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LESSON LOG Teacher Mr. Ariel F. Sadiwa Learning Area Science
Teaching Dates and Time Week One Quarter Third Quarter

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

A. Content Standards The learners demonstrate an understanding of periodic table of elements as an organizing tool to determine the chemical the properties of elements
B. Performance Standards The learners shall be able to
1.1 Identify the symbol of the elements. Take Home Activity

C. Learning Competencies / Objectives Make your own video clip that demonstrate the first law and
Write the LC code for each second law of motion, and explain how force, mass and motion are
related to each other.


Lesson 2: Arrangement of elements

A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages Page 147 of 203
2. Learner’s Materials pages
Science links pp- 266 Science Links pp.10-12
3. Textbook pages
Integrated Science pp. 12-15
4. Additional Materials from Learning l
Resource (LR)portal
B. Other Learning Resources
 What are the three subatamic  How can you explain the first  How can you explain the first
A. Reviewing previous lesson or particles of an atom?
presenting the new lesson
law of motion? law of motion?
 Give some example of first  What is law of acceleration?
law of motion.
C. Establishing a purpose for the Looking closely at the periodic table of A force may not always cause an object Newton’s first Law of motion
lesson elements, the first thing you will notice to move, especially if there is more than describes what will happen to objects
are the letters in the boxes. These are the one force present. Do you think the in the absence of an external net force.
abbreviated chemical symbols of the presence of another force may cancel Newton’s second law pertains to
names of the elements. The abbrevaition the effect of the other force? What will behavior of objects if the forces are not
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
may come from the original or the be its result? But what do you think will balanced or if the external net force is
current names of these elements. The happen if a single force is present? not zero. Do you think the first law is
names of the elements are written below related to the second law of motion?
the symbol. Why do you think so?
Below is an element in the periodic Marshmallow, Marble, and the Flour
table. Identify the basic information 1. Get a marshmallow and a
found inside the box and give the marble. Prepare a container
significance of each one. with a flat surface and add \
flour enough to cover the
2. Position the marshmallow and
the marble from the same 1. What have you observe on
D. Presenting examples/ instances of
height above the container with the picture?
the new lesson 2. What do you think would
the flour.
3. Drop the objects at the same happen to the passenger and
Question: time and observe their effects the car?
1. Why are the information about the to the flour covering in the
elements have to be included in the container.
periodic table? Question:
Base on the activity what do you think 1. What have you observe on the
our lesson would be? activity?
Base on the activity, what do you think
our lesson would be?
1.1 Identify the symbols of the 1.2 Differentiate balanced and 1.1 Relate first law of
elements. unbalanced forces; motion to the second
Activity 1: Activity 3: Push-Book law.
Task 1. An element has symbol Hg . Task 1: Put a book on a table. With Activity 6: Car and Wall
identify the following information about Guide Questions:
this element.
one hand, push the book a little bit.
What happens?______________. 1. What law of motion acts on a
E. Discussing new concepts and practicing car that is accelerating too
new skills #1
fast then hit the wall?
2. Which will be faster the first
car that has 10 passengers or
Task 2: No put one hand on each the second car that has only 2
side of the book. Push with both passengers?
hands toward the middle. Try to put 3. What would happen if the
equal force on the book with each second car hit the wall?
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
hand. What happens? 4. What would happen if the
_______________. first car hit the wall?
Question: 5. Which of the two car will
A. Name of element have greater damage after
B. Atomic number hitting the wall?
C. Atomic mass Questions: 6. Which law of motion are
D. Type of elements 1. What have you observe when shown on the activity?
you do the activity? 7. How can you relate the first
2. What force are present on task law of motion to the second
1? law of motion?
3. How about the force on task 2?
How can you differentiate
balance and unbalanced force?
1.3 State Newton’s second law
of motion;
Activity 4
The teacher will present two balls of
different masses. Then ask the students
the following questions.

Discussing new concepts and practicing new tennis ball bowling ball
skills#2 Questions:
1. Which of the two balls will
accelerates faster? Why?
2. Differentiate the two balls in
terms of mass. Which has the
greater mass?
3. If equal amount of force will
be applied in the two balls,
then which will accelerates
4. How can you define the second
law of motion?
F. Developing mastery Activity 2: Pulling a Tablecloth (or Activity 5 Activity 7: Debate
(Leads to Formative Assessment 3) sheet) Directions: List down different example Which is more important the first law
Direction: Find the symbol of the of balance and unbalance force. Write or the second law of motion? Justify
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
elements. them on their corresponding group then yourr answwer.
The element iron on the right has an differentiate balance and unbalanced
I. Atomic number of 26 force.
II. With an atomic mass value of BALANCED UNBALANCED
55.845 amu.
III. Type of element Metals

G. Finding practical applications of Did you know that inertia implies Present the statement in the class “ You Discuss some instances in your
concepts and skills in daily living honesty? If nobody applies an outside may be bigger but I am faster” everyday life that shows the
force on the object, it will not get lost. relationship between the first law and
If nobody places his hand in your bag, How does this line related to Newton’s second law of motion.
nothing will get lost. Second Law of Motion?
Give some everyday life situations that
applies the first law of motion.
H. Making generalizations and abstractions  What is Symbols?  What is balanced force?  How can you reelate the first
about the lesson   What is unbalanced force? law to the second law of
 How can you differentiate motion?
balanced and unbalanced  Give some examples that
force? deemonstrate the first law
 What is law of acceleration? and second law of motion.
 Give some example of balance
and unbalanced force.
I. Evaluating learning 1. Direction: connect the name to its I. Direction: Fill in the blanks. Direction: Draw a situation that shows
correct symbols. The second law of motion which the relationship between the first law
is _________ states that the ______of and second law of motion.
an object is directly _________to the
1. Boron 1. Be net or________ and
2. Hydrogen 2. He ________proportional to the________.
3. Beryllium 3. B II. Direction: Draw a Venn
4. Helium 4. N Diagram, then differentiate
5. Nitrogen 5. H balanced and unbalanced

J. Additional activities for application or

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

A. No.of learners who earned 80% on the
formative assessment
B. No.of learners who require additional
activities for remediation.
C. Did these medial lessons work? No.of
learners who have caught up with the
D. No.of learners who continue to require
E. Which of my teaching strategies worked
well?Why did these work?
F. What difficulties did I encounter which my
principal or supervisor can help me solve?
G. What innovation or localized materials did I
use/discover which I wish to share with other

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