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Unit 4: Designing the Web

Lesson A: Technology and design

Listening: Practice 1
1) When does the website need to be ready?
in one month
2) Who is probably going to use the website?
people who are interested in the company
3) What does the man say they include on the website?v
information about the company's beginnings
4) What does the woman say about the site content?
It needs to be original.
5) What does the woman say about navigating the site?
It should be simple.
6) Where does the man think the company logo should appear?
on every page
7) What does the man mean by "accessibility"?
People with disabilities should be able to use the site.
8) Who is going to work on the site's accessibility?
a specialist

Listening: Practice 2

1) The speakers are designing a website.

2) The woman wants to explain why their company is different from all the
3) If users can't find what they want, they won't stay on the page
4) The woman suggests placing their company name and logo on every page
to make their brand clear.
5) The speakers want to make their website usable for people with disabilities.
6) The man knows someone who can help make their website more
Profile Video: Practice 1

1) What is Carrie's job?

She's a director of communications
2) What work does Carrie do as a freelancer?
She makes websites and writes about design trends and web design.
3) What does she help people do through her writing?
create websites that make users feel good
4) What does Carrie say user experience is?
It's how a user feels while using a website.
5) What does Carrie say is a result of poor user experience?
users not coming back to a website

Profile Video: Practice 2

1) Carrie says that functionality, readability, and usability are most important
when creating a website.
2) A website with good functionality should website with good functionality
should solve a user's problem.
3) For a website to look attractive, the text has to be easy to read and photos
should be clear.
4) According to Carrie, the design of a website should do what the user thinks
it will.

Speaking: Practice

A: Hey, is that a new tablet? I didn't know you had one.

B: Yeah, I looked around and finally decided on this one.
A: It looks great. How did you finally decide which one to get?
B: Well, I checked out the company's website and watched their promotional
videos. I also read a lot of reviews online.
A: Did you compare prices?
B: Yeah. This model is the best, I think. It's not the most expensive, and it
has pretty good features for the price.
A: What do you like most about it?
B: The size. It's smaller than standard tablets so I can easily carry it around.
Vocabulary: Practice 1
Browse : To use a special program to look for information on the
Button : A small area on a computer screen that you click on to make
the software do something
Download : To move or copy something from a (larger) computer system
to another computer or device
Function : The purpose or activity for which a thing exists or is used
Log in : To start the connection of a computer to a network or
Logo : A symbol that is used to identify a company and that appears
on its advertising, products, etc.
Rate : To judge the quality, ability, or value of something or
Review : A report that gives an opinion about the quality of a book,
performance, product, etc.
Vocabulary: Practice 2
1) Click on the "submit" __button__ to send your message to us.
2) I'm going to give the restaurant a good __review__ on their website.
3) You can __browse__ the cinema listings to see when the movie starts.
4) Their __logo__ is a large red square with a black circle inside.
5) You need to __log in__ in order to see your account.
6) The site allows you to __rate__your purchase from one to five stars.
7) Did you __search__ for the train schedule on the travel page?
8) She __downloads__ her bank statement every month.
Vocabulary: Practice 3
Welcome to the new RayMail system. In order to access your email
account, log in with your user name and password. To find new email
messages, you can browse your inbox, or you can search by the date or the
sender's name. If you have received an attachment, you can download it
by clicking on the button. Please take a minute to rate our service, or you
can leave a review on our home page.

Vocabulary: Practice 4
1) browse: to use a special program on the Internet
2) review: a report that gives someone's opinion about the quality of
3) log in: to start the connection of a computer to a network or system
4) search: to find information on a database or website by using a special
5) button: a small area on a computer screen that you click to make the
software do something
6) rate: to make a judgment about the quality of something
7) download: to move or copy something from a different computer or the
8) logo: a symbol that is used to identify a company
Vocabulary: Presentation (Xem Video)
Infographic: Comprehension 1
1) 69% of consumers look for product information online.
2) 45% of travelers plan their trips online.
3) Customers who read online reviews spend 11% more on those products.
4) 43% of consumers look online for experts' opinions.
5) 89% of consumers trust online reviews.
6) When consumers read online reviews, they are 105% more likely to buy
7) 50% of consumers find a product on a review site.
8) 12% of consumers ask people for advice on social networks.
9) Consumers trust online reviews 12 times more than manufacturer
10) 42% of consumers read articles online about products.
Infographic: Comprehension 2
1) The man and the woman are planning an anniversary party.
2) The party is going to be next Friday
3) They might go to an Indian restaurant.
4) The online review of the restaurant isn't very positive.
5) The man notices that only five people have reviewed the restaurant.
6) The woman says that the site's reviews are usually reliable.
7) The man thinks they can make a decision based on the reviews.
8) The woman doesn't agree with him.
 Infographic: Presentation
Language: Practice 1
1) This cellphone is less reliable as my old one.
2) Many tablets are more powerful as desktop computers.
3) The new Starline computer is as reliable than other brands
4) She thinks shopping online is more efficient to shopping in a store .
5) One of most important things in a company website is the user
experience .
6) This app makes finding an inexpensive hotel easiest than in the past.
7) In my opinion, this is the better streaming music site on the web.
8) Some online businesses are most trustworthy than others
Language: Practice 2
This keyboard is much __lighter than__  the other one.
This tablet isn't __as fast as__ my desktop computer.
Her cellphone has __the best__ design features.
Earbuds are __less comfortable than__ headphones.
This site is __the hardest__ one to use for buying train tickets
My old cellphone was __more reliable than__ the new one.
SonicSounds makes ____the best____ portable speakers at any price.
It has become ___more common___ for people to compare products online.
Language: Practice 3
When you buy a product online, how do you know you are getting the best
price? You could look at many different websites, but there is a faster way.
Many customers use comparison websites that make it easier to look at
different webstores at the same time. The information they include is just as
accurate as information on the separate sites. In fact, because these sites include
customer reviews, for many shoppers, they are even more trustworthy than
actual stores. So the next time you want to be sure that you are paying the least
money for the items you need, remember there are websites that will make the
decision as simple as possible.

Language: Practice 4
1) Her laptop is more reliable than mine.
2) Most websites are easier to use than they were in the past.
3) This phone is smaller than it looked online.
4) Many webstores aren't as expensive as traditional stores.
5) These days, people are more connected than ever
6) The old TV was just as good as the new one.
7) She thinks that reading a printed book is easier than reading on a tablet.
8) Some travel websites are less trustworthy than others.
 Language: Presentation
Comparing produts and services
I think using a navigation app is easier than looking at a printed map.

I think it’s much more efficient to work on a desktop than on a tablet computer.

Many consumers search online for the beast product available before buying.

Some smartphone are just as expensive as laptops these days.

These days, people use their phones in very different ways from just ten years

Smarphones today have pretty much the same functions as computers.

Reading: Comprehension 1
The Key to a Great Website? User Experience

What is “user experience”? It’s the whole experience you have when you use a
product, system, or service online. Companies need to offer their users a
positive experience, or they won’t come back. In order to design the best user
experience possible, first you need to understand how people use the Internet.
Users go to the Internet for many different reasons. However, they all expect
the same things from their experience online:
 The site must function the way it is supposed to. More than two-thirds of
users won’t return to a site if they have a bad experience.

 The design must be clean, attractive, and easy to understand. Almost 100%
of a user’s impression of a site is related to design.

 The site must work on mobile devices. Over 70% of users access websites
from their cellphones or tablets.

The key words for a positive user experience are useful, usable, desirable,
findable, accessible, and credible.

 A useful website provides specific things to specific people—so you need to

know what your users are looking for.

 Usable websites are easy to navigate. Remember that users will have
different web browsers, and different mobile devices. Design your site so
that they will all work properly.

 A desirable website is well-designed and attractive.

 Your site must be findable—that is, users should to be able to locate easily
the information they need.

 Be sure your site is accessible. Some users are visually- or hearing-impaired,

and they need to be able to use the site as well.

 A credible website includes information that the user can trust and believe.

Designing a website that meets all of these requirements isn’t fast, easy, or
inexpensive. But doing things right has big benefits—for every dollar a
company spends on user experience, they can see up to $100 in sales. And a
positive user experience means that customers stay loyal, as well as
recommending it to other potential customers.

1) What is the most important reason that companies need to pay attention to
user experience?
to get and keep customers
2) Why does the writer include the information in the first bulleted list?
to show why user experience is so important
3) What makes a website usable?
It is easy to navigate on all devices.

4) Why does the author think that companies should spend money on their
Because they will get more customers that do business with them often

5) What is the main idea of the article?

User experience is essential to a website's success

Chìa khóa cho một trang web tuyệt vời? Trải nghiệm người dùng

“Trải nghiệm người dùng” là gì? Đó là toàn bộ trải nghiệm bạn có khi sử dụng một sản phẩm, hệ thống
hoặc dịch vụ trực tuyến. Các công ty cần cung cấp cho người dùng của họ trải nghiệm tích cực, nếu
không họ sẽ không quay lại. Để thiết kế trải nghiệm người dùng tốt nhất có thể, trước tiên bạn cần hiểu
cách mọi người sử dụng Internet. Người dùng truy cập Internet vì nhiều lý do khác nhau. Tuy nhiên, tất
cả họ đều mong đợi những điều giống nhau từ trải nghiệm trực tuyến của họ:

 Trang web phải hoạt động theo cách nó được cho là. Hơn hai phần ba người dùng sẽ không
quay lại trang web nếu họ có trải nghiệm tồi.
 Thiết kế phải sạch sẽ, hấp dẫn và dễ hiểu. Gần như 100% ấn tượng của người dùng về một trang
web có liên quan đến thiết kế.
 Trang web phải hoạt động trên thiết bị di động. Hơn 70% người dùng truy cập các trang web từ
điện thoại di động hoặc máy tính bảng của họ.

  Các từ khóa cho trải nghiệm người dùng tích cực là  hữu ích ,  có thể sử dụng được ,  mong
muốn ,  có thể tìm thấy ,  có thể truy cập và  đáng tin cậy . 

 Một  trang web hữu ích  cung cấp những thứ cụ thể cho những người cụ thể—vì vậy bạn cần
biết người dùng của mình đang tìm kiếm điều gì.
 Các trang web có thể sử dụng  được dễ dàng điều hướng. Hãy nhớ rằng người dùng sẽ có các
trình duyệt web khác nhau và các thiết bị di động khác nhau. Thiết kế trang web của bạn để tất
cả chúng sẽ hoạt động bình thường.
 Một  trang web mong muốn  được thiết kế tốt và hấp dẫn.
 Trang web của bạn phải có thể  tìm thấy được — nghĩa là người dùng có thể dễ dàng định vị
thông tin họ cần.
 Hãy chắc chắn rằng trang web của bạn có  thể truy cập được . Một số người dùng bị khiếm thị
hoặc khiếm thính và họ cũng cần có thể sử dụng trang web.
 Một  trang web đáng tin cậy  bao gồm thông tin mà người dùng có thể tin tưởng và tin tưởng.

Việc thiết kế một trang web đáp ứng tất cả các yêu cầu này không hề nhanh chóng, dễ dàng hoặc
không tốn kém. Nhưng làm đúng sẽ mang lại lợi ích to lớn—với mỗi đô la mà một công ty chi cho trải
nghiệm người dùng, họ có thể nhận được doanh thu lên tới 100 đô la. Và trải nghiệm người dùng tích cực
có nghĩa là khách hàng trung thành, cũng như giới thiệu nó cho những khách hàng tiềm năng khác.

 Reading: Comprehension 2
1) "User experience" includes everything a person does and sees on a website.
2) Companies can design their websites so that customers don't experience a
negative user experience as the result of not being able to find
3) Before a company can create a good user experience, it needs to know
what users want.
4) A complicated or unattractive design makes users want to leave the site.
5) Websites must work on all kinds of computers and operating systems.
6) A findable website probably has clear search functions.
7) Websites that are accessible allow people who can't see or hear to use it.
8) If a company creates a positive user experience, users will tell other people
bout the site, which is likely to increase its business.

Reading: Presentation (Nghe bài đọc)

Vocabulary: Practice 1
Attached : Having a strong liking for something
Encourage : To make someone more likely to do something
Impact : An effect
Spam : Unwanted emails
Frustrating : Annoying, irritating

Vocabulary: Practice 2
1) I hate getting spam in my work email.
2) She is very attached to her old tablet, even though it doesn't work well.
3) It is very frustrating to use this program on a tablet.
4) This new technology has had a big impact on how people work.
5) We need to encourage our customers to review their online experience.

Viewing 1
6) Google handles more than one billion search queries every day.
7) At least one hundred hours of footage are uploaded to YouTube every
8) There are 1.23 billion users on Facebook.
9) The number of people on Facebook forms one-sixth of the world's

Viewing 2
1) What did the team at Facebook need to do?
change the design of the "like" button
2) Why did they decide to make this change?
It no longer matched the image of the brand.
3) How many hours did the designer spend on the project?
more than 280 hours
4) How many times a day is the button viewed?
22 billion
5) On how many websites can the button be found?
7.5 million

Viewing 3

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