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If the end ofthe cable at A ís pulled dowll with

a speed of 2 mis, determine the speed at whích block 8

Podtion· Coordtnale Equation : Dalum is established at flXed poUey C.

The position of point A and block B with respect to datum are s,. and ss.
as +SA = 1
Time Derivatille : Taking Ihe time derivative of Ihe aboye eqoation yields

[ 1)

Since v,. =5 mIs. from Eq.[IJ

2v B +2 =0
vs=-lm/s=lm/s t ADS

12-173. If the end of the cable at A ís pulled down with

a speed of 2 mis, determine the speed at which block 8

Position- Coordinate Equation: Dalum is established atflXed poUey D.

Thc posilion of point A. block B and po1ley C wilh respect to datum are s A • Ss
and Se. respectively. Since!he system consists of two conis. two posilion·
coordinate eqoations can be derived.

(S,. -Se) +(SB -se)+ss = 'I [ lJ

SB +se =~ [2J

Eliminating se from Eqs.[IJ and [2) yields

Time Derivatlve : Taking Ihe time derivative of!he aboye eqoation yields


Sincev,. =2m/s. fromEq.[3J

2+4vB = O
Vs = -0.5 mIs = 0.5 mIs i Ans
12-174 Determme · the const ant speed at which the
cable ~t A must be drawn in by the motor in order to
hoist the load at B 15 ft in 5 s.

v. - ~
= - 3 Ns .. 3 Ns t


12-175. Determine the time needed for the load at B to

attain a speed of 8 mis, starting from rest, if the cable is
drawn into the motor with an acceleration of 0.2 m/s2.

4.; = - q,

4.; = -0.2

.; = -O.OS mlsz

-8 = 0-(0.05)(1)
t = 160s A_
*12-176. Determine the displacement of the log if the
truck at e pulls the cable 4 ft to the right.

2s. + (s. -se)=1

3s, -Se =1

Since ÁSe = -4, titen (23m O:! c. c4
3ÁsB =-4
ÁS s =-1.33 fl =1.33 fl-+ Ans

12-177. The crate is being lifted up the inclined plane

using the motor M and the rope and pulley arrangement
shown. Determine the speed at which the cable must be
taken up by the motor in order to move the crate up the
plane with a constant speed of 4 ft/s.

Po.ition· Coordinate Equtúion : Datum is established atraed pullcy B.

The position oC point P and ente A witb respect 10 datum are sI' and SA'
2sA +(sA-sl')=1
3sA -sI' =0

Time Derivtúive : Taking tite time derivative of the aboye equation yields

[ 1]

Sínce VA =4 rt/s, Crom Eq.[lJ

(+ ) 3(4)-vl' =0
vI' = 12 ftls Ana
12-178. Determine the displacement of the block at B
if A is pulled down 4 ft.


As. = - 2 ft = 2 ft t

12·179. The cable at B is pulled downwards at 4 ft/s,

and is slowíng at 2 ft/s 2• Determine the velocity and
acceleration of block A at this instant.

2s~ +(h-sd=l

2v.. = Ve

Se +(sc -s,) = I

2ve = VB



VA =-1 ft/s =1 ftls t Áns

*12-180. The pulley arrangement shown is designed for
hoisting materials. Jf Be remains fixed while the plunger P
is pushed downward with a speed of 4 ft/s, detennine the
speed of the load at A.

12-181. If block A is moving downward with a speed of

4 ft/s while e is moving up at 2 ft/s, determine the speed
oí block B.

4+ 2va-2:::0

Va :::-1 ft/s::: 1 (lis r Ans

12-182. If block A is movíng downward at 6 ftls while
block e is movíng down at 18 ftls, determine the relative
velocity of block B with respect to c.

SA + 2S8 + se = I
V,·1 +2V8 +Ve =0

6 +2V8 + 18 = O
Vo = -12 ftls = 12 tus t

Ve = lIe + veie
[12 tJ = [18 J,J + [ve/e ti

lIeie = 30 ftls t Ans

12-183. If the end of the cable at A is pulIed down with

a speed of 2 mIs, determine the speed at which block
E rises.

Position-Coordinate EquatiOll: Datum is eS!¡lblished at lixed pulley.

The position of point A. puIJey B and C and block E with respect to
datum are SA.SB.SC and SE;. respectively. Since the system consists
01' three cords. three position-coordinate equations can be developed.

2058+.1',1=/1 [1]

SC+(SC-SO)=/2 [2]

Eliminating Se and se from Eqs. [1]. [2] and [3]. we have

.1',1 + 8.~E = l¡ + 21 2 + 4/3

Time Derivative: Taking the time derivative of the ¡¡bove equation

V,1 + 8VE = O [4]

Since VA = 2 mis. [rom Eq. [3]

VE = -0.250 mis = 0.250 mis t Ans

*U-l84. If. block A of the pulley system is moving
downward wlth a speed of 4 ft/s while block e is moving
up at 2 ft/s, determine the speed of block B.

4 -+ 2 v. -+ 2(-2) '" o

12-185. The crane is used to hoist the load. If the motors

. at A and B are drawing in the cable at a speed of 2 ft/s
and 4 ft/s, respectively, determine the speed of the load.

POlitto". Coordt"ate Equation : DalUm is eslablished as shown. 'Ibe

position ofpointA and B and load Cwilh respectlO daIwn aresA" s, andle·

Time Derillatille : Since h is a constant. Taking!he lime derivative of!he

aboye equation yields

[ 11

Since VA =2ftls and v, =4 ftls. from Eq. [lJ

ve = -1.50 ftls =1.50 ftls l' Ans

U-186. The cylinder e is being lifted using the cable and

pulley system shown. If point A on the cable is being
drawn toward the drum with a speed of2 mis, determine
the speed of the cylinder.

1=3se -21J-s..

0= 3ve - v..
ve = -~ = -43 = -0.667 mi. = 0.667 mis t
12-187. The motion of the collar at A is controIled by a
motor at B such that when the collar is at SA = 3 ft it is
4ft -----1
moving upwards at 2 ft/s and slowing down at 1 ft/s ,
Determine the velocity and acceleration of the cable as

it is drawn into the motor B at this ipsJa_nt,

Jsi +42 +Slt =1


Ss =-[(SA )\s¡ + 16ri +s"s" (s~ + 16r~ +s"S" (-~)(s~ + 16t~(2s".fA )J

Ss = (s"s"y _ (s.d 2 +SAS"

(si + 16)~ (si + 16)i
Evaluating mese equations :


'. _ «3)(-2»2 (-2)2 + 3(1)

Ss - - 11 i
«3)2 + 16)1 «3)2 + 16)~ = - . 1 ft/5 = 1.11 ft/sl t An.

*12-1~8. The roller at A is moving upward with a

velocJ7 of VA = 3 ft/s and has an acceleration of aA =
4 ft/s ~hen SA = 4 ft. Determine the velocity and
acceleratlOn of block B at this instant.

SB -[(S.d+9rl(si.f~ )+[si +9J~(s! )+[si +9J~(SASA )=0

Ats" =4ft, SA =3ftls. s" =4flls 2

Vi = -2.4 ftls =2.40 ft/s -t Ans

/ /7,' /7/ 1/7, )177

aB =-3.85 ftls 2 = 3.85 ftls l -t Ana

1 _ _ _ _ _ _- - - _ .
12-189. The crate e is being lifted by moving the roUer
at A downward with a constant speed of v A = 2 mis
along the guide. Determine the velocity and acceleration
of the crate at the instant s = 1 m. When the roUer is at Ite + '¡"l + (4)1 = I
B, the crate rests on the ground. Neglect the size of the
pulley in the calculation. Hint: Relate the coordinates Xc
and X A using the problem geometry, then take the first
and second time derivatives.

wa.r" 1 m.1 = 8 DI,

"e = 3 m 11r--'----¡
It" = 3m I

V" =,,~ =2m1a

"" =:i~ =O

Ve = -1.2 mis = 1.2m1s t Aas

12-190. The girl at e stands near the edge of the pier

and pulls in the rope horizontally at a constant speed of
6 ft/s. Determine how fast the boat approaches the pier
at the instant the rope length AB is 50 ft.

8 'DIe lcDgth 1 of cmt is

'¡(8)2 + "i + "e .. 1

TaIdq tbc time dcrivalive:

1 2 ..2 -112 . . O (1)

-[(8) + Xi] 2".". + "e ..

,,~ .. 6 ftll

Whcn AB - SO ft,

". _ '¡(50)2 - (8)2 - 49.356 ft

Prom Eq. (1)

i. - - 6..0783 .. 6..08 ftI. ... Aa

12-191. The man pulls the boy up to the tree limb e by
walking backward. If he starts from rest when XA = Oand
moves backward with a constant acceleration OA =
0.2 m/s2, determine tIle speed of the boy at the instant
YB = 4 m. Neglect the size ofthe limbo When XA = O,Ya=
8 m, so that A and B are coincident, i.e., the rope is 16 m

Po,ition. Coordintlt, Equtltlon : Using !he Pythagorean theorem 10 deIemúne

l,¡e. wehavel,¡c =Jx~ +81 • Thus,

16=Jx~ +82 +ys
Ys =16-Jx~ +64 [ 1)

Tim, D,rilltltill' : Taking!he time derivative oí Eq.[lj where v" = dJc"

and Vs = -¡¡, we have


Al !he instantYB =4 m, from Eq.[lj, 4 =16-'¡x~ +64. x" =8.944 m. The velocity
oí !he man al that instant can be obtained.

v! =(vo)! +2(0"),,[9,, -(so),,]

v! = O+2(O.2)(8.944-0)
1) A=1.891 mIs

Substitute !he aboye results inlO Bq. [2] yields

UB =-{ 8.944
(1.891) =-1.41 mis = 1.41 mIs t Ans
8.9442 +64

Note: The negative sign indicates !hat velocity 1) s is in !he opposite direction 10 that of
*12-192. Collars A and B are connected to the cord that
passes over the small pulley at C. When A is located at
D, B is 24 ft to the left of D. If A moves at a constant
speed of2 ft/s to the right,determine the speed of B when
A is 4 ft to the right of D.

1= 1(24)2+(10)%+ 10 =36 ft

, (SÁSÁ )(lOO+si)i
s,=-- -lOO+s~

~ (10)2 + si + ¡ (10)2 + (4)2 = 36

S8 =23. 163ft

s = _( 23.163
4(2) )(100+(23.163)1)! .. -O 80!HtI .. 0809 CtJ....
100+42 . s. s

12-193. If block B is moving down with a velocity VB

and has an acceleration Q B. determine the velocity and
acceleration of block A in terms of the parameters shown.

1- 1, + '¡Ij + lJ2
. 1
o '" ", + _(la
2 ..
+ h2)-ll2 2 8.. 8...

v.. = i.. = -¡,(.r1 + AZ)lIZ


v.. = -v.(1 + (.!)a)lIa

".. Ana
12-194. Vertical motion of tbe load is produced by
movement of tbe piston at A on tbe boom. Determine
tbe distance tbe piston or pulIey at e must move to tbe
left in order to lift tbe load 2 ft. The cable is attacbed at
B, passes over tbe puUey at e, tben D, E, F, and again
around E, and is attacbed at G.
2Ie·+ 2 s". = 1

Ale = -(-2 ft) .. 2 ft Aaa

U-195. Sand falls from rest 0.5 m vertically onto a

chute. lf the sand then slides with a velocity of ve = 2 mis
down the chute, determine the relative velocity of the
sand just falling on the chute at A with respect to the sand
sliding down the chute. The chute is inclined at an angle
of 40 0 with the horizontal.
(+ i) ~ =(v.di + 2a,(sA -s.u)
~ =0+2(-9.81)(0.5-0)

VA =-3.1321 mIs

-3.1321 = -2 sin40° + (VAle}y



8 =tan- I (1.8465)
=50.3 0
7 AlU
~~1%. 1Wo planes, A and B, are fiying at the same
altitude. If their velocities are VA = 600 km/h an~
VB = 500 km/h such that the angl~ between .thelr
straight-line courses is (1 = 75°, determme the veloclty of
plane B with respect to plane A.

-," ..
\ v,
VAl. = 875 tmlh I

_ 579.56
B = taa 1 ( _ ) • 41.50 ':" Ans

12-197. At the instant shown, cars A and B are traveling \

at speeds of 30 mi/h and 20 mi/h, respectively. If B is \
increasing its speed by 1200 mi/h 2, while A maintains a \
constant speed, determine the velocity and acceleration \
of B with respect to A. !

V . . . VA + V.IA
j J 0
30 20
'l m 30 + (VJl/A). + (VJl/A),

~ ~ t

vA = 30 miIh _ _A


(V.IA)" .. 17.32 t

B .. tan- 1( _ _) .. 40.90 O Aas

(/Ja). . . 0.3 .. 1333.3

(~) -1200ain3O" + 1333.3cosJOO .. (/JalA).

(+t) 1200cos3O" + 1333.3ain30" = (/JalA),

2 Aas
fJslA .. /(554.7)2 + 1705.9)2 .. 1.79(10') milb

1705.9) 7l.(Y' De Aas

9 .. taa-
(ss¡::¡ -
Jl..198. At the instant shown, cars A and B are traveling
at speeds of 30 mi/h and 20 mi/h, respectively. If A is
increasing its speed at 400 mi/h2 whereas the speed of B a. == a... + -.,A
is decreasing at 800 mi/h2, determine the velocity and
acceleration of B with respect to A. 2Q2
[- = 1333.3] + [800] = [400] + [(Ila'A).] + HIla'A),]
0.3 D
,1 ,),.., 30" .... -+ l'

= miIh\
VB - 20
v,,=30milh _ _A (Ila,.. ), .. -26.154 = 26.154 J.
(lla'A) = 1(1954.7)2 + (26.154)2

,.,.. .. 1955 miJh2 ADa

Jl..Í99. 1\vo boats leave the shore at the same time and
travel in the directions shown. If VA = 20 ft/s and V8 =
15 ft/s, determine the speed of boat A with respect to boat
B. How long after leaving the shore will the boats be 800 ft
~m? .
-20sin3<JOl + 2OcosJOOJ = IScos45"t + ISsin4soJ + v",.
"",. . . {-2o.6U - 6.7J4j} fila

VA'• .. {(-20.61)2 + (-6.714)2 _ 21.7 fila

'-36.9s Aa

800 800
t .. v:; .. 2i:6ii • 36.9. Aa.
*12-200. Two planes A and B are flying side by side at
a constant speed of 900 km/h. Maintaining this speed.
plane A begins to travel along the spiral path r =
(15008)km,where8 isin- radians,whereas plane B
continues to fly in a straight line. Determine the speed of
plane A with respect to plane B when r = 750 km.

R.ltdi.,. Vdocity : At r= 750 km. 750 =15008. 9 = 0.5 rad =28.64°. Here,

tan ,,= -- =- - = =
0.5, VI = 26.57 and
9 +" = 55210
. . ApPl)'IDI

Eq.12 - 34 gives

VA = V, +vMB
9OOcos S5.21°¡ +900sin 5S.21°J =900i + VMB

VA" = {-386.52i+ 739.15J} Ian/h

Thus. me magnitude of the relative velocity V AlB is

TIte direction of the relative velocity is the samc as the drec1ion oí Ihat for relative
acceleralion. Thus

= -1~ .. 62.4·
tan 386.52
Jl.20L At the instant shown, the bicyclist at A is traveUng
at 7 m / s around the curve 00 the race track while inaeasing
bis speed at 0.5 m/';. lhe bicyclist at B is traveling at 8.5
mIs along the straigbt-a-way and increasing his speed at
0.7 mIsa. Determine tbe relative velocity and relative
acceleration of A with respect to B at this instant. [71'\.1 = [8.5-+) + [(VAl.). -+1 + ((v..,,), J.)

(-4) 7 sin4O" = 8.5 + (vAl.).

(+ J.) 7 c:oa4O" = (,

(v..,.). = 4.00 mis +-

(, = 5.36 mI• .1.

( = 1(4.00)2 + (5.36)2


[0.980) : : + [Q.S) " = [0.7 -tI + «II.t,.). -+1 + ((II.t,.), J.)

(~) -0.980 c:oa4O" + 0.5 sin4O" = 0.7 + (1I.t,.).

(+J.) 0.98Osln4O" + 0.5 cos4O" = (a..,.),

(a..,.) = 1(1.129)2 + (1.013)2

U-202. At the instant shown, cars A and B are traveling
at speeds of 55 rni/h and 40 mi/h, respectively. If B is
increasing its speed by 1200 mi/h2, while A maintains a
constant speed, determine the velocity and acceleration v. = -40cos3O"1 + 401I03O"J = {-34.641 + ZOj} DUln
of B with respect to A. Car B moves along a curve having
a radius of curvature oí 0.5 mi. v .. ={-5SI} mlIh

=(-34.641+ 2OJ) -(-551) ={2O.361+2Oj} mlIh

V.,. = 120.362 + 2()2 = 28.5 mlIh


v 2 4()l
(ti.. ) =.2. = -
..... P 0.5 =3200 miIIf (a,,), = 1200 miIIf

a. = (3200cos6CJO-I200cos3O" )1 + (32OOaio6CJO + 12OO8I030">J

={S6O.771 + 3371.28J} miJh2
aA =0

a.,A = a. -aA
={S6O.771+3371.28j}- 0= {S6O.771 + 3371.28j} miIIf
a",A = '(560.77)2+(3371.28)2 = 3418 miIIf


12·203. Cars A and B are traveling around the circular

race track. At the instant shown, A has a speed of 90 ft/s
and is increasing its speed at the rate of 15 ft/s 2, whereas
B has a speed of 105 ft/s and is decreasing its speed at
25 ft/s 2• Determine the relative velocity and relative
acceleration of car A with respect to car B at this instant.

- 90i = - lOS sin30° 1 + 105 cos300' + v

" Al.

vAl. = {-37.S1 - !IO.93J} ftls

VAl. = {(-37.5)2 + (-90.93)2 .. 98.41t1s

8 _ tan- I (!IO.93
37.5) = 67.6° iF

300 J ..
2S cos6O 1 - 2S sin600J _ 441
. sin6()01 - 44.1 cos600J + a •
aAI• = {JO.691 + 16.70J} ItIs 2

QAI. = {(1O.69)2 + (16.70)2 .. 19.8 ftI.2

8 = tan-le 16.70
iii.69) • 57.40 o ADI
*12-204. The two cyc\ists A and B travel at the same
constant speed v. Determine the speed of A with respect
to B if A travels along the circular track, while B travels
along the diameter of the circle,

VA =vsínOi+vcos8j VB = vi

= (vsin9i+vcos9j)- vi

=(vsm9-v)i+ vcos9j

= '¡2tJ. -2thin9

= v'¡2(1- sin9) Ans

12-205. A man can row a boat at 5 mis in still water.

He wishes to cross a 50-m-wide river to point B, 50 m
downstream. If the river flows with a velocity of 2 mis,
determine the speed of the boat and the time needed to
make the crossing.

Rdative Velocity :

Vb =V,+Vblr
vbsin45°i-vbcos4S0j=-2j+Scos 9i-5sin 8j

EqulIIÍ1lg i and j component, we have

vbsin 45° =5eos 8 [ 1]

-vb cos 45° = -2 - 5sin 8 [2]

Solving Eqs.[l] and [2] yields

9= 28.57°
Vb =6.210 mIs = 6.21 mIs Ans

Thus. tbe time t required by !he boat 10 !rave! from pointA 10 B is

.fAB ..¡soz + 50Z =11.45 Ans
vb 6.210
12-206. A passenger in an automobile observes that
raindrops make an angle of 30° with the horizontal as the
auto travels forward with a speed of 60 km/h. Compute
the terminal (constant) velocity v, of the rain if it is
assumed to fall verticalIy.
I 1 I1 I I I I I1 I I II
1 '1 1 v, = V. + VrI.
l' I

I ' 1 i I
I I 1,
,r , J
1 1 I
I I va~6,o1~ !I
I I I ' I
~ I

v, - 34.6 JcmIb A ..

Jl.107. At a given instant the football player at A throws

a football Cwith a velocity of20 mis in the direction shown.
Determine the constant speed at which the player at B must Sall:
run so that he can catch the football at the same elevation
at which it was thrown. AIso calculate the relative velocity
and relative acceleration of the football with respect to B at
the instant the catch is made. Player B is 15 m away from
A when A starts to throw the football. (+1) " ""0 + ~I

,.e - 20 1iD6O" .. 20 .60° - 9.811

1 .. 3.53.

Se .. 35.31 m


1-1· m----.¡.!
35.31 .. 15 + ".(3.53)

". " 5.75 mi. A ..

Al lile lime of !be _

("d. " 20 COI6O" .. la mi.....

("e), " 20 1iD60° .. 17.32 mi. J,

101 - 17.3~ .. 5.751 + ("el,).1 + ("el.),J

(.!.) la .. 5.75 + ("e,,).

"e" .. {C'U5)' + (17.32)' .. 17.1 mi. A ..

-9.11J .. o + "e,.
'b. .. '.11 mi.' J,
*12-208. A man can swim at 4 ft/s in still water. He
wishes lo cross the 40-ft-wide river lo point D, 30 ft
downstream. If the river flows with a velocity of 2 ft/s,
determine the speed of the man and the time needed lo
máke the crossíng. Note:WhiTe inine water he i11ÍJsfnof
direct himself towards point B lo reach this point. Why?

Rdllti", V elocity :

Vm =V,+vml r
5 m

Equaling Ihe i and j componenlS, we have

-v,. . 8
=2+4sm [ 1]
5 m
=4co58 [2]
Solving Eqs. [1] and (2) yields
.......)"---!t~---~-- - - x:.
8 = 13.29· A
v b = 4.866 ftJs = 4.87 fús Ans

Thus, !he time t required by Ihe boat 10 travel from pointA 10 B is

t=SAB = ~ =10.35 Ans

Vb 4.866

[n oder for!he man to reached point B, Ihe man has 10 direct himself al an angle 8
= 13.30 wilh y axis.

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