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UWASE Vanessa
INEZA Ariane





Rwanda is a country of thousand hills which started as small country to
a large extended country. Rwanda got independence on first July 1962,
Before the independence of Rwanda, Rwanda was ruled by president
Gregoire Kayibanda and Dominique Mbonyumutwa. During their
leadership there was formation of different political parties based on
different aspects such as those which were formed based on ethnic
groups. Here below were going to discuss the political parties that were
formed before the independence of Rwanda.
1.PARMEHUTU (Party of the Hutu Emancipation Movement)

In March 1957, Grégoire Kayibanda and other young Hutu leaders

issued a public manifesto demanding a continuation of Belgian rule
until the Hutu were better prepared to assume a role in political affairs.
In June 1957, they formed the Hutu Social Movement, which, in 1959,
became the Party of the Hutu Emancipation Movement (Parti du
Mouvement de l'Emancipation Hutu—Parmehutu). Parmehutu
thereupon set a policy of ending Tutsi rule and abolishing the feudal
system. The movement emphasised the right of the majority ethnicity
to rule and asserted the supremacy of Hutus over Tutsis. It was the
most important party of the "Hutu Revolution" of 1959–61 that led to
Rwanda becoming an independent republic and Hutus superseding
Tutsis as the ruling group.
2.UNAR (Rwandese National Union)
Union Nationale Rwandaise (Rwandese National Union), or UNAR, was
a conservative Rwandan political party.[1] Founded on 3 September
1959,[2] by François Rukeba, and strongly supported by King Kigeri V.
At the time, Rwanda was still under Belgian administration, and UNAR
was the leading monarchist party
It called for immediate independence under a hereditary Tutsi
constitutional monarchy. Michel Rwagasana became its secretary
general. The party boycotted the 1960 local elections, but participated
in the 1961 parliamentary elections, receiving 17% of the vote, winning
7 of the 44 seats in the Legislative Assembly. It joined a coalition
government with the victorious Parmehutu, and was given the cabinet
posts responsible for cattle and public health.
3.APROSOMA (The Association for Social Promotion of the Masses)

The party was established on 15 February 1959 by Joseph Gitera

alongside friends and former schoolmates. Although it initially
promoted social improvement for both Hutu and Tutsi, it later became
an anti-Tutsi party. APROSOMA contested the pre-independence
elections in 1961, receiving 3.6% of the vote and winning two seats. In
1965 the country became a one-party state under MDR-Parmehutu.
Through its newspaper, Ijwi rya rubanda rugufi (The Voice of the
Common People), APROSOMA launched strong attacks on the entire
system of Tutsi domination. Throughout 1958 the Hutu leaders
attempted to convince the Mwami and the High Council of the gravity
of the problem of Hutu-Tutsi relations. In June a Hutu delegation
presented the Hutu case before the High Council. Its views were not
accepted, and the APROSOMA newspaper declared that there was
reason "to honestly wonder if the Bahutu still have anything to hope for
from the Batutsi for their emancipation."
4. RADER(Rwanda National Union)

The Rwanda National Union Party (Union Nationale Rwandaise—

UNAR), founded in September 1959 by Prosper Bwanakweli and backed
by the mwami, was the leading monarchist party, calling for immediate
self-government and independence under a hereditary (Tutsi)
constitutional monarchy. The party boycotted the 1960 local elections,
but participated in the 1961 parliamentary elections, receiving 17% of
the vote, winning 7 of the 44 seats in the Legislative Assembly. It joined
a coalition government with the victorious Parmehutu, and was given
the cabinet posts responsible for cattle and public health. On 23
December the UNAR leaders and moderates were detained and taken
to Ruhengeri. Over the course of the night they were tortured and early
the following morning they were brought to Nyamagumba hill and
executed under the supervision of a Belgian officer, Major Turpin. After
the purge, UNAR effectively ceased to exist. Elements of the armed
wing continued to carry out attacks until 1967.

5. MDR(Republican Democratic Movement)

The party was established in 1991,[1] after the National Republican

Movement for Democracy and Development (MRND) lost its monopoly
on politics and opposition parties were legalised. The MDR took its
name from MDR-Parmehutu, the ruling party in the early 1960s. Like
Parmehutu, the MDR's primary base of political support was Hutus in
the centre of the country, particularly Kayibanda's home prefecture of
In late 1991, the MDR joined with the Liberal Party and the Social
Democratic Party to form an opposition coalition that placed pressure
on President Juvénal Habyarimana and the MRND to implement
democratic reforms. In March 1992 Habyarimana named a multiparty
government with a Prime Minister, Dismas Nsengiyaremye, from the
MDR. He was succeeded as Prime Minister in July 1993 by another MDR
member, Agathe Uwilingiyimana.
The MDR was ostensibly moderate but developed numerous extremist
factions which professed Hutu Power beliefs. The most prominent
extremist faction of the MDR was led by the party's vice president,
Froduald Karamira, who was later executed for his participation in the
1994 Rwandan genocide.
With elections scheduled for mid-2003, the MDR was the only
opposition party able to challenge the RPF. However, on 15 April 2003,
Parliament voted to dissolve the party and accused it of being
"divisionist". Several former MDR members formed the Party for
Progress and Concord later that year.

As conclusion there was formation of many political parties that were

formed in Rwanda before it’s dependence. Most of the political parties
that were formed before Rwandan independence were based on ethnic
groups which was formed by colonizer’s. some of the political parties
that were formed are the Republican Democratic Movement (MDR),
Rwanda National Union(RADER), The Association for Social Promotion
of the Masses(APROSOMA), Rwandese National Union.

Gregoire Kayibanda was a Rwandan politician and revolutionary who

was the first elected President of Rwanda from 1962 to 1973. An
ethnic Hutu, he was a pioneer of the Rwandan Revolution and led
Rwanda's struggle for independence from Belgium, replacing
the Tutsi monarchy with a republican form of government. Kayibanda
established a pro-Hutu policy one-party system governed by his party,
Parmehutu. He was overthrown in a coup d'état in 1973 by his defense
minister, Juvénal Habyarimana, and died three years later. As the
president of the First republic he failed to unify his
citizens(Rwandans).As this question asks the reasons of this failure are
listed below.

The first republic was characterized by ethnic and regional divisions

towards Rwandan citizens that caused the president Kayibanda to fail to
unify his citizens (Rwandan citizens), this is among the broad reasons.
Nepotism there was favoring of Kayibanda’s relatives that caused
inequality among Rwandan citizens which led to hatred among
themselves resulting into conflicts hence leading to failure of unifying of
Rwandan citizens. Poverty the first the republic was characterized by
poor living standards economically among the citizens due to Return of
some refugees that had exiled during 1959 they needed to rebuild
themselves that caused the president to face challenges of of uniting his
citizens. The returnees could not be given back their properties. These
had been illegally seized by burgomasters and their relatives, or friends.
Moreover, in 1966, President Kayibanda warned the refugees, prior to
the repatriation, against claiming their properties. In 1975, President
Habyarimana issued a law according to which properties abandoned by
refugees became property of the state. Political crisis
From 1963 the MDR-PARMEHUTU began to experience internal
tensions. Some of these tensions concerned inter-personal rivalries and
the distribution of jobs as the party organs and state structures fused.
There was increasing discontent among cadres, students and individuals
with primary and secondary education. For instance, at local level,
burgomasters and préfets faced opposition. In October 1968, a
parliamentary commission of inquiry report on the administration of the
country was rejected by the majority of
Members of Parliament. This report had grave accusations against
President Kayibanda himself. It accused his regime of favouritism and
nepotism, intimidation, and impunity. Monopartism also caused the
Rwandans not to unify because only single political party was the one to
rule the country, this caused hatred among Rwandans especially those
who supported different political parties so this couldn’t have happened
if there was multipartism so this bad leadership contributed to hatred and
conflicts hence failure of Kayibanda to unify Rwandans. Corruption
and embezzlement were also among the reasons why kayibanda failed
to unify Rwandans, because most of the Rwandans were not happy with
this corruption that was made by leaders during kayibanda’s regime so
this led to conflicts and hatred among Rwandans
Because of corruption that was made by leaders. Bad Leadership
during his Regime also made him not to succeed in unifying Rwandans
because of bad leaders who were not able to rule the citizens well but for
them they were interested in building hatred among the citizens instead
of unifying them, they were also interested in their economic interests by
using corruption and embezzlement.

As conclusion there are many different reasons why Gregoire Kayibanda

failed to unify Rwandans which was mostly because of bad leadership
which wasn’t even interested in unifying Rwandans. Some of the
reasons included Nepotism which caused conflicts among Rwandans,
corruption and embezzlement, Monopartism, Return of some Refugees,
poverty, political crisis, ethnic and regional divisions, bad leaders during
kayibanda’s Regime. To sum up there were many reasons why
kayibanda failed to unify Rwandans but the main one was bad leadership
during his Regime.

3.Achievements of the first republic of Rwanda.

At independence, Grégoire Kayibanda forced his way into political
prominence and he was more than willing to use ethnic identities to
access power and sow divisions to maintain his rule. Independence was
declared on July 1st, 1962 and Rwanda had a constitution for the first
time. Rwanda also had a government led by a President of the Republic
and a Parliament. According to the constitution, the power of the
government was vested in the President of the Republic, who was at
the same time Head of State. The Parliament supervised the actions of
the executive. Under the 1st Republic, three legislatures were elected
respectively in 1961, 1965 and 1969 until the dissolution of Parliament
following the July 5th, 1973 Coup d’état.

Some financial institutions like banks were opened and they
provided financial support to a few factories and industrial
companies. The National Bank was established in January 1964,
the Banque Commerciale du Rwanda in 1965, and the Banque
Rwandaise de Dévelopement in 1968.
It should be noted that in the framework of the Five-Year
Development Plan (1966–1971) it was proposed to tarmack all
the road axes linking the country to her neighbours (Ministere des
travaux publics, Rapport annuel 1971). In order of priority the
following roads were to be tarmacked: Kigali–Gatuna, Kigali–
Butare, Kigali–Rusumo, and Kigali–Cyanika. Besides, the
construction of Kanombe airport opened the country to the
outside world.

With regards to rural development, some marshlands were

reclaimed in order to improve agricultural production. ISAR
(Institut des Sciences Agronomiques du Rwanda) located at
Rubona improved seeds and plants and distributed them in some
parts of the country. New crops like rice were introduced.
The 1st Republic made a lot of effort to provide free primary
education. At independence, Rwanda had few secondary
schools including Ecole Officielle d’Astrida in the former province
of Butare, Ecole Technique Officielle Kicukiro in Kigali, Collège
Saint André in Kigali, Collège du Christ Roi at Nyanza and
Seminaries at Kabgayi, Nyundo, Rwesero and Kansi.
The first university was started on November 3rd, 1963 by a
Canadian Priest called Levesque as the first Rector. It opened
with 50 students distributed in three faculties: medicine, arts and
science. The Institut of Pédagogique National was started later in

The number of dispensaries increased. To address the

problem of malnutrition and poor conditions of hygiene, some
socio-medical centres were opened to provide sanitary or health
education, training on how to avoid and prevent diseases, and
skills in maternal health care.
A centre for handicapped children was built at Gatagara
(Nyanza District) and a psychiatry centre for the mentally
handicapped at Ndera (Gasabo District). This centre, also known
as Caraes-Ndera, was run by the Gand Brothers of Charity. In
preventive medicine, vaccination campaigns were initiated
between 1965 and 1970 (Ministere de la santé publique, Rapport
annuel 1970).

Improvement of individual and community conditions for

living. The first republic established the modern health services
and construction of the health cares to reduce the traditional
methods of curing the diseases.
They promoted jobs at sustainable wage levels that cover the
basic needs while emphasizing training programmes in order to
increase productivity. Hence it was an acheivements of the first
Promotion of human resources management. The government
established many organisations to deal with the management of
the country’s resources so that they can be we maintained and
shared among the citizen as required, this was also an

Construction of administrative offices for ministries,

prefectures and communes in different areas of the country.
These helped in providing with the citizen the services and
security the need. These offices we used by the leaders were
they were supposed to solve the citizens problems and guide
them also. Hence it was an achievement of the first republic.

By making the conclusion we have been discussing about the

achievements of the first republic of Rwanda from 1962 to
1973.The achievements of the first republic which was under rule
of president Kayibanda Gregoire were in different aspects such as
economic, social and political aspects. The social-economic
achievements included building infrastructures, improvement in
education domain by constructing the schools and universities,
improving the financial status of the country, development of
health facilities and others which contributed to the development
of Rwanda.

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