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Unit Plan

Course Name: Personal Development and Career Planning

Curriculum: Grade 9
Modality: Online, Synchronous and Online, Asynchronous\
Personal Development and Career Planning is a course designed to help students explore different
career paths, identify their strengths and interests, and develop the skills and knowledge needed to
pursue their career goals. Through a combination of online resources, group discussions, and individual
activities, students will learn about topics such as career exploration, financial planning, resume
writing, and interview skills. By the end of the course, students will have a comprehensive
understanding of the steps they need to take to achieve their career objectives and create a roadmap for
their personal and professional development.

Lesson 1: Introduction to Personal Development and Career Planning

This lesson will introduce students to the concept of personal development and career planning.
The teacher will begin with a discussion about what personal development and career planning
mean, why they are important, and how they can benefit students.
Modality: Synchronous

 Students will understand the importance of personal development and career planning.
 Students will identify their interests, skills, and values.
 Students will explore different career options and research the requirements for those

 Students will use digital tools such as online career exploration websites, Google Forms for
self-assessment, and online career databases to research career options and identify their
interests, skills, and values.
 Class discussion on the importance of personal development and career planning.

Lesson 2: Exploring Interests and Hobbies

This lesson will focus on helping students explore their interests and hobbies. The teacher will
provide students with a list of questions or prompts to help them identify their interests and
hobbies. Students can then create a list of their interests and hobbies and share them with the class.
The teacher will also introduce technology tools that can help students explore their interests and

ISTE Standard: Innovative Designer

Modality: Asynchronous

 Students will be able to identify their interests and hobbies.
 Students will be able to explain how their interests and hobbies relate to personal
development and career planning.
 Students will be able to use technology tools to create a visual representation of their
interests and hobbies.

 Students will use online resources such as career interest assessments, quizzes, and surveys
to help them identify their interests and hobbies. They will then use digital tools like mind
mapping software or graphic organizers to organize their thoughts and ideas.

Lesson 3: Strengths and Weaknesses

ISTE Standard: Empowered Learner

Modality: Synchronous

 Students will identify their personal strengths and weaknesses.
 Students will learn how to leverage their strengths and improve their weaknesses.

 Students will create a list of their personal strengths and weaknesses.
 Class discussion on their thoughts on how to leverage personal strengths and weaknesses.

Lesson 4: Creating SMART Goals

This lesson will focus on helping students on how to create SMART goals, which stands for
Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound goals. Students will understand the
importance of setting goals and creating action plans to achieve them. They will also learn how to
identify potential obstacles and develop strategies to overcome them.

ISTE Standard: Empowered Learner

Modality: Synchronous
 Students will learn how to set SMART goals and create an action plan to achieve them.

 Introduction to the concept of SMART goals and how to create them.
 Interactive activity to help students set their own SMART goals through online authoring
 Discussion on the importance of creating an action plan to achieve goals.

Lesson 5: Technology Tools for Goal Setting and Tracking

Students in lesson 5 will learn about technology tools that can support their personal development
and goal setting. They will explore different digital platforms and applications that can help them
track their progress towards their goals and stay motivated. They will also learn about the potential
risks and challenges associated with using technology for personal development and how to
mitigate them.

ISTE Standard: Knowledge Constructor

Modality: Asynchronous

 Students will explore various digital platforms and applications that can support their
personal development and goal setting.
 Students will analyze the potential risks and challenges associated with using technology for
personal development and identify ways to mitigate them.
 Students will reflect on their own experiences with using technology for personal
development and identify areas for improvement.
 Students will evaluate the effectiveness of different technology tools for personal
development and goal setting and make recommendations for others.

 Introduction to various technology tools for personal development and career planning.
 Hands-on exploration of selected tools, such as career interest assessments, goal-setting
apps, or online skill-building resources.
 Group discussion on the benefits and limitations of technology tools for personal
development and career planning.

Lesson 6: Career Exploration

This lesson is focused on career exploration, with an emphasis on using digital technology to
research and identify potential career paths. Students will learn about different online tools and
resources that can help them explore careers and make informed decisions about their future. They
will also develop their global collaboration skills by learning about career opportunities and trends
in different countries and cultures.

ISTE Standard: Global Collaborator

Modality: Asynchronous
 Students will research and explore various career paths.
 Students will collaborate with peers to share information and insights about different
 Students will analyze how different careers can contribute to local and global communities.
 Students will reflect on their personal values and how they align with different career paths.

 Explore online career exploration tools to learn about different career options, required
skills and education, and potential salaries.

Lesson 7: Researching Careers of Interest

ISTE Standard: Knowledge Constructor

Modality: Asynchronous

 Students will identify their interests and learn how to research careers of interest using
digital resources.
 Students will identify the education and skill requirements for their selected careers.

 Introduce different resources for researching careers.
 Research careers of their interest and create a report based on their discussion.

Lesson 8: Identifying Required Skills and Education

ISTE Standard: Computational Thinker

Modality: Asynchronous

 Students will be able to identify the required skills and education for their desired careers.
 Students will learn how to research and evaluate credible sources of information related to
career requirements.
 Students will analyze and compare the skills and education requirements of different

 Use online job boards, career databases, and educational institution websites to gather
information on career requirements. They will learn how to refine their search criteria and
use filters to find relevant job postings.
 Students will analyze and compare the skills and education requirements of different careers
using spreadsheets or mind mapping tools.
Lesson 9: Financial Planning and Budgeting

ISTE Standard: Knowledge Constructor

Modality: Synchronous

 Students will understand the importance of financial planning and budgeting in achieving
career goals.
 Students will learn how to create and manage a budget using personal finance software or
budgeting apps.
 Students will learn about investing and retirement planning through online resources.
 Introduction to financial planning and budgeting concepts and their relevance to career
 Demonstration and hands-on practice with personal finance software or budgeting apps.
 Group discussion and research on investing and retirement planning using online resources.

Lesson 10: Networking and Professional Development

ISTE Standard: Global Collaborator

Modality: Synchronous

 Students will understand the importance of networking and professional development in
career paths.
 Students will learn how to use online professional networking platforms to connect with
professionals in their chosen fields.
 Students will learn about enhancing professional skills and knowledge through online
resources such as webinars, workshops, and podcasts.

 Understand the importance of networking and professional development in career paths.
 Learn how to use online professional networking platforms to connect with professionals in
their chosen fields.
 Learn about enhancing professional skills and knowledge through online resources such as
webinars, workshops, and podcasts.

Lesson 11: Creating a Career Plan

ISTE Standard: Empowered Learner

Modality: Synchronous

 Students will be able to create a personalized career plan that outlines their career goals,
steps to achieve them, and resources needed.
 Students will be able to reflect on their career exploration and research to inform their
career plan.
 Introduction to the components of a career plan, including career goals, steps to achieve
them, and resources needed.
 Interactive activity where students will create their own personalized career plan.

Lesson 12: Resumes and Cover Letters

ISTE Standard: Creative Communicator

Modality: Synchronous

 Students will understand the purpose and components of resumes and cover letters.
 Students will learn how to tailor their resumes and cover letters for specific job applications.
 Students will practice writing effective resumes and cover letters.

 Introduction to resumes and cover letters, including their purpose and components.
 Review of sample resumes and cover letters.
 Interactive activity to help students create a basic resume and cover letter.
 Discussion on tailoring resumes and cover letters for specific job applications.

Lesson 13: Job Applications and Interviews

ISTE Standard: Digital Citizen

Modality: Asynchronous

 Students will learn about the job application process and how to prepare for job interviews.
 Students will learn how to demonstrate digital citizenship in the job application process.

 Introduction to the job application process and the various components of a job application.
 Interactive activity on how to prepare for a job interview, including researching the
company, practicing common interview questions, and dressing appropriately.
 Discussion on the importance of demonstrating digital citizenship in the job application
process, including proper email etiquette, appropriate social media presence, and avoiding
plagiarism in application materials.

Lesson 14: Personal Branding

ISTE Standard: Creative Communicator

Modality: Synchronous

 Students will understand the concept of personal branding and its importance in career
 Students will learn how to develop a unique and authentic personal brand that aligns with
their career goals.
 Students will understand how to use digital tools to promote and communicate their
personal brand.

 Introduction to the concept of personal branding, including examples of successful personal
 Brainstorming and reflecting on personal values, strengths, and skills to develop a unique
personal brand.
 Creating a personal branding statement and elevator pitch.
 Exploring digital tools such as social media, blogs, and personal websites to promote and
communicate their personal brand.

Lesson 15: Final Projects and Presentations

ISTE Standard: Creative Communicator

Modality: Synchronous

 Students will demonstrate their understanding of career planning concepts and apply them
to their own career goals.
 Students will develop and deliver a professional presentation on their career plan and goals.

 Students will work on their final career plan project, incorporating all the concepts they
learned throughout the course.
 Students will create a professional presentation to showcase their career plan and goals,
including their skills, education, and career pathways.
 They will practice their presentation skills and receive feedback from their peers and the
 Finally, they will deliver their presentations to the class in a synchronous session,
demonstrating their ability to communicate their career plan effectively.

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