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Name: Eddrei Paullynne Desoasido Date: February 10, 2020

Subject: Personal Spirituality and Faith - MW 11:30-1:00

The Great Controversy

Topic Log No. 2

What did you learn from this topic?

In this topic I learned about the conflict that happened in heaven. Through this event

a lot of God’s characteristics was revealed. I learned that God is such an amazing God. It

showed how God’s love work for all. God was able to give chance to those who may

repent and go back to His side after Lucifer deceived them. God did not destroy Lucifer

and His angels because he is not the unfair God that Lucifer was saying to the other


How did it make an impact to you?

Through this I have come to realize how God really loves His people. No matter

what kind of sin we commit, He is always ready to forgive us and give us another

chance. I also learned that jealousy will bring no good to us. We should always be

contented in what we are and in what we have just like the angels who stayed by God’s

side. And that time will come, we shall be rewarded with our goodness.

How will you apply it in your personal life?

This lesson made me think that we do not have any excuse to stand against any

temptations of Satan just as how the angels stayed by God’s side. We all have the might

to convince everyone about the truth. It should be what we are doing instead of just

sitting and just waiting for good things to come. We can be the good thing for others. Just

by spreading His word to others, we can also spread the hope in him. And most

importantly, sharing His love to all maybe one of our greatest achievement in this life.

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