Organizational Culture

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Defining organizatonal culture A Every organization, every business, has its particular culture. Organizational cutture combines aspects of an organization with its, perticular culture, Leoet each of the following as part of ‘organ zation” (©) or as part of ‘culture’ (C). Values Having a clear structure Beliefs Formal sources of authority ‘Assumptions and attitudes ‘Norms Relationship between centre and periphery ean oa kan = Objectives/Common purpose Shared experience 10. The system — B Complete the dialogue below using words in part A. A: How is organizational ¢¥ | ture created? What is it? _, or what B: Organizational culture is a set of basic @ people think, in a company oF organization. > : So it’s based on common v That's right. Everyone learns these over time. They learn the way of doing things, then ___- m : And everyone agrees that they are right? - Generally, yes. : And where do they come from? epee . From shared experience. From history, tradition and common b____ + A: And new employees usually learn the same things? They learn the Characteristics of organizational culture Company A ard Company B have broadly opposite organizational cultures. For characteristics 1-6, fill in the spaces with a word which contrests with the undedined ward in the opposite column. For 7-10, complete the phrase so that it contrasts w th the idea in the opposite column. Company 4 1) A modern manufacturing company. 2 Af company structure, 3 An gpen company with fluid communication channels, 4 There are i meetings to decide policy. 5 There are general guidelines for employees to follow. 6 The business is m driven. 7 Communication channels work in all directions, including sideways, 8 Work is organized through af_ ~~ system of teams, with a lot of exchange between teams. go¢ ___, and innovative and dynamic work are highly valued. 10 People are valued above Company B Atraditional manufacturing company. A hierarchical company structure. wae company with clearly defined communication channels. There are formal meetings to explain policy. and There are a lot of r_ t for employees to follow. ‘The business is product-driven, Communication channels are t Work is organized through a rigid system of d_____ , with little exchange between them. Productivity and financial success are highly valued. Systems are valued above Pouue. Developing organizational culture Complete the sentences below (1-8) with a word from the word square. Fhe words are all conrected with things a company may use to develop its organizational culture, [ R/;} |{M O!l< zs oOl|r;o;al;yo|ljmyo a Many companies supply 4. orms for their employees which make them instantly recognizable and establish the idea of a team. Many organizations and sectors of employment have a particular with special words, special jargon unknown outside the business. Many organizations have a special regular m______ _ full of news and comment on the activities of the organization. Some organizations, especially those in leisure, sports and entertainment, uses___ ___ to promote a particular image. The history of many companies, and their boardrooms, are illustrated with pictures of company or organizational h Special prizes anda _____ presented at speciat ¢ help to build up the image of a company. While fairy stories are not usually part of company history, there are s______and sometimes m ___ _ that become part of the organizational heritage. Logos, letterheads, the painting on vehicles and on buildings, and all signs and s__ _ afe a significant contribution to the culture of an organization. Four dimensions of culture Hofstede (1980) wrote about culture as ‘collective programming’ which affects behaviour. Here is a brief summary of Hofstoce’s work as applied to organizations. Compiete the spaces using words from the box } assertiveness collective competitiveness -¢trmensions: 1 environment — femininity individualism == masculine — masoulnity power distance subordinates. threat_—_-Uncertainty avoidance Hofstede identified four (1) dimensions of culture. These are power distance, uncertainty avoidance, individualism and masculinity. The first, (2) p- d is a measure of inequality in organizations. It depends on management style, and reflects a measure of openness and effective communication between The second, (4} u a is a measure of how much people feel that new unusual situations are a (St 1 isa What's your culture like? managers and (3) s : measure of how much the organization has an individualist ora (7c ethic. The last one, em is contrasted with of This is a measure of how much the organization is assertive or competitive. (10) A and (11) ¢ are seen as a2) m indicators, In contrast, caring and a stress on quality of life and concern for the (13) «, as feminine characteristics. are seen Cultural variance Trompenaars (1993) descrioes seven aspects of culture that affect behaviour. Below are five of thase aspects which contain contrasting features, a.g universal and particular, individual and collective, etc. Match each feature (1-10) with the correct moaning (2. j). Aspects of culture Meaning 1 - Universal @ Business relationships are limited and contractual. 2 Particular b. Status, age, gender or education. matter more than particular successes, 3 Individual ¢ Relationships are fluid and flexible depending on situation. 4 Collective d Society is based on the whole community. S Neutral @ People are reserved and do not easily express feclings. 6 Emotional f Recent or past successes are highly valued. 7 Diffuse @° The whole person is engaged in the business relationship and it takes time to build the relationship. 8 Specific h. Society is oriented towards individuals’ wants and needs. 9 Achievement-based i. Relatively rigid rule-based behaviour. 10 Ascription-based i> Itis common to express feelings openty. P * The other two aspects which Tromperiaars describes aré: - Time: history end: past experiance, or currant actMities and potential 10 create the future - Enviroment: the extent to which indviduels affect the world thaylive =~ 1h, Oc how much the world effects indlvictials

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