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Pharmacy Shop Management System (Website)

Ali Raza Shoukat FA19M2BW019

Mr. Zaid bin Faheem


We hereby declare that this software, neither whole nor as a part has been copied out from any source.
It is further declared that we have developed this software and accompanied report entirely on the
basis of our personal efforts. If any part of this project is proved to be copied out from any source or
found to be reproduction of some other. We will stand by the consequences. No Portion of the work
presented has been submitted of any application for any other degree or qualification of this or any
other university or institute of learning.

Ali Raza Shoukat


It is to certify that the final year project of MCS “ Pharmacy Shop Management System (Website)
” Was developed by Ali Raza Shoukat (FA19M2BW019) under the supervision of “Mr. Zaid bin
Faheem” and that in his opinion; it is fully adequate, in scope and quality for the degree of BS in


External Examiner

Head of Department
(Department of Computer Science)
Document Approval

The following Software Requirements Specification has been accepted and approved by the

Revision History

Date Description Author Comments

1.0 Ali Raza Shoukat 1.0 SRS

Document Approval
The following Software Requirements Specification has been accepted and approved by
the following:
Signature Printed Name Title Date
Executive Summary

Pharmacy Management System: Pharmacy Management System multi-practical

framework that assists Medicines specialists with monitoring medication supplies and sort
out them. The modules support the decrease of medicine blunders, the improvement of
patient security, the announcing of medication use, and the following of costs.

Medication The board: To oversee prescriptions modules will evaluate the requirement for
and utilization of medicine, the patient's reaction to drug, and the patient's degree of
comprehension of the medication and how to take it with the patient.

Order Medication Data: Sorting the medications accessible in the drug store will be a lot
more straightforward for the administrator through the assistance of this module. This will
do the observing and checking of the medication data to distinguish its class.

Manage Sales and Stocks: This module will help the Pharmacist with the sales and stocks
management that includes ordering, storing, tracking, and monitoring stock levels as well as
monitoring their revenue.

Generate Processes Reports: In all organization or business, reports are very essential. To
help the admin in these matters, this module generates the transaction reports to keep track
of the pharmacy activities.

Manage Deals and Stocks: This module will assist the Drug specialist with the deals and
stocks the board that incorporates requesting, putting away, following, and checking stock
levels as well as observing their income.

SRS Software Require Specification

PC Personal Computer
DB Database
DFD Data Flow Diagram
Table of Contents

1. Introduction ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9
1.1 Purpose ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9

1.2 Scope ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9

1.3 Definitions --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9
1.4 Overview ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9

2.The Overall Description -------------------------------------------------------------------------------9

2.1 Product Perspective ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10
2.2 User Characteristics ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10

2.3 Principal Actors ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10

3. Specific Requirements ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10

3.1 Functional Requirements ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 10
3.1.1 Registration ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 10
3.1.2 Login -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10
3.1.3 Changes to Cart ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10
3.1.4 Payment ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10
3.1.5 Administration -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11
3.1.6 Throughput ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 11
3.2 Non- Functional Requirements --------------------------------------------------------------- 11
3.3 Technical Issues ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 13
3.3.1 Intervention and monitoring ------------------------------------------------------------- 13

3.4 Performance Requirements -------------------------------------------------------------- 13

3.5 Database ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 13

4. Analysis
4.1 EXISTING SYSTEM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------13
4.2 PROPOSED SYSTEM --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 13
4.3 FEASIBILITY STUDY ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 13

5. Design ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 15
5.1 Use Case Diagram ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------15
5.1 ER Diagram --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------16

6. Interface Requirements ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------17

6.1 Software requirement ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 17
6.2 Hardware Interface ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 17
1. Introduction
1.1 Purpose:
Pharmacy Management Systems can work in a few unique businesses like deals, showcasing, innovative
work, producing, quality check, training, and so on. Working in the Pharmacy Management System store
industry is similarly steady. Most alumni can track down work not long after graduating with a degree too.
Pharmacy Shop Management System project is a website which is developed in C# and ASP.Net.
This Website 100% working smooth without any bug. It is developed using C# and Database MY

1.2 Scope:
It assumes a vital part in working on the efficiency of clinical stores through mechanized capabilities.
Pharmacy Management Systems the board programming gives understanding and smoothers out
administration of medication stock, following, and advancing the inventory Pharmacy Management
Systems drug items. An extensive drug store the executives programming stage likewise oversees
estimating, guarantees solutions are matched to the right prescription and measurement, mechanizes
handling cases, and facilitates benefits for a client's protection. A critical benefit to drug store programming
that works from an incorporated stage is its capacity to course work process errands across numerous
frameworks, like mechanical solution apportioning frameworks, as well as permit Pharmacy Management
Systems staff admittance to remedy information all through a drug store or across a wellbeing framework's

1.3 Definitions:
Pharmacy Management Systems - Software Requirement Specification GUI- Graphical User Interface
Stockholder- The person who will participate in system Ex. Customer, Administrator, Visitor etc.

1.4 Overview:
This contains the issue articulation which talks about the challenges that the Pharmacy store the executives
confronted and it is considered as the justification for why the task is proposed. This proposition
additionally incorporates the undertaking degree that makes sense of the limits and potential highlights of
the venture.

2. Overall Description:
The Pharmacy shop Management Systems application enables vendors to set up online shops, customers to
browse through the shops, and system administrator to approve and reject requests for new shops and
maintain lists of shop categories. Also, the developer is designing an online shopping site to manage the
items in the shop and also help customers to purchase them online without visiting the shop physically. The
online shopping system will use the internet as the sole method for selling goods to its consumers. The drug
specialist utilizes the drug store the executive’s framework to dependably control the drug store. Patients in
some cases like to visit the drug store rather than a specialist for minor diseases, and the framework
empowers the drug specialist to recommend non-prescription medications.

2.1 Product Perspective:
This product aimed toward a person who don’t want to visit the shop as he might don’t get time for that or
might not interested in visiting there and dealing with lot of formalities.

2.2 User Characteristics:

User should be familiar with the terms like,

 Login

 Register

 Order

 Capuche

 Product Select

2.3 Principal Actors:

Principle Actors are Customer and Administrator.

3. Specific Requirements:

3.1 Functional Requirements:

This section provides requirement overview of the system. Various functional modules that can be
implemented by the system will be.

3.1.1 Registration:
If customer wants to buy the product, then he/she must be registered, unregistered user can’t go to the
shopping cart.

3.1.2 Login:
Customers can login to the system by entering valid user id and password for the shopping.

3.1.3 Changes to Cart:

Changes to cart means the customer after login or registration can make order or cancel order of the product
from the shopping cart.

3.1.4 Payment:
In this system we are dealing the mode of payment by Cash. We will extend this to credit card, debit card etc. in the
future. And will payment in print

3.1.5 Administration:
The Administration checks all record easily in our Gmail. And our backend database link SQL and Mongo
DB So Administration is easily update and delete record

3.1.6 Throughout:
The Administration checks all record easily in our Gmail. And our backend database link SQL and Mongo
DB So Administration is easily update and delete record

3.2 Non-Functional Requirements:

Following Non-Functional Requirements will be there in insurance to the internet:
 Secure access to consumer’s confidential data.

 24X7 availability.

 Better component design to get better performance at peak time.

 Flexible service-based architecture will be highly desirable for future extension. Non-Functional
Requirements define system properties and constraints.

Various other Non-Functional Requirements are:

 Security
 The system use SSL (secured socket layer) in all transactions that include any confidential
customer information.
 The system must automatically log out all customers after a period of inactivity.
 The system should not leave any cookies on the customer’s computer containing the user’s
 The system’s back-end servers shall only be accessible to authenticated administrators.
 Sensitive data will be encrypted before being sent over insecure connections like the internet.

 Reliability:
The system provides storage of all databases on redundant computers with automatic switchover.
The reliability of the overall program depends on the reliability of the separate components. The
main pillar of reliability of the system is the backup of the database which is continuously
maintained and updated to reflect the most recent changes.
Thus the overall stability of the system depends on the stability of container and its underlying
operating system.

 Maintainability:
A commercial database is used for maintaining the database and the application server takes care of
the site. In case of a failure, a re-initialization of the program will be done. Also the software design
is being done with modularity in mind so that maintainability can be done efficiently.

 Portability:
The application is HTML and scripting language based. So -the end-user part is fully portable and
any system using any web browser should be able to use the features of the system, including any
hardware platform that is available or will be available in the future.
An end-user is using this system on any OS; either it is Windows or Linux.
The system shall run on PC, Laptops, and PDA etc.

 Extensibility:
Make changes to a website without affecting its foundation. An extensible platform benefits a
business by streamlining processes and giving you full control over each aspect of your ecommerce

3.3 Technical Issues:
This system will work on client-server architecture. It will require an internet server and which will be able
to run Json-Server/ASP.NET/LOCALHOST AND DATABASE application. The system should support
some commonly used browser such as IE, Mozilla Firefox, chrome etc.

3.4 Performance Requirements:

There is no performance requirement in this system because the server    request and response is depended
on the end user internet connection.
Design Constrain:
The system shall be built using a standard web page development tool that conforms to Microsoft’s GUI
standards like Tailwind CSS.

The Database of Pharmacy Management Systems are created in My SQL Pharmacy Management Systems
store organization framework that can store medication data, make buys, and work out absolute buy sums.
The task's essential objective is to keep up with the drug store's data set. This undertaking exhibits how to
create and execute a Drug store the board Framework.

4 Analysis


Pharmacy Management Systems right now utilize a manual situation for the administration and
maintenance of basic data. Spread all through the emergency clinic the executive’s framework. Frequently
data is fragmented or doesn't adhere to the board guidelines. Structures are many times lost on the way
between offices requiring an extensive reviewing interaction to guarantee that no fundamental data is lost.
Different duplicates of a similar data exist in the clinic and may prompt irregularities in information in
different information stores.


The Pharmenancey The board Framework is intended for any Pharmacy to supplant their current
Manual paper based framework. The new framework is to control the data of patients.Phamrmeancy
accessibility, staff and working room timetables and solicitations. These administrations are to be given in a
productive, savvy way, with the objective of diminishing the time and assets as of now expected for such


The achievability of the task is broke down in this stage and strategic agreement is set forth with an
extremely broad arrangement for the task and a few quotes. During framework investigation the

Attainability investigation of the proposed framework is to be completed. This is to guarantee that the
proposed framework isn't a weight to the organization. For plausibility investigation, some comprehension
of the significant necessities for the framework is fundamental.

6. System Design
The Brought together Displaying Language is a standard language for determining,
envisioning, building, and recording the product framework and its parts. It is a graphical language, which gives a
jargon and set of semantics and rules. The UML centers around the reasonable and actual portrayal of the
framework.t catches the choices and understandings about frameworks that should be developed. It is utilized to
grasp, plan, arrange, keep up with, and control

6.1 Use case diagram of our project.

The pharmacy management Systems The board Framework Use Case Outline is the social graph that sums
up exercises done in the drug store the executives framework and its client subtleties. It portrays the design of the
framework's way of behaving.

6.2 ER diagram of our project.
This is achieved by gathering an information base of the store's accessible meds. The significant
objective of a Pharmeacy Mangment Sytems the board framework is to increment exactness while
likewise further developing security and proficiency in the drug store. The objective of this task is to
make programming that will assist a drug store with running all the more effectively. This product was
made to assist with guaranteeing powerful implementation by giving measurements on the opiates in

6. Interface Requirement:

1).Various interfaces for the product could be1). Login Page

2). Registration Form
3). There will be a screen displaying information

About product that the shop having.

4). If the customers select the buy button
Then another screen of shopping cart will be open.
5). after ordering for the product, the system will send one copy of the bill to the customer’s Email address

6.1 Software Interface:

Operating System: Windows7 Ultimate which supports networking C# Development toolkit.

6.2 Hardware Interface:

Hardware requirements for insurance on internet will be same for both parties which are as follows:
Processor: Dual Core
Hard Disk: 320 GB
NIC: For each party

6.3 Communication Interface:

The two parties should be connected by LAN or WAN for the communication purpose.


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