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Community forestry

 refers to a participatory approach to forest management, where local communities have a

significant role in making decisions and managing forest resources.

 The main objectives of community forestry are to conserve forests, protect biodiversity, and
improve the livelihoods of local communities. This approach recognizes the dependence of local
people on forest resources for their survival, and seeks to promote their involvement in forest
management to ensure the sustainability of the resource base.

 often involves the establishment of community-based institutions such as forest user groups or
cooperatives, which are responsible for the management of forest resources. These institutions
are often supported by training, capacity-building, and technical assistance provided by
government agencies, NGOs, or other stakeholders.

 “community forestry is an approach to forest management that seeks to promote sustainable

use of forest resources, while also empowering local communities and promoting their
participation in decision-making processes.”

 In the Philippines, community forestry is supported by the government through the Community-
Based Forest Management (CBFM) program, which was established in 1995. Under the CBFM
program, forestlands are awarded to community-based organizations, such as forest user groups
or cooperatives, for management and utilization. These organizations are responsible for the
sustainable management of forest resources, including reforestation, forest protection, and the
production of non-timber forest products.

 The CBFM program

- It aims to promote the involvement of local communities in forest management, while

also ensuring the conservation and sustainable use of forest resources. It also seeks to
promote the economic development of rural communities by providing them with access
to forest resources for their livelihoods.
- The CBFM program has been successful in the Philippines, with many communities
benefiting from improved forest management practices and increased access to forest
resources. However, there are also challenges, including the need for improved
governance and monitoring of forest resources, and the need to address the underlying
causes of forest degradation, such as poverty and lack of alternative livelihood options.
Farm forestry

 refers to the integration of trees into farming systems, where farmers plant trees on their
agricultural lands to meet their needs for wood products, fuel, and other forest resources.

 an important approach to sustainable land use in the Philippines, particularly in upland areas,
where farming is often characterized by low productivity and soil degradation.

 It involves the cultivation and management of trees alongside agricultural crops and livestock, with
the aim of providing multiple benefits, including income generation, soil conservation, and
environmental protection. Farmers may also establish tree plantations on their land, either for
commercial or subsistence purposes.

 The government of the Philippines supports farm forestry through various programs, such as the
National Greening Program, which aims to plant 1.5 billion trees in 1.5 million hectares of land by
2022. The program seeks to address the country's environmental challenges, such as deforestation,
soil erosion, and biodiversity loss, while also providing livelihood opportunities for rural

 several benefits; increased productivity and income for farmers, improved soil fertility and water
retention, and the conservation of biodiversity and ecosystem services. It also contributes to climate
change mitigation by sequestering carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.

Tree forestry

 refers to the sustainable management and use of forest resources for the production of wood and
non-timber forest products. The country has a rich forest resource base, with diverse forest types
and species, including dipterocarp forests, mangrove forests, and tropical rainforests.

 involves the planning, establishment, and management of forest plantations for commercial and
non-commercial purposes. It also includes the conservation and restoration of natural forests, the
protection of forest ecosystems, and the promotion of sustainable forest management practices.

 The government of the Philippines supports tree forestry through various programs, such as the
Forest Management Bureau, which is responsible for overseeing the management of forest
resources, and the Philippine Wood Producers Association, which represents the interests of the
wood processing industry.

 several challenges; including deforestation and forest degradation, illegal logging, and forest fires.

 “is an important sector, which contributes to the country's economic development, provides
livelihood opportunities for communities, and promotes the sustainable use and conservation of
forest resources. However, there is a need for effective governance and management of forest
resources to ensure their long-term sustainability.”
Public forest management

 refers to the management of forest resources by the government, through various agencies such as
the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR), the Forest Management Bureau
(FMB), and the National Mapping and Resource Information Authority (NAMRIA).

 The government of the Philippines manages public forests for various purposes, including
conservation, protection, and sustainable use of forest resources. Public forest management
involves the planning, establishment, and management of forest reserves, protected areas, and forest

 Forest Management Bureau's National Forest Program, which seeks to promote sustainable forest
management and the protection of forest resources. The program also aims to provide livelihood
opportunities for communities, through the establishment of forest plantations and the production
of non-timber forest products.

 “public forest management in the Philippines is an important approach to the conservation and
sustainable use of forest resources. It provides opportunities for economic development, while also
promoting the protection and preservation of forest ecosystems and biodiversity.”

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