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Week 4 Discussion

Discuss the differences between extrinsic and intrinsic rewards and provide examples.
“Extrinsic motivation results from the potential or actual receipt of external awards.” (Kinicki,
2021) For example: I use Montessori method reward chart to get my children to complete their
chores. The motivation is influenced by rewards such as stickers, candy, tv-time, etc. Sometimes
it can be hard parenting. Therefore, I use the outside motivators to connect with my children.
“Intrinsic motivation occurs when an individual is inspired by “the positive internal feelings that
are generated by doing well” …” (Kinicki, 2021) I also use the Montessori method through
Intrinsic as extrinsic only work for in the moment. For my toddler I use the method of autonomy,
mastery, and purpose. Using the three methods provides my child with a reason to, knowledge of
how to, and the right to self-govern. The difference is simple, what is one inspired or motivated
by? Is it self-worth or an external stimulus?
Which type of reward do you feel more motivated by?
Intrinsic Motivation is more motivating to me because it provides self-preservation. It is highly
natural for me to get things done for my personal satisfaction. When you enjoy doing something
or want to do something it is not hard to find motivation. I hardly find my self doing things that
have little interest to me. Intrinsic drive my creativity and the reward for doing it, is doing it
well. Extrinsic leads to inconsistency as for every action does not always come with a reward.
If you could choose one motivational theory from the chapter, Foundations of Employee
Motivation, which one would it be and why?

If I could choose one motivational Theory, it would be Self Determination. Too often I meet
people who are living with no purpose. I find people who only work for materialistic items.
Items that only show how much money one possesses. People are not competent in what they do.
Which is why they don’t feel the need to be independent in what they do. However, innate is a
trait that everyone experiences. Many of my employees desire the feeling to be apart or belong
to. For it to be Intrinsic you must want it for yourself. I use this theory for myself, my children,
and my employees. Learning to have self-determination means one can effectively control there
needs and wants.
Kinicki, A. (2021). Organizational behavior: A practical, problem-solving approach (3rd edition).

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