Projects Launching & Receiving Procedure

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Issue 1 February 2009 Page 1 of 11




2. TOOL BOX MEETING…………………………………………………………….. 6

3. LAUNCHING PROCEDURE……………………………………………………….7

4. RECEIVING PROCEDURE…………………………………………………….......9

5. NON- STANDARD PIGGING………………………………………………………12

Issue 1 February 2009 Page 2 of 11


Launcher & Receiver Safety Precautions

1. In the procedure steps below, there are several references to the need to
ensure by visual inspection or direct measurement that complete replacement
of one type of medium with another has taken place, e.g. displacing air with
liquid, displacing air with gas, etc. This is to prevent air (specifically oxygen)
from entering the pipeline that may generate increased corrosion in the
2. In case of a closed drain system, it is essential that the appropriate and correct
methods are used to ensure total displacement of the medium before
proceeding to the next activity in this procedure.
3. Blockages of drain and vent valves by pig cups or large quantity of debris is
possible. Similarly pressure gauges may be sometimes faulty or broken. At
least two pressure gauges shall be fitted to the barrel of the launcher / receiver
to guard against this event.
4. If there is any doubt that the barrel is not at zero pressure, close vent and drain
valves and re-pressurize the equipment. Observe very carefully the change in
pressure that is indicated, particularly during depressurizing the barrel.
5. When opening the launcher or receiver door never stand in front of the door or
at that side where the hinge is fitted. Ensure that nobody stands directly in line
with the door.
6. The receiver shall be lined up before launching a pig if the length of time that
this facility is left pressurized does not exceed one day. All launching facilities
shall be depressurized as part of the launcher sequence.
7. The receiver facilities shall be depressurized a maximum of 3-4 working hours
after receipt of pig. Where the pig receiver is sited within a station the operator
shall verify receipt of the pig and that isolation of the receiver has been properly
8. Special precautions need to be taken on receiving pyrophoric dust. Collection
and disposal of the dust shall be responsibility of the Client.

Issue 1 February 2009 Page 3 of 11


9. Naturally occurring radioactive material (NORM) may in some areas be

produced from the reservoir and be entrained in pigging debris. Those receivers
where NORM is presented must be identified by Client and indicated to the
pigging crew.
10. Special precautions shall be taken in circumstance where NORM is present
with particular attention being paid to personal protective equipment (PPE) and
to the handling and disposal of debris during and after recovery of the pigs.
Collection and disposal of NORM contaminated debris is the responsibility of
the Client.

Issue 1 February 2009 Page 4 of 11


Toolbox Meeting
Conduct toolbox meeting; ensure all concerned understand procedures and
responsibilities, emphasizing safe working practices. All attendees need to confirm
that all is understood by signing the “Attendees” sheet of the Tool Box Meeting

Issue 1 February 2009 Page 5 of 11


Launching Procedure

C1 A
P1 H P1 H
P1 H
E G1

A - Main line valve
D Balance Line B - Main isolating valve
C1 - Kicker valve
D - Drain valve
E - Vent valve
F - Door
Figure 1. Typical Launcher G1, G2 - Pig alerts (pig sigs)
H - Pressure gauge
I - Pres. equalizing valve

1. Ensure kicker valves (C1+C2+C3) and isolation valves (B) are closed. *
2. Open drain valve (D) and vent valve (E) to drain and depressurize the launcher
barrel. Confirm zero pressure. Unseat bleed screw on door.*
Note 1: If no fluid flows through the bleed screw, remove bleed screw. Airflow into trap indicates
that fluid is still flowing from the trap via the drain. When the airflow stops the traps is
fully drained and the door may be opened.
Note 2: A number of older doors may not be fitted with bleed screws. In these cases additional
precautions shall be taken before opening the door, .e.g. confirm by visual observation
that draining has stopped.
3. Open door (F) in accordance with manufacturer’s procedure.*
4. Load pig into barrel, ensuring that the front driving cups are in contact with the
reducing portion of the barrel.**
5. Check door seal, clean and lightly oil mating surfaces, close door. Close drain
valve (D), ensure that door is securely locked in accordance with the
manufacturer’s procedure.*

Issue 1 February 2009 Page 6 of 11


6. Open the pressure equalizing valve (I), if fitted across the barrel eccentric
reducer in order to prevent the pig coming into contact with the main isolation
valve whilst pressuring up the barrel. Close drain valve (D) open kicker valve
(C2) then slowly crack valve (C3) open. As oil/gas enters air will be displaced
from the barrel through the vent valve (E).*
7. When barrel is full of product, close vent valve (E) and allow the barrel to
pressurize fully. In the case of a gaseous product air will be replaced by gas.
Continuous reading shall be taken until 100% gas is detected at the vent valve
Note 1: Ignition sources shall be removed from the area and continuous atmospheric
monitoring within the area shall be carried out.
Note 2: In H2S designated areas the procedures for entering and working in an H2S area must
be followed. As a minimum each LIN SCAN employee needs to carry a personal H2S
detector at all times.

8. Check all pressure gauges give the same reading. Close kicker valve (C2) and
9. Close pressure equalizing valve (I).*
10. Set the pig signaler (G1) and (G2) open main isolating valve (B) fully. *
11. Open kicker valve (C1) fully.*
12. Slowly close main line valve (A) to force product flow through the launcher until
pig signaler (G1) trips showing that the pig has left the barrel and its traveling
through the pipeline. Reset the pig signaler.*
13. Open main line valve (A).*
14. Close kicker valve (C1).*
15. Close main isolating valve (B) and vent valve (E).*
16. Drain and depressurized as mentioned above.*
17. Close drain valve (D) and vent valve (E) clean and empty drain pit.*

* Performed by Client
** Performed by LIN SCAN

Issue 1 February 2009 Page 7 of 11


Receiving Procedure

C1 A
P1 H P1 H
P1 H
E G1

A - Main line valve
D Balance Line B - Main isolating valve
C1 - Kicker valve
D - Drain valve
E - Vent valve
F - Door
Figure 2. Typical Receiver G1, G2 - Pig alerts (pigsigs)
H - Pressure gauge
I - Pres. equalizing valve

1. At the start main line valve (A) is open, main isolating valve (B) and kicker
valves (C1, C2 and C3) are closed.*

2. Ensure that drain valve (D) is closed and that the door (F) is secured as per
manufacturer procedure and that the pressure equalizing valve (I) is open.*

3. Open vent valve(s) (E).*

4. Open (C2) crack open (C3) and fill the barrel while air is being vented via (E).*

5. In the case of a gas pipeline air will be replaced by gas, continuous reading
shall be taken until 100% gas is detected at the vent valve.*

Note 1: Ignition sources shall be removed from the area and continuous atmospheric
monitoring within the area shall be carried out.
Note 2: In H2S designated areas the procedure for entering and working in an H2S area
must be followed. As a minimum each LIN SCAN employee needs to carry a
personal H2S detector at all times.

Issue 1 February 2009 Page 8 of 11


6. When the barrel is filled with product, close vent valves (E) and allow the barrel
to pressurize fully. Check that the barrel pressure gauge shows the same
values as the line pressure gauge.*

7. Open kicker valve (C1) fully and open main isolating valve (B). This allows fluid
to flow through the receiver.*

8. Close the main line valve (A) completely.*

9. Confirm there is no leakage from the door seal and fittings before leaving the

10. Arrival of the pig is shown initially by pig alert (G1) being activated. Pig alert
(G2) should activate shortly afterwards to show that the pig has entered the

11. Once pig is the receiver barrel, open main line valve (A) fully.*

12. Close main isolating valve (B).*

13. Close kicker valve (C1, C2 and C3).*

14. Drain and de-pressure through drain valve (D) and vent valve(s) (E). Ensure
that the pressure equalizing line (I), if fitted across the reducer, is open. Confirm
that pressure is zero. Unseat bleed screw on door.*

15. If no fluid flows through the bleed screw, removed bleed screw, airflow into the
trap indicates that fluid is still flowing from the trap via the drain. When the
airflow stops the trap is fully drained and the door may be opened.*

Note: A number if older doors may not be fitted with bleed screws. In this case additional
precautions shall be taken before opening the door, e.g. confirm by visual observation
that drain had stopped.
16. Open door (F) and remove pig. */**

17. Clean out receiver barrel and take sample of debris, if specially required. A
sample sheet shall be completed and sent with the sample to the appropriate
laboratory. Check door seal clean and lightly oil mating surfaces.*

Issue 1 February 2009 Page 9 of 11


18. Close door (F) drain valve (D) and vent valve (E). Ensure door (F) is secured as
per manufacturer procedure.*

19. Empty and clean the drain pit and cross check the valve positions before
leaving the site.*

* Performed by Client
** Performed by LIN SCAN

Issue 1 February 2009 Page 10 of 11


Non Standard Pigging

In the event that pigging activities are required on a pipeline without permanent pig
launching/receiving facilities, the following additional requirement shall apply.

1. Temporary launching/receiving facilities shall be constructed specifically for the

project, which will ensure safe performance of the pigging activities.

2. The configuration shall be similar to that found on Figure 1, typical

launcher/receiver arrangement, contained in this document.

3. Sufficient valves shall be provided to assure isolation of the trap from the
pipeline and pressure gauge shall be installed in order to allow personnel
involved in the pigging activity to confirm the pressure in the barrel.

4. A procedure for the non-routine pigging activity shall be prepared. The

procedure shall be reviewed and approved by all parties involved prior to
commencement at work.

5. As a minimum the non-routine procedure shall include the necessary steps and
related valve movement (open/close) to assure safe launching and/or receiving
of the pig.

6. Sketches of all pertinent facilities shall be provided.

7. Special attention shall be paid to any flexible hoses used to ensure that they
are adequately anchored and pressure rated.

Issue 1 February 2009 Page 11 of 11

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