1c. 3Φ Transformers

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EEE 2314 Induction Machines.

By: Siyoi. V.
▪ 3𝚽 Bank of 1𝚽 Transformers.

▪ 3𝚽 Tx Connections.

▪ 3𝚽 to 1𝚽, 2𝚽, 3𝚽 and 6𝚽 Tx Conversions.

▪ Parallel Operations of 1𝚽 and 3𝚽 Tx.

▪ Tx Ratings and Related Problems.

▪ Tx for Special Purpose.

▪ Vector Group of a 3𝚽 Tx.

▪ Parallel Transformers on No-load.

▪ Load division between Tx in parallel.

▪ When THREE 1Φ transformers are used to transform a 3Φ voltage, the
windings can be connected in several ways.

▪ Thus, the primaries may be connected in delta and the secondary in wye, or
vice versa.

▪ As a result, the transformation ratio of the 3Φ Tx voltage depends not only

upon the turns ratio of the transformers, but also upon how they are

▪ A 3Φ transformer bank can also produce a phase shift between the 3Φ input
voltage and the 3Φ output voltage.

▪ The amount of phase shift depends again upon the turns ratio of the
transformers, and on how the primary and secondary are interconnected.

▪ Furthermore, the phase shift feature enables us to change the number of

phases. Thus. a 3Φ system can be converted into a 2Φ, 5Φ, 6Φ or a 12Φ

▪ In making the various connections. it is important to observe transformer

polarities. An error in polarity may produce a short-circuit or unbalance the
line voltages and currents.

▪ When the load outgrows the capacity of an existing Tx, it may be economical
to install another one in parallel with it rather than replacing it with a single
larger unit.

▪ Also, sometimes in a new installation, two units in parallel, though more

expensive, may be preferred over a single unit for reasons of reliability:- half
the load can be supplied with one unit out.

▪ Further, the cost of maintaining a spare is less with two units in parallel.

▪ The satisfactory and successful operation of transformers connected in parallel
on both sides requires that they fulfil the following conditions:

▪ (i) The transformers must be connected properly as far as their polarities are
concerned so that the net voltage around the local loop is zero.
▪ A wrong polarity connection results in a dead short circuit.

▪ (ii) 3Φ Tx MUST have zero relative phase displacement on the secondary

sides and must be connected in a proper phase sequence.
▪ Only the Tx of the same phase group can be paralleled. For example, 𝑌 − 𝑌
and 𝑌 − Δ transformers cannot be paralleled as t
have a phase difference of 30°. Transformers with +30° and –30° phase shift
can, however, be paralleled by reversing the phase-sequence of one of them.

▪ (iii) The Tx MUST have the same voltage-ratio to avoid no-load circulating
current when Tx are in parallel on both primary and secondary sides.

▪ Since the leakage impedance is low, even a small voltage difference can give
rise to considerable no-load circulating current and extra 𝐼1 𝑅 loss.

▪ (iv) There should exist only a limited disparity in the per-unit impedances
(on their own bases) of the Tx .
▪ The currents carried by two Tx (also their kVA loadings) are inversely
proportional to their ohmic impedances. The ratio of equivalent leakage
reactance to equivalent resistance should be the same for all the Tx .

▪ A difference in this ratio results in a divergence of the phase angle of the

two currents, so that one Tx will be operating with a higher power factor
than that of the total output.

▪ As a result, the given active load is not proportionally shared by them.
Vector Groups of a 3𝚽 Tx

▪ The three windings and the corresponding core legs of a 3Φ Tx are marked by
the letters U, V, W.

▪ The primary and secondary windings are indicated by a prefix (e.g. 1 or 2)

and their terminals by a suffix consisting of 1 or 2 numbers (e.g. 1U01 or 1U1,
1U2, etc.).

▪ For windings on the same core leg, the order of the markings must
correspond to the signs of the induced voltage for a common main flux
▪ The choice of the primary and secondary winding connections in a 3Φ Tx
determines not only the (secondary) voltage levels but ALSO the phase
difference between primary and secondary voltages and the behaviour of
the transformer with respect to asymmetrical supply and loading

▪ The phase difference between primary and secondary is ALWAYS a multiple

of 𝟑𝟎𝒐. It is always considered as the lagging of the secondary voltage with
respect to the primary voltage.

▪ This lagging of the secondary voltage with respect to the primary voltage is
expressed by the vector group.

▪ When specifying or determining the phase shift or vector group the phase
sequence is supposed to be U → V → W (i.e. phase U leads phase V, which
in turn leads phase W).
▪ The connection of a Tx is indicated by three symbols:

▪ The primary connection (Y, D or Z for a Y− or Δ− or Z−connection).

▪ The secondary connection (y, d or z for a Y− or Δ− or Z−connection).

▪ The vector group or phase shift in multiples of 30o .

▪ A vector group of 1 is obtained by a combination of Y and Δ, or a

combination of a Y or Δ with a Z−connection.

▪ For a vector group of 6 (phase shift of ±180o ), the Tx terminals are to be
connected to the other end of the windings.

▪ A phase shift of ±𝟔𝟎𝐨 is obtained if the connections in a Δ are SWITCHED

(e.g. connecting 2U2 with 2V1 instead of 2W1 yields Dd8 instead of Dd6).
▪ A phase shift of ±𝟏𝟐𝟎𝐨can be achieved if the Tx terminals U, V, W are
connected with winding terminals V, W, U or W, U, V.

Parallel Transformers on No-load
▪ The parallel operation of transformers can be easily conceived on a per phase
basis. Fig shows two Tx paralleled on both sides with proper polarities but on

▪ The primary voltages V1 and V2 are EQUAL.

▪ If the voltage-ratio of the two transformers are NOT identical, the secondary
induced emf’s, E1 and E2 though in phase will not be equal in magnitude
and the difference (E1 – E2) will appear across the switch S.

▪ When secondaries are paralleled by closing the switch, a circulating current

appears even though the secondaries are not supplying any load.

▪ The circulating current will depend upon the total leakage impedance of
the two transformers and the difference in their voltage ratios.

▪ Only a small difference in the voltage-ratios can be tolerated.

Load division between Tx in parallel

▪ Equal voltage-ratios.

▪ Unequal Voltage Ratios.

▪ When the Tx have equal voltage ratio, E1 = E2, the equivalent circuit of the
two Tx would then be as showin Fig.

▪ It immediately follows from the sinusoidal steady-state circuit analysis that:

▪ And:

▪ The individual currents are inversely proportional to the respective

leakage impedances.

▪ Thus, if the Tx are to divide the total load in proportion to their kVA
ratings, it is necessary that the leakage impedances be inversely
proportional to the respective kVA ratings i.e.
▪ This condition is independent of the power factor of the total load. The
condition of Eq. can be written as:

▪ Or:

▪ Or:

▪ Taking 𝑉𝐿 as the reference phasor and defining complex power as V*I , the
multiplication of 𝑉 ∗
𝐿 on both sides of Eqs gives:

▪ Where:

▪ These are phasor relationships giving loadings in the magnitude and phase
angle. Equations also hold for pu loads and leakage impedances if all are
expressed with reference to a common base.

▪ It means that if individual transformer loadings are to be in the ratio of their
respective kVA ratings, their pu impedances (on their own ratings) should
be EQUAL. If:

▪ The Tx 1 will be the first to reach its rated loading as the total kVA load is
raised. The maximum permissible kVA loading of the two in parallel without
overloading anyone is then given by:

▪ Or:

▪ Similarly if:

▪ Then:

▪ In either case:

▪ Let 𝐸1 and 𝐸2 be the no-load secondary emfs of two transformers in parallel. If
a load current 𝐼𝐿 is drawn at voltage 𝑉𝐿 , two mesh voltage balance equations
can be written as:

▪ On no-load 𝐼𝐿=0, so that the circulating current between the two Tx is given

▪ On short-circuit:

▪ On loading:

▪ Substituting for 𝐼1 : in Eq for 𝐸2 we get:

▪ Similarly:

▪ A 600 kVA, 1Φ Tx with 0.012 pu resistance and 0.06 pu reactance is connected
in parallel with a 300 kVA Tx with 0.014 pu resistance and 0.045 pu reactance
to share a load of 800 kVA at 0.8 pf lagging. Find how they share the load
▪ (a) Both the secondary voltages are 440 V.
▪ (b) The open-circuit secondary voltages are respectively 445 V and 455 V.

▪ (a) The pu impedances expressed on a common base of 600 kVA are:

▪ The load is:

▪ It may be noted that the transformers are NOT loaded in proportion to their

▪ At a total load of 800 kVA, the 300 kVA transformer operates with 5%
overload because of its pu impedance (on common kVA base) being less
than twice that of the 600 kVA transformer.

▪ The maximum kVA load the two transformers can feed in parallel without any
one of them getting overloaded can now be determined.

▪ From above it is observed that the 300 kVA transformer will be the first to
reach its fullload as the total load is increased. In terms of magnitudes:

▪ while the sum of the ratings of the two transformers is 900 kVA.

▪ This is consequence of the fact that the Tx impedances (on common base) are
NOT in the inverse ratio of their ratings.

▪ (b) In this case it is more convenient to work with actual ohmic impedances.
Calculating the impedances referred to secondary:

▪ The load impedance 𝑍𝐿 must also be estimated. Assuming an output voltage on
load of 440 V:

▪ Circulating current on loading:

▪ The corresponding kVA:

▪ The total output power will be:

▪ This is about 3% less than 800 × 0.8 = 640 𝑘𝑊 required by the load because
of the assumption of the value of the output voltage in order to calculate the
load impedance.

▪ The secondary circulating current on no-load is:

▪ which corresponds to about 88 kVA and a considerable waste as copper-loss.

to be continued


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