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5 Tweets • 2023-03-05 •  See on Twitter 

If your good at finding direction of market for current

week with price action you can deploy like this
strategy every week especially in nifty it is working too
good .

This is for bullish view .

See range of Profit and Risk also.

This Strategy you can adjust easily :-

Case 1:- Market is moving in your direction don't do

anything till market reach to your call sell position .

After market reach to your call sell position just buy

17850/17900 ce just to convert butterfly .

Case 2:-

Market is going opposite of your direction so kept

double SL of your Put sold and exit or You can buy
17200 pe convert to debit spread or buy 17100 pe to
convert credit spread so loss will be in control in put
side then you can do lot of things now.
Case 3:-

If market sustain same level not moving any where so

just to book profit in sell legs and move towards to
spot .

This one i wont recommend because after come to

near spot market move violent move you don't have
scope to adjust.

Nifty we can play like anything if you have this many

plans .

I shared all the strategies which i did in market and

working also . Just make note and practice.

Happy learning .

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