IG1 - IGC1-0023-ENG-OBE-V1 Answer Sheet

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For: NEBOSH International General Certificate in Occupational Health and Safety


For: NEBOSH International General Certificate in Occupational Health and Safety
NEBOSH International Certificate in Construction Health and Safety
NEBOSH International Certificate in Fire Safety and Risk Management

Open Book Examination


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Answer sheet IG1_IGC1-0023-ENG-OBE-V1 March23 © NEBOSH 2023

Task 1: Obligations of employers to workers

Question 1
Scenario explains that there is clear breach of regulations that caused the temporary
worker’s accident. Following are the employer’s obligations stated in recommendation 10
of ILO’s R164 that are likely to have been contravened leading to this accident:
 It is employer’s responsibility to devise safe working methods but scenario shows
that there is no safe working procedure devised to unjam the printer which is a
contravention to their responsibilities.
 ILO states that the employer’s responsibility is to provide safe machinery and keep
their safety maintained but in scenario, it is seen that the last maintenance log
was updated in 2017, showing the employer’s nonconformity towards their
 Provision of the necessary instructions before the commencement of work is also
employer’s responsibility but scenario shows that no instructions were provided to
the worker even the ESM was not there to instruct them. It shows the employer
has contravened their obligation.
 ILO puts obligation on employer to ensure safety of their workplace but scenario
depicts that there is a high sickness absenteeism rate indicating poor safety of
workplace. That implies the employer’s contravention of their responsibility.
 ILO puts an obligation on the employer to supervise the activities taking place
especially when young workers are involved. But scenario implies that no
supervision was provided to the temporary worker even when they needed it
which lead to the accident. Here too, employer has contravened their
 Provision of adequate training is an obligation of the employer under ILO’s
recommendation 10 of R164. As per the scenario, no such training was provided
to the temporary worker. It shows the nonconformance of the employer’s
 Recommendation 10 of R164 states that it is the employer’s responsibility to take
measures to eliminate the physical and mental fatigue of employees. But the
scenario shows tight deadline that puts immense pressure on workers to perform
their tasks. It shows that the employer has contravened to their responsibility.
 It is the employer’s responsibility to complete the organizational arrangements by
making sufficient risk assessments as per ILO’s recommendation 10 of R164. But
scenario shows there are insufficient and outdated risk assessments implying
contravention of employer’s responsibility.
 Developing and implementing a safe system of work and keeping it maintained is
employer’s obligation. The scenario shows that this responsibility is also
 Active monitoring of health and safety is also a major part of organizational
arrangements per ILO’s recommendation. The scenario shows that no such
monitoring is in practice showing employer’s contravention of their obligation.
 ILO puts an obligation on the employer to assign tasks to the workers keeping their
capability in view. But scenario shows that allocation of a young worker to a high-
risk job was clearly in contravention of their responsibility.
 Employer’s responsibility under ILO’s recommendation is to maintain organizational
arrangements by implementing control measures. In scenario, a statement is
there on the machine to isolate the power when unjamming, but there are not any
arrangements to implement this control measure that shows the employer has
contravened their responsibility.

Task 2: Health and safety management roles and responsibilities

Question 2

Answer sheet IG1_IGC1-0023-ENG-OBE-V1 March23 © NEBOSH 2023

At PR in the scenario, an ineffectiveness of roles and responsibilities regarding health
and safety management is observed, following are some points about it.
 The role of management is to hire competent persons for a job. The scenario
shows the ineffectiveness of their role in this regard too as they hired a young
worker for a technical job.
 The Management sets the SMART objectives for an organization but the scenario
shows that they didn’t set objectives for health and safety which indicates the
ineffectiveness of their role.
 Management is to set priorities and give directions. They must prioritize health and
safety, instead, they are more inclined toward their production targets leaving
health and safety as a low priority which shows the ineffectiveness of their role.
 As an employer, it is also the role of the MD to fulfil all legal requirements, but as
the scenario shows there are a lot of contraventions of ILO’s recommendation 10
of R164 which proves the ineffectiveness of their role.
 It was the responsibility of ESM to give proper supervision to the young worker but
the scenario shows that they were not there even when the young worker tried to
find them. It shows the ineffectiveness of their role and responsibility.
 The role and responsibility of the retired health and safety advisor were also
ineffective as they did not update the risk assessment since 2017 and complete
the safe working procedure. There were no maintenance records present.
 To let the workers know about general safety rules, communicate to them about
workplace hazards, and provide them information through toolbox talks (TBT) was
one of the management’s roles and responsibilities but they did not fulfil it
 Provision of instruction to perform work with a safe working method is the
responsibility of the management which is ineffective as the scenario shows.

Task 3: Induction training

Question 3
Induction training is provided when a worker newly joins an organization. At this point
they need to know about organization and necessary information that is:
 Training on health and safety policy and procedure is crucial part of induction
 Training on welfare facilities should also be included in the induction training to
make workers aware of the drinking water points, toilets, urinals, and other
provided facilities.
 Training on first aid should be included so that workers may take necessary action
in case of an accident till the paramedics arrive.
 Training on PPEs should be provided to let the workers know how to issue PPE,
use them, and eventually dispose of them.
 Training on emergency procedures and arrangements should be included so that
the workers know how to respond the time of emergency to minimize loss.
 Training on the safe system of work should also be included to guide the workers to
perform their work with safety.
 Training on workers’ limitations and restrictions should be a part of the induction
part so that the workers are aware of their roles and authorities clearly.
 Training on risk assessments of the site to communicate the hazards and applied
control measures of that workplace
 Training to use tools, equipment, or machinery in a safe manner should be included
in the induction training as well.
 Training on introduction of joint workers council, health and safety committee and
workers’ representative is also crucial to include in induction training so that
workers can contact them when they need.
 Training on the reporting procedure of accidents, incidents, near misses, or

Answer sheet IG1_IGC1-0023-ENG-OBE-V1 March23 © NEBOSH 2023

hazardous situations should be included in the induction training.
 Training on general safety rules is also important and should be included in the
induction training so that workers spend the maximum of their time implementing
these rules and making the workplace safe.
 Training on registration of complaints and suggestions should also be provided to
let workers know how to complain against or give feedback about anything.

Task 4: Accident investigation and control measures

Question 4 (a) (i)

The scenario describes that investigation was managed ineffectively in following ways:
 Accident investigation must not be delayed but scenario describes that upon calling
the MD, they ordered to resume the operation procrastinating the investigation to
the next day.
 The interview of the bystander was delayed which was ineffective investigation
management because the witnesses must be interviewed without any delays so
that memory-based evidence and information can be extracted.
 Necessary health and safety documental record was not found at the time of
investigation to find the root cause and analyze the accident by previous accident
incident report which is ineffective management of the investigation.
 Without knowing the underlying cause or taking remedial action, the machine
resumed to its operation enhancing the chances of recurrence which is ineffective
management of investigation.
 Physical evidences were not collected, as per the scenario, which is an important
part of the investigation as they lead toward the root cause of an accident. This is
ineffective investigation management.
 Accident scene preserving is a mandatory part of the investigation but the scenario
shows that it was not preserved. Rather the production continued right after the
incident took place which shows the ineffectively managed investigation.

Question 4 (a) (ii)

In the scenario, however, there are some points that show the investigation was
managed effectively. They are:
 Involvement of the senior management in the investigation enhances the
effectiveness of the investigation and in the scenario, the LSM is interviewed
about the safety documents and the jamming history of printer.
 The young worker was hospitalized and provided with the medical treatment after
accident which is an important part of investigation. It shows that investigation
was managed effectively.
 The second worker who witnessed the accident was comforted over phone shows
an effective management of investigation as worker might be in shock after
seeing this accident.
 Seeking for previous health and safety documents like risk assessment and
analyzing them to find underlying cause of the accident also shows the effective
management of accident investigation.
 Seeking for the current situation of the injured worker is also an important factor in
the effective management of investigation as this is to be included in the accident
 Escorting the interviewee to a distraction-free place to interview them without any
interruption, as can be seen in scenario, was an effective management of
 Interviewing the first aider is another positive point which shows that the effort to
gather maximum information regarding accident. It shows that the investigation
was managed effectively.
 Gathering all necessary information, finding the route cause is the core part of

Answer sheet IG1_IGC1-0023-ENG-OBE-V1 March23 © NEBOSH 2023

accident investigation and it was managed effectively as in the scenario, I came to
the conclusion that the safe working procedure to unjam the printer was never
written or communicated that caused this accident.
 After the completion of interviews, thanking the interviewee and seeking their
permission to take a written statement was another positive aspect and shows the
investigation was effectively managed.

Question 4 (b)
Proper administrative control measures are one of the best preventive steps taken to
stop the recurrence of accidents. Keeping the scenario in view, here are some
administrative measures that could be taken by the employer:
 Implementation of LOTO procedure is an important administrative control measure
that could be taken to prevent this accident because it prevents the auto-start of
under maintenance machinery until it is intended to.
 Supervision of a task being performed is also an important administrative control
measure that could be taken as it makes sure that no unsafe activities are under
practice at worksite and corrects it immediately if found any.
 Developing the permit-to-work (PTW) system and its effective implementation could
be proved as a great administrative control measure in accident prevention.
 Development of safe working procedure and its effective implementation is another
important administrative control measure that could be taken to ensure the safety
of workers.
 Provision of the induction training to the workers and training them about their
specific task is a vital administrative control measure that could be taken because
a trained worker works safer than an untrained worker.
 Scheduling the preventive maintenance can’t be ignored when it comes about the
strong administrative measures as it allows to check and maintain equipment
before even any problem is reported. It could save from this accident happening.
 Health and safety inspections play a vital role as administrative control measure
and includes general safety inspections, inspection of machinery and equipment
etc. This administrative measure could be taken to prevent the accident.
 Appointing the competent personal having the suitable skillset for specific job roles
is another important administrative control measure that could be taken to prevent
 Arrangement of safety awareness programs i.e., safety walks and safety
competitions could be an administrative control that could make workers aware
about safe system of work.
 Toolbox talk is an administrative control measure that could be taken to prevent
accident as it includes the task-specific instructions, brief history of hazards
present and accidents happened in the past because of these hazards.
 Providing the workers with information and instructions about the activities being
performed at the worksite and hazards present is an administrative control
measure that could be taken.
 Relevant safety signs could be presented on the machines and at the workplace as
an administrative control as a reminder for workers to keep themselves safe from
the hazards present.
 Hazard communication plays an important role as administrative control measure
spreading the awareness to workers about the hazards present at worksite and
how to keep themselves safe from them.
 Scheduled rest breaks are important to keep workers safe from mental and
physical fatigue keeping them active. This administrative control measure could
be applied to prevent accident.
 Disciplinary procedures could be devised and implemented as administrative
control to prevent accidents so that the workers are aware of the violation of
safety rules will lead them to face disciplinary actions.

Answer sheet IG1_IGC1-0023-ENG-OBE-V1 March23 © NEBOSH 2023

Task 5: Risk assessment

Question 5
Risk assessment is crucial part of health and management system as it involves
identification of hazards, their severity, and applied control measures. In scenario,
following is the organization’s approach about health and safety.
 In scenario, the previous health and safety advisor was retired two months ago but
they hired me in their place now leaving an important role unattended that shows
their lack of interest in risk assessment.
 Poor hazard identification shows the ineffectiveness of the risk assessment as the
scenario shows all the hazards regarding printer were not covered in the risk
 RP’s approach towards risk assessment was poor as the risk assessment report
wasn’t found readily on site and the one found was prepared in 2017.
 The accident implies that the control measures taken in the risk assessment were
not sufficient and suitable otherwise the accident did not happen.
 The risk assessment was insufficient as it didn’t cover complete aspects of hazards
present as scenario shows that it covered the operation of machine but method to
unjam it was not devised.
 The young workers fall in vulnerable workers’ category and have special
consideration in the risk assessment. But scenario shows that no such special
focus is on young workers which shows inadequacy of risk assessment.
 Allocating the untrained workers on high-risk activities without assessing the
consequent risk shows their incompetency in risk assessment.
 Their risk perception was also poor as they were not aware of hazard present at
worksite and therefore, the workers were on sickness leaves. It shows their poor
approach towards the risk assessment.
 Safe working procedures are not devised as the scenario clearly shows that there
was not any unjamming procedure present showing their inadequacy in risk
 RP’s machinery equipment is poorly maintained which could lead to accidents. But
the risk assessment did not cover the risk due to inadequate maintenance
schedule showing their poor approach towards risk assessment.
 Consultation with workers is an important part of risk assessment as they are
closely attached to the workplace and know more about risks present. But the
scenario shows that there wasn’t any consultation made with workers showing
RP’s poor approach towards risk assessment.
 There is not any policy to update and review the risk assessment found as the last
risk assessment is six years old showing their negative approach towards risk
 RP is more concerned about their production and not health and safety that’s why
they ignored the mental and physical fatigue of the workers making them
inadequate risk assessor.
 Allocation of an inexperienced young worker at high-risk activity was another
negative approach towards risk assessment.
 Hazard communication (HAZCOM) was poor as the young workers were unaware
of the hazards present and also did not know how to act when they face any
hazard showing the bad approach towards risk assessment.
 Scenario shows that there were instructions written on the printer to unjam it which
shows their positive approach towards risk assessment.
 Presence of first aid and a trained first aider is also a great control measure that
they taken after risk assessment as the scenario shows that injured worker was
properly given first aid.

Task 6: Human factors contributing to the accident with the printer

Answer sheet IG1_IGC1-0023-ENG-OBE-V1 March23 © NEBOSH 2023

Question 6
Humane factors can play vital role to the accidents. Here are some human factors
contributing to this accident:
 Young worker was untrained for task they were doing that is a human factor
contributing to the accident because if they were trained, they would behave
 The young worker was lacking the professional ethics as well because they were to
find ESM in case of emergency but When ESM could not be found they decided
to clear the jam by themselves without waiting for ESM. This is a human factor
contributing to the accident.
 Skill level of young worker was low as they were not old enough and had not any
relevant past experience. This also contributed to accident as a human factor.
 Young worker was negatively motivated as they were showing over-efficiency by
sticking their nose with the work, they were neither instructed to do nor they had
any knowledge about.
 Lack of experience of young worker was a human factor contributing the accident
because an experienced person would have behaved more responsibly.
 Ability to perform under pressure was not present in the young worker that’s why
they tried to clear the jam to complete their task and meet the targets, ignoring the
safety rules.
 Lack of maturity is another important human factor contributing to the incident as
worker was young and had less ability to take the right decision as per situation.
 Their lack of knowledge was one of the human factors contributing to accident as
scenario shows they were not trained and hadn’t how-know of the printer. This
ignorance led them to the accident.
 As the scenario states that the worker was young that implies, they had less ability
to perform a task sticking within their domain. This keenness led them towards
 Scenario shows the poor risk perception of young worker as they did not realise the
risk associated when they performed the unauthorized task to unjam the printer.
This is also a human factor contributing to the accident.
 Poor hazard awareness is another human factor contributing to the incident as the
young worker was not well-aware of the severity of hazards present and they tried
to do what they thought is right to do.
 The young worker showed negative attitude towards health and safety as they
bypassed the safety rules and tried to unjam printer which was not their job to do.
 The young worker might have thought that they would clear the jam and resume
the printing without any external help. This overconfidence which is a human
factor, led them to the accident.
 The young worker lacks the ability to focus on their own work that’s why they tried
to add-on another task that actually did not belong to them and resulted in the
 Poor decision-making power of the young worker is a human factor contributing to
the accident. If they take right decision to not to unjam the printer, the accident
could be prevented.

Task 7: Financial arguments for the MD to improve health and safety

Question 7
Proper implementation of health and safety management system can be helpful for an
organization in financial terms. Here are some arguments for the MD of RP to improve
health and safety:
 Improved health and safety will reduce the accident, otherwise more accidents will
cause the increment in insurance premium resulting in financial loss.

Answer sheet IG1_IGC1-0023-ENG-OBE-V1 March23 © NEBOSH 2023

 Scenario shows that the absenteeism rate is higher due to sickness, bounding the
organization to give sick pay to the workers even when they are not at work. This
cost can be saved ensuring health and safety of workers.
 If legal compliances relating H&S are not fulfilled, the organization will face legal
prosecutions and fines (already €20,000 fine imposed in scenario). This cost can
be saved by improving health and safety.
 For the quality and increased productivity of the organization, existing workers’
safety is mandatory and in return, it will contribute financially.
 The organization has to pay medical and first aid cost of the workers injured in
accidents. This cost can be saved by improving health and safety.
 Civil claims are also imposed for not ensuring health and safety (as the scenario
shows the claim of €8547.60). This cost can be saved by improving health and
 In case of an accident, the investigation teams engage the important personal with
them to get information about accident resulting in production time loss. This loss
directly affects the finance and can be prevented by improving health and safety.
 The maintenance failure of a machinery, which was not scheduled in preventive
maintenance, can lead to a huge repairing cost and it can be saved by improving
health and safety.
 Higher number of accidents results in bad reputation and damage business
relations that will reduce new production orders and this loss can be prevented by
improving health and safety.
 Improved health and safety will reduce the staff turnover rate, that will save the cost
of new hiring, their training and production time lost.

Your total Q1: 498

word count* Q2: 304
Q3: 328
Q4a(i): 196
Q4a(ii): 288
Q4b: 485
Q5: 522
Q7: 322
Total: 3435
* please note that this form already has 0 words (excluding text boxes and footers), which
you can deduct from your total amount if you are using your word processor’s word count

Documents and  Recommendation R164 - Occupational Safety and

sources of information Health Recommendation, 1981 (No. 164) (ilo.org)
you used in your  Safety management roles and responsibilities |
examination Administration and support services | Imperial College
 Health & Safety Manager Responsibilities |
Management & Purpose (cpdonline.co.uk)
 Induction Training: What to Include and What to Leave
Out - KnowledgeCity
 Providing information, training, instruction or
supervision for workers | WorkSafe
 Human Factors | Accident Investigation | Dr Robert
Bridger (britsafe.org)
 Human_factors_in_accidents.pdf (behavioural-

Answer sheet IG1_IGC1-0023-ENG-OBE-V1 March23 © NEBOSH 2023

 Financial Arguments for Good Health & Safety | Safety
Inspectors UK
 Moral, legal and financial arguments for health and
safety management - TecHKnow Wiki

End of examination

Now follow the instructions on submitting your answers in the NEBOSH Open Book
Examinations: Technical Learner Guide. All Open Book Examination guidance documents
can be found on the NEBOSH website: https://www.nebosh.org.uk/open-book-

Answer sheet IG1_IGC1-0023-ENG-OBE-V1 March23 © NEBOSH 2023

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