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SR NO: 16710

COP26 or 2021 United Nations Climate Change Conference was held at the SEC Centre in Glasgow,
Scotland , United Kingdom from 31st October 2021 to 13th November 2021. After the Paris Agreement of
COP21, this conference was the first whose main aim was that the parties would give comments towards
mitigation of climate change. In this conference the leaders were expected to give suggestions on how to fight
against the severe climatic changes.

This summit was also a failure like several others. The fact that the discussions held in the conference was of
no use was first brought in front of the people by Greta Thunberg. According to her, the ideas brought in the
conference was in favour of some of the people.

Greta Thunberg added , “we cannot solve a crisis with the same methods that got us into it in the first place”.
This absolutely goes with what I think. A conference like this cannot solve the problems related to the climate
change. Just the leaders attending a conference and making some promises will not make any change.
Greta described this UN Climate change summit as “two-week long celebration of business as usual and
blah, blah, blah” . This conference was held just to maintain a business. It will not have any real effect on the
climate change crisis.

Greta Thunberg also commented “ this is no longer a climate conference this is now a global north
greenwash festival”. I agree with this completely .The companies or the leaders give false impression and
provide misleading information . They always try to show much more than they really accomplish.

She further added, “the most affected people in the most affected areas still remain unheard”. As mentioned
before , the parties who were in the conference gave opinions which did not give any benefits to the people
who were affected. Most of the times they give ideas without thinking whether that will be of any help to the
affected people. Also she said that the voices of the future generations were drowning in this way.

Like Greta Thunberg I agree that before making any changes in other areas, we first have to change our
society. Greta commented, “the climate and ecological crisis of course does not exist in a vacuum, it is
directly tied to other crisis and injustice”. Till today it happens that the people who worth more have the right
to exploit others

She said: "We need immediate drastic annual emission cuts unlike anything the world has ever seen”. What I
feel is that anyone who is aware of the daily news and events happening all around will surely agree to what
Greta has said. One must search for the root cause and solve it before solving other crisis. The society and
its people and their mindset must change first . Then only it can bring about any changes

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