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Nama : Nur Annisa

Instansi : SMPN 03 Negeri Besar

Prodi : Bahasa Inggris

LK. 1.2 Eksplorasi Penyebab Masalah

Masalah yang telah Analisis eksplorasi penyebab

No. Hasil eksplorasi penyebab masalah
diidentifikasi masalah
1 Lack motivation of the Literature Review Lack motivation of the students
students in learning english in learning english are caused
1. According to Suwanto (2021:26) many by:
difficulties in teaching and learning
process, such as: 1. Student’s mind set that
a. Lack of student motivation english is difficult
b. Lack of vocabulary mastery 2. Lack vocabulary mastery
c. Learning model presented is 3. Unattractive method in
unattractive teaching
4. Internal Factor (family,
2. According to Chang (2019: 2) in M. M. economic problem, etc)
Elaish et al, observed that lack
motivation affected student’s learning.

3. According to Purmama at al (2019:2),

motivation from students in Indonesia is
still in the low degree because
a. They have lacks of confidence.
b. The teachers don’t comprehend about
the students’ feeling about English.

The Result of Interview

1. Mr. Tri Haryono, S.Pd., M.M.


a. Home factor that doesn’t support the

student interest in learning, such as
parents or sister never care to the
b. Unattractive way in teaching. .
c. Student’s mind set that english is

2. Mr. Santoso, S.Pd.

(Expert 1)

a. Student’s mind set that english is

b. Lack of facilities
c. Lack of teacher inovation in teaching

3. Mr. Yulian Faizar, S.Pd.

(Expert 2)

a. Lack of motivation.
b. Lack of parent’s support
c. Student’s mind set that english is
d. Unattractive teacher in learning
e. The lack of environmental support.
2 Lack of students interest in Literature Review The reason of students’s lack
reading english text interest in reading english text:
1. According to Alnur (2019:28) the causes
of the problem in reading is 1. Lack of vocbukary in english
a. The students’s lack of vocabulary 2. Lack of motivation in reading
b. Low of motivation 3. Lack of facilities in reading
c. Teacher conventional teaching (book, magazine, etc)
technique 4. Unattractive teaching method
in reading
2. According to Shehu (2018:19) in
Satriani research, main problems on
students’ reading comprehension is

a. Vocabulary.
b. Working memory.
c. Absence of extensive reading.
d. Type of text..

3. According to Satriani (2018:19) the

cause of students difficulties in reading :
a. Motivation
b. Reading habit
c. Material of reading
d. Reading skills
e. Reading strategy used

The Result of Interview

1. Mr. Tri Haryono, S.Pd., M.M.


a. In this era, students prefer to watch

the real object such as watching
video, youtube, televison, etc.
b. Lack of motivation in reading.

2. Mr. Santoso, S.Pd.

(Expert 1)

a. Lack of english Vocabulary

b. Unattractive method in teaching
reading comprehension

3. Mr. Yulian Faizar, S.Pd.

(Expert 2)

a. Lack of motivation f the students

b. Lack of stimulate in reading from the

3 The difficulties of the Literature Review The reason of students’

students in learning short difficulties in making a good
functional text (making a 1. According to Sari (2019:9) it’s found notice :
good notice) that 1. Inappropriate learning
a. The student feel bored in learning method used by teacher
notice without media 2. Lack understanding of the
b. The student got difficulty in learning word’s meaning about notice
notice without media. 3. Lack understanding of short
c. Lack of students’ vocabulary about functional text about notice
notice 4. The learning process havent’t
d. student’s lack in learning notice applied in daily activity.
because noisy class

2. According to Sa’adah (2020:2) the

cause of student faced less interest in
learning process is
a. The strategies used were monotonous
b. The learning process in classroom is
only directed student’s ability to
memoize information
c. The learning process in classroom
never guide students to understand
the lesson by apply it in daily life.

The Result of Interview

1. Mr. Santoso, S.Pd.

(Expert 1)

a. Lack understanding of the word’s

b. Lack understanding of short
functional text about notice

2. Mr. Yulian Faizar, S.Pd.

(Expert 2)

a. Lack of knowledge of the student

b. Learning materials were never
applied in daily activity

4 Lack of communication Literature Review Lack of communication between

between student’s parents student’s parents and teacher
and teacher 1. According to Patrikokau (2018:19) in caused by:
Huda research:
1. The active communication
Less number of teacher who believe between teachers and parents
that they will be able to change the haven’t built yet
mind set of the student’s parents. 2. Less concern of the parents
for their children
2. According to Patmonodewo (2018:15) 3. The parents busy in working
in Huda research:

In the fact, it’s difficult to build

relationship between teacher and
student’s parents in the learning

The Result of Interview

1. Mr. Tri Haryono, S.Pd.,M.M.


a. Less concern of the parents for their

b. Economic problem
c. The parents busy in working
2. Mr. Santoso, S.Pd.
(Expert 1)

a. Lack of the soscialization from the

b. The active communication between
teachers and parents haven’t built yet

3. Mr. Yulian Faizar, S.Pd.

(Expert 2)

a. Parents didn’t get information from

from both side student and teacher
b. Parents didn’t ever come to school to
fullfil the summon about students

5 The difficulties of the Literature Review The difficulties of the students in

students in undersatnding undersatnding the language
the language features of 1. According to Hidayah at al (2021:21) features of procedures text is
procedures text based on research about writing caused by
difficulties in procedures text, conclude
that students have difficulties in: 1. Teacher didn’t use appriate
a. Social function media in teaching.
b. Structure text 2. Inappropriate learning Model
c. Language features to the learning material.
3. Lack of English vocabulary.
2. According to Wulandari (2019:2) some
factors in writing difficulties of
procedures text is:
a. Student’s difficulties in gathering and
organizing their idea in paragraph.
b. Teacher didn’t use the media in
teaching writing.

The Result of Interview

1. Tri Haryono, S.Pd.,M.M.


a. Unmatched learning Model to the

learning material.
b. Unattractive media in teaching

2. Mr. Santoso, S.Pd.

(Expert 1)

a. Lack of English vocabulary

b. Unattractive media in teaching

3. Mr. Yulian Faizar, S.Pd.

(Expert 2)

a. Lack of knowledge in all aspect of

basic english
b. In social function
c. Generic structures
d. Language features
6 The difficulties of the Literature Review The difficulties of the students in
students in doing (High doing HOTS questions are
Order Thinking Skill) 1. According to Dhewa at al (2017:1) the caused by
HOTS questions indonesian student’s ability to think 1. Lack of interest in reading
scientifically is low, because: english text
a. Students are less trained in solving 2. Students are less trained in
HOTS solving HOTS
b. Lack or unavailability theassesment 3. Not accustomed to make
instrument designed to train HOTS. conclusions or interpret the
texts due to being lack of
2. According to Fadila at al (2021:1) the vocabulary
factors of students’ difficulties in doing 4. The differences of geograpic
HOTS are: factor
a. Lack of interest in reading english
b. Having no idea about the purpose of
english reading texts.
c. Not accustomed to make conclusions
or interpret the texts due to being lack
of vocabulary

The Result of Interview

1. Mr. Tri Haryono, S.Pd.,M.M.


a. The differences of geograpic factor

b. The lack of citizen educational
c. Lack of student educational .concern
from the parents.

2. Mr. Santoso, S.Pd.

(Expert 1)

a. Lack of reading understanding

b. Understand the written meaning only.

3. Mr. Yulian Faizar, S.Pd.

(Expert 2)

a. Lack of student’s learning motivation

b. Easy to give up

7 Technical Difficulties of Literature Review Lack of students in using canva

students for using canva in in learning greeting card is
learning greeting card 1. According to Ajaj (2021:3) the students caused by:
face difficulties when learning english
language because: 1. The lack of use of modern
a. The lack of use of modern educational method of
educational method of teaching teaching english.
english. 2. Lack of knowledge in
b. The actual use of modern technology technology
in learning and teaching english is 3. Students haven’t undertsand
not satisfactory. about Canva aplication yet

2. According to Perdiansyah (2021:3) the

students face difficulties when learning
english language because:
a. Not all students knew and qualified
in the use of learning media that
designed and implemented by
b. It was a new thing for students
c. It took times regarding the process of
understanding in using media based
onn E-learning.

The Result of Interview

1. Mr. Tri Haryono, S.Pd.,M.M.


a. Lack of facilities
b. Lack of knowledge in technology

2. Mr. Santoso, S.Pd.

(Expert 1)

a. Unfamiliar with Canva

b. Students haven’t undertsand about
Canva aplication yet.

3. Mr. Yulian Faizar, S.Pd.

(Expert 2)

a. Lack of facilities
b. Lack of socialization about the
benefit of Canva
c. Teacher haven’t about tell about
Canva aplication yet.

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