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Adolf Hitler is a german politican. He was chancellor and dictator of the German
3e reich between 1933 and 1945. He founded the nazi party and organised with them,
the recruitment of the population and the repression of the opposition, then
realizes his project of domination over Europe, which he plunges into chaos and
desolation. Imposing the deportation of the Jewish population that he will hold
responsible for the misfortunes of Germany.
Hitler was born on 20 April 1889 in braunau in Austria and dead on 30 April 1945 in
Enfance et jeunesse
Born of an Austrian customs father, Hitler studied in Upper Austria, notably in
Lutz, and attended the modern college (Stats Realschule) until 1905. Hitler was not
a very good student and he says it himself: “I studied what I liked; I completely
sabotaged what seemed unimportant or uninteresting to me. ». In 1903, his father,
with whom relations were quite strained, died but left his family with very decent
resources, which contradicted all the documents showing that Hitler was in misery.
Thus he then led a fairly comfortable life, frequenting the theatres, discovering
Wagnerian music and devoting many hours to the development of more or less fanciful
architectural projects. He lost his mother whom he adored in 1907.
In 1908, Hitler tried to enter the School of Fine Arts in Vienna but was refused.
He was also refused the school of architecture, but his stay in the city
nevertheless marked him deeply. He therefore lives from his painting and these
watercolors sell rather well. Raised in anti-Semitism by his teachers in Linz, he
was also influenced by the Austrian social-Christian movement, led by Karl Lueger
(1844-1910), and the extremely anti-Semitic party of Georg von Schönerer (1842-
1921). He begins to read books such as the racist pamphlets of Adolf Lanz and
increases his hatred towards the Jews, the social democrats, the trade unions, the
parliament and the Habsburgs. Thus this stay in Vienna particularly marked Hitler,
who there conceived the idea of a great German nation. En 1913, il s’installe à
Munich en Allemagne although Austrian, he joined the Bavarian army whereas a few
months ago he declared himself unfit for service. In October 1914, he was on the
front west where he demonstrated bravery and won several citations. He was hurted
twice and decorated with the first class iron cross, which is rare for a corporal.
He was then sent to Pomerania because of serious eye injuries caused by gas where
he learned about the end of the war and the proclamation of the Weimar Republic on
November 9, 1918. He became Bildungs Offizier, political commissar of a Bavarian
regiment, and remained in the Reichswehr (German army) until April 1, 1920.
Hitler joined the German Workers' Party in 1919, founded by Munich worker Anton
Drexler. The party was later renamed the National Socialist German Workers' Party
(Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei, NSDAP), abbreviated as the "Nazi"
party. In 1921, he took the lead of this party.


Nazi Party, byname of National Socialist German Workers’ Party, German

Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei (NSDAP), political party of the mass
movement known as National Socialism. Under the leadership of Adolf Hitler, the
party came to power in Germany in 1933 and governed by totalitarian methods until


On November 8 and 9, 1923, Hitler try a takeover in Munich, which failed miserably:
sixteen Nazis were killed by the Munich police. And hitler as been arrested, he was
Imprisoned to five years of fortress; he remained only nine months (1923-1924) at
Landsberg prison, where he wrote Mein Kampf (My fight)

As soon as he was released from prison, Hitler reorganized his party. It gives it a
less revolutionary character and develops its influence on the electorate of North
Germany. He also Pacts with industrial circles and criticizes anticlericalism

At the Bamberg meeting on February 14, 1926, Hitler succeeded in restoring his
authority. Using his charisma, he established himself as the only figure capable of
ensuring the survival and cohesion of a movement with multiple trends.

All around the party, Hitler founded many associations. The SS shock troops
(Schutzstaffel) were created in 1925; the Hitler youth (→ Hitlerjugend) followed
shortly after, as well as the National Socialist associations of students,
teachers, women, etc. At the same time, he gave a very centralized structure to the
party, whose local leaders - including the Gauleiters - are appointed directly by

The NSDAP suffered the backlash of the economic and social stabilization of the
Weimar Republic, which was sensitive from 1924. Despite its 100,000 members and its
strong bureaucratic organization, the Nazi party obtained only 2.6% of the votes
and 12 seats of deputies in the parliamentary elections of 1928.


In 1930, it had 6,400,000 (six million four hundred thousand)voters and 107
deputies; in July 1932, 13,750,000(thirteen million seven hundred and fifty
thousand) voters and 230 deputies; in November 1932, 11.750,000 (eleven million
seven hundred and fifty thousand) voters and 196 deputies. In the presidential
election of March 1932, Hitler put Marshal Hindenburg on a ballot.

The NSDAP became the first party in Germany thanks to its demagogy, its violence,
also thanks to its propaganda, which finds a wide echo in public opinion. In 1933,
when it took power, the Nazi party already had more than a million members,
recruited from the middle classes, but also from the working class.


Mein Kampf, is an autobiographical and political compilation in which he defines

National Socialism.


Hitler’s doctrine is not really original: the idea of the great German Reich is
borrowed from the pan-Germanists; that of the superiority of the Germanic race. But
Hitler’s ideas are marked by his passionate character, due to his personal
temperament as well as the crisis that struck Germany at the end of the First World
War. Hitler designates the Jews as those responsible for the defeat. We must
therefore rid the Reich of the Jews, regenerate it with Aryan blood.


The ideology of Hitler and the Nazi party is inconsistent: all Mein Kampf is
dominated by the idea of propaganda. We must impress, and this will be the
fundamental reason for Hitler’s installation at the Berghof. We must aim as low as
possible with the least scruples as possible. Mein Kampf is not an ideological
treaty: it is an action guide. And Hitler will also be served by his sense of
propaganda, political discourse of an often hysterical nature, Staging.

On January 30, 1933, Hindinburgh appoints, in spite of himself, Hitler, whom he

treats as a Bohemian corporal, Chancellor of the Reich at the head of a government
which includes only two Nazis, Hermann Göring and Wilhelm Frick. On February 4,
1933, under the pretext of fighting against the "communist threat", the Nazis
obtained from former President Hindenburg the promulgation of an ordinance
authorizing the State to prohibit all meetings and publications which threatened
its security. The Prussian police multiplied the arrests (Communists in
particular), and quickly many SS and SA were hired as police auxiliaries. Because
of the fire in the Reichstag (Parliament) on February 27, the President of the
Reich issues an ordinance "For the protection of the people and the state", which
effectively establishes a state of emergency and gives all powers to Hitler's
government. Repression hits the Social Democrats and the Germans hostile to Nazism.
Many are killed in the first concentration camps. The prohibition of the Communist
Party, the support of the conservatives and that of the Catholic Center Party
enabled Hitler to obtain from the Reichstag, on March 23, 1933, the vote of an
"authorization law" (Ermächtigungsgesetz), which assured him full powers for four
years and legalizes the dictatorship. On July 14, the NSDAP is proclaimed single
party. On June 30, 1934, during the bloody Night of the Long Knives, Hitler
succeeded Reich President Hindenburg after his death on August 2, 1934. On August
19, more than 89% of German voters ratify the new powers of the Reichsführer.
Hitler's regime had some success. In 6 years, Hitler manages to control
unemployment and revive the country's economy, very weakened at the end of the
First World War. most find, after the crisis of 1919, a certain security, and even,
for the business circles, a real prosperity, stimulated by the excessive armament
policy implemented by Göring. Ainsi Le principal atout du régime est sa politique
expansionniste, qui flatte l’orgueil allemand, blessé par la défaite de 1918.
he organised the annexation of Austria. Hitler knew that the other occidental
country are afraid of a second war, so he profited of it. He prepared the
annexation of sudetes which he obtained with the treaty of Munich on 30 septembre
1938. In march 1939, he annexed the Tchécoslovaquie and with the crize of Dantzig
during summer 1939, the france and great Bretain didn’t want to give in anymore.
The 1st September, Hitler ordered the invasion of Poland. That’s started the Second
World War.
In the beginning of the war, Hitler has been a very good war chief especially with
the biltzkrieg. His victory against france and polish give him the felling of
invincibility. This confiance will lead him to errors that he will do when he
attacked Russia in 1941. After that, it’s a succession of defeat. Stalingrad in
February 1943, or North Africa in may 1943. That’s had consequences on the
character of Hitler. He don’t appears in public and he spend his time on map of
general staff. His relatives noticed accelerated aging of Hitler due to the abus of
Nevertheless, the hitler’s power stay inconstestable. His authoritarianism is
growing after the attack directed against him on 20 July 1944. Hitler, even after
the defeat at the Stalingrad battle and the normandie landing, believe again to the
victory. He supervised the last German offensive of Ardennes between December 1944
and January 1945. Seeing that Nazi Germany was defeated, he returned in his bumker
in where he shoot himself with a revolver on 30 April 1945.

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