Group 1 Ethics Presentation

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ISHIMWE Claude 20rp09638
ISHIMWE Olive 20rp00703
IRAKAMPAYE J.Bosco 20rp01738
ISHIMWE Emmanuel 20rp01380
NIZAYO Priscila 20rp02099
NIYONZIMA Hassan 20rp04626
TERIMBERE Arthur 20rp02556
DATES: 16/05/2022


Laws are the principles and regulations established in a community by some
authority and applicable to its People .

Laws is a system of rules which a particular country or community recognizes as

regulating the action of its members and which it may renforce by the imposition
Of penalities . Law means Justice ,Morality,Reason,Order, and Righteous from
the view point Of the society . And is a set of rules ,enforceable by the
courts ,regulating the government of state.


 POLICY Are set of rules that guides any government or any organization where LAW
are administered through the courts

Law is a formal document of rules Policy is informal document for the
and guide lines working of government intended to
be done in future
Law is framed for bringing justice to Policy is framed for achieving certain
society goals.
Laws are for the people Policy are made in the name of
 Laws are made for people to protect our general safety and ensure our rights as
citizens against abuses by other people, by organizations ,and by the government
Examples of laws:
1. Do not commit murder
2. Do not drive without driving license
3. Do not steal

 Policy is made and implemented within fairly small and stable groups of actors (or
networks) clustered around particular government departments.

 A policy is a statement of intent and is implemented as a procedure or

protocol. Policies are generally adopted by a governance body within an
Examples of policies at work place:
1. Code of conduct. A code of conduct is a common policy found in most businesses. ...
2. Recruitment policy. ...
3. Internet and email policy. ...
4. Mobile phone policy. ...
5. Smoking policy. ...
6. Drug and alcohol policy. ...
7. Health and safety policy. ...
8. Anti-discrimination and harassment policy.


Valid contract: An agreement between private parties creating mutual obligations
enforceable by law. In a valid contract, all the parties are legally bound to perform the

 A contract is valid and legally binding if the following six essential elements are
1. Offer
2. Acceptance
3. Consideration
4. Intention to create legal relations
5. Legality and capacity
6. Certainty
1.OFFER: Offer and acceptance analysis form the basis of contract law and the formation of
a valid contract.
2.ACCEPTANCE: Acceptance is an agreement to the specific terms of an offer. Offers do not have to
be accepted through words; they can be accepted through conduct.

3. INTETION AND CREATE LEGAL RELATION  : An agreement does not need to be worked out in
meticulous detail to become a contract. However, an agreement may be incomplete where the
parties have agreed on essential matters of detail but have not agreed on other important points.   

4. CONSIDERATION: Consideration constitutes something of benefit to the person who has the
obligation or who makes a promise to do something (the promisor). It can also be something
detrimental to the person who wants to enforce the obligation, or who has the benefit of the
promise (the promisee).

5.LEGALITY AND CAPACITY: A contract is illegal if the agreement relates to an illegal purpose. For
instance, a contract for murder or a contract to defraud the Inland Revenue Department is both
illegal would therefore be void contracts that are unenforceable. 

6.CERTAINITY: A valid contract requires reasonable certainty for the essential terms. If the
parties fail to reach an agreement on the essential terms with reasonable certainty, then it
may be contract void even if all other essential elements are present. 


 There is different classification of contract according to validity

1. Valid contract
2. Void contract
3. Void contract
4. Illegal contract
5. Unenforceable contract

1.VALID CONTRACT: is an agreement that is legally binding and enforceable. It must

qualify all the essentials of a contract.
2.VOID CONTRACT: A contract which ceases to be enforceable by law becomes void when it
ceases to be enforceable. This makes all those contracts that are not enforceable by a court
of law as void.

3.VOIDABLE CONTRACT: A voidable contract has all the elements of a valid and
enforceable contract but has some flaws that could enable either party to void it.
In such a contract, either of the parties has a choice of avoiding their duties.

 Some of the examples where a void contract becomes voidable are:

1. Either of the parties is a minor.
2. There is an injured party involved.
3. The consent of one party was not free.

4.ILLEGAL CONTRACT: An agreement may be unlawful or illegal, as outlined in section

23 of the act. A contract that breaks some rule that is criminal or is against public policy
is deemed as illegal. 

5.UNENFORCEABLE CONTRACT: These contracts are good in substance, but due to

some technical flaws, they are not enforceable by the law.

 The flaws could be:

1. Absence of writing
2. No registration
3. Absence of proper stamp
4. Time-barred due to the law of limitation
5. Ambiguous terms of the contract:

A contract is a legally enforceable agreement that creates, defines, and governs mutual
rights and obligations among its parties. A contract typically involves the transfer of goods,
services, money, or a promise to transfer any of those at a future date.

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