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Voltage characteristics in a substation refer to the behavior and properties of

voltage at various stages of the power transformation process. Substations are

key components of electrical power systems that are responsible for

transforming and distributing high-voltage electricity from power generators

to lower-voltage levels that can be used by homes, businesses, and other


In a modern power system, electrical energy is normally generated at the power

station far away from the areas where consumer are located and delivered to
them through a network of transmission and distribution systems. A power
system is said to be well designed if it gives a good quality of reliable supply. Good
quality basically means the voltage levels maintained constant or within the
prescribed permissible lim0it. Too wide variations of voltage may cause erratic
operation or even malfunctioning of consumers’ appliances

The statutory limit of voltage variation is ± 6% of declared voltage at

consumers’ terminals. The principle cause responsible for voltage fluctuation is
the variation in load by putting it On and OFF and the power factor of the load on
the supply system. The higher the load and smaller the power factor the greater is
the voltage variation. With the increase in load on the supply system the voltage
at the consumer premises falls due to an increase in the voltage drop at the
generators, transmission lines, transformers, feeders and distributors; the reverse
would also happen should the load on the power system fall. At the consumer
level in villages, improved voltage is achieved when the distribution network
design is done in such a way that no person supplied by that feeder suffers from
high or low voltage.
Electric utilities in the world is facing the pressure of reducing costs and
improving the quality and reliability of supply. Though the generation and
transmission systems have seen considerable technical development and capital
investment, the distribution and to some extent the sub transmission systems
have been just improving. An acute need for a consistent and long lasting solution
aimed at improving and strengthening of the power distribution network with
minimum losses in the long run through integrated planning for power
distribution system has been felt for a long time now for it to be ignored any
longer. The modern distribution system begins as the primary circuit leaves the
sub-station and ends as the secondary circuit? enters the customer's meter
socket. Electricity distribution system is the penultimate stage in the delivery of
electricity to end users. It is generally considered to include medium voltage (less
than 33 kV) power lines, electrical substations and pole-mounted transformers,
low voltage (less than 1 KV) distribution wiring and sometimes electricity meters.

The voltage characteristics in a substation include:

1. Voltage level: Substations transform high-voltage electricity from power

generators to lower-voltage levels that can be used by consumers. The voltage
level at different stages of the transformation process is an important
characteristic that must be monitored and controlled to ensure that the output
voltage is within acceptable limits.

2. Voltage regulation: Voltage regulation refers to the process of

maintaining a steady output voltage despite changes in the input voltage or load
conditions. Voltage regulators are used in substations to maintain a constant
output voltage within a specified range.

The aim of the project is to investigate the voltage characteristics in a distribution sub-

station; A case study of Federal Polytechnic Ado Ekiti.


The objectives of the project are:

1. To know the voltage characteristics of the substation

2. To know the waveform of the voltage in the substation

3. To know the load distribution of the substation


1.4 The purpose of distribution substation is to step down high voltage electricity

from the transmission system to lower voltage electricity, so it can be easily

supplied to homes and businesses through our distribution lines


(i) It will help us to know more about the investigation of voltage

characteristics of a distribution of substation in federal polytechnic ado-


(ii) It help us to know the load distribution across the institution.


Distribution substation typically operates at 2.4 – 3.45 kv voltage level, and

deliver electric energy directly to industrial and residential consumers.

Distribution feeders transport power from the distribution substations to the end

consumers’ premises. These feeders serve a large number of premises and

usually contain many branches. At the consumers’ premises, distribution

transformers transform the distribution voltage to the service level voltage

directly used in households and industrial plants, usually from 110 to 600 V.


 Substation cover Large area

 Constitute only outside and at very large area

 Produce excess amount of heat

 Dangerous if not taken precaution

 Protection device are required to be installed for the protection against

lightning surge
 The length of the controlled cables increases which increase the cost of the



The distribution substations convert the High Voltage (HV) electricity into a low

voltage one as required by the homes and businesses. In addition to voltage

transformation, they also isolate faults and are used as a point of voltage


 It Switch transmission and distribution circuits into and out of the grid


 It Measure electric power qualities flowing in the circuits.

 It Connect communication signals to the circuits.

 It Eliminate lightning and other electrical surges from the system.

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