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0 Work Procedure

5.1 Machining Procedures

5.1.1 The conductive workplace io mounted to the machine and the workplace is secured to
the table in such way that the electrode can make the desired cut path without interference
either from the workpiece, or the work holding device.

5.1.2 The material needs to be removed and the part should be lightly fastened to table to
ensure that remains in place during the process.

5.1.3 The workpiece must be aligned relative to the machine axis that consists of %, Y, Z, U
and V axes,

5.1.4 The ball Indicator Is usually attached, and the workpiece adjusted until it is vertical and
parallel within the desired tolerance

5.1.5 The machine coordinate system must be set lo the appropriate position after the work
pleco ls secured to the machine table and aligned to machine axe.

5.1.6 The wire electrode ls positioned to workpiece.

5.1.7 The brass electrode while being spooled off and under tension is brought within a
proximity of

the work piece edge.

5.1.8 The edge position command and designate is executed to the appropriate axis.

5.1.9 The process for the cutting had been program using G and M code,
5.2 Creating CNC Program Using AutoCAD and ESPRIT Software Application

5.2.1 Created drawing with an AutoCAD.

5.2.2 Save the file was saved with in ".dxf. format.

5.2.3 The ESPRIT software was clicked.

5.2.4 Go to 'File’ and then click 'Open', choose the file you want to open. (Make sure DXF
file is chosen)

5.2.5 Converting from DXF to ESW, click OK button

5.2.6 Click icon the Fit button to see the whole diagram.

5.2.7 Clicked the 'Create' on menu and choose 'Geometry 1'.

5.2.8 the icon was clicked of the Intersection button on the right-hand side of the

5.2.9 Mark intersection point (the start of the cutting point) on your diagram. Intersection
mark will create a green coloured X mark.

5.2.10 Click 'Create' menu and choose 'Sequence Fø',

5.2.11 Click the 'Auto Search 'button on the right-hand side of the screen. Then click on the

coloured X mark followed by the upper line above the X mark and lastly on the lower line
below the X mark.

5.2.12 The drawing will be purple in colour. If it happened to be partially purple, there must
be any mistakes (could be lines are not attached properly to the other line, detached lines, or
double-crossed line) on the drawing. Any correction needs to be done at AutoCAD drawing.

5.2.13 Click "Machining' menu and cho0se 'EDM 2 F2.

5.2.14 Clicked the icon for contour button on the right-hand side of the screen.

5.2.15 Click X mark twice as the 'Approach Point' and 'Return Point', then click on the
drawing as a Structure Reference Point. The drawing will change into red colour.
Absolute (G90) Incremental (G91)
G01 X7.5 Y0; G01 X7.5 Y0;
G01 X7.5 Y5; G01 X0 Y5;
G02 X12.5 Y0 I0 J-5; G02 X5 Y-5 I0 J-5;
G02 X17.5 Y5 I5 J0; G02 X5 Y5 I5 J0;
G01 X17.5 Y0; G01 X0 Y-5;
G01 X25 Y0; G01 X7.5 Y0;
G01 X25 Y10; G01 X0 Y-5;
G01 X20 Y10; G01 X-5 Y0;
G02 X17.5 Y12.5 I-2.5 J0; G02 X-2.5 Y2.5 I-2.5 JO
G03 X7.5 Y12.5 I-5 J0; G03 X-10 Y0 I-5 J0;
G02 X5 Y10 I0 J-2.5 G02 X-2.5 Y-2.5 I-2.5 J0;
G01 X0 Y10; G01 X-5Y0;
G01 X0 Y0; G01 X0 Y-10;
M02 M02

Absolute (90) Incremental (G91)

G01 X0 Y4; G01 X0 Y4;
G01 X-2 Y6; G01 X-2 Y2;
G02 X12 Y6 I2 J0; G02 X14 Y0 I7 J0;
G01 X10 Y4; G01 X-2 Y-2;
G01 X10 Y0; G01 X0 Y-4;
G01 X6 Y0; G01 X-4 Y0;
G02 X4 Y0 I1 J0; G02 X-2 Y0 I1 J0;
G01 X0 Y0; G01 X-4 Y0;
M02 M02
1) Explain the functin of CNC EDM wire cut machine.

EDM means "electrical discharge machine" or electrical discharge machining. is a process of melting
or removing metal particles with sparks from a special electrode. The whole process is carried out in
electrolysis.This electrolysis is a liquid that is not a conductor, such as petroleum distillate with mixed
ingredients or distilled water, and the voltage used is small (from 1 to 45v) while the current that
flows is high, which is between 5 to 60 Amps or more.It is widely used especially in heavy industries
such as metal and plastic mold factories. There are many types of EDM machines among them EDM

2) Determine FOUR(4) main parts / operating system of CNC EDM wire cut machine and its

 Clamp

To tie the workpiece so that the workpiece does not fall.

 Control panel
To input the program code input and to edit the program code.


used to cut the workpiece

 Safety barriers

So that the work material is not thrown out and so that the coolant does not spill from the machine.

3) Describe the program language used for your CNC program.

G-code is the simple programming language for CNC machines. It consists of lines of code that are
organized in blocks. Each block controls one CNC machining operation, such as a cutting operation
with a specific tool. Each line in a block is labelled with the letter N and a number.

4) Is there any error / mistake during your workshop werk? If yes,describe the error / mistake and
justify your recommendation to it.

Yes, my mistake is Incorrect Programming.EDM machines require G-code programs to execute and
cut the correct part. For better or worse, I knew CNC EDM will execute the program exactly as I
wrote it. Write it correctly, and I shouldn’t have any problems. But if I program the incorrect
instructions, CNC EDM will still follow them. Most modern CNC machines have various faults and
abort failsafe to prevent them from damaging the machine. But if a program calls for an incorrect cut,
I can easily ruin a part and possibly damage the machine. I can avoid incorrect programming in a
number of ways. Improve my overall programming skills to gain a better understanding of CNC
programming and reduce risks, or use conversational programming languages that do much of the
actual programming for me.

5) Discuss the advantages of electrical discharge machining compared to other machining process.

 Creates complex shapes that are otherwise difficult to produce with conventional cutting tools.

 Cutting extremely hard, challenging and exotic materials to very close tolerances for high
precision mechanical components.

 Suitable for very small workpieces, while conventional cutting tools can damage parts due to
excessive cutting tool pressure.

 There is no direct contact between the tool and the workpiece. Therefore, delicate parts and weak
materials can be machined without any distortion.

 No burrs.

 Little or no polishing is required after the process is complete.

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