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Riyandi Hamundu (2022).

The Effect of Giving Young Coconut Water on Blood

pressure Changes in the Elderly with Hypertension in the Working Area
of Wori Health Centre, North Minahasa.Minithesis.Nursing Study
Program of Muhammadiyah University of Manado.Advisor (1)Agust
Arthur Laya, SKM, M.Kes. (2) Ns. Bayu Dwisetyo, M.Kep.


Hypertension is a disease in which blood pressure increases with age. Treatment of

hypertension can be pharmacologicaland non-pharmacological. The use of young coconut
water is one of the non-pharmacological treatments for hypertension. The purpose of this
research was to find out the effect of giving young coconut water on blood pressure
changes in the elderly with hypertension in the working area of Wori Health Centre,
North Minahasa.

This researchused a pre experimental method with one group pretest-posttest design.The
number of samples were 18 respondents taken by an accidental sampling.Data collection
was done by using observation sheet and SOP.The collected data was processed by
running the SPSS computer program version 16.0 to be analyzed by aPaired T test with
the significance level α = 0,05.

The result of this research indicate that most of the respondents experienced changes after
being given young coconut water.

Conclusion. The result of the Paired T test analysis showed that the average blood
pressure before being given young coconut water was 139,00 with a ρ value (0,000) or <
α (0,05) and after being given young coconut water, the average was 130,93 with a ρ
value (0,000) or < α (0,05).

Keywords : Elderly, Young Coconut Water, Hypertension.

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