Chaotic Lidar

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Chaotic Lidar
Fan-Yi Lin and Jia-Ming Liu, Senior Member, IEEE

Abstract—A novel chaotic lidar (CLIDAR) system that utilizes high duty cycle or even continuously, the disadvantage of low
a chaotic laser as the light source is proposed and studied. In power level for a CW lidar can be partially compensated. In this
CLIDAR, the detection and ranging are realized by correlating technique, target detection and localization are accomplished ei-
the signal waveform reflected back from the target with a delayed
reference waveform. Benefiting from the very broad bandwidth of ther by correlating the signal waveform reflected or backscat-
the chaotic waveform that can be easily generated by a semicon- tered from the target with the time-delayed reference waveform
ductor laser, a centimeter-range resolution is readily achieved. The or by interfering them optically with a Michelson interferom-
correlation performance of CLIDAR is studied both numerically eter, where the range resolution is determined by the bandwidth
and experimentally. The power spectra, phase portraits, time of the modulated waveform. Pseudorandom (PN) code-modu-
series, and correlation traces of the chaotic waveforms obtained at
different operating conditions are compared. The relation between lated CW lidar was first studied in 1983 by Takeuchi et al. [8].
the complexity of the attractor and the correlation property is In 1986, a portable PN code-modulated CW lidar using a diode
examined. The correlation dimension and the largest positive laser was demonstrated [9]. Later, comparisons of A1, A2, and
Lyapunov exponent of each waveform are calculated. To compare M-sequences codes for a PN code-modulated lidar was studied
the correlation performance of the waveforms quantitatively, peak [10], [11]. However, limited by the code rate and the modulation
sidelobe levels of the correlation traces with different correlation
lengths and relative noise levels are investigated. Preliminary speed, the resolution of such a PN code-modulated CW lidar is
experiments show a subcentimeter accuracy in ranging with a in the range of several tens of meters [8], [9], [12]. Moreover,
3-cm-range resolution, which currently is limited by the band- the range of unambiguous detection is limited due to the finite
width of the oscilloscope used. length of the PN code. A 5-cm accuracy is reported in a chirped
Index Terms—Chaos, correlation, lidar, nonlinear optics, range lidar with a 1- s-long chirped pulse with a 100-MHz bandwidth
finding, semiconductor lasers. centered at 300 MHz. However, the demands on the linearity of
the chirp and the pulse to pulse repetition rate are very high, and
the unambiguous detection range is also limited because of the
repeated waveform [13]. Moreover, expensive external modu-

R EMOTE sensing using lidar has been pursued since the

1970s. Applications in target detection [1], imaging [2],
and range finding [3], are widely studied. To precisely resolve
lator becomes necessary for high-speed modulation in order to
achieve better resolution.
The chaotic lidar (CLIDAR) proposed and demonstrated in
the range, either high-peak-power short-pulse lasers or modu- this paper is a lidar system utilizing the nonlinear dynamics of
lated continuous-wave (CW) diode lasers are used as the light semiconductor lasers. By perturbing a semiconductor laser with
sources. either optical injection [14]–[16], optical feedback [17], [18], or
In the short-pulse technique, the time of flight is measured optoelectronic feedback [19]–[21], the laser can be operated in
directly. The range resolution, which is determined by the various dynamical states. Different chaotic oscillation states can
pulsewidth, is typically in the range of meters [4], [5]. Despite be found at proper operating conditions by adjusting the oper-
the advantage of the ability in long-range detection benefiting ational parameters of a laser system. Using the chaotic output
from the high peak power level of a pulsed lidar, there are as the light source, detection can be realized by correlating the
many drawbacks in the short-pulse technique that uses either signal waveform reflected or backscattered from the target with
solid-state, gas, or dye lasers as the light sources. To name a a delayed reference waveform. Compared with both short-pulse
few drawbacks, these lidars could be very expensive, bulky, and modulated CW lidars, CLIDAR has a much higher range
heavy, energy inefficient, and difficult to maintain and operate, resolution benefiting from the broad bandwidth of the optical
which are critical especially when considering applications chaos [19], [22], which can be easily generated and amplified.
such as remote and satellite sensing or portable detections. With a bandwidth broader than 15 GHz, a centimeter resolution
Moreover, high-speed gating devices are often required to is readily achieved. Moreover, while CLIDAR has all the ad-
increase the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) when operating in a vantages that a modulated CW lidar has by also using a diode
highly scattered medium [6], [7]. laser as the light source, the needs of expensive high-speed code
In comparison, modulated CW lidars have the advantages of generation and modulation electronics no longer exist. The am-
compact size, low cost, high efficiency, easy operation, and eye biguity caused by the limited length of PN codes or a repeated
safety by using diode lasers as the light source. Operating in a waveform are also eliminated because a chaotic waveform never
Manuscript received December 30, 2003; revised May 18, 2004. This work repeats itself. Ranging using a chaotic laser pulse train gener-
is supported by the U.S. Army Research Office under Contract DAAG55-98-1- ated from a semiconductor laser subject to optical feedback was
0269. studied by Myneni et al. [3]. This work focused specifically on
The authors are with the Department of Electrical Engineering, University of
California, Los Angeles, CA 90095-1594 USA (e-mail: using a chaotic pulse train for optical ranging. No detailed anal-
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/JSTQE.2004.835296 ysis on the characteristics and performance of the system was
1077-260X/04$20.00 © 2004 IEEE

Fig. 1. Schematic setup of the CLIDAR system with an optically injected

semiconductor laser. I: isolator. L1, L2: lens. D1, D2: detectors. A: amplifiers.
=2: half-wave plate.

reported. It was also not the purpose of that work to address the
general features of CLIDAR.
To the best of our knowledge, the work reported in this paper
is the first detailed study of lidar using optical chaos. The most
important characteristics, including the SNR and the peak side-
lobe level (PSL), of a lidar system are investigated both nu-
merically and experimentally using various chaotic waveforms.
Not all chaotic states are equal because each chaotic state has
its unique temporal and spectral characteristics. The criteria for
properly choosing a chaotic state for optimal performance of
the CLIDAR are also studied. To show the feasibility of the
CLIDAR system, preliminary experiments in range finding are
Fig. 2. Chaotic states obtained numerically with injection strength  = 0:041,
demonstrated. The purpose of this paper is to demonstrate the 0:038, and 0:033, respectively. (a)–(c) Power spectra. (d)–(f) Phase portraits.
concept and the key features of CLIDAR. Field demonstration (g)–(i) Time series. (j)–(l) Autocorrelation traces.
and system construction are beyond the scope of this paper.
This procedure of correlating the signal and the reference can
II. SIMULATION RESULTS be carried out either electronically or optically. This flexibility
The schematic setup of the proposed CLIDAR system is is a significant advantage of CLIDAR in practical applications.
shown in Fig. 1. Here an optical injection scheme is used to Signal processing and data analysis are performed in a personal
generate chaotic waveforms. The dynamics of the optically computer.
injected slave laser is controlled by adjusting the controllable CLIDAR uses optical chaos as the light source. Its perfor-
operational parameters, which are the injection current of the mance is mainly determined by the chaotic state chosen. To have
slave laser, the frequency detuning between the master and a -function-like correlation trace that has a highest possible
slave lasers, and the optical injection strength from the master resolution and lowest possible detection ambiguity, CLIDAR
to the slave laser. With proper adjustments, the slave laser should be operated in a state that its chaotic waveform has sim-
can be operated in various chaotic states. The chaotic optical ilar properties to those of white noise, such as a flat, smooth, and
waveforms are noise-like, and the spectra are broadband. An broad spectrum, a complex phase portrait, and a noise-like time
optical isolator is placed right after the chaotic laser to prevent series. To demonstrate this concept, the characteristics and cor-
unwanted optical feedback. The chaotic output is split by a relation properties of the chaotic states of an optically injected
polarizing beamsplitter into two beams, one serving as the semiconductor laser in different operating conditions are first
probe beam and the other as the reference. By rotating the angle studied.
of the half-wave plate relative to the polarizing beamsplitter, Fig. 2 shows the power spectra, phase portraits, time series,
the power ratio between these two beams can be adjusted. The and autocorrelation traces of chaotic states obtained numerically
probe beam is directed to the target, and the signal light that at different operating conditions using the model described in
is backscattered or reflected from the target is collected and [14], [15] and [19]. The intrinsic laser parameters used here are
detected by a combination of lens and detector. Together with s , s ,
the waveform received from the reference beam, these two s , s , and , where , , , ,
waveforms are amplified and simultaneously recorded with and are the cavity photon decay rate, the spontaneous carrier
an RF spectrum analyzer and a real-time oscilloscope. Target decay rate, the differential carrier relaxation rate, the nonlinear
detection and localization are accomplished by correlating the carrier relaxation rate, and the linewidth enhancement factor,
signal waveform with the time-delayed reference waveform. respectively. The normalized bias level is fixed at 2/3, while the

Fig. 3. Chaotic states shown in Fig. 2(a)–(c) with dotted, dashed, and solid Fig. 4. PSLs of the autocorrelation traces of the chaotic states shown in
curves, respectively. (a) Correlation dimension. (b) Largest positive Lyapunov Fig. 2(a)–(c) plotted as a function of: (a) correlation length and (b) relative
exponent. noise level with the triangles, squares, and circles, respectively. The dotted,
dashed, and solid curves are the respective regressions.

injection strength varies from 0.033 to 0.041 with a detuning

frequency of GHz. (See [23] for the detailed definitions found not at the edge of the chaos region, but somewhere near
of the intrinsic laser parameters and how they can be measured.) the center.
With the given parameters, the relaxation oscillation frequency To quantify the differences of these states in the correlation
of the laser, which can be calculated using the relation performances, the PSLs with different correlation lengths and
, is 3.5 GHz. relative noise levels are calculated. PSL is defined as the ratio
Fig. 2(a)–(l) shows the power spectra, phase portraits, time of the maximum sidelobe to the peak; it is associated with the
series, and autocorrelation traces of the chaotic states for probability of a false signal in a particular range bin due to
, , and , respectively. These states are chosen, the presence of a target in a neighboring range bin. The PSLs
respectively, to represent the chaotic states usually found at the of the autocorrelation traces of the chaotic states shown in
edge, closer to the center, and at the center of the chaos region Fig. 2(a)–(c) are plotted as a function of the correlation length
in the mapping [14], [15], [19], [24] of the dynamical states in in Fig. 4(a) with the triangles, squares, and circles, respectively,
the parameter space. As can be seen in Fig. 2(a)–(c), the spectra where the dotted, dashed, and solid curves are the regressions.
of the chaotic states gradually become flatter and smoother as While the PSL of the autocorrelation trace of the chaotic state
the operating condition approaches the center of chaos region. shown in Fig. 2(a) remains nearly unchanged at a level above
Note that the sharp peaks seen in Fig. 2(a) disappear in Fig. 2(c). 5 dB, the PSL of the autocorrelation trace of the chaotic state
Meanwhile, the phase portraits in Fig. 2(d)–(f) show that the shown in Fig. 2(c) is reduced to about 15 dB as the correla-
chaotic attractors become more complex as is varied from tion length is increased to 25 ns. Therefore, compared with the
0.041 to 0.033. Although the time series in Fig. 2(g)–(i) all show benchmark set by a linear frequency modulation system that
similar noise-like oscillations, their corresponding autocorrela- has a PSL of 13.6 dB [27], CLIDAR already shows a better
tion traces shown in Fig. 2(j)–(l) clearly reveal the differences. correlation performance by correlating for a mere 25 ns when
Having a flatter and smoother spectrum together with a more the laser is operated in the state shown in Fig. 2(c). While a
complex chaotic attractor, the state at the center of the chaos re- near ideal “thumbtack” ambiguity function is found for the
gion for clearly has the lowest sidelobes in the auto- CLIDAR system showing its excellent ability in unambiguous
correlation trace among the traces of the three states. To further detection in both the range and the Doppler spaces, it is beyond
connect the complexity of the chaotic state to the correlation per- the scope of this paper and will be reported separately.
formance of CLIDAR, the correlation dimension and the largest To simulate the correlation performance of CLIDAR under
positive Lyapunov exponent are examined. the environment with additive white Gaussian noise, the
The correlation dimension and the largest positive Lyapunov PSLs of autocorrelation traces of the chaotic states shown in
exponent are two of the parameters that quantitatively de- Fig. 2(a)–(c) correlating for 25 ns are plotted as a function of
scribe the complexity of a chaotic state. Using the method estab- relative noise level in Fig. 4(b) with the triangles, squares, and
lished in [25] and [26], these parameters for the chaotic states circles, respectively, where the dotted, dashed, and solid curves
discussed above are calculated. Fig. 3(a) and (b) show, respec- are the regressions. The relative noise levels are the power
tively, the correlation dimension and as a function of for the ratios between the additive white Gaussian noise and the signal
chaotic states shown in Fig. 2(a)–(c) with dotted, dashed, and waveforms. As can be seen, the correlation performance is dete-
solid curves, where is the small distance between neighboring riorated linearly as the relative noise level increases. However,
shells which captures the notion of scale. (See [25] and [26] for even with a relative noise level of as high as 15 dB, the PSL
detailed explanations.) As can be seen from these data, a state of the chaotic state shown in Fig. 2(c) is still below the 3-dB
that has a better correlation performance also has a relatively critical operation criterion with a correlation length of barely
higher correlation dimension and a relatively larger value of . 25 ns. By correlating longer, the uncorrelated background noise
In other words, to achieve a better correlation performance, a can be further reduced.
CLIDAR system should be operated in a chaotic state that has Therefore, by carefully choosing a laser with desirable in-
the highest possible correlation dimension and a correspond- trinsic parameters and by properly adjusting its operational pa-
ingly large value of . Such a favorable chaotic state is usually rameters for the laser to be operated in a chaotic state that has

an even flatter and smoother spectrum, a much better correla-

tion performance for CLIDAR can be expected. Chaotic states
of such desirable characteristics are found in the central area of
the chaos region.


Experiments using an optically injected semiconductor laser
are carried out to verify the simulation results and to demonstrate
the feasibility of CLIDAR. The lasers used are single-mode
distributed feedback InGaAsP/InP semiconductor lasers. The
master and the slave lasers are biased at 59.89 and 50.00 mA and
are stabilized at 13.0 C and 23.0 C, respectively. The frequency
detuning between the master and the slave lasers is around 2.7
GHz, and the free-running resonance frequency of the slave
laser is 3 GHz. The dynamics of the slave laser is controlled by
adjusting the optical injection strength from the master laser to
the slave laser and the frequency detuning between them. The
signal and reference waveforms are detected by high-speed In-
GaAs photodetectors with a 6-GHz bandwidth. These electronic
signals are amplified by HP 83006A RF amplifiers with a 20-dB
gain and a 3-dB bandwidth ranging from 10 MHz to 20.5 GHz.
Waveforms are displayed and recorded on a Tektronix TDS694C
digitizing real-time oscilloscope with a 10-GS/s sampling rate
and a 3-GHz bandwidth, while the corresponding power spectra
are simultaneously measured with an HP E4407B spectrum
analyzer with a 26.5-GHz bandwidth. The correlation and data
processing are carried out with a personal computer.
By slightly adjusting the injection strength within the chaos Fig. 5. Three chaotic states obtained experimentally with decreasing injection
region around a detuning frequency of 2.7 GHz, the chaotic strengths. (a)–(c) Power spectra. (d)–(f) Phase portraits. (g)–(i) Time series.
(j)–(l) Autocorrelation traces.
states with different characteristics are obtained and compared.
Fig. 5(a)–(l) show the power spectra, phase portraits, time se-
ries, and autocorrelation traces of these chaotic states with de-
creasing injection strengths. As can be seen in Fig. 5(a)–(c),
the power spectra become flatter and smoother as the injec-
tion strength decreases and the chaotic state moves closer to
the center of the chaos region. Although not perfectly flat, the
power is distributed relatively more evenly in the range of in-
terest in Fig. 5(c) than in the other two states. The rapid drops at
around 6 GHz are caused by the limited bandwidth of the detec-
tors used, whereas the bandwidth of the chaos itself is measured
to be more than 15 GHz by using a Discovery high-speed pho-
todetector that has a 38-GHz 3-dB bandwidth. Little structural
difference in the phase portraits can be told from Fig. 5(d)–(f)
because of noise, but their scattered structures clearly indicate
the chaotic nature of these states. The time series presented in
Fig. 5(g)–(i) show noise-like characteristics of the chaotic wave-
Fig. 6. PSLs of the autocorrelation traces of the chaotic states shown in
forms. These waveforms are shifted and rescaled to show their Fig. 5(a)–(c) plotted as a function of correlation length with the triangles,
chaotic features, where the 0-level corresponds to the average squares, and circles, respectively. The dotted, dashed, and solid curves are the
power. Fig. 5(j)–(l) are their autocorrelation traces with a cor- respective regressions.
relation length of 2 s. While the spectra of the chaotic states
shown in Fig. 5(a)–(c) become flatter and smoother as the in- The PSLs of the autocorrelation traces of the chaotic states
jection strength decreases, the sidelobes of the corresponding shown in Fig. 5(a)–(c) are plotted as a function of the corre-
autocorrelation traces shown in Fig. 5(j)–(l) are significantly lation length in Fig. 6 with the triangles, squares, and circles,
lowered. The sidelobes almost disappear completely in the au- respectively, where the dotted, dashed, and solid curves are the
tocorrelation trace shown in Fig. 5(l). To show the differences regressions. Clearly, the chaotic state shown in Fig. 5(c) has the
quantitatively, the PSLs of the autocorrelation traces are plotted best correlation performance that, by correlating for less than
in Fig. 6 as a function of the correlation length. 2 s, the PSL is suppressed well below 30 dB. Due to the

contamination of noise, the relation between the PSL and the

correlation dimension and that between the PSL and the largest
Lyapunov exponent are not as clear as they are in the numerical
case, where noise is not taken into account. Nevertheless, both
numerical and experimental results suggest that to have a better
correlation performance, a CLIDAR system has to be operated
in a chaotic state that has a flat and smooth spectrum, usually
found in the central area of a chaos region.
Besides the unambiguous correlation profile as that shown in
Fig. 5(l), very high range resolution is another important fea-
ture of CLIDAR. From the 0.2-ns full-width at half-maximum
(FWHM) of the correlation peak shown in Fig. 5(l), the range
resolution is derived to be 3 cm, which is currently limited by the
detection bandwidth of the real-time oscilloscope used. Com-
pared with the conventional lidars that typically has a resolution
in the range of meters, CLIDAR clearly outperforms them with
its centimeter resolution while the needs and possible difficulties
in high-speed detection and modulation are eliminated. With its
Fig. 7. Cross-correlation traces of a target moving 50.0 cm in the line of sight.
high-range resolution and the unambiguous -function-like cor-
relation profile, a CLIDAR system is shown to be a potential tool
in the applications such as precision range finding, target iden-
tification, and remote imaging.
To show the feasibility of the CLIDAR system, preliminary
experiments of range finding using a mirror as the target are con-
ducted. The CLIDAR system is operated in the chaotic state as
the one shown in Fig. 5(c). Limited by the lab environment, the
mirror is arranged at about 2 m away from the CLIDAR system
on a translation stage. While field demonstration can be carried
out by using high-power diode lasers, telescope receivers, and
optical fiber amplifiers [28], [29] to increase the signal level, it
is beyond the scope of this paper. Thus, our focus here is on the
demonstration of the concept of CLIDAR using laser chaos and
the studies of its correlation properties and performances.
A set of signal and reference waveforms are first obtained,
and the crosscorrelation trace of them is plotted in Fig. 7 with
the dark curve. By translating the mirror 50.0 cm away in the
line of sight, a second set of signal and reference waveforms are
obtained, and their cross-correlation trace is plotted in Fig. 7
with the gray curve. In both cases, the correlation lengths are Fig. 8. Coherence envelopes of a target moving 10.0 mm in the line of sight.
2 s. From the separation between the correlation peaks shown
in Fig. 7, the relative range difference is measured to be 49.5 cm be adopted. The relative target distance can be determined by
showing a subcentimeter accuracy in ranging. Moreover, with measuring the coherence envelope (fringe contrast function)
a 0.2-ns FWHM of the cross-correlation peak, a 3-cm range that modulates the interference fringes. Preliminary experi-
resolution is achieved and demonstrated experimentally, which ments using a mirror as the target located at about 1 m away
is currently limited by the bandwidth of the oscilloscope used. from the CLIDAR system are carried out. By translating the
With a PSL calculated to be 27 dB, the CLIDAR system mirror for 10.0 mm in the line of sight, two coherence envelopes
clearly shows an excellent performance in correlation such are obtained and plotted in Fig. 8 with the dark and gray curves,
that target detection can be done unambiguously with a very respectively. As can be seen, a distance of 10.0 mm is measured
high resolution. To examine the SNR of the CLIDAR system, from the separation of the peaks that has a submillimeter
five consecutive sets of data are recorded, and the average and accuracy, while a 5.5-mm range resolution is achieved deriving
the variance of the values of the cross-correlation peaks rep- from the FWHM of the peaks.
resenting the signal and the noise, respectively, are calculated.
With the current setup without optimization, an SNR of 27.5 dB
is obtained.
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Fan-Yi Lin was born in Hsinchu, Taiwan, R.O.C., in Jia-Ming Liu (M’83–SM’85) was born in Taiwan
1975. He received the B.S. degree in electrophysics on July 13, 1953. He received the B.S. degree in
from National Chiao Tung University, Hsinchu, in electrophysics from National Chiao Tung University,
1997, and the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in Electrical Hsinchu, Taiwan, in 1975 and the S.M. and Ph.D.
Engineering from the University of California, Los degrees in applied physics from Harvard University,
Angeles, in 2001 and 2004, respectively. Cambridge, MA, in 1979 and 1982, respectively.
He is currently an Assistant Professor with the De- He was an Assistant Professor with the Depart-
partment of Electrical Engineering and Institute of ment of Electrical and Computer Engineering, State
Photonics Technologies, National Tsinghua Univer- University of New York, Buffalo, from 1982 to 1983
sity, Hsinchu. His current research interests include and was a Senior Member of the Technical Staff
nonlinear laser dynamics, optoelectronics, and lidar with GTE Laboratories, Inc., from 1983 to 1986. He
and radar systems. is currently a professor with the Electrical Engineering Department, University
of California, Los Angeles. His research interests include development and
application of picosecond and femtosecond wavelength-tunable infrared laser
pulses, nonlinear and dynamic processes in semiconductor materials and lasers,
wave propagation in optical structures, and chaotic synchronization in optical
Dr. Liu is a Fellow of the Optical Society of America, a Senior Member of the
IEEE Laser and Electro-Optics Society, and a Member of the American Phys-
ical Society, the Phi Tau Scholastic Honor Society, and Sigma Xi. He is also a
founding member of the Photonics Society of Chinese-Americans. He became
a Licensed Professional Electrical Engineer in 1977.

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