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Student: Shriom Kumar Singh

Entry No.:2021EE10642

Tutorial submission for COL202(Discrete Mathematics)


• Lemma 1: No man can get rejected on the last day.

Proof : Suppose some man gets rejected on the last day, then after the end
of this round he is paired with no one. We know that after the DA algorithm
completes, every man must be paired with some woman =⇒ This is not the
last day, hence proved by contradiction. ■
• Lemma 2: If a woman has been proposed to ≥ 1 times before the last day
then she must have a partner on the last day.
Proof : If a woman is proposed to, she can either accept the proposal (if
she does this, we are done), or she can choose another partner (of a better
preference), in either case she stays married. ■
• Lemma 3: All the proposals made on the last day must be to women who do
not have a partner.
Proof : If the woman is married and she is proposed to on the last day, she
either rejects her current proposer or her current partner, from Lemma 1, this
is not possible. ■
• Lemma 4: In the DA algorithm there must be a girl whom no one proposes
until the last day.
Proof : This follows from Lemma 2 and Lemma 3, i.e. if the woman who
had been proposed to was already married, this proposal will be invalid from
Lemma 3, if the woman has been proposed to even once before, from Lemma
2, she is married and hence she cannot be proposed.■

Our proof follows from Lemma 4, on the last day there is a woman(say wi who
was never proposed before the last day, hence she will accept her first proposal
(made on the last day) (∵ after the last day all women must be married off.)
∴ We have found a woman wi , who is proposed to exactly once during the whole
implementation of the algorithm.

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