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6 MGw-Hll Edun: 6 S  

that ths grs coincided with oodig du to atura tios othig about ho rats ar afftd b
disastrs hantavirs.

14  Graphical Inference 21 B Interpretation

T graph idiats that thr r
r 80 rportd ass of I is 6871 th passag stats that the mch m ch feared
th pagu i th Uitd Stats fro 200 02 014 a d that page is not a concern at a becase the page bacte
8 of ths or 10% rsutd i dath ria does no t nat 
y exist in th e  S. excep
exceptt in scattered
rra areas. I is 1415 th author stats that as a
15 B Inrence bacteria
bact eria disease page can can be treated
treated with
with antibio
ant ibio tics.
Lis 54  ds rib th atur of Bu's
Bu's ork
ork ad th I othr ords th author blis that th pagu is a
rasoig bhid it I partiuar Bu sas that his isoated and man agea
be·· heath risk.
ork is aying the grondw ork for a poten
tiay power
f too in
in disaste
disasterr reie
reie a mathematica mode that
that . . . 22 D Textual Evidence
can be sed to gide smarter poicies. T xt paragraph As idiatd i th xpaatio to th prious
prious qustio
gos o to xpai that uti o poiakrs ha th bst id
id is ud i is 6871 
b isguidd b rroous assuptios about ho
disass ar sprad 2  Cross-Textual Inference
T authors
authors of th to pass ags disa gr about th sig
16  Textual Evidence ia of Common Sense i ispirig th Aria
As idiatd i th xpaatio to th prious
prious qustio outio: Adas doubts that thi s pamph et was of
th bst id is fud
fud i lis 404  great importance in the Revoti on is 89 but
Po ais that ith its appara sddeny
17 B Purpose increasing n mbers spoke openyfor independence  is
Wh th author sas th at on a g goo
ood"d" day
day {researc
hers] 8586 T disagr aso abou aboutt th soudss of its
nde p to a dozen disease carrying rats is 4
ha arguts:
argu ts: Adas s aass that Pai's Argments"
Argments"from from
arks aroud good to ak th poit
h uss quotatio arks the O d estament
estament o n t he  nawnawf
fness ofof the mon ar
that ost radrs oud ot agr that hadig dis chy were ridicos
ridic os eithe
eitherr fr
om foois h sperstition
spersti tion or
as arri
g rats oud
oud b g good
ood I othr ords
ords h wi sophistry  is 1 417 but Po
Po stads ith
is idia tig that th e goas of
idiatig ofscien tists do no t aways cor Washigto's ai tha t Common Sense ord sond
respond to the goas ofof no
tists. doctrine and nanswerabe reasoning"  is 7576
T aso d isagr about th gius of its
T its author: Adas
18 D Interpretation ad his pa r dora fooish  i 22 ad sa id
that his bst arguts r os whic whichh {Ada
ms] hahad
Wh th author stats that it doesnt matter where the
bee n repeatingfor nine m on ths  is 1 2 but Po
rts are are  is 4647
are bt where peope thi nk they are
agrs ith Bai's quot i is 910 that ais
th author is akig th poit that both idiiduas ad
that th papht as briiat.
poicymakers thos ho dri gort atio are
T agr ho
hor r th at Common Sense had xt
gided mo re by perception
perception tha n byfact.
so pop appa. Adas
ar a pamphet
pamph xprsss
et might drad
ha ve among
have am about
ong the the
19  Word in Context
is 25 26 ad Po stats that th papht as so
T phras they wi concentrate contermeasres in bo rderss  is 7778
popuar that its idas eaped across border 7778
those paces  is 49 50 as that p oiak
rs il ad as  rid
rid aross t h gob
focs thir orts i th p as hr th thik th ar
ost dd 24 D Purpose
Adas uss th ord deicacy sarastia to dsrib
20  Interpretation
Pai's us of suh hprboi phrass as Te Roya
I lis 5760  gt a suar of o of Bu's rte
r te of
of Engand " ad Te ood pon his So. "
fidigs: a greater hman p opati on density doesnt Trfr
Trf r Adas is akig th th p oit that Pai as ot
necessa ri
y mea n m ore rats. In fact  m fo nd tha t particary
particar y sbte in his cha cterizations.
ratss mo ved in when hmans abandoned spaces.
rat spaces. Choi
B is iorrt baus th pass ag idiats
idiats that th 25  Interpretation
pagu irus is trasittd b fas
fas ot rats Choi
C is iorrt baus th opposit orratio as I isrnmen
of gove
governm16 21
en t Adas ritiis
as big Pai's pan
so democratica
democratica to a form
 withot form
foud Choi D is iorrt baus th passag
restrain t or attempt at any eqiibrim or con terpoise

ECION II / RCICE   63

that it m ust produce con

conusio n an d every evil work. In 1 c Textual
Textu al Evidence
Eviden ce
oe wod Adm elieve  Pine popol
fo e Ameicn ovenmen elie f oo mc on A indiced in e explni on o he pevio
pevio qei on
democc wic i e le of e people. Coice B e e evidence i fnd in line 86 87
i incoec ece Adm i no ciicizin Pine
le of eoic in i enence. Coice C i inco 2 c Tne
ec ec e Adm i no ein  Pine i no P e 1 i clel critical of Tom  Pin e nd Common
dmn o independence nd indeed e pie Sense, cllin Pine  isastrous Mete
or (line 2) nd hi
Pine men fo independence. Choice D i pln oolish (line 22), wee Pe 2 i laudatory
incoec ece i enence i dicin Pine (complimen) clin Pine  enius (line 03) nd
popoed orm o ov ern mement,
nt, nd no  em of hi pmple brilliant (line )
 C esis
26 c Cross-Textual Inference Te timely less
on i  e dmic chne in me
Adm c iicize Pine ck on e monc
monc  ein olic ene  eveled  he owl
owl in Homee d Cve
not arumentatively
arumentatively sound. In line 1 17, e e  e de not [to]
[to] climate cha ne
ne but [to]
[to] human
huma n acti
a ctivity
the Arume
nts" rom the Old estamen
estamen t on the u nla
w (line 26)  chne e e colo of milion of pecie.
ulness o monarch
mona rchyy w ere ridicu
lous eith er rom oolish wod huma n activity can h ave a more sin
In oe  wod sin
superstition or wilul sophistry
sophistry (pecio eonin). ca nt impact on lobal ecoloy
ecoloy than lobal warmin does.

27 B Textual
Textu al Evidence
Eviden ce  D Word in Context
A indic ed in e explnion o e pevio
pevio qei on Te o    despite all these {drama{dramatic tic clima to
e e evidence i fnd
fnd in line 1 17 loicall] chanes l
loica lee was pretty
pret ty sta
ble in e Hoe
Cve in oe wod the tota l amo unt o bioloica
28 c Inrence ener
ener y . . . rema
ined ste
adyy (line 16) Even hogh
Pe 2 qoe
qoe eoe Winon
Winon pie f Pine e clime d chned om rain rainall rich cooln
c ooln ess to
sound doctrine and un answeble reasonin
reasonin (line 7576) its present hot dry stat
statee (line 1 ), life hd emined
in Common Sense. Adm diee o e co coen
cy o
o cons istentl
y viorous.
Pain e's writin, nd e  Common Sense conin
elemen  produce c ononusio n (line 2021) nd  5 C urpose
e oolish (line 22) Te  f pph d ecie e lesson (line 8) of
Homeed Cve wic i e leon h hn c
2 D urpose ce moe dmic ecoloicl c ne hn even ci
Te l lin e of e qoion expe e wonde  e fc me cne cn. Homeed Cve i p icll e
  mn wi  relatively hum ble backroun
backroun d cold f demonin
demonin i fc ec e he 1,0 00 e in
pofnd  Common Sense.
ve wien omein  pofnd wic i  ee n e ome o owl ve spanned some
Coice A i incoec ece lo
 ome of ee pro
pro ound environme ntal upheavals (line 10)  T i it
poiion e plic evice poiion e poin  i ef ece of i
i onevity as a habitat.
hab itat.
Biln i mkin i no  Pine d exenive
exenive expe
ience in plic evice  e  e did not ve 36 B Inrence
e expeie nce one wold expec of  e pmpleee. Afe deciin e mn civi  ced he
Coice B i incoec ece B iln  noin
noin o
o dedion of e i of e Alnic
Alnic c od he ho
eicl ndd. Coice D i incoec ece B iln  h that nuan ce was ost in the public n arrativearrative
i no emkin o Pine edcion  e i which was exclusively ab abou
ou t climate
climate Climate Chane
elivel imple
imple cko nd. Fuels Cod Collapse
Collapse " said the headlines (line 557) Te
medi ocuse
d excessively
excessively on climate
cl imate issues to the exclu
0  Cross-Textual Inference sion o
o ecoloic
al issues.
iss ues.
Te do  Adm expee in line 1 e
do  Comm
Common on Sese
S ese was
wa s o
o reat importance in 7 c Textual
Textu al Evidence
the Revolutio n. Te o
o of Pe 2 diee  nd A indiced in he explnion o e pev
io qeion
indeed e  fe Common Sense ppeed sud e e evidence i fnd in line 5 5
denly inceasin n umb
denly umbers
ers spoke op enlyor independenc
in dependencee
(line 8687) In oe wod e pmple converted
many colonists
colon ists to the cause o
o independen

6 MG E 6   

btwn thial and alid sin Chi D is

8  Word in Context
int b as, alhgh Myhvld
Myhvld gs n t ag
n lin 88, th ath ss th has cima te  am
amee   gvnmnt invstmnt in sini sah and
f t th limitd s that th mdia ims n innvatin,
innv atin, h is nt ding s in this st  aagah
disssins abt th nvinmnt h, me
fs t the scope
scop e o
o a discussi
di scussi on. Chi  is in 44  nterpretation
bas, althgh lgial dgadatin is tainly
n this aaga h, Myhvlds main int is hat without
a pobem, th has cima te  am
amee is fing t th
ovenment suppot
suppot m ost basic scientc eseach wi
nat f th diss sin f th blm, nt th popo
neve happen lin
linss 28 29)  thn gs n  dsib
pob em itslf Chi C is int bas
tions o the pobem th bygn days whn compa ny eseach ab aboato
fing t any atila set
th auth is nt fing settin
 o
o a
used to do this kind oo wok expeimen ta eviden ce
ceo the
t he
phenomenon. Chi D is int bas this aa
bi ban was discoveed atA &'s e Labs esutin in a
gah is ab t th nat f th bli dis ssin f a
Nobe Pize
Pize Tose days ae one lins 6 40) MyMyhvld
blm, nt th sint i study f th
sinti th blm 
thn gs n  xlai n that companies now undestand
that basic
ba sic eseach is a om o cha
ityso they a void it
9 B Graphical Analysis
lins 4244)
T tw gahs indiat th ttal lgial int"
f hmani
ty in 1961 and 2005 Eah tangl
tangl shws th 45 c Textual Evidence
ttal hman imat, in htas,  a atila g
As indiatd in th xlanatin t th vis
vis qstin,
gahial gin T is i s what th ath is fing
fing 
th bst vidn is nd
nd in lins 4244 
whn h f o huma activity n 26 h h n
imat n th glbal lgy
46 D urpose

40 c urpose Tis aagah

hat man as a whl
is avid dissss
th chaity linMyhvlds
44) f dinglaim
 ighth aagah dsibs th human activities
sah  th xamls itdh tansis, th
that h ave ateed the ecosystem o
o the Atantic cod sif
gahial s infa, and giant magntsistan
ially vshing,
vshing, b ttmtaw
ling, an
andd d ambilding
t bs a ddisk aaiy a all xamls f invn
tins th a did nt an thi invnts
invnts any 
41  nrence
n lins 80 85, t h ath stas that th Lau dato Si was 4 D Word in Context
a uth
oated denu
d enu nci
ationn o the ideooy o o un
ghu th assag, Myhvld ss th tm basic
econom ic owth
owth a amentation o envionmen ta dea dea
eseach lins 4, 56, and 6)  dsib th kikind
nd opu e
dation a ca
ca  o peope to espect both ecosystems and
ese ach that
tha t has deiveed eno mo us pestie
pestie and eat
individua  anim as a adicadica
a existent
iayy chaenin
inteect ua bene
b enets
ts but
b ut no
n o pots
pots lins 02), that is,
wok o whi
ch cima
c ima te was just one acet
acet.. n h wds,
essentia sah hat ans sahs sinti s 
it ds nt mly s n th iss f limat hang,
tig  bt nt mny
bt ath aticuates a webaanced position with
d to the hum an impact on the oba envionme nt 48  Word in Context
42 D Textual Evidence n lins 662, Myhvld is dsibing th sitatin
in whih sah wld b lft t th ivat s
As indiatd in th xlanatin t th vis
vis qsin,
t sin ivat manis wld b afaid t ls
th bst vidn is fnd
fnd in lins 808 5
t t hi mtis, thy wld hav  d thi s
sah ae
y in secet
sec et lin 69), hby sssing
4 c urpose
th innvatin tha thivs n th n shaing f idas
T st aagah f h assag mntins Einstins Myhvld
My hvld blivs tha th is sssin f innvatin
Gnal y f Rlativity in d t iustate the is d  copotions competin with each othe
othe o ec o
eects o
o com
on in
i n scient
sci entc
c discov
dis covey
ey Myhvlds nomic advan ta
int in th st aagah is that his ac actt o
us lin 4)
was not bon
b on u
yomed in so me eueka mome momentnt lins 49  nterpretation
5 6), bt ath that Einstin was diven to compete it
n lins 2026, Myhvld dsibs th inin that
by a ec
ecee thouh
thouh coeia
coeia ivay
iv ay with ma thema tician
Ma Ridly sss in his nw bk, namly that
Hibet Chi
disss th Ahnmnn
is in t b as Myhvld
dsibdMyhv ld
by th ovenment sho ud eave it to compan ies to na nce the
eseach tha t they
they need lins 25 26) Myhvld
Myhvld thn gs
Gnal Ty f Rlativity at all Chi  is in
n  dsib hw daneousy won lin 2) sh
t bas My
hvld is nt dis ssing th di


argut  ar. Trfr, h blivs that Riey' book

is a poor id e to p bic poicy

50. A Interpretation
I i 75 78, Myhrvl r ib how to tivt
tivt get
iti id: w ut stoke the competi
tive instincts
instin cts
of the smartest
sma rtest peope arond
aro nd an d persade them to
sha re their discoveries
disc overies in exchane for a shot
s hot at ory
and riches. I thr word, grat i ar otivate by by
prestie and money
mo ney

51. D Textual
Textual Evi dence
A iiat  i th expaatio to th prviou qeston,
th bt vi i u i i 7578.

52. c Infrence
T wide -ranin benets
benets rib i li 63 mst ot
ilu immediate corporate advanta
advantae, e, buse te
bai iti rarh that brig uh bets i
hu by pro
ven compan ies i 6162).


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