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“As Ordinary as an Orange”

“Once upon a time there was a dreamer.

This dreamer where you.

Sometimes it dreamed it watched words on a screen.

And every once in a while the dreamer thought itself human.

Sometimes it thought itself a fleeting thought inside someone else's mind, and sometimes,
just for a moment, it thought itself as a perpetual memory in someone else’s heart.
And sometimes this person was drifting through space at more then 110.000km/h. And
Sometimes they where sitting in a cloud, motionless, immovable and happy.
Sometimes it thought itself a collection of particles, ruled by Physics and Quantum
Mechanics. And Sometimes it thought itself a free willed creation of God.

From time to time the dreamer thought itself human.

Sometimes the dreamer dreamed of itself lost in a story.

Sometimes it searched for ages not knowing where to go. Helplessly wandering within the
emptiness of its inner being and its heinous self doubt.
But after a while, it always found its way out, for the better or the worse. But it did,
Sometimes it dreamed it was other things, in other places, at some other time.
Sometimes these dreams where disturbing, luring out the demon buried deep within them.
Sometimes these dreams where beautiful and kind.

Occasionally, this dreamer thought itself human.

Sometimes it was upset, dwelling on prejudice and aristocratic entitlement through sheer
money and influence.
Sometimes it was at what it thought to be, rock bottom, only to look up and never to rise.
Sometimes it was at its peek looking down and around knowing its accomplishments only
to rise higher then they’ve ever dreamed of.
But Sometimes it remembered: That at the end of the day, all, not only bishop and knight,
but also king and pawn, go back into the same box.

More and more, this dreamer thought itself human.

Sometimes it thought of mum, and dad.

Sometimes these memories would be painful, full of rage and misery.
But sometimes these memories would be innocent, peaceful and warm.
Sometimes they would go for a walk at night, looking up at the night sky, finding their place
within the stars and realising that after falling out their mothers nest:
Its task was as simple as: finding its way home.
And Sometimes its task was as formidable and arduous as: finding its way home.

More often then not, this dreamer thought itself human.

Sometimes, in a cold winter night, lying in the snow looking past the clouds and at the sky
as it has done so many times before, it was struck, with realisation. That they, and
everybody around them was just as human as the next, as much earth as universe. Being
nothing alike, they where all no different from one another.
Being all ordinary, ordinary as an orange.

At long last, this dreamer thought itself human.

Sometimes it dreamed it was.

Sometimes it dreamed it wasn’t.
But most definitely it dreamed it watched words on a screen.

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