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Related Review of Literature and Studies

Peer pressure could easily affect the self-esteem of students that an important factor adolescence.
Individual adapt attitudes towards a certain aspect that they encountered or they are aware of
(Uslu, 2013). In many events student fantasizing and visualizing what they dreamed to became
through with their colleagues atmosphere. Eventually, they pursue their choices through with the
influence of peer pressure (Owoyele & Toyobo, 2008). Therefore, Peer Pressure cannot directly
be shown to have negative or positive impact towards students’ academic performance but one
can realize the appropriate coping mechanism for a problem as a technique to avoid and fight
peer pressure optimistically. Peer pressure isn't all bad. At times, it can be good. While many of
us know the negative effects of peer pressure, you might be surprised to hear about the positive
ones. Learn how the different types of peer pressure can affect your teen in school and family life
Negative peer pressure usually involves influence that sways people toward risky activity such as
criminal behavior, underage drinking, drug use, and an overall unhealthy lifestyle. It challenges
moral code and beliefs, which can drastically impact a person’s mental and physical health, and
emotional stability. Additionally, it can cause turmoil with personal relationships, undermine
self-confidence, and increase the chances of developing dangerous habits like substance abuse.
Peer pressure is constantly a worry in parents' minds. You see it on TV. Maybe, you read an
article discussing the latest incident at school. But is peer pressure all that bad? According to
Carrie Silver-Stock, licensed clinical social worker, founder of Girls with Dreams and writer of
the books Secrets Girls Keep: What Girls Hide (& Why) and How to Break the Stress of Silence,
it can be. Carrie stated, "negative peer pressure can be detrimental to self-esteem, influence clear
decision-making, and increase stress. In the worst cases, it can lead to harmful or dangerous
behaviors that could result in death, such as car accidents involving alcohol, accidents, drug
overdose, and more." 

In schools, peers exert considerable influence over schoolchildren through peer pressure. This
pressure is more potent than any other influence in school, including the influence of teachers.
While some peer influences are positive and spur schoolchildren to good actions and thoughts,
negative peer pressure in school is common and a massive cause of misbehavior and rebellion.
Sometimes this pressure is so bad it may set some students up for failure in life through drug
addiction, alcohol use, or unwise relationships.
Not only can it lead to dangerous behaviors, but negative peer pressure can cause problems in
school. Carrie points out negative peer pressure can:

 Lower school attendance

 Drop grades

 Impact the ability to get into college

 Change group of friends

Many perceptions of adolescent peer pressure come through adult interpretation. This study
focused on how adolescents themselves perceived peer pressure. A sample of 368 middle
school students who had been identified by peers as belonging to one of six major school
groups responded to a questionnaire measuring perceptions of peer pressure in five areas:
involvement with peers, school involvement, family involvement, conformity to peer norms,
and misconduct. Findings showed that peer pressure differed in strength by domain and that
the degree to which pressures were felt varied by crowd. Results provided insight into
adolescents' perceptions of peer pressure in middle school and prompted suggestions for
helping young adolescents manage peer pressure more effectively.

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