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The most accurate way to illustrate the curved surface of the earth is

with a globe. Globes often have a scale and a geographic coordinate

system. The length of the arc or section of a circle that connects two
places is the shortest distance between them. Also, the structure and
shape of the globe are similar to those of the earth.  A ball with a flat top
and bottom and a circle of curve around the center and the globe is an
accurate representation of the earth. Since it depicts all of the continents,
oceans, and countries in their actual sizes.

Even a globe is difficult to carry, but it shows the exact location,

shows the shape of different features, and gives an idea of the relative
size of the land areas and water bodies. There are also location points on
the earth's surface, and they are the latitude and longitude. The latitude
distance north and south of the equator and the longitude distance east
and west of the prime meridian in degrees. We all know that there are
several ways to represent geographic space, whether through artistic or
technical drawings, photographs, models, or maps, but the globe is a
miniature representation of the planet Earth.

So a globe can graphically represent the earth's surface not only

because of its sphere shape but based on what I watched, the molds of
each globe signify peaks and valleys on the earth's surface because the
raised and intended sections of the molds make impressions of the globe,
which will allow people to see and feel variations in the world's

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