Agripreneurs Package Ebolowa English Version 19 - 07 - 2022-1

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The International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), in collaboration with the Agricultural Value

Chain Development Project (AVC_DP), and in consultation with the African Development Bank (AfDB),
has worked on the stipend package for Aspiring Agripreneurs selected under the Enable Youth program
of AVC_DP. The said stipend package will apply to the period starting from the effective resumption of
the YABIC activities following the signing of the amendment of the agreement of 17 May 2018, between
MINADER and IITA. An official communication will be sent to the aspiring Agripreneurs (AAs) and YABIC
coordinators, which will specify the resumption date. Such date will be the beginning of the package
mentioned below. While it does not replace previous arrangement, all previous arrangements will be
void starting from the said date. Payment of the stipend will be conditional to regular participation in
the activities of the Youth Agri-Business Incubation Center (YABIC) unless a strong written rationale is
provided and approved by both the YABIC coordinator and the EYC coordinator. Absence to YABIC
activities for a total of five days a month without proper justification may result in the cancellation of
the stipend for the month. YABIC coordinators will have to report daily participation of every aspiring
Agripreneur to the YABIC activities on the 1st Monday of each month, so to inform the coordination on
the eligibility of each Agripreneur to receive his/her stipend. Monthly stipends will be paid on the 10th
day of each month, after the review of the reports by YABIC coordinators.

❖ General information
o Total stipend package: 61,360 CFA, including:
▪ Insurance: 5990 CFA. The insurance is limited to the following areas: ambulatory
and hospital care, outpatient pharmaceutical costs, dentistry, medical and
surgical hospitalization, medical optics and funeral expenses. Important to note,
the insurance do not cover private hospitals. (more details will be given to the
Agripreneurs in due course)
▪ Individual accident insurance: 210 CFA. This guarantees the payment of the
insured capital to the beneficiaries in the event of accidental death or total or
partial disability following an accident.
▪ Accommodation, feeding and incidentals: 55 160 CFA [The allocation of the
amount for the aspiring agripreneurs of Ebolowa is detailed below].

❖ Allocation of funds for accommodation, feeding, and incidentals

ENABLE Youth Cameroon, 3rd Component of the Agricultural Value Chain Development Project (AVC_DP). Located in the campus of the
IITA Station in Cameroon - Yaoundé, Nkolbisson, behind the Headquarters of IRAD. Tel : (+237) 655 041 634 - Email :
– Site web: – Facebook: @Enable Youth Cameroon -Twitter:@EnableYouthCmr
Type of cost Amount (CFA) Comment
This consists of the contribution of the agripreneurs to
accommodation, as well as cleaning of common space
and washrooms, as well as replacement of bubbles
when applicable. The aspiring agripreneurs in Ebolowa
stay outside the facilities of the YABIC host institution;
Accommodation &
10,000 hence, the high costs of accommodation due to lack of
better options. The supplement for accommodation
(CFA 5,000/month/aspiring agripreneur) will come from
the agreement between the YABIC host institution and
IITA. To be paid to the owner of the facility used for the
accommodation of the aspiring agripreneurs.
To be paid to the provider of the catering services, who
will have signed an agreement with IITA. The YABIC
Feeding 30,000 coordinator and two representatives of the aspiring
agripreneurs will monitor and evaluate the effective use
of the funds to feed agripreneurs.
To be paid directly to the agripreneurs using using
Mobile money services, on the 10th of each month,
Incidentals 15,160 when active participation in the YABIC activities has
been demonstrated for the said month (report by the
YABIC coordinator).

❖ IITA will cover the cost of the monthly transfer of the funds.

Information from YABIC coordinators and aspiring agripreneurs shows Mobile Money to be most
viable option for the location of Ebolowa.
Below is therefore the operating mechanism

- IITA will sign an agreement with Orange and MTN for the creation of a YABIC
Mobile Money Account (agent account).
- The agent account will be managed by the accountant of Enable Youth Cameroon.
- Each month EYC makes a transfer to Orange and MTN to supply the agent
- Once the agent account is supplied, the accountant can make the payments and
then print the transaction listing for justification purposes.
- During payments, IITA does not bear any charges
- Withdrawal operations carried out by the Agripreneurs will generate fees.

Youth Cameroon, 3rd Component of the Agricultural Value Chain Development Project (AVC_DP). Located in the campus of the IITA
Station in Cameroon - Yaoundé, Nkolbisson, behind the Headquarters of IRAD. Tel : (+237) 655 041 634 - Email : –
Site web: – Facebook: @Enable Youth Cameroon -Twitter:@EnableYouthCmr
❖ In the case of poor performance, non-compliance with the regulations of the incubation center
or bad behavior of an Agripreneur, the payment of his/her stipend might be temporarily
suspended or cancelled.

❖ In the case of resignation of an Agripreneur before the end of the incubation period, IITA may
claim full reimbursement of the stipend package for the whole period when the Agripreneur
was in the YABIC before the resignation and had benefited from the package.

If you accept this contract please mention « read and approved » write your name, sign below, date it, and
return the attached duplicate copy to the EYC project assistant.


Youth Cameroon, 3rd Component of the Agricultural Value Chain Development Project (AVC_DP). Located in the campus of the IITA
Station in Cameroon - Yaoundé, Nkolbisson, behind the Headquarters of IRAD. Tel : (+237) 655 041 634 - Email : –
Site web: – Facebook: @Enable Youth Cameroon -Twitter:@EnableYouthCmr

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