ADDS User - OU - Creation

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ADDS is used to manage the infrastructure of users such as patches updates, Security
Users creation, OU creations

Organizational level company

First fall we need to create OU
8Hills (File Sharing, Printer access, Security updates)
3 are departments:

First we create OU
Goto toolsAD users and Computersselect domain name and right click on thatselect
NewOrganizational Unit

Assign the company name

Click ok
To create 3 groups >Development>Managers>Accounting under OU
Click ok
Now create the User and assign to specified group.
Click next and assign the password

Click next and finish

******Note: user password expires after 42 days******
Add user to Accounting Group
Right click on useradd to a group
Enter the group name and click check names
Click ok
To check the group properties user is added or not
To confirm the users added in the group
And assign user details and logon hours

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