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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education


San Isidro, San Luis 3201, Aurora


I. Introduction

A. Objectives: At the end of this lesson, the student should be able to:

1. Recall the different items that can made from used plastic bottles.

2. Determine how to do flower from used plastic bottles;

3. Create flower that made in used plastic bottles and;

4. Observe good working habits.

B. Subject Matter

a. Topic: Create flower from used plastic bottles.

b. Materials: Tarpapel

c. References: TLE -Quarter 3 -Module 4- Create Recycled Project


d. Duration: 1 hour

II. Interaction

Daily Routine (5 minutes)

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

 Greetings: Good Morning class! All: Good Morning Ma’am!

 Prayer: Lets start our class with a

prayer, Mr/Ms. ________, can you Student 1: In the name of the Father, the
please lead the prayer. Son and the holy spirit, Amen

 Checking of Attendance: Ms.

Secretary, kindly report today’s
Class Secretary: Ma’am, there is no
attendance. Who’s absent for
absence for today
 Okay, very good

 Checking of Agreement: Class do

we have an assignments? All: None Ma’am

 Recapitulation of the past lesson:

Who can still remember your last
Student 2: We present our finished paper
basket and also we did a review in the
way of quiz bee.

 That’s it. Thank you

Lesson Proper (30 minutes)

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

 In your last activities, you already

made an items that made of recycled

 How many items that you already

All: Two ma’am

 What are those again? All: Pen holder from used tin can and
basket from used papers

 That’s right! And you all did a great

 Now that you are done in making pen
holders from used tin cans and basket All: Listening
from used papers, you will now
proceed to the last materials in
recycling which is the used bottles.

 What are the items that we make

from used bottles?
All: Planters, organizers, flower and
many more.
 That’s right!

 Today you will going to make a

flower that made of used bottles. All: Listening

 Is someone here has an experience in Student 3: Me ma’am

doing basket from used papers?

 That’s good to know!

 Yesterday I announce that you will

bring used bottles, including scissors,
glue gun, stick glue candle, matches,
used papers,and other accessories that
you have in your home.

 Did you bring the materials?

All: Yes ma’am
 That’s good to hear!

 But before you proceed, I have here

short video on how to do basket that
made of used papers.

 Please watch carefully

(Plays the video)

(Students will watch)

 How do you find the making of Student 4: I find it very creative and cute
plastic bottle flower?
ma’am even though it was a little
difficult to do, but I know it will worth it
if we did it.

 Thank you for sharing.

 Yesterday I also announce that you

will do the plastic bottle flower
individually, am I right?
All: Yes ma’am!
 But even though that you will do it
individually, you will work as a
group, why? Because I know that
some of you is lack in materials,
that’s why it is better to work with
group in able to sharing the materials
on each other.
 Do you agree with that?
All: Yes ma’am

 That’s good to know.

 Group yourselves into 5 groups.

Count 1 to 5 (The students will start counting)

 Please go to your respective groups

(The students will go to their respective

 Bring out the materials that you (Student will bring out the materials)

 You will be rated using the scoring


 Also I will observe if you doing the

good working habits.

 Is there any clarification?

 Any questions?
All: None ma’am
 You may now start
 I will give you 40 minutes to finish
the plastic bottles flower.

(After 30 minutes)

 Stop working, your time is up! Please


 Good job class! All of you did your

plastic bottles flower beautiful and

 For the accomplishment, give your

self 5 claps! All: (Clap 5 times)

III. Value Integration

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

How was your experience while doing Student 3: Our experience was so roller
the plastic bottle flower with your group?
coaster ride because we are enjoying but
at the same times we conflict because of
the materials but those conflict will not
the reason to not make our plastic bottle
creatively and beautiful.
Great experience.

Very good!
IV. Generalization

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

 What type of Student 9: In External recycling ma’am

recycling where the
plastic bottle

 Very good!

V. Agreement

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

 For your assignment, just rest and be

ready for your short quiz tomorrow

 Is that clear class?

All: Yes ma’am!
 That’s all for today,I hope you all
learned more today.
 Good bye class!

All: Good bye ma’am!

Lesson Plan in Create Recycled Project

Prepared by:

BTLED- Major in Home Economics


Cooperating Teacher Principal I

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