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The Hon'ble District Judge,

[District Name],
[State Name]

Subject: Application under Order 1 Rule 10 of the Code of Civil Procedure


I, [Your Name], the plaintiff in the above-mentioned suit, humbly submit this
application under Order 1 Rule 10 of the Code of Civil Procedure (CPC) for
impleading [Name of the person] as a co-plaintiff in the present suit.

The facts leading to this application are as follows:

[Provide a brief description of the relevant facts and background of the case.]

It is pertinent to mention that [Name of the person] has a direct interest in the subject
matter of this suit, and his/her presence is necessary to effectively adjudicate the
dispute in question. The [Name of the person] is [mention the nature of their interest
in the suit, e.g., owner of the disputed property, an aggrieved party, etc.].

It is submitted that the presence of [Name of the person] as a co-plaintiff in the

present suit will ensure a complete and comprehensive adjudication of the dispute in
question. Moreover, it will avoid the possibility of multiple suits being filed on the
same subject matter and will save the valuable time of this Hon'ble Court.

In light of the above, it is humbly prayed that this Hon'ble Court may be pleased to
allow the present application and implead [Name of the person] as a co-plaintiff in
the present suit, in the interest of justice and equity.

I am ready and willing to pay any additional court fees, as may be required by this
Hon'ble Court.

Thanking you,
[Your Name]

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