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Structure and Infrastructure Engineering

Maintenance, Management, Life-Cycle Design and Performance

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Aggregation of condition survey data in pavement

management: shortcomings of a homogeneous
sections approach and how to avoid them

Valentin Donev, Markus Hoffmann & Ronald Blab

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of condition survey data in pavement management: shortcomings of a homogeneous
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Aggregation of condition survey data in pavement management: shortcomings

of a homogeneous sections approach and how to avoid them
Valentin Donev , Markus Hoffmann and Ronald Blab
Institute of Transportation, Vienna University of Technology, Vienna, Austria


A common feature of most pavement management systems is the aggregation of condition data col- Received 25 July 2019
lected from periodic surveys to appropriate long homogeneous sections, aiming to reduce the amount Revised 20 November 2019
of data to be analysed. It can be shown that regardless of the methods used for sectioning and pre- Accepted 13 December 2019
diction, homogeneous sections cannot describe the true variation in condition and failure time, lead-
ing to either over- or underestimation of service life and hence suboptimal selection of timing and Data processing;
type of maintenance and rehabilitation (M&R) treatments. Furthermore, the generation of homoge- infrastructure; life cycle
neous sections hinders the derivation of project-level performance models from historical condition costs; optimisation;
surveys due to shifting of sections and greatly reduces the number of possible work-zone solutions in pavement management;
the optimisation. This paper illustrates the deviations resulting from different levels of data aggrega- predictions; rehabilitation;
tion based on a case study of 1000 road sections. The results of common sectioning algorithms are roads & highways;
then compared to those derived from a LCC-optimisation approach based on accurate condition pre- service life
dictions on short survey sections and work-zones based on economies of scale. The conclusions of
this work may be useful to road agencies in avoiding substantial drawbacks of data aggregation and
improving project-level M&R treatment recommendations based on the same input condition data.

1. Introduction The objective of this research is to systematically investigate

the impact of aggregating survey data to homogeneous sections
Pavement management systems (PMSs) rely on information
on the accuracy of service-life predictions and determination
about past and current condition to identify road sections
of M&R work zones. The selection of the topic is motivated by
in need of immediate repair and develop multi-year main- its practical importance and huge impact on the results in any
tenance and rehabilitation (M&R) strategies. For this pur- PMS. In addition, the segmentation of condition data pro-
pose, condition surveys of distress extent and severity are duced by automated surveys of linear assets is a common
conducted periodically. Automated high-speed condition research issue concerning, for example, pipelines and railways
surveys produce an ever increasing amount of data due to as well (e.g. Alfelor & McNeil, 1992; Amaya-G omez, Sanchez-
advancements in measuring technology, allowing more Silva, & Mu~ noza, 2019). In this paper, different methods for
accurate and more detailed surveys. However, the first oper- generation of homogeneous sections are applied to a paramet-
ational network-level PMSs have been introduced in the ric case study and compared to a new life cycle cost (LCC)
early 1980s in the USA and around 2000 in German-speak- approach proposed by Donev and Hoffmann (2018b), which
ing countries. At that time, the available personal computers eliminates the need for an aggregation of survey data. An over-
were not capable of handling large amounts of data. The view of other shortcomings in existing PMSs concerning con-
solution was to aggregate the measured data to long condi- dition assessment and condition prediction can be found in
tion-homogeneous sections and management sections facili- Hoffmann (2006) and Hoffmann and Donev (2018). A critical
tating the subsequent processing and analysis (Lea, Harvey, review of M&R programming using maximisation of benefits
& Tseng, 2014; Weninger-Vycudil, Simanek, Haberl, & based on aggregated condition index as well as possible alter-
Rohringer, 2009). Today, the aggregation of condition data natives are covered in Donev, Hoffmann, and Blab (2020).
to homogeneous and/or management sections is still a part The reminder of this paper is organised as follows. An
of every common PMS, despite the drastic improvements in overview of selected literature on the topic of road segmen-
computing power and efficiency of mathematical algorithms. tation and homogeneous sections is provided in Section 2.
However, the consequences of data aggregation and the Using a parametric case study (Section 3) as a basis for
associated loss of information are hardly ever discussed in comparison, Section 4 presents the consequences from the
the literature and almost unknown in the practice (Hudson, aggregation of survey data for the estimation of service life
Rada, & Martin, 2011, p.15). vis-a-vis the new LCC approach. The conclusions in Section

CONTACT Valentin Donev Institute of Transportation, Vienna University of Technology, Gußhausstraße 28/230-3, 1040 Vienna, Austria
ß 2020 The Author(s). Published by Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group
This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives License (
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any way.

5 put the findings into perspective and provide an outlook absolute difference approach (ADA), which has been used in
into further applications and research potential. Germany, transforms the original measurement series to a
series of smoothed values using a symmetric moving average
filter (R€
ubensam & Schulze, 1996). Subsequently, the absolute
2. Investigated methods differences between each two neighbouring values that follow
Automated condition survey systems provide pavement data each other in a user-defined interval are computed. Section
with high accuracy and spatial resolution. Distress data are borders are inserted each time the graph of absolute differen-
collected practically continuously or at very short distress-spe- ces exceeds a defined threshold value (see Figure 1(a)). The
cific longitudinal sampling intervals (e.g. 0.10–0.15 m). As threshold value, the window length for the calculation of
these measurements contain white noise, the data are aver- moving average and the window length for absolute differen-
aged ‘online’ and stored for longer recording intervals (e.g. ces determine the number of resulting sections and the degree
1–5 m). Pavement managers are usually not provided with the of segmentation. The selection of these control parameters
raw data but with data averaged over short survey (reporting) depends on the distress type and variability of the data, but
sections (e.g. 25–100 m). All common PMSs aggregate these there are no objective technical criteria indicated for deter-
survey sections to much longer condition-homogeneous and/ mination of their values. The formation of homogeneous sec-
or management sections (e.g. 1–5 km) using some algorithms tions considering all distress types is based on the ‘lowest
or specific decision rules. A condition-homogeneous section common denominator’ principle (Bennett, 2004). A second
usually consists of several survey sections exhibiting similar algorithm aggregates the resulting sections to ensure that all
condition characteristics, using as a basis the most recent sur- sections satisfy a specified minimum-length constraint. In
vey. The main goals of this aggregation are a reduction of the Germany, a separate algorithm is used for generating homo-
amount of data to be processed and analysed, and obtaining geneous sections with regard to the pavement structure (type,
practical lengths for planning of M&R projects in the PMS. layers, etc.). Another algorithm aggregates these two sets of
The typical aggregation process consists of determination homogeneous sections to final management sections with
of section borders and aggregation of the survey data. lengths of approximately 5 km, being considered as practical
Alternatively, the aggregation of short survey sections may for freeways (Kunze & R€ ubensam, 2007).
be viewed as segmentation of data series or road sectioning. The cumulative difference approach (CDA) is the most
The distress data associated with survey sections and homo- well-known and widely cited method for road segmentation in
geneous sections are referred to as condition values and rep- the literature (American Association of State Highway and
resentative values, respectively. The borders of the Transportation Officials, 1993). For the case of equally long
aggregated sections and, by extension, their lengths can be survey sections, a series of cumulative differences is con-
determined using fixed or dynamic sectioning (Bennett, structed by calculating the cumulative sum of differences
2004; Bennett & Paterson, 2000). Fixed sections do not between each current measurement and the average of the
change with time (Caltrans, 2015). The goal of dynamic sec- entire series. The cumulative differences are plotted against
tioning is to produce homogeneous (uniform) sections in distance, and the points where the graph changes its direction
terms of condition, structure, etc., limiting the deviations from decreasing to increasing and vice versa are identified as
from the original data and the associated loss of informa- section borders (see Figure 1(b)). If different parts of the meas-
tion. Thus, each condition survey results in different condi- urement series are evaluated with the algorithm, this may
tion-homogeneous sections. As a result, at the road section result in a substantial change in number and borders of homo-
level, the performance history cannot be replicated, the geneous sections, especially for series with structural breaks.
trends in distress progression cannot be assessed and the Moreover, the method does not allow control over the number
information from previous surveys cannot be included in of generated sections. Hence, several authors have modified
condition predictions. Therefore, in German-speaking coun- the CDA by incorporating additional constraints like min-
tries, condition predictions are based on information only imum length of homogeneous sections and minimum differ-
from the last survey, leading to inaccurate predictions with- ence in averages between two adjacent sections (Cafiso & Di
out consideration of uncertainty (Hoffmann, 2006). On the Graziano, 2012; Haider & Varma, 2016; Kennedy, Shalaby, &
other hand, if fixed management sections are used, more Van Cauwenberghe, 2000; Ping, Yang, Gan, & Dietrich, 1999).
information will be lost due to averaging and the predicted Another group of methods for the identification of homo-
condition will deviate more from the actual variation within geneous sections is based on the minimum sum-of-squared-
the section. Subsequently, condition-homogeneous sections errors (SSE) criterion (Cafiso & Di Graziano, 2012; Misra &
for each distress type are further aggregated to management Das, 2003). The problem may be formulated as a nonlinear
sections, considering pavement structure, traffic volume, etc. binary programming model, where the goal is to minimise the
Once the sectioning is completed, the data from the survey sum of squared deviations between the original data (survey
sections must be transformed to these homogeneous or man- sections) and the aggregated data (averages for homogeneous
agement sections by using distress-specific aggregation rules sections), as illustrated in Figure 1(c). A binary decision vari-
(e.g. weighted average, maximum value, minimum value). able, indicating the presence of a section border or a change
There are many different approaches for road segmenta- point is assigned to each condition value of the series, where
tion. Three of the most common methods are briefly the variable equals ‘1’ if section border should be inserted and
described below and applied to the case-study data. The ‘0’ otherwise. Since the solution of the unconstrained problem

Figure 1. Common methods for generation of homogeneous road sections and segmentation of condition survey data: absolute difference approach (a), cumula-
tive difference approach (b) and minimisation of the sum of squared errors (c).

is the survey sections, additional constraints are necessary that any aggregation of condition data to homogeneous and
(e.g. minimum length of homogeneous sections). Due to the management sections has significant consequences for the
complexity, the problem cannot be solved exactly. Therefore, estimation of service life and determination of M&R timing
heuristic methods are applied, providing no information leading to suboptimal results regardless of the used method.
about the quality of the solution. However, the compromise between data accuracy and
In Austria, a method based on Bayesian principles is practical project lengths can be avoided. The solution pro-
used for the segmentation of condition survey data, assum- posed by Donev and Hoffmann (2018b) is to use short sur-
ing that measurements can be described by a first-order vey sections (e.g. 25–50 m) for condition prediction. Survey
autoregressive process (Thomas, 2005). In the Austrian sections can then be combined to longer work zones based
PMS, however, homogeneous sections are only used to on more accurate condition predictions and economies-of-
reduce the amount of data (Weninger-Vycudil et al., 2009). scale cost functions for each M&R treatment type. The
The final management sections are determined based solely length and location of a work zone, as well as treatment’s
on inventory data (pavement structure, traffic, other assets),
timing and type, result directly from solving an optimisation
completely disregarding the condition-homogeneous sec-
problem, minimising the total LCC. A detailed description
tions. An exception is made for sections where the safety-
of this approach is provided in the cited paper. The current
relevant distress types rutting and skid resistance exceed
their condition thresholds. Such sections are considered as paper presents a comparison of work zones resulting from
separate management sections. In all other cases, the homo- homogenous sections with different level of aggregation
geneous-sections data are transformed to the management (based on current condition) and work zones determined by
sections using length-weighted averaging. using LCC optimisation (based on M&R costs).
In contrast to other works (cf. Cafiso & Di Graziano,
2012; El Gendy & Shalaby, 2008; Latimer, Manoharan, 3. Case study
Robertson, & Nata-atmadja, 2004; Thomas 2004), the goal
of this paper and case study is not to compare different This paper presents an in-depth analysis of the consequen-
algorithms for road segmentation and determine the most ces from aggregation of condition survey data to homoge-
appropriate among them. Instead, the goal here is to show neous sections in existing PMSs. Selected commonly-used

data-segmentation algorithms are applied to a case study of models and the data-generation procedure is given in
a simulated road network and compared to an innovative LCC Donev and Hoffmann (2018a, 2018b). Different parametric
approach that does not require data aggregation. The advan- values or distribution functions may more or less change
tage of a simulation approach can be found in the complete the specific results in terms of value and possibly sign but
knowledge of service life and condition distribution at any will not change the essence of the conclusions of this paper.
point in time, avoiding the limitations of empirical data like
censoring and ex ante prediction. Therefore, synthetic data
4. Consequences of using condition-
allow researchers to isolate, objectively quantify and compare
homogeneous sections
the deviations resulting from the application of a specific
approach (e.g. prediction bias, threshold violations). 4.1. Service life prediction
The case study is based on 1000 road sections with flex-
ible pavement located on one of the exterior lanes of a four- In this section, the three algorithms for road segmentation
lane freeway. Each section has a length of 50 m which is the ADA, CDA and SSE described in Section 2 are applied to
the case study road network (50 lane-km), separately for
standard survey length in the Austrian PMS and a width of
each distress type. Homogeneous sections based on a mini-
3.75 m, resulting in a route with a total length of 50 lane-
misation of SSE are generated for three different minimum
km. Figure 2(a, c) gives an overview of the three considered
lengths (200, 600 and 1000 m) to investigate different levels
distress types, namely rutting, surface defects and alligator
of aggregation. Figure 4(a) shows for example a 3-km road
cracking, together with their corresponding service life dis-
segment, consisting of 60 survey sections and cracking
tributions. Service life is defined as the time from initial
measurements associated with each 50-m survey segment,
construction or application of M&R activity until the
serving as a current condition and basis for segmentation.
exceedance of a certain distress-specific condition threshold.
Thus, the 3 km segment is divided into four homogeneous
For a given road section, the first distress exceeding its
sections using the SSE approach with a minimum-length
threshold determines the overall service life (series system),
constraint of 600 m. The representative values for the gener-
the cause for failure and also the latest possible timing for
ated homogeneous sections are obtained by taking the aver-
M&R measures.
age. The first obvious consequence from the aggregation is
At the network level, the service lives for the three dis-
that peak condition values will be lost or smoothed out.
tress types are positively correlated (distress correlation), as Even if an algorithm singles out sections with critical
they are influenced by common factors like traffic loading. condition values, this does not solve the problem with
Furthermore, the service lives of neighbouring road sections masking of critical sections when predicting future condi-
are also positively correlated (spatial correlation), which is tions (see Figure 4(b)). Condition prediction is performed
modelled by a second-order autoregressive model with once using the values of the survey sections and once using
parameters /1 and /2 (see Figure 2(b, d)). A realistic esti- the aggregated values of the homogenous sections. Detailed
mate of the spatial correlation is of a critical importance, as predictions for four randomly selected survey sections are
it directly affects the formation of homogeneous sections. provided in Figure 4(c). The average performance function
Ultimately, a set of three distress-specific service lives is for cracking (see Figure 3(c)) is scaled through both the
generated for each of the 1000 road sections. Power func- average value for the homogeneous section and the single
tions with fixed power parameter (b2) are fitted to the indi- condition values, reflecting the current practice for section-
vidual service lives by varying the scale parameter (b1) in specific predictions in the German-speaking countries (e.g.
order to describe intermediate conditions. The employed Weninger-Vycudil et al., 2009). Service life equals the time
performance functions together with the corresponding rat- until reaching the defined condition threshold (25% alligator
ing scales for computation of an aggregated condition index cracking). Figure 4(b) shows that it is not possible to predict
(see Section 4.2) are presented in Figure 3(a–c). the true variation in failure time with the aggregated sec-
A comparison between generated homogeneous sections tions. Thus, some short sections will fail prior to their pre-
and the LCC approach proposed by Donev and Hoffmann dicted service life (prediction based on homogeneous
(2018b) requires the definition of M&R treatment alterna- sections), resulting in an overestimation of service life.
tives. While homogeneous sections may be used as basis for Instead of recognising the need for local repairs in a shorter
determination of work zones, the former are not linked to term, the practitioners will be unaware of the potential
specific M&R treatment types. Thus, in order to ensure threshold violations, as the detailed data is not analysed in
comparability, only one possible M&R treatment is consid- existing PMSs. In other cases, homogeneous sections will
ered, eliminating ‘treatment type’ as a decision variable in underestimate the true service life, leading to unnecessary
the LCC approach. Full-depth asphalt replacement is chosen loss of service life. This problem will persist in the case of
in the case study, since it has effect on all three distress fixed management sections and/or more sophisticated meth-
types. Figure 3(d) presents economies-of-scale cost functions ods for prediction due to the underlying averaging.
for this treatment, including temporary traffic control costs Next, the generation of homogenous sections is repeated
(TTCC) for the two work-zone layouts depicted in Figure with the ADA approach without minimum-length constraint
3(e). The effect of full-depth asphalt replacement on the dif- using the condition in different years as basis for the seg-
ferent distress types is shown in Figure 3(f). A more detailed mentation. Figure 5(a) presents cracking area at pavement
discussion on the selected service life distributions, cost age of 5 years, together with the resulting homogeneous

Figure 2. Overall and distress-specific service life distributions (a, c) as well as correlation between neighbouring road sections (b, d) employed in the case study.

Figure 3. Distress-specific performance functions (a, b, c), economies-of-scale cost functions (d), considered work-zone layouts (e) and service life for full-depth
asphalt replacement (f).

section(s). The majority of sections do not exhibit any from each consecutive condition survey will lead to entirely
cracks, which can be explained by the progressive perform- new road segmentation, resulting in different averaged con-
ance function and typical initiation phase for cracking. dition values and different service-life predictions. Last but
Thus, there are no significant changes in the condition, not least, the number and position of homogeneous sections
resulting in only one homogeneous section with service life depend heavily on the applied segmentation algorithm
equal to 20 years. Only two years later, cracking occurs on (compare Figure 4(a) with Figure 5(c)).
multiple sections which produces five homogeneous sections
(see Figure 5(b)). The updated condition prediction based
on the new averaged condition values is quite different from 4.2. Combined effect of homogeneous sections and
the uniform prediction in Figure 5(a). Applying again the
aggregated indices
same algorithm at the age of 9 years leads to further seg-
mentation and different prediction results (Figure 5(c)). The deviations in Figures 4 and 5 result from an aggrega-
Thus, instead of improving condition predictions, the data tion of survey sections for just one distress type. In the

Figure 4. Identification of homogeneous sections and data transformation for a segment of 60 randomly chosen road sections (a). Service-life prediction errors
resulting from the use of homogeneous sections in comparison to prediction based on short survey sections (b, c).

presence of multiple distress types, the overall service life homogeneous sections alone (ADA/CDA). The columns
for a given section can be determined as time until the first provide the number of sections (out of 1000), for which the
failure (Figure 6(a)). However, if a composite condition service life is over- and underestimated sorted by the error
index like the overall condition index (OCI) or the present in years on the horizontal axis. The columns are slightly
serviceability index (PSI) is used as a trigger of M&R activ- shifted downwards, indicating systematic underestimation.
ities, overall service life will always be overestimated due to Figure 6(d–f) provides corresponding analysis for the cases
averaging and weighting. In addition, this effect is overlaid of homogeneous sections and three different sets of weights
by the formation of homogeneous sections at the network for OCI. Based on the calibrated model parameters, alligator
level, as demonstrated in Figure 6(b). The dashed line shows cracking is the dominant failure cause in the case study.
the survival function based on the survey sections (no data Consequently, if lower weights are attached to cracking, the
aggregation, NDA) and the first-failure principle. In the pre- systematic overestimation becomes more obvious (see
sent case, the time until the first failure (series system) is Figure 6(e, f)). The use of a composite condition index as a
equivalent to taking the maximum/worst of the three indi- trigger for treatments increases the overestimation of service
vidual distress indices. The solid black line represents the life for short-lived sections caused by homogeneous sections
survival function based on homogeneous sections (e.g. (overlay effect) and partially reduces, on average, the under-
ADA) and a series system. The area difference between the estimation for long-lived sections.
solid black and the dashed line displays the ceteris paribus
effect of homogeneous sections on service life. The remain-
4.3. Influence of aggregation level
ing three lines describe the combined effect of homogeneous
sections and OCI, resulting in overestimation of service life The deviations between actual (survey sections) and pre-
and survival probability. For example, according to the true dicted (homogeneous sections) service life for three distinct
distribution (dashed line) 60% of all sections survive until levels of aggregation are visualised using heat maps in
year 17, while the corresponding percentage in the case of Figure 7(a). The aggregation is based on the SSE approach
OCI (weights 0.20, 0.50, 0.30) amounts to 96%. constraining the minimum length of a homogeneous sec-
Figure 6(c) shows a histogram (tornado chart) of the bias tion, respectively, by 200, 600 and 1000 m. The pixels of the
in service life prediction, resulting from the formation of heat map represent the number of sections for each

Figure 5. Effect of using consecutive condition surveys as a basis for the generation of homogeneous sections based on cracking measurements at different points
of time – pavement age of 5 (a), 7 (b) and 9 years (c).

combination of actual and predicted service life, whereby principle (i.e. without using OCI). The corresponding histo-
darker colour indicates higher frequency. In these three grams of the service life distributions based on survey sec-
cases, overall service life is based on the first-failure tions and homogeneous sections are shown below and to

Figure 6. Overestimation of service life for a road section with multiple distress types by using OCI (a). Over-/underestimation of service life in years resulting from
aggregation to homogeneous sections (ADA/CDA), where the overall service life is based on a series system (c) or on an OCI with different weights (b, d, e, f).

the left of each heat map, respectively. It can be seen that 2.0 years for a length of 200 m and increases to 2.9 years for
the aggregation of survey sections distorts the service life 1000 m. The mean error shows systematic underestimation
distribution in a way that the variation is reduced and the of service life in all cases. The errors when predicting indi-
tails are lost. Furthermore, with increasing level of aggrega- vidual distress types are in general larger (e.g. 3.7 years for
tion the predicted values are more dispersed, indicating alligator cracking and 1000 m). As the different distresses
larger prediction errors. More road sections fall below the ‘compete’ to determine the overall service life, a large error
diagonal line, suggesting systematic underestimation of ser- for an individual distress type will not be relevant, if the
vice life, which is confirmed by the estimated mean overall life is determined by a competing event. Moreover, a
error (bias). larger error in service life for one individual distress may
The consequences of the aggregation to homogeneous coincidentally compensate the error in overall service life by
section for the condition distribution are revealed in Figure changing the failure cause. The errors of the individual dis-
7(b). The figure shows the distribution of the OCI, which is tress types depend on the variance of the corresponding dis-
computed from the distributions of the individual distress tress-specific service life or condition distributions. Thus, a
types. The case of NDA displays the true network condition. distribution with larger variance, like the one for rutting
At first glance the condition distributions may seem similar, (see Figure 2(a)), results in larger errors for the same min-
but a closer look, for example, at year 15 reveals that the imum length of homogeneous sections. Another conse-
percentages of the network in different condition classes quence of the aggregation is the change of the dominant
change substantially. failure cause (i.e. first distress that reaches its threshold).
The table at the bottom of Figure 7 summarises the For example, in the case of 1000 m length, the failure cause
results for the individual distress types and overall service changes for 32% of the sections and the share of alligator
life. The mean error (bias) and the mean absolute error cracking as leading failure cause increases from 63% to 86%.
(MAE) are the average difference and the average absolute This will ultimately result in M&R programs with different
difference, respectively, between the actual and predicted selection of treatments – in this case, a program with more
service life. The MAE of overall service life is already structural repairs. The above-mentioned consequences will

Figure 7. Heat maps of actual (survey sections) versus predicted service life based on homogeneous sections (SSE) with different level of aggregation (a).
Distortions of the condition distribution at the network level in each case (b).

be more severe for the cases of fixed sections and dynamic all three considered distress types. Furthermore, the timing
sections with greater length, which are more common of work zones based on homogeneous sections may be set
in practice. to the corresponding overall service life prediction.
However, homogeneous sections lead to a violation of con-
dition thresholds, whereas the work zones based on the
4.4. Comparison to LCC approach LCC approach do not allow threshold violations, unless soft
constraints are being used. The violation of thresholds is
As homogeneous sections are not directly related to specific not straightforward to quantify objectively in monetary
M&R treatment types, an objective comparison with the terms. Nonetheless, the timing of work zones based on
LCC approach proposed by Donev and Hoffmann (2018b) homogeneous sections can be shifted upwards to earliest
is only possible for one preselected treatment. In this case, failure time of the short sections forming them, as illus-
full-depth asphalt replacement is chosen, as it has impact on trated in Figure 8(a). Thus, the work zones based on

Figure 8. Comparison of work zones resulting from condition-homogeneous sections with modified timing (no threshold violations) and work zones resulting from
an LCC optimisation considering economies-of-scale effects.

homogeneous sections will also satisfy all condition con- expected, once the approach is fully developed. A detailed
straints with timing determined by first failing short survey discussion on this issue is presented in Donev and
section and the only possible treatment type in this case Hoffmann (2018b).
study – a full-depth asphalt replacement. Furthermore, for a thorough comparison of the two
The generation of homogeneous sections does not take approaches in terms of costs, different levels of aggregation
into account predicted future condition and possible M&R for homogeneous sections have to be examined (200, 600
actions. In contrast, the work zones resulting from the LCC and 1000 m). Longer homogeneous sections will benefit
optimisation are based on more accurate condition predic- from economies-of-scale effects, which will be reflected in
tions and economies-of-scale cost functions for each M&R the future costs, but will also cause greater loss of service
treatment type and work-zone layout. Figure 8(b) shows the life on individual sections, which will increase the dis-
results of the optimisation for a discount rate of 4%, with counted costs. Consequently, the discount rate has a consid-
details on the solution algorithm being given in Donev and erable effect on the work-zone length in the LCC
Hoffmann (2018b). The results show that work zones, optimisation. Figure 9 shows the distribution of lost service
accounting for economic criteria and M&R treatments, will life for all 1000 road sections, resulting from the formation
not overlap with condition-homogeneous sections in almost of work zones for the first M&R treatment. As expected, the
any case. Therefore, any aggregation of sections prior to average service-life loss increases with increasing length of
condition prediction and M&R optimisation significantly homogeneous sections. As shown later, the average length
reduces the number of possible work-zone solutions and the of work zones determined by the LCC approach amounts to
potential for cost optimisation. Nevertheless, the work zones 714 m. However, the LCC approach is accountable for a
generated by the LCC approach are still too short as com- smaller average service-life loss (4.6 years) compared to
pared to typical project lengths known from practice. The homogeneous sections with 600 m length (5.1 years). This
reason for this is that the algorithm currently does not indicates that the work zones based on homogeneous sec-
account for a few practical considerations like for example tions are not optimally located.
combining two work zones with a short gap in between. The annual agency costs, comprising M&R treatment
However, a significant increase of work-zone length is to be costs and TTCC, are presented in Figure 10. The LCC

Figure 9. Comparison of loss of service life associated with work zones resulting from homogeneous sections with different level of aggregation (condition based)
and work zones resulting from an LCC optimisation (M&R based).

Figure 10. Comparison of agency costs associated with work zones resulting from homogeneous sections with different level of aggregation and work zones
resulting from an LCC optimisation.

approach results in the lowest annual costs with e0.79 mil- the present value of the total costs in the case of LCC opti-
lion per year. The costs for 200 m homogenous sections are misation is approximately 0.58 million (6%) lower than the
significantly higher (e1.21 million/year) in comparison to second-best solution – 600 m homogeneous sections.
the other three cases due to higher fixed costs for short Moreover, this difference can be attributed primarily to the
work zones. However, the difference between the LCC TTCC, as these include high fixed costs, translating into
approach and homogeneous sections of 600 and 1000 m more distinctive economies-of-scale effects. The present
turns out to be not very large. The reason for this is that value in the case of 600 m is lower than the present value
the optimisation objective is to minimise the total dis- for 1000 m, suggesting that the optimum for homogeneous
counted costs. The summary table in Figure 11 reveals that sections might be found between these two lengths if the

Figure 11. Distribution of the length of work zones resulting from homogeneous sections with different level of aggregation and work zones resulting from an
LCC optimisation. Summary of average annual costs and total discounted costs with and without TTCC for each case.

relationship is convex. Figure 11 provides the distribution of the time of the development of the first PMSs. Today, every
the resulting work-zones lengths in each case. common PMS still employs some form of section aggregation,
The comparison between work zones based on homoge- disregarding the serious consequences of this approach. Even
neous sections (condition) and work zones based on the more surprising is the fact that these consequences are rarely
new LCC approach (M&R costs) provides another perspec- discussed and not systematically investigated in literature.
tive on the limitations of data-aggregation approaches. The results of the application of three common
However, the full potential of the LCC approach lies in con- approaches for road segmentation provide proof that the
sidering all possible combinations of M&R treatments in the aggregation to homogeneous sections leads to a substantial
life cycle. So, the cost savings are likely underestimated in loss of information and smoothing of peak condition values.
this case study, as considering only one treatment alterna- Moreover, homogeneous sections produce inaccurate predic-
tive is a limiting factor for the selection of optimal treat- tions of service life and leading failure causes, impeding the
ment strategies. Moreover, for the purposes of this work, selection of optimal timing and type of M&R treatments. In
inaccurate predictions and restricted solution space are addition, the aggregation of sections hinders the develop-
treated as independent effects from the generation of homo- ment of section-level performance models based on histor-
geneous section. In reality, these effects are superimposed ical condition data, as homogeneous sections shift with each
survey. Since the aggregation is conducted prior to condi-
with the accuracy of available performance models and the
tion prediction and M&R optimisation, the flexibility of
huge variation of the results depending on the applied sec-
selecting work zones is greatly reduced, as it is only possible
tioning algorithm and used condition survey if data from
to combine or partition existing homogeneous sections.
more than one campaign are available. Therefore, the overall
A possible solution to this problem is to use short survey
effect – whether it is an overestimation or underestimation
sections for more accurate predictions and then to deter-
of service life and/or costs – will vary from case to case. mine work zones based on economic criteria. In essence,
the work-zone/LCC optimisation is based on the trade-off
5. Conclusions between loss of service life and benefits gained by scale
economies. The applicability of this LCC approach to large-
The presented paper focuses on the aggregation of condition scale networks has already been proven by previous
data to homogeneous sections as a major pitfall in most research. This paper compares work zones resulting from
PMSs. Commonly used methods for generation of homoge- homogeneous sections (condition based) and work zones
neous sections are described and the consequences of their resulting from LCC optimisation (M&R based). Under the
use are analysed based on a parametric case study. The same boundary conditions of no threshold violations, the
aggregation of short survey sections to longer condition- new LCC approach outperforms homogenous sections with
homogeneous sections was historically motivated by the lim- different level of aggregation (200, 600 and 1000 m) in terms
ited storage and processing capabilities of the computers at of loss of service life and total discounted costs.

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Kennedy, J., Shalaby, A., & Van Cauwenberghe, R. (2000). Dynamic seg-
No potential conflict of interest was reported by the authors. mentation of pavement surface condition data. 3rd Transportation
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The authors acknowledge the TU Wien University Library for financial process to generate maintenance sections for the maintenance man-
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(Forschung Straßenbau und Straßenverkehrstechnik, Heft 972). Bonn:
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