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As a student of Balatong Integrated School, this work immersion helps us to develop our knowledge, skill
and understanding on different kinds of work. Hence,we experienced working in Ilocos Urban Wave that
started on March 20-31, 2023.

I was very excited that finally I can have my OJT because in my imagination having an OJT is fun, but it
was wrong, because it is not an easy job. On my first day of my training I was oriented by the Manager of
Urban wave. he was a very strict manager because she wants that everything is perfect.
On my first week, I can really feel the pain in my legs and feet. On that first week of my OJT I wanted to
quit, because I feel exhausted after my shift. But I pursue to continue to have my OJT because it is for
my own good.

On The two weeks of ojt in the urban wave was really a good because it motivates me to perform
excellently. Because of what my co trainee and I have accomplished, our supervisor seems to be happy
with how well and serious we work. On our two weeks of working there, although it was a long and
tiring day and we got some wounds and cuts, it was a very fulfilling experience because I was able to
finish what I thought I wouldn’t because who would have thought that there are tons of work and we
have to arrange it and encode after, finally we are able to done our work task.

As an OJT I learned lots of knowledge by doing my assigned task. I was assigned in hotel and store, in
Urban wave we are responsible in taking care of the baggage and other things of our guest. In 10 days of
staying and having an OJT in Urban wave, I learned the importance of great impression. Just “show
simple smile, be friendly and approachable with them it will give a good impact and also it encourage
the guest to comeback again in our establishment..

In this matter, I realize that we must have a passion in our works so we can do and done it very well. And
at the same time were enjoying, because we loved what we’re doing even if this is hard or easy.

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