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American period - this is the period where there are many changes in politics, economy, education and
culture of the philippines.

Ethnic Tradition - it is a period where the dances in the country vary depending on the area where our
ancestors thrive.

Spanish Period - it is a period where religion and secularization greatly influenced the art in the

Contemporary period - it refers to the recent and current practice of art ranging from 1970's up to the

Performing arts - use their voices and/or their body movements to communicate artistic expression, it is
considered an example of performing arts.

Visual arts - it is a term used to describe a wide of array artistic disciplines that are appreciated primarily
through sight.

Art - tool for communication

Fine arts - are the artworks we readily associate with art. The term "fine arts" was first used to describe
the art forms created primarily for their appearance rather than their practical use.

Dance - it is defined as regulated and deliberated order of body movements. These movements have
aesthetic value and are often performed accompanied by music.

Music - it is a universal form of art. It is defined as the manipulation of sound and silence.
Theater - it is branch of performing arts that often involves the integration and the combination of the
visual and performing arts.

Manunggul jar - used for burial rites by ancient people in palawan.

Jewelry - used by the people belonged in upper class or royal families.

Gaddang- it is made of copper and iron alloy.

Moro-moro - it is one of the most popular theatrical presentations during spanish period.

Weaving - used to make cloths and other objects.

Painting - the ancient filipinos had expressed paintings through tattoos and cave carving.

Recognition - some artist create art in hope of gaining fame and fortune.

Impulse - some artist create art because they are driven by impulse. It is their passion and nothing
makes them happier than doing their chosen art.

Worship - do it to glorify their creator.

Self-expression - artist without a doubt, create art for self expression. They express ideas and emotions
that might not be adequately conveyed through words.

Broadest aspect technique - depicting how filipinos think it looks like rather than how it is actually seen.
Multifunctional - creating works that have various uses strengthens the sense of community with people
of different fascination and requirements.

Highly expressive - more emphatic, spontaneous, and emotional. This tendency holds especially true for
the performing arts, where filipinos excel.

Rhythmic patterns - one of the most recognizable tendencies and measured organization of patterns and

Multiple focal points - try to represents the sentiments of the different members of society.

Maximalism - has an inclination to fill up space with forms and ornamentation. This is said to be rooted
in the expressiveness of the filipinos.

Polychromatic - loves colorful, decorative arts and crafts. This is why costumes and festivals arw bathed
in rich, vibrant spectrum of colors.

Just read the different events/scenario in the Arts in the Philippines (from Ethnic Tradition to
Contemporary Period)

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