course of their lives.

The term "career" is used to refer to all similar positions that people play in ensuring

a living, including those of students, parents, workers, retirees, and employers

(Erimie, & Chiamaka, 2019).

The term "K-12 curriculum" refers broadly to the subject matter standards

utilized from kindergarten through grade 12. Discover the details of K–12 curriculum

by examining it from the perspectives of the courses or disciplines covered, the

learning objectives, and the Common Core State Standards (Study, 2021). It was

150 years ago when the compulsory or the K-12 education curriculum started in

Massachusetts, United States (Beam, 2022). Regarding its structure, curriculum, and

philosophies, the Philippine educational system is being improved and reformatted.

The Philippines' revamp of its primary education system, known as the "K to 12"

Program, was unveiled in 2012. The program prioritizes kindergarten by bringing its
secondary education up to pace with international standards (Masayoshi, 2013). The

government established the K-12 programs to enhance the educational system and

hasten the mutual recognition of Filipino graduates and professionals abroad (Dizon,

2019). The new curriculum's objective is to prepare Filipino students for university

education by giving them sufficient time to understand topics and skills. Only Djibouti

and Angola have basic education cycles that lasted 10 years prior to K–12 in the

world. The Philippines was one of those countries. Most countries in the globe follow

a basic education cycle that lasts an average of 12 years.

The K–12 Program includes Kindergarten and 12 years of elementary school

(six years of primary education, four years of Junior High School, and two years of

Senior High School SHS)(GOVPH, n.d.). According to Enderun Colleges (2022), K-

to-12 system aims to improve students' math, science and linguistics skills to further

demonstrate their competence in the global job market. According to the CIIT College

of Arts and Technology (2017). Llego (2022) stated that there are four tracks in the

K-12 Curriculum with their different strands, the Academic Track which includes

Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM),Accountancy,

Business, and Management(ABM), Humanities, and Social Science (HUMSS), and

General Academic Strand (GAS), Technology-Vocational-Livelihood Track (TVL) that

includes Home Economics Strand (HE), Information and Communication Technology

Strand (ICT), Industrial Art Strand (IA). Also the Art and Design Track and Sport


Decision making is learned through people life experiences (Leigh, 2017) also

when people get older, their choices become more complex and the consequences

of their choices become more significant. It takes a lot of time in making a proper
decision (Gaudine and Thorne, 2001). Career choice requires creativity, trial and

error, decision-making and future judgment. In order for students to make the right

decisions, they need to be aware of this process from an early age. (Magdadaro,

2020). Social Cognitive Career Theory considered different factors that may affect

career decisions, such as self-efficacy, preference of students, preference of

parents, aptitude, number of schools offering the desired career track, and the

availability of financial assistance or scholarship (Gestiada et al., 2017).

According to the recent research, In the Philippines, adolescents

usually lack the capacity to form their own decisions. People frequently ask their

parents, teachers, friends, and classmates for advice (Manapsal, 2018). There can

never be enough emphasis placed on career path or course of study that the student

choose will lead to the career that they would later concentrate in has nothing to do

with their secondary education (Cabanias, 2021). It state that many factors have an

effect on students' indecision when it comes to choosing a career. In order to choose

career based on their interests and abilities, students are not given enough help. The

study will examine the interests of the students in grade 10. The study will examine

what factors such as gender/sex, academic experiences, family, peer influence,

personal interest, opportunity, economic status, and parents’ occupation that can

affect Grade 10 students' decisions regarding their future career paths. The findings

of this study will be the basis for intervention program or an activity like counseling

the grade 10 students in Bayugan National Comprehensive High School (BNCHS) in

choosing their desired strand.

Statement of the Problem

This study aims to determine the factors affecting the decision making of

Grade 10 of Bayugan National Comprehensive High School (BNCHS) in choosing

Senior High School Strand S.Y 2022-2023.

Specifically, it aims to answer the following questions;

1.) What is the profile of the respondents in terms of;

1.1. Gender/Sex

1.2. Age

1.3. Economic Status

1.4. Parent Occupation

2.) What factors can affect the decision of the BNCHS Grade 10 students in

choosing their SHS strand?

2.1. Academic Experiences

2.2. Family Influence

2.3. Peer influence

2.4. Personal Interest

2.5. Opportunities

3.) What program/activity can be propose based on the results?

Significance of the Study

This study will be beneficial to the following:

a. Students – This study will help the students to decide what strand to pursue in

senior high school, picking the appropriate track is essential. This study will help

them to develop their decision-making ability.

b. Parents - serve as a main influence in their children’s career development and

career decision-making. Parents want their children to find happiness and

success in life, and one factor which influences happiness and success is a

career choice.

c. School Councilors – They can help the other students to choose strand. Success

can be attained if proper guidance was given in choosing the right senior high

school strand.

d. Future Researchers – They can use this research as their related literature in

their future research.

Scope and Delimitation

The target population of this study limits up to grade 10 students of BNCHS.

This study aims to determine the factors affecting the decision-making of Grade 10

students of BNCHS in choosing their Senior High School Strand.

The study will be conducted at Bayugan National Comprehensive High

School. This study mainly focused on the factors such as their Profile of the

students, academic experiences, family, peer influence, personal interest,

opportunities, economic status, and parents’ occupation. There may be more factors

however, those would not be within this study.

Conceptual Framework


1. Profile of the Grade 10


1.1. Gender/Sex
1. Data collection of
1.2. Age Students profile
2. Administering The factors is determined.
1.1. Economic Status What program/activity can
1.2. Parent’s occupation be propose based on the
3. Organization of
2. Factors that can affect the results.
decision of the BNCHS G-
10 students in choosing
4. Statistical
their SHS strand
analysis of the
2.1. Academic experiences
collected data
2.2. Family
2.3. Peer influence
2.4. Personal interest
2.5. Opportunities

Figure 1. The Research Conceptual Framework

The process of the entire research is depicted in the conceptual framework, a

schematic diagram showing the progression on how the researchers will be able to
gather and consolidate the data needed for the study and to see the most factor that

can affects the students in choosing their strand.

Definition of Terms

 Students – This refers to the grade 10 students. They will be the respondents

of this study.

 School – This refers to Bayugan National Comprehensive High school where

the sample or the respondents are learning.

 Factors - In this study, this refers to the person, condition, or influence that

bring about a certain effect; sex, academic experiences, family Influence, peer

influence, personal interest, opportunities, economic status, and parents’

occupation. These are some of the factors that could affect students’ decision

in choosing Senior High School Strand.

 Senior High School (SHS) Strand – This refers to the choices that grade 10

needs to choose for their senior high school. SHS Strand helps to prepare

students before entering college, equipping them with the global skills,

competencies, and knowledge needed to achieve successful career paths in

the future.

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