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7 es provided. Answer ALL questions. Write your answers in the spaces P 1 Use the Periodic Table to help you answer this question. (a) (i) Name the element with atomic number 14 Silicon (ii) Name the element with a relative atomic mass of 11 Boron (iii) Name the element in Group 2 and Period 3 Magnesiano (6) () Determine the number of neutrons in a phosphorus atom with mass number 31 Ie (il) State the electronic configuration of an aluminium atom, Hagnesum 2,6 3 (ili) State why neon is unreactive, Because It 16a Noble gas and Hobie Qases have fut cuter shaits. (Total for Question 1 = 6 marks) 2. A student investigates the rusting of iron. She P (3) She places an iron nail in a test tube of water and leaves it for several days. _- water (i) Predict the appearance of the iron nail after several days. Reddish brawn (i) Name the main compound in rust. Hydrated iron Il) oxide (b) The student then sets up two more test tubes containing iron nails. drying agent ol— boiled af water y) tube 1 tube 2 Explain why the iron nail in tube 1 and the iron nail in tube 2 do not rust. tube 1 Ip order for rusting t cake place ,both Orygen and cearer Is Needed. The oi cxill act as aborner and prevent oxygen from reaching the wen nail ond Freaching ooith It. Thus, the iron nail aghot ruse. tube 2. Rusting needs both axygen And enater to carry an the Process. Dy ere the drying agent absorbs the water vapours 19 He Gr ANd make the aie ary Thus, no evatar motacutes exposed [© Feact vith Cheiron Mail Ana the iron Nad do not rast. (Total for Question 2 = 6 marks) into fractions. 3. The diagram shows the industrial equipment used to separate crude oil into >A = '—> gasoline —> kerosene == > .diesel ————> fuel oil Ee > F crude oil vapour —> (2) () Give the name of the industrial equipment. | Fractionauing column (ii) Give one use of the fuel oil fraction. Tr is Used for industrial heating (ili) Give the names of fraction A and fraction F. fraction A fefinerey gases fraction F bitursen (b) One compour nd in the ga Jasoline compound in the kero aetton isthe alkane octane (GH, and one ene fraction is the alkane dodecane (Cyst) These two alkanes are Te covalently bonded and have simple molecular structures (i) Give the ger W Give the General formula for the alkanes. CoHoante AW) Explain, in terms of their structures, why C,H, has a higher boiling point than CoHys TOW IS because Cy H,, has bigger Molecules I size ahen compared SIC Tha motecutar cee ot Cats» Te rocans that CygHyg has Strang INterMolecutar attractions Eobich Needs More Energy bo overcome tNese WLEMMmotecatar actractians Compared to Cg Hag. HANCE, Cyytyg call! have @ Hiaher bowling Powe than Cethg (0) Catalytic cracking can be used to convert the alkane C,H2, into more useful products. (i) Give the name of the catalyst used for catalytic cracking. Alumina (ii) Complete the equation for this cracking reaction. Hos > Heo + Cg Hy {Total for Question 3 0 marks) 4 A student investigates the solubility of potassium nitrate in water. es ‘She measures the masses of potassium nitrate that dissolve in 25 cm’ of wat at different temperatures, the table shows the student's results, One of the results is anomalous. Temperature in °C 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 Mass of potassium nitrateing 0 | 100 | 125 | 160 175 265 | 340 (2) (i) Plot the results on the grid, (ii) Draw a circle around the anomalous result. (ill) Ignoring the anomalous result, draw a curve of best fit. 454 Mass of potassium nitrate in g 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 Temperature in °C ib) Sui (b) Suggest twa possible mistakes that could have caused the anomalous result 1 The Colution wan't cured POPONIY, 2 Sho Mast have used a temperature bewow £0°C (€)_Use your graph to find the maximum mass of potassium nitrate that dissolves In 25cm’ of water at 75°C Show on your graph how you obtained your answer. mass= 38 g (d) Use your graph to calculate the solubility of potassium nitrate in g per 100g of water at 25°C. (1.0cm’ of water has a mass of 1.09] lg —4 269 2 = 1009 x2 tl ¥ 100 — 25 = 449 per 100g of water solubility= 44 g per 100g of water (Total for Question 4= 9 marks) Icohols. 5 Ethanol, C,H,OH, is a member of the homologous series of alcol (a) Give two characteristics of a homologous series: 1 They will alt wack 1M the same eoay. 2 They will have the same physical trends (b) When ethanol is heated with potassium dichromate(Vl} and one other reagent, the ethanol is oxidised to ethanoic acid, CH\COOH (i) Give the formula of the other reagent. H,80,. (li) State the colour change that occurs during this oxidation reaction. from orange to. green i) Draw the displayed formulae for ethanol and ethanoic acid in the boxes. ethanol ethanoic acid how eR 1 1 1 i H-=c- ¢-0-h w-c\d we 1 I \ 1 Ho4 tH 4 -C-0-4H (©) Ethanol can be manufa The table gives some ictured by two different methods. information about the two methods. Hydration of ethene Fermentation of glucose raw material crude oil sugar cane fate of reaction fast slow aly ch ethanol pure impure operating temperature 300°C 30°C 7 Sperating pressure 0-70 atmeapheres ~ 1 atmosphere Catalyst a phosphoric acid enzymes in yeast (i) Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of these two methods, using information from the table. Hydration produtes pure ethanol meaning there If No further process required to filter cut the ippuritces cohereas 9 Ferreencarion IC requires further Processes cm FiLCOr the inmpurities as it Produces impure ethanol aa continuous “8 However | fermentation Hydration is afuster process cohith ts Very efficient 6 IS Q slower : Hyseses and a batch process cabich is Very INetticient Ferment 4 Gee tre ATION Uses renowalte Fesource: As their raw Macerialt, Sugar cone whereas hydration ues Non-renewahre reswcources GS Their Faw fearenals crude o1l Hydration requires high Cemperatures OND Atmospheric Pressures And co high energy Casts. Fermentation requires gentle e@ Fermencacion and atmospneric Preccuret and co lower eneray costs (ii) The word equation for the fermentation process is glucose > ethanol + carbon dioxide Complete the chemical equation for this reaction. CHO, + 2C, HOH + 200, (Total for Question 5 = 14 marks) 6 The diagram shows h ‘ow hydrogen gas and chlorine gas can be prepared in the laboratory by y electri lysis of a concentrated solution of sodium chloride. hydrogen chlorine ° o| ee concentrated solution 1 of sodium chloride negative electrode | ———~ positive electrode power supply : (2) (i) Givea test for hydrogen gas. Hold a lighted splint to the Mouth oF test tude, In the Presence of hydrogen gas, it burps sith agqueaky Pop Sound. (ii) Give a test for chlorine gas. Hola a Game litmus Paper to the mouath of cest tube. In the Presence of Chlorine gas, it bleaches itive electrode is (b) The lonic half-equation for the formation of chlorine at the pos! act > Cl, + 2e (State why this reaction is an oxidation reaction. Because etrloniaa ions Loses etocerons trode, AN) Give the ionic half-equation for the formation of hydrogen at the negative elec RH + 907 — H, (iii) State Why it is safer to do this electrolysis in a fume cupboard, Because cbtorine 16 Produced at the positive ctectrode epbich isa tone 9as () Suggest why the volume of chlorine collected during this electrolysis is less than the volume of hydrogen collected, (Q) Inthe chemical indusu ls inibe chee et chlorine can be produced by the electrolysis of The overall equation for this reaction is 2NaCl(l) > 2Nall) + Clg) (0) Explain why sodium chloride needs to be molten rather than solid for electrolysis to occur. This 6 because solid Sodium chiondee lone are fixed ID POSEIOP ond Cannet carry out a charge ence the voltage 16 supplied by flowing throuah the structure. The molten codiurs chioride!s sons OFe free throuan tne ceructure BER® con carry out. charae once the voltage is Sup plied (i) Calculate the maximum volume, In dim’, of chlorine gas at rtp that can be obtained from 23.4 tonnes of molten sodium chloride. {1 tonne = 10°g) [M, of NaCl = 58.5] [molar volume of chlorine at rtp = 24dm’) Give your answer in standard form. Do. of MOIS _ 93.4 x106 im Well 585 2 4:0 x 10° Vol ernie: nx 24 of Cle atl. Cl = (2.0% 108) x94 2 I = 4:2 x10f 4.0 x10 x volume = 4g x1o& ‘ann (Total for Question 6 = 13 marks) phosphoric acid. 7 Ratudent does a tivation to find the concentration of a solution of Ne uses these pieces of apparatus X, ¥ and 2 in his titration. crn 0 a cen’ x ¥ z Diagrams are not to scale. (a) Give the names of X. Vand 2. X Conca task Y Prorte 2 Borecee ve (b) What \s the colour of phenolphthalein in phosphoric acid? OA blue © B colourless Oc pink O D ted (0 The student titrates 25.0cm? of Phosphoric acid with a solution of sodium hydroxide (NaOH). Table 1 shows the student's results, | titration number as 2 3 # volume of NaOH added in cm? 30.35 30.25 30.00 A050 concordant results : f Table 1 Concordant results are those within 0.20 cm’ of each other. () Add ticks (v) to table 1 to show the concordant results. OH added. (ii) Use your ticked results to calculate the mean (average) volume of NaOH at cm mean volume = {d) Table 2 shows the titration results of another student. volume of phosphoric acid used in cm? 25.0 concentration of sodium hydroxide solution in mol/dm? Bes mean volume of sodium hydroxide added in cm? 30.40 Table 2 The equation for the reaction is 3NaOH + H.PO, > Na,PO, + 3H.0 () Calculate the amount, in moles, of NaOH in’ of sodium hydroxide solution. So. of motes Raow So CURES x 36.45 1000 = 0-015406 amount= 0:01596 (i) Calculate the amount, in moles, of HPO, mol in’ of phosphoric acid. Nacn + Hypo, 3 Hee Le AONE f % +0.00632 mot ee Oo ese amount= © 00539 mol (i) Calculate the concentration, in mol/dm?, of the phosphoric acid. Concentration = 0.00539 OF HPO, eRe as o-025 > 0O-@210g concentration= O°-D19g mol/dm? (Total for Question 7 = 12 marks) TOTAL FOR PAPER = 70 MARKS

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