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Alice Divya Purti Ms. Charu Kriti
Roll. No: 1090 Teaching Assistant
Section: A Faculty of Psychology
Semester: III

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1. CERTIFICATE……………………………………………………………………...3
2. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT………………...……………………………..………….4
3. ABSTRACT………………………………………………………………………….5
4. INTRODUCTION……………………………………………………………….…6-8
5. RESEARCH PROBLEM……………………………………………………………9
6. LITERATURE REVIEW……………………………...………………………..10-
7. OBJECTIVES……………………………………………………………………….13
8. RESEARCH QUESTION……………..……………………………………………13
9. HYPOTHESIS……..………………………………………………………………..13
10. METHODOLOGY…………………………………………………………….. …..14
SAMPLE SIZE………………………………………………………………..…….14
RESEARCH DESIGN………………………………………………………………
11. RESULTS…………………………………………………...…………..……….16-23
12. DISCUSSION…………………………………………………………………....24-27
13. CONCLUSION……………………………………………………………………..28
14. REFERENCES………………………………………………………..…………29-31


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This to certify that this Research Paper titled “The role of academic stress to depression” is
being submitted by Alice Divya Purti 2nd year student of National University of Study and
Research in Law, Ranchi which is a record of bonafide work carried out under my
supervision. All the data collected by the aforementioned student has been kept anonymous
under my knowledge and guidance.

All the statements made and conclusions drawn are the bona fide outcome of the research
work. This project does not contain any work that has been submitted in any other university.

Ms. Charu Kriti

Teaching Assistant, NUSRL

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First and foremost, I, Alice Divya Purti of semester III, would like to express my sincere
gratitude to Ms. Charu Kriti, our Psychology Professor, for providing me with this golden
opportunity to work on this wonderful project. I would also like to thank her for her
invaluable assistance during the composition of this research paper. Her advice was quite
helpful in completing this job.

I would also like to offer my sincere appreciation to all of my friends who assisted me in
finishing this project with their innovative and useful suggestions. I would like to express my
gratitude for their encouragement and support. I could not have finished my research paper
without their clear directions and wonderful compassion. I would specially like to thank all
the participants who participated in the survey and spent their valuable time to fill the
questionnaire and helped me to complete this research.

Finally, I would like to express my gratitude to God, the Almighty, for his unending gifts and
grace, which have enabled me to finish this assignment.

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Stress is a large term with much significant consequences, yet it may be mitigated by making
little changes in our daily lives. Managers, financers, government officials, administrators,
politicians, housewives, and students are all affected by stress these days. It's critical to
pinpoint the source of the stress so that it can be thoroughly addressed and effective remedies
may be devised. Stress is always viewed as a subjective process that comprises an
individual's unique interpretation and reaction to a potentially dangerous situation. Stress may
lead to depression, anxiety, and a variety of other health problems. The growth in the number
of Stress Management workshops, papers, research reports, and other associated activities is a
result of the rise in stress-related cases during the last few decades.

This research looks at the conceptual framework of stress, as well as the sources of stress in
students and how to deal with it. It also includes an overview of the literature on the subject.

Key Words: Stress, Depression, Anxiety, Stress Management.

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A sense of mental or bodily strain is referred to as stress. There are several events in a
person's life that cause unpleasant emotions such as anger, irritation, and anxiousness, all of
which contribute to stress. The body's response to a challenge or demand is stress. It might be
beneficial at times, but chronic stress can lead to serious health problems. Stress levels might
vary depending on how one responds to a certain event. Some individuals just do not care and
do not become nervous; they regard stress as a minor setback and go about their regular lives.
Others worry more than is necessary, which has a negative impact on their health.

Stress is a psychological, behavioural, and physiological process that occurs when a person
attempts to adapt or compromise in the face of pressures (Bernstein et al. 2008). Stressors are
events that disturb or threaten to disrupt an individual's regular functioning, forcing them to
make changes" (Auerbach and Grambling,1998).

Stress is described by Malach, Pines, and Keinan (2007) as the awareness of inconsistency
between environmental burdens (stressors) and a person's ability to meet these demands.
Stress, according to Auerbach & Grambling (1998), may be defined as any condition that
might cause any form of harm or hazard to one's well-being.


Over the last several years, academic pressure has intensified; students must juggle tests,
coursework, and a variety of other activities. Teachers and parents, in addition to the design,
put a lot of pressure on pupils to earn excellent scores. These expectations force pupils to
labour tirelessly, resulting in increased stress. When it comes to academics, parents and
institutions want their children to participate in extracurricular activities as well; the current
expectation of students is to be all-rounders. Due to a lack of suitable channels for
counselling, students are unable to pick a professional path for themselves, despite putting in
long hours of study. The youngsters get perplexed and stressed as a result of the parents' and
instructors' demanding attitudes. High school and adolescence have a critical part in forming
a child's personality and view on life. Another word commonly used by teens is peer
pressure. This might include pressuring someone to drink, smoke, cheat on an exam, lie, and
so on; the list is endless. Peer pressure can both damaging and persuasive. It may either assist
introvert kids build their personality in a positive way or act as a hindrance and cause tension.

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It is critical for kids to have knowledge and surround themselves with good individuals in
order to make the most of peer pressures.

Heavy academic workloads and the continual sensation of being on the verge of missing
another deadline can be stressful. Parental pressure on children to excel in school and in
extracurricular activities is at an all-time high. The compelling desire to succeed in school,
which is often abused, harms morale and is one of the leading causes of stress, failure, and
collapse. Parents compete to prove that their child is an all-around performer, but they end up
as victims rather than winners. Lack of support is a key cause of student stress, as is a lack of
engagement with parents and instructors, which builds on any uncertainties or confusions a
kid may have, finally leading to stress. A youngster is expected to achieve a lot, but owing to
a lack of sufficient assistance, they feel lost at sea and are unable to find their way.

Long-term stress can cause physical and mental problems, as well as anxiety and despair. It is
critical to have a way to alleviate anxiety. Mckean et al. (2000) argued that stress is caused by
a synergy between stressors and the person's behaviour and attitude to these stressors, rather
than by the stressors themselves. Though stress is frequently regarded as a negative factor,
there is always the opposite side of the equation. The appropriate type of stress sharpens the
intellect and reflexes, which aids in memory enhancement. Mild stress is necessary for
productive and efficient work. It can assist with daily problems and inspire pupils to achieve
their objectives.


Stress may be overwhelming, and many teenagers experience depression as a result. Many
high school students experience stress during their school years, and this tension is carried
over to their college years, causing academic discord and maybe mental health issues. When
a student finally arrives at college, they are confronted with the stress of a new and increased
workload, the pressure of making friends and fitting into a socially acceptable circle, and the
management of a much more difficult network, all without the support of their parents on
many occasions. As a result, learning to deal with stress is critical in order for pupils to learn
to navigate in the waves and sail through.

Students may reduce stress in a variety of ways, such as by including any type of exercise
into their daily routine; this tiny modification will go a long way toward ensuring a happy

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atmosphere for the long term. Students can also use meditation and breathing techniques to
ease tension and avoid panic during exams. It's also crucial to make sure pupils get adequate
sleep; this will help them be more patient and have a better learning graph. Music has a
calming effect, whether it is performed in a stressful situation or not. Listening to music has
several advantages, including the ability to reduce stress. The way one speaks to oneself has a
significant impact on one's mindset; so, good self-talk is essential for achieving harmony in
one's surroundings.

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Academic stress and depression are hot topics in today's culture and in the academic
community. This world is full of passion, achievement, and challenges for students, but it is
also a period of stress for these students, as they adjust to new educational and social
environments. College is a stressful location for college students in terms of adapting to new
educational and social environments. Stress levels among college students are rising across
the country (Sax, 1997). It's also the result of mental strain, which leads to frustration, and it's
linked to academic failure and worry (Gupta and Khan, 1987). Due to academic stress,
college students face numerous academic burdens, such as continuous examinations,
answering questions in class, and demonstrating progress in school subjects. In addition,
understanding teaching, competing with classmates, and meeting teachers' and parents'
academic expectations are all effects of academic stress. As a result, these demands may lead
to a great deal of academic pressure among students. So, "Academic stress" is described as
"mental and emotional pressure or tension that comes as a result of the rigours of academic
life" (Rachel, 2008).

Students' first year of college was difficult, which contributed to depression among students
during their academic journey. According to Adams et al. (2008), depression is the most
common condition in college counselling facilities. Throughout the academic year, a variety
of stressful events are linked to depressed symptoms, including new difficulties and pressures
from academic life, family, and social domains, which enhance general feelings of despair
among students. Depressive disorders are on the rise among college students, and this is
having a negative impact on their ability to meet academic standards and obligations.

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According to Reddy et al. (2018), there is a stream-by-stream variation in student stress.

Dealing with stress on a personal, societal, and institutional level is critical. Feedback, yoga,
life skills training, mindfulness, meditation, and psychotherapy have all been demonstrated to
be effective in the treatment of stress. The key to dealing with stress is to identify the source
of it. Professionals can devise stress management solutions that are unique to each individual.
The students' overall well-being is vital not just for them as people, but also for the institute.

In his study, Dimitrov (2017) argued that stress may be alleviated by ensuring that students
place a high priority on their well-being. Food, exercise, employment, and pleasure are just a
few of the topics to consider. He also decided that pupils' overall development was sufficient.
Students are frequently conditioned to be frightened of taking on new challenges since the
focus is solely on academics rather than the mental growth of a go-getter. There aren't many
options when it comes to educational media. For pupils from rural backgrounds, the fact that
English is the only choice accessible might be a barrier. There aren't many employment-
oriented courses offered. For better placements, fresh grads need to improve their
communication abilities.

According to Subramani and Kadhiravan (2017), there is a relationship between academic

stress and student mental health. He agreed that academic stress and mental health are linked,
and that pupils are overburdened by the educational system. Parents and schools place much
too much pressure on pupils to get higher grades, which demoralises them. Furthermore,
there is little advice from parents and schools. When students participate productively in
academic forums, they are mentally healthy. They also claimed that pupils at private schools
are under more stress than students in public schools owing to an abundance of homework
and other academic-related responsibilities. There was a significant disparity in the mental
health of kids from private and public schools. He said that pupils at private schools receive
different nurturing and exposure than students in government institutions, who come from
low-income families and have limited exposure. One of the causes for the rise in stress levels
is because of this.

Sharma et al. (2016) reported on the utilisation of a variety of stress-reduction techniques in

their study. Stress can be alleviated by performing one physical exercise on a regular basis.
You may also use various time management tools and participate in leisure activities that are
beneficial to pupils. It was also proposed that institutions create a relaxing environment in

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order to reduce stress. A change in delivery technique on the part of the instructors, as well as
the provision of mentors, can breathe new life into the teaching approach.

Prabu (2015) conducted study on high school students and concluded that male students are
more stressed than female pupils. Academic stress among urban students is higher than
among rural pupils (63). The stress level of government school students is lower than that of
private school students. Students in the Science stream are more stressed than their
counterparts in the Arts stream.

Deb et al. (2014) investigated 400 male students in grades 10 and 12 from five private
secondary schools in Kolkata. Significant academic stress was observed in 35% of students,
while high anxiety was reported in 37% of students. When compared to kids with superior
marks, students with mediocre grades were stated to experience a higher degree of stress.
Furthermore, pupils who participate in extracurricular activities have been found to be more
stressed than those who do not.

Academic stress has an impact on teens' mental health, according to Kaur (2014).
Academically stressed girls were shown to have lower mental health when compared to boys.
According to the study, parents sometimes put pressure and strain on their children, causing
their mental health to suffer.

In his study, Bataineh (2013) looked at the academic pressures that students face at
university. The findings of the analysis revealed that excessive academic overload,
insufficient study time owing to the extensive course material, high family expectations, and
poor motivation levels are some of the causes of stress. Fear of failing is another major
source of anxiety. There was no discernible difference between pupils with various

Khan and Kausar (2013) observed that stress had a deleterious influence on academic
performance, while no significant gender differences were discovered. The distinction
between junior and senior pupils was obvious. Stress has an impact on one's capacity to learn
well and manage time. Studying on a regular basis is beneficial since it relieves academic
strain and allows students to achieve their objectives.

Busari (2012) discovered that stress causes depression in secondary school children and has
an impact on academic performance. Preventative interventions, life skills instruction, and
other therapeutic procedures should all be seriously considered.

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Nandamuri and Gowthami (2011) investigated stress among students of professional studies
and found that 86 percent of students were stressed because of curriculum and instruction
parameters, 63 percent because of placement issues, 41 percent because of assessment issues,
and 24 percent because of team work issues. The study also found a number of micro-aspects
that contribute to stress, as well as twelve sub-aspects connected to curriculum and teaching.
Once the sub-issues of each metric were discovered, academic administrators had a better
understanding of how to begin efforts to lessen the severity of academic stress.

Stress has been a hot issue in academic circles, according to Agolla (2009). Many
philosophers have conducted extensive research on stress and come to the conclusion that it
requires far more attention.

Radcliff and Lester (2003) investigated the causes of expected stress among final-year
college students and found that class assignments, a lack of supervision, and the pressure to
mix and get affiliated were among the factors that contributed to the stress.

McKean et al. (2000) claim that undergraduate students are more stressed at certain points of
the semester. Academic obligations, financial demands, and a lack of time management skills
all contribute to the accumulation of stress. Excessive stress can have a negative impact on
one's health, emotional attitude, and academic achievement. As a result, undergraduate
students must develop strategies for dealing with stressful circumstances.

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1. Determine if or whether there is a gender difference in academic stress among
2. To determine whether there is a gender difference in student depression.
3. To investigate the link between academic stress and student depression.
4. To investigate the impact of academic stress on student depression.

1. Is there a major difference between male and female students in terms of academic
stress and depression?
2. Is there a strong positive relationship between academic stress and depression among
3. What is the amount of academic stress and how does it affect depression among

1. Gender will have a substantial impact on academic stress.
2. Depression will change greatly depending on gender.
3. Academic stress and depression will have a strong and beneficial relationship.
4. The amount of academic stress has a big impact on depression.


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In this study the researcher successfully conducted the researcher on 130 students from
different universities of India that consisted of National University of Study and Research in
Law, Ranchi (Jharkhand). The age group in the study is between 13-25 years and above. The
collection of responses was turned off on 9th of December 2021.

POPULATION: The population in the current study consists of students from different
schools and colleges. The age group of the study is 13-25 years and above.


To facilitate the present research work ‘Questionnaire Method’ involving a total of 16

questions were used. The Questionnaire was circulated by a way of google form and proper
steps were taken to ensure anonymity of the person responding. The type of questions in the
first part of the questionnaire gives the general information about the person taking the test,
that are, age and gender of the person. Further these questions were accompanied by the
questions about academic stress and depression. Ordinarily in a questionnaire-based research
method the question can be of 3 types namely: open ended, closed ended or the combination
of both open and closed ended set of questions. The word ‘open ended’ means it is left on the
part of respondent to answer the set of questions as per what he or she feels about the topic of
research. Whereas, in the closed ended research method the respondent is left with no liberty
to give his or her own set of answers rather the respondent is required to answer from the
provided options. The present research adopts such closes ended question. The Questionnaire
is attached as Annexure A at the end.


The research design used for the study is Survey Research design. Survey Research Design
involves collection of data by asking questions and recording peoples answers to them. The
research aims at understanding the reason behind it. Their experience and their thoughts
about it.


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For successful completion of this study and in order to collect the data from different
Universities across India, the researchers created a 'Google Form' which was circulated to
target groups via e-mail, social media and SMS. The major reason for adopting the method of
Google Forms was that it is an easier way of collecting data and ensures that the information
collected is bereft of any anonymity.

The link of the mentioned Google Form was circulated amongst the target groups with the
declaration that the survey is being done for educational purpose and that the confidentiality
of their responses will be maintained, throughout this study and even after its completion.
The estimated time for the completion of the survey was calculated to be 3 minutes. No time
limit was set and individuals were given the liberty to answer accurately. In addition to these
set of instructions it was added that ‘honest responses will be highly appreciated.

The google form was first rolled out on 26th of November, 2021 after being examined by the
concerned faculty and the responses were recorded till 9th of December, 2021. A continuous
monitoring of the responses was made in order to ensure that the data collected does not
include unnecessary responses and responses from those people who didn’t belong to the age
group of 13-25 years and above. After having the required responses, data was sent to the
excel sheet for making of the graphs and at the end, the graphs were ready on the basis of
which analysis was done.

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Academic stress and depression are the leading causes of college student suicide and
attempted suicide. There are several situations in which the media reports on college students'

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suicides in daily newspapers, putting undue strain and stress on parents, society, institutions,
and sometimes even government officials. Keeping this in mind, it is now necessary to
explore the causative variables that effect psychologically on student mentality, which may
help us understand what types of ideas are flowing through students' minds, resulting in
academic stress and depression among college students.

This research looks at the conceptual framework of stress, as well as the sources of stress in
students and how to deal with it. The purpose of this study paper is to look at the link
between academic stress and depression, as well as how academic stress influences

CHART 1: shows that among those who answered the questionnaire of the survey, people of
age group 13-16 years contributes 15.4% of the response, another group of the people
belongs to the age group 16-19 years contributes 21.5% of the response, another group of the
people of age group 19-25 contributes 57.7% of the response, and the people of age group
25+ years contribute 5.4% of total response.

From this chart we conclude that this survey is being carried out among students to know
how academic stress can lead to depression. The students belonging to the age group 19-25
have responded with the majority of 57.7% of the response. This clearly states that the
students belonging to the age group of 19-25 years suffer the most from academic stress.

CHART 2: shows that among those who have answered the questionnaire of the survey,
56.9% are females, 39.2% are males and another 3.9% of the response is from the people who
are either non-binary or prefer not to say.

From this chart, we conclude that the females have participated more than males and thus it
clearly states that the problem of depression due to academic stress is more prevalent in
females as compared to males.

CHART 3: shows that among who have answered the questionnaire of the survey, 93.1% of
the people are students and another 6.9% of the people are non-students.

From this chart, we conclude that the students have participated more than the non-students.

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CHART 4: shows that among those who have answered the questionnaire of the survey, 50%
of the people belongs to urban areas, 33.8% of the people belongs to sub-urban areas, 13.1%
of the people belongs to rural areas and the remaining 3.1% of the people belongs to remote

From this chart, we conclude that the majority of participants belongs to urban areas. This
clearly states that people from urban areas suffers the most from depression due to academic

CHART 5: shows that among those who have answered the questionnaire of the survey,
27.7% of the people feel sleepy during the classes, 26.9% of the people think that classes are
boring, 20.8% of the people feel that classes are interesting, 17.7% of the people feel that
classes are stressful and difficult to understand and other 6.9% of remaining people
sometimes feel sleepy, sometimes they feel classes are boring and sometimes interesting
depending on the subject.

From this chart, we conclude that the majority of participants feel sleepy during classes.

CHART 6: shows that among those who have answered the questionnaire of the survey, 30%
of the people always have trouble coping with homework and assignments, while 46.2% of
the people sometimes, 17.2% of the people rarely and 6.2% of the people never.

From this chart, we conclude that the majority of the people sometimes have trouble coping
with homework and assignments.

CHART 7: shows that among those who have answered the questionnaire of the survey,
22.3% of the people always feel depressed due to studies, while 51.5% of the people
sometimes, 19.2% of the people rarely and 6.9% of the people never.

From this chart, we conclude that the majority of the people sometimes feel depressed due to

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CHART 8: shows that among those who have answered the questionnaire of the survey,
32.3% of the people always feel competition with their peers for grades is quite intense, while
33.1% of the people sometimes, 21.5% of the people rarely and 13.1% of the people never.

From this chart, we conclude that the majority of the people sometimes feel that the
competition with their peers is quite intense.

CHART 9: shows that among those who answered the questionnaire of the survey, 20.8% of
the people are enormously stressed, 50.8% of the people are moderately stressed, 13.8% of
the people are least stressed and 14.6% of the people are not at all stressed.

From this chart, we conclude that the majority of the people are moderately stressed.

CHART 10: shows that among those who answered the questionnaire of the survey, 55.4%
of the people always think that examination times are very stressful, while 30% of the people
sometimes, 6.9% of the people rarely and 7.7% of the people never.

From this chart, we conclude that the majority of the people always think that examination
times are very stressful.

CHART 11: shows that among those who answered the questionnaire of the survey, 46.2%
of the people always feel restless when they are stressed, while 33.8% of the people
sometimes, 12.3% of the people rarely and 7.7% of the people never.

From this chart, we conclude that the majority of the people always feel restless when they
are stressed.

CHART 12: shows that among those who answered the questionnaire of the survey, 41.5%
of the people always feel irritable or angry under pressure, while 37.7% of the people
sometimes, 13.1% of the people rarely and 7.7% of the people never.

From this chart, we conclude that the majority of the people always feel irritable or angry
under pressure.

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CHART 13: shows that among those who answered the questionnaire of the survey, 34.6%
of the people always feel isolated, lost or angry under pressure, while 36.9% of the people
sometimes, 16.2% of the people rarely and 12.3% of the people never.

From this chart, we conclude that the majority of the people sometimes feel isolated, lost or
angry under pressure.

CHART 14: shows that among those who answered the questionnaire of the survey,
grades/examinations are the most pressurizing stress factor in their current academic context
for 53.1% of the people, excessive coursework for 36.2% of the people, peer pressure for
30% of the people, relationships for 22.3% of the people, family problems for 19.2% of the
people, financial pressure for 13.8% of the people, for the remaining 4% of the people it is
revision of the courses taught, fear of unknown, incapacity to do stuffs on their own and
worries about future.

From this chart, we conclude that for majority of the people, grades/examinations are the
most pressurizing factor in their current academic context.

CHART 15: shows that among those who answered the questionnaire of the survey, 31.5%
of the people are always confident of coming out of stressful situations, while 46.9% of the
people sometimes, 15.4% of the people rarely and 6.2% of the people never.

From this chart, we conclude that majority of the people are sometimes confident of coming
out of stressful situations.

CHART 16: shows that among those who answered the questionnaire of the survey, eating is
the personal method of 24.6% of the people to get rid of stress, sleeping is of 40.8% of the
people, sports/exercise is of 23.8% of the people, meditation is of 9.2% of the people, talking
to someone is of 39.2% of the people, pursuing hobbies/interests is of 32.3% of the people,
computer games/social media is of 23.8% of the people, the remaining 1.6% of people like to
go for hiking/cycling or they just like to chill.

From this chart, we conclude that for majority of the people, sleeping is their personal
method to get rid of stress.

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Depression among college students shows a considerable gender difference. Female college
students are also more depressed than their male counterparts. Among college students,
academic stress and depression are found to be strongly and positively connected. Students
who are under a lot of academic stress are more likely to be depressed. Academic stress has
been shown to have a major impact on depression in college students. According to their
amount of academic stress, there is a variation in depression.

The lack of appropriate assistance is the major source of stress for pupils. There is a
conventional evaluation method in place that does not provide pupils adequate room to
explore and push the boundaries in order to excel. Students are stressed due to a variety of
personal and societal issues. Lack of clarity and the lack of appropriate career advisors result
in a lack of direction, and even after graduation, students remain uninformed about their
professions and uneasy about finding work. Academic pressure, extracurricular activities,
assignments, and other aspects of the study have all expanded dramatically. Parents want
their children to participate in the rat race and outperform their peers in order to improve their
own social position.

In this day of cutthroat competitiveness, running behind the statistics is the new vogue, a sad
truth but true. Because each kid is unique, it is critical for parents to teach their children the
value of identifying their abilities and encouraging them to seek a job in an area where they
excel. It is critical to do what you enjoy or to enjoy what you do. Managing time properly and
ensuring that at least one physical activity is performed on a regular basis can help to reduce
stress and enhance attention span, allowing you to be more productive in the classroom.

According to the data analysis, 57.7% of those who took part in the poll were students
between the ages of 19 and 25, with the majority being female students. Academic stress
affects students in this age range the most, and it is more common among females. The
majority of pupils come from cities. As a result, depression caused by scholastic stress is
more common in cities. During class, students in this age range are drowsy. They struggle to
complete homework and assignments. They are sad as a result of their studies and believe
that they are in a fierce rivalry with their peers. They are under moderate duress. They believe
that test periods are quite stressful. When they are agitated, impatient, or furious, they are
always restless. When they are under duress, they may feel alone, bewildered, or furious.
Grades/examinations are the most stressful issue in their current academic situation for them.

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They sometimes have the assurance that they will be able to get out of a difficult position.
Sleeping is their particular stress-relieving strategy.

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This questionnaire is for the purpose of psychology research paper being prepared by a 2 nd
year student of the National University of Study and Research in Law. The data received
through this form will only be used for the research paper and any sort of personal
information shall be kept anonymous. Please feel free to choose from the below options
independent of any influence, according to your own experiences and opinions, as no options
is right or wrong. This questionnaire aims to collect data regarding the role of academic stress
to depression.

Age group
 13-16
 16-19
 19-25
 Above 25
 Male
 Female
 Non-binary
 Prefer not to say
Are you a student?
 Yes
 No
which area do you live in?
 Urban
 Sub-urban
 Rural
 Remote
What are your general feeling while attending classes?
 Classes are boring
 I feel sleepy during class
 Classes are interesting
 Classes is stressful and difficult to understand
 Other

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Do you have trouble coping with homework and assignments?
 Always
 Sometimes
 Rarely
 Never
Do you feel depressed due to studies?
 Always
 Sometimes
 Rarely
 Never
Do you feel competition with your peers for grades is quite intense?
 Always
 Sometimes
 Rarely
 Never
What is your current level of stress?
 Enormously stressed
 Moderately stressed
 Least stressed
 Not at all s
 tressed
Do you think examination times are very stressful?
 Always
 Sometimes
 Rarely
 Never
Do you feel restless when you are stressed?
 Always
 Sometimes
 Rarely
 Never
Do you feel isolated, lost or angry under pressure?
 Always
 Sometimes
 Rarely
 Never

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What is the most pressurizing stress factor in your current academic context (related to your
study program)?
 Grades/examination
 Excessive coursework
 Peer pressure
 Relationships
 Family problems
 Financial problems
 Financial pressure
 Other
Are you confident of coming out of stressful situations?
 Always
 Sometimes
 Rarely
 Never
What are your personal methods to get rid of stress?
 Eating
 Sleeping
 Sports/exercise
 Meditation
 Talking to someone
 Pursue hobbies and interests
 Computer games/social media
 Other

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