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Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas

Curso de licenciatura em ciência política e relações internacionais

present continuous present simple

Arcenio Artur Munguambe ( present continuous present simple


Xai – Xai, March de 2023

Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas
Curso de licenciatura em ciência política e relações internacionais

present continuous present simple

Fieldwork to be submitted to the

Coordination of the Degree in Public
Administration Course at UNISCED
Tutor: ________________

Xai – Xai, March de 2023

1. Introduction ..................................................................................................................................... 1
2. development .................................................................................................................................... 2
Present continuous and present perfect ............................................................................................... 2
2.1. Present perfect ......................................................................................................................... 2
2.1.1. When to use the present perfect ............................................................................................ 2
2.1.1. Main rules of the present perfect ..................................................................................... 3
2.2. Past simple .............................................................................................................................. 5
2.2.1. When to use the simple past ............................................................................................ 5
2.2.2. Simple past: affirmative form.......................................................................................... 5
The difference between simple past and present perfect is The simple past is used to express the
idea of a finished past in the present moment of speech, for example. That is to say, he has no
relation to either the present or the future. Understand, therefore, that the simple past refers to
actions, situations, finished events. While in the present perfect it is perceived that this tense
indicates a relationship between the past and the present, in more detail the present perfect will be
used to describe actions that occurred in the past and died in the present, actions that came, actions
that happened or past actions happened without having a determined time. ...................................... 7
Bibliographic references ......................................................................................................................... 7
1. Introduction

The present work appears in the discipline: English.

In this work, present continuous present simple will be addressed.

The present continuous is used to describe actions that are happening right now. However, one
should also think about actions that have a temporary duration, with a beginning and an end, as
they may continue for a week or months, restricting the idea of something that caused only the
now when using the present continuous.

the present perfect is one of the verb tenses that raises the most questions among English
language learners, or rather, it did. The present perfect is actually simple to use when we keep
in mind that it has a close relationship with the past and the present.

1.1.1. general
 Study present continuous and present simple;
1.1.2. specific
 Define the present continuous and present simple;
 Discuss the difference between present continuous and present simple.


From the point of view of technical procedures, research is Bibliographic When elaborated from
already published material, consisting mainly of: books, magazines, publications in periodicals
and scientific articles, newspapers, bulletins, monographs, dissertations, theses, cartographic
material, internet, with the aim of putting the researcher in direct contact with all the material
already written on the research subject. (Prodanov, et al., 2013).

2. development

Present continuous and present perfect

2.1.Present perfect

The Present Perfect or Present Perfect Simple is a tense that expresses actions influenced by
the present, that is, these actions are still happening or have been completed recently.

The Present Perfect can be used to indicate actions that started in the past and continue into
the present. In the Portuguese language, there is no verb tense equivalent to the Present


She has never been to the States.

I have always wanted to study German.

He has been arriving early lately.

2.1.1. When to use the present perfect

The present perfect is used when we express some action in the past that has repercussions in
the present or continues in the present. In this case, we are talking about the stable meaning
and its recognition can be facilitated when we have the expressions since (from) and for (by,
there is). Note the examples:

My Family has lived in Miami since 2010.

In this example, we have information that the family has lived in Miami for years and is still
living in the same place.

Paul has worked here for twenty years.

The phrase indicates the temporal extent of Paul's work. He has worked at the same place for
20 years.

I have studied English for years.

We have the sense of extension of the activity carried out, that is, the study. Probably this
activity still continues in the present.

In addition, the present perfect also has a variable meaning, when we express past and
finished actions, but we do not know or do not specify when they happened:

Maria has already arrived from work.

The guy came home from work, but we don't know when.

I have lost my keys.

In this example we also don't know when the subject lost the keys.

They have bought a new house.

Note that, in these examples, the translation of the present perfect is equivalent to the past
perfect tense of the indicative cause of use (function).

It is added that, when we express a variable time, there is another very specific use of the
present perfect: to talk about past experiences (past experiences). See some examples:

We have been to France.

We know that the subject “us” has been to France at some point in his life. However, we don't
know when.

Clara has never eaten sushi.

We know that Clara has never had the experience of eating sushi.

Monica has already traveled alone.

We know that Monica, at some point in her life, traveled alone. However, we know neither
the date nor the details.

2.1.1. Main rules of the present perfect

Subject + verb have/has + main verb in past participle + complement

 Affirmative form

To build affirmative sentences in the Present Perfect Simple, the following structure is used:


Subject + auxiliary verb to have in Simple Present + main verb in Past Participle +

My parents have visited Portugal three times

Obs.: the verb to have (ter) can be used in the contracted form when conjugated in the Present
Perfect. In this case, use 've as the contracted form of have and ´s as the contracted form of


She has already gone> ela She's already gone.

We've been talking too much in class > We've been talking too much in class.

 Negative form

Negative sentences in Present Perfect Simple include “not” after the auxiliary verb and follow
the following structure:

Subject + auxiliary verb to have in Simple Present + not + main verb in Past Participle +


My parents have not visited Portugal three times. (My parents have not visited Portugal three

Obs.: the verb to have (ter) can be used in the contracted form when conjugated in the Present

In this case, use haven't as a contracted form of have not and hasn't as a contracted form of
has not.

 Interrogative form

To ask questions in the Present Perfect Simple, it is necessary to invert the order of the
auxiliary verb in the sentence, that is, it is placed before the subject.

The interrogative form of the Present Perfect follows the following structure:

Auxiliary verb to have in Simple Present + subject + main verb in Past Participle +

Have my parents visited Portugal three times?

2.2.Past simple

The Simple Past , also called Past Simple, is one of the tenses.

We use the Simple Past when we want to talk about a finished action in a time before now. It
doesn't matter when the action happened, it can be from a long time ago or in the recent past.
/ We use the “Simple Past” when we want to talk about an action that ended in a time before
now. It doesn't matter when the action took place – it could have been a long time ago or it
could have been in the recent past.


My grandfather died in 1996.

We did all the homework yesterday.

She lived in London in 2012.

2.2.1. When to use the simple past

The questions is marked by the adverb yesterday and the structural element of the past tense:
the auxiliary verb did.

Consequently, every time you want to express something that happened yesterday , a year ago
, two weeks ago, last month , you must resort to the simple past.

2.2.2. Simple past: affirmative form

When formulating a sentence in the simple past affirmative, two aspects must be kept in mind:
regular verbs and irregular verbs. There is no rule for knowing whether a verb fits into the first
or second category. Only frequent use enables us to learn when the verb is regular or irregular.

There are rules for conjugating regular verbs. In general, -ed should be added to the base form
of the verb in the present tense without the particle to.

For example:

Talk – talked

Miss – missed
 Also, when the verb is regular, there are some spelling rules:

If they end in –e, just add –d.

Smile – smile

die - died

live – lived

 If they end in a consonant +y, drop the -y and add –ied.

study – studied

marry - married

try – tried

 In one/two syllable verbs (stressed last syllable) that end in a vowel + consonant, just
double the last consonant and add –ed,

Travel – traveled

stop – stopped

Prefer – preferred

 But for most regular verbs, just add –ed.

play – played

look – looked

Work – worked

3. Conclusion

O tempo verbal present perfect é muito utilizado na língua Inglesa e requer muita atenção ao
ser estudado, pois se trata de um tempo verbal mais difícil de ser usado.

O present perfect é formado pelo simple present do verbo to have (have/has) + o particípio do
verbo principal. Vale observar que o particípio dos verbos em inglês será formado, no caso

dos regulares, pelo acréscimo da partícula “-ed”. Já os irregulares possuem formas próprias,
por isso, é necessário verificar cada um desses verbos para identificar sua forma no particípio.

O present perfect percebe-se que este tempo verbal indica uma relação entre o tempo passado
e o presente, mais detalhadamente o present perfect será utilizado para descrever ações que
ocorreram no passado e afetam o presente, ações que vêm acontecendo, ações que acabaram
de acontecer ou ações passadas sem terem um tempo determinado.

The simple past is used to express the idea of a finished past in the present moment of speech,
for example. This means to say that he has no relationship with either the present or the future.
It is understood, therefore, that the simple past refers to actions, situations, finished events.

The difference between simple past and present perfect is The simple past is used to express
the idea of a finished past in the present moment of speech, for example. That is to say, he has
no relation to either the present or the future. Understand, therefore, that the simple past refers
to actions, situations, finished events. While in the present perfect it is perceived that this tense
indicates a relationship between the past and the present, in more detail the present perfect will
be used to describe actions that occurred in the past and died in the present, actions that came,
actions that happened or past actions happened without having a determined time.

Bibliographic references
Muniz. C. Simple Past. 2022. Available at << Simple Past - passado simples em inglês - Toda
Matéria (>> accessed on March 20, 2023.

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