Green Presentation Architecture

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Green Presentation
May. 01, 2010 • 16 likes • 6,278 views Advertisement

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Soma Majumdar Follow
Sustainable building
Associate Consultant Design Communication at FRDC Pvt Ltd
in India
Satya Rachakonda
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Green building delhi

case study
Hamzah Meraj, Faculty of…
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ganesh sharma
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Green building rating

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Leed rating system

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 Green Presentation
1. A building should create delight when you enter, serenity & health when occupied and regret when departed. A Green Building is a major attempt in this direction! Indian Green Building Council GREEN BUILDINGS – SOME KEY FACTS
3. U.S.G.B.C L.E.E.D. Non-profit organization committed to expanding sustainable building practices. working to advance structures that are environmentally responsible, profitable, and healthy places to live and work. Members includes building
owners and end-users, real estate developers, facility managers, architects, designers, engineers, general contractors, subcontractors, product and building system manufacturers, government agencies, and nonprofits. LEED is the nationally
accepted benchmark for the design, construction and operation of high performance green buildings. LEED gives building owners and operators the assessment tools to measure their buildingsʼ performance. Architects, real estate professionals,
facility managers, engineers, interior designers, landscape architects, construction managers, lenders and government o icials all use LEED.
4. <ul><li>How are credit points awarded under LEED-INDIA? </li></ul><ul><li>Credits are awarded based on five categories of performance: </li></ul><ul><li>1. Sustainable Sites </li></ul><ul><li>2. Energy and Atmosphere </li></ul><ul>
<li>3.Water E iciency </li></ul><ul><li>4.Indoor Environmental Quality </li></ul><ul><li>5.Materials and Resources </li></ul><ul><li>Projects can earn additional points </li></ul><ul><li>Innovation in Design category, </li></ul><ul>
<li>demonstrating exceptional performance above LEED-INDIA requirements. </li></ul><ul><li> NEXT </li></ul>
5. <ul><li>1. Sustainable sites </li></ul><ul><li>Start by selecting a site that is well suited to taking advantage of mass transit. </li></ul><ul><li>Protect and retain existing landscaping and natural features . Select plants that have low water and
pesticide needs, and generate minimum plant trimmings. Use compost and mulches. This will save water and time. </li></ul><ul><li>Recycled-content paving materials, furnishings, and mulches help close the recycling loop. </li></ul><ul>
<li>BACK </li></ul>
6. <ul><li>2. Energy and Atmosphere </li></ul><ul><li>Building shape and orientation , passive solar design, and the use of natural lighting. </li></ul><ul><li>Develop strategies to provide natural lighting . </li></ul><ul><li>Install high-e iciency
lighting systems with advanced lighting controls. Include motion sensors tied to dimmable lighting controls. Task lighting reduces general overhead light levels. </li></ul><ul><li>Use a properly sized and energy-e icient heating/cooling system in
conjunction with a thermally e icient building shell. Maximize light colors for roofing and wall finish materials, install high R-value wall and ceiling insulation, and use minimal glass on east and west exposures. </li></ul><ul><li>Minimize the
electric loads from lighting, equipment, and appliances. </li></ul><ul><li>Consider alternative energy sources, such as photovoltaics and fuel cells, that are now available in new products and applications. Renewable energy sources provide a
great symbol of emerging technologies for the future. </li></ul><ul><li>Computer modeling is an extremely useful tool in optimizing design of electrical and mechanical systems and the building shell. </li></ul><ul><li>BACK </li></ul>
7. <ul><li>3. Water E iciency </li></ul><ul><li>Design for dual plumbing to use recycled water for toilet flushing or a gray water system that recovers rainwater </li></ul><ul><li>Minimize wastewater by using ultra low-flush toilets, low-flow shower
heads, and other water-conserving fixtures. </li></ul><ul><li>Use re-circulating systems for centralized hot water distribution . </li></ul><ul><li>Install point-of-use water heating systems for more distant locations </li></ul><ul><li>BACK </li></ul>
8. <ul><li>4. Indoor Environmental Quality </li></ul><ul><li>Eliminate poisons and toxic o gases </li></ul><ul><li>Use more of natural light </li></ul><ul><li>Less noise by using sound absorption materials and methods </li></ul><ul><li>Views to
the outside </li></ul><ul><li>Air quality and thermal comfort </li></ul><ul><li>The quality of these who work in green buildings are more productive and take fewer sick days </li></ul><ul><li>Sick Building Syndrome has been attributed to poor air
quality caused by air-tight construction and the o -gassing of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) from such things as finishes, adhesives, furniture systems, wall coverings, o ice machinery, and in some instances, molds. </li></ul><ul><li>The
release of harmful VOCs (such as carcinogenic urea formaldehyde) is one of the biggest concerns when choosing products and materials for interior spaces . As such, indoor air quality (IAQ) is on most radar screens these days, and anyone
specifying green products for certification or just seeking to create a healthy interior space will find myriad resources. </li></ul><ul><li>BACK </li></ul>
9. <ul><li>5. Materials and Resources </li></ul><ul><li>Select sustainable construction materials and products by evaluating several characteristics such as reused and recycled content, zero or low o -gassing of harmful air emissions, zero or low
toxicity , high recyclability , durability, longevity, and local production. Such products promote resource conservation and e iciency. For example, GREENGUARD is an independent, non-profit organization that certifies interior products and
finishes. </li></ul><ul><li>Use dimensional planning and other material e iciency strategies. These strategies reduce the amount of building materials needed and cut construction costs. For example, design rooms on 4-foot multiples to conform
to standard-sized wallboard and plywood sheets. </li></ul><ul><li>Reuse and recycle construction and demolition materials . For example, using inert demolition materials as a base course for a parking lot keeps materials out of landfills and costs
less. </li></ul><ul><li>Incorporate a solid waste management program that prevents waste generation. </li></ul><ul><li>BACK </li></ul><ul><li>NEXT </li></ul>
10. <ul><li>What are the benefits of LEED-INDIA certification? </li></ul><ul><li> </li></ul><ul><li>LEED-INDIA certification is third-party validation of a building's performance. </li></ul><ul><li>LEED-INDIA certified projects blend environmental,
economic and occupant - oriented performance. </li></ul><ul><li>They cost less to operate and maintain, are energy- and water-e icient , </li></ul><ul><li>Have higher lease-up rates than conventional buildings in their markets </li></ul><ul>
<li>Physical demonstration of the values of the organizations that own and occupy them </li></ul>
11. <ul><li>BENEFITS OF GREEN BUILDINGS </li></ul><ul><li>Environmental benefits : </li></ul><ul><li>Reduces impacts of natural resources and consumption </li></ul><ul><li>Economic benefits : </li></ul><ul><li>Reduces operating costs, is
cost e ective in the long run </li></ul><ul><li>Health and safety benefits </li></ul><ul><li>Enhances occupant comfort and health </li></ul><ul><li>Community benefits </li></ul><ul><li>Minimizes strain on local infrastructures and improves
quality of life </li></ul>
14. CII-Godrej GBC - Platinum rating and first green building in India <ul><li>Daylight used to light substantial area of the o ice. Microcontrollers are used to monitor the brightness and augment this light with artificial lighting where necessary,
thus saving electricity without compromising on the quality of the work environment </li></ul><ul><li>Fresh air to the AHUs is precooled in the two wind towers that sit on either side of the building. Precooling reduces the load on the air
conditioning system. Saves 60% of cooling energy requirement compared to buildings of similar size. </li></ul><ul><li>Green Roof : Lawn trays, made out of recycled plastic protects against heat ingress through the roof while providing a green and
pleasing surrounding </li></ul><ul><li>North facing skylight allows the use of daylighting for the entire space. This is achieved by using high performance double glazed glass which helps the building lay lesser stress on both its artificial lighting
and cooling systems </li></ul><ul><li>The building is special also because its construction combined ancient practices with modern architecture , rea irming the applicability of traditional architectural knowledge to today's notions of
sustainability . </li></ul>
15. <ul><li>ITC Green Centre, Gurgaon - Platinum rated building </li></ul><ul><li>Zero water discharge </li></ul><ul><li>53 per cent energy savings over a conventional building </li></ul><ul><li>40 per cent reduction in potable water use </li></ul>
<ul><li>Use of treated grey water for flushing and landscaping </li></ul><ul><li>Use of fly-ash in bricks & concrete, </li></ul><ul><li>High e iciency equipment </li></ul><ul><li>Eco-friendly housekeeping practices </li></ul><ul><li>Well
designated green education programme. </li></ul>
16. <ul><li>Wipro Technologies, Gurgaon - Platinum rated building </li></ul><ul><li>Traditional inward looking haveli plan that performs varied functions -- designed to form a light well, it acts as a micro-climate generator , thus reducing energy
consumption; mutual shading of the courtyard walls keeps them cooler than outside walls; a big water-body and vegetation in the middle of the courtyard reduces its temperature by evaporative cooling. </li></ul><ul><li>Channeling the direction
of sunlight and wind , insulating walls, or having the right kind of windows </li></ul><ul><li>Insulated roo ops and terrace gardens that again reduce the solar gain of the building. </li></ul><ul><li>Grass concrete pavers on the outside surface of
the building area reduce storm water run-o and decrease the heat-island e ect caused by asphalt pavers </li></ul><ul><li>3R concept: reduce, reuse and recycle :more than 10% of the bldg materials are salvaged from an old bldg, recycled: 10%
fly ash based AAC blocks, acoustic cladding, glass, ceramic tiles, MDF board ,95% of materials got locally from around 500 miles all around, rapidly renewable materials like interior partitions made from MDF board made from bagasse and
agricultural waste </li></ul><ul><ul><li>Certified wood ; more than 75% of the virgin wood NIS certified by Forest Stewardship Council </li></ul></ul>
17. <ul><li>Grundfos Pumps, Chennai - Gold rated building and first green building in Chennai </li></ul><ul><li>95 per cent of o ice lighting is natural </li></ul><ul><li>100 per cent of the sewage recycled </li></ul><ul><li>No trees cut during
construction </li></ul><ul><li>Building caters for the needs of the physically challenged </li></ul><ul><li>Co2 sensors to monitor indoor air quality </li></ul><ul><li>Use of low VOC carpets, paints, adhesives, sealants </li></ul><ul><li>VFDʼs for
fans and pumps (based on the fluctuation in the air-conditioning demand from the end user, VFD changes the frequency and hence the rpm of the motor thereby saves energy) </li></ul><ul><li>Air cooled high e iciency chillers with a COP of 2.7
18. <ul><li>NEG Micon, Chennai – Gold rated building </li></ul><ul><li>The building uses vermi-composting to treat canteen wastes, the compost is used on the premises. </li></ul><ul><li>Installed wind turbines of 950 KW o site to cater to 100%
of energy req. entered into agreement with the state to wheel the power generated into the bldg. </li></ul><ul><li>The building envelop consists of a double layered cavity wall to prevent heat penetration </li></ul><ul><li>Eco friendly
housekeeping materials help keep the Indoor Environment Quality healthy. </li></ul><ul><li>The indoor air quality is enhanced by continuous purging of fresh air into the building. </li></ul><ul><li>Low flush water closets, sensor based urinals,
low flush faucets in the toilets to reduce water consumption </li></ul><ul><li>The grey water is treated and used for irrigation instead of being released into the municipal drainage </li></ul><ul><li>Uses low mercury content bulbs which cause less
environmental pollution when discarded, </li></ul><ul><li>95% of waste recycled </li></ul>
19. From 2 to 4 to 40, green buildings are springing up all around us… Who knows you or I may be a licted by the Sick Building Syndrome…. Who knows tomorrow Spiderman may refuse to clamber onto non green buildings.. So let us begin to
decrease environmental degradation by………………. Thank you!

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