Ets - Leni - 10121138 - B Inggris

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Nama : Leni Septiani

Kelas : C6 Manajeman

NPM : 10121138

link youtube :

Rules and Choices

Food and drink

Ketoprak is a type of typical Indonesian food that uses ketupat which is easy to find. Usually,
ketoprak is sold using strollers on the streets or sidewalks. This typical food can be found in the
city of Jakarta. Ketoprak is a food made from peanut sauce combined with lontong, vermicelli,
and bean sprouts. It tastes delicious, anyone will be addicted to tasting. The origin of ketoprak
food is quite unique. Because, at that time there was a seller who was creating a new menu so that
his wares were in demand. When the menu is ready to be served accidentally, the plate is knocked
over and produces a 'clap' sound. Well, this is where the name ketoprak food comes from, which
is now in great demand as a main menu meal.

Some of you may be used to seeing or eating Indonesian culinary specialties. But in fact, there are
still many people who have only ever heard of the name and never really know what the capital's
favorite dish tastes like. Referred to as Betawi culinary, which is a native Jakarta tribe, it's no
wonder that you can easily find this ketoprak in various corners of Jakarta and its surroundings.
You can find this food vendor every one or two kilometers along the streets of Jakarta. In fact,
traveling ketoprak vendors are also often your savior when you are hungry at night. This typical
Indonesian food is still being debated by the community about where the ketoprak food comes
from. Many say ketoprak is a food from Central Java. Not a few also admit that ketoprak comes
from Cirebon. But for sure, you can easily find this delicious food in the capital city of Jakarta.
When you eat a portion of ketoprak, you won't find boiled green vegetables like those in pecel.
The filling in this ketoprak is quite simple, namely only ketupat, vermicelli, cucumber, fried tofu,
and bean sprouts. It's a bit like a hodgepodge, really, moreover some people also add sliced boiled
eggs to their ketoprak. But the difference is, this ketoprak is unique with its vermicelli, which is
not found in gado-gado which has lots of boiled vegetable fillings or other foods with peanut sauce.

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