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VOLUME 28 Number 3 October 2016 Page 279–289

Ethnoliguistic Study of Local Wisdom

in Ex-Residency of Surakarta

Wakit Abdullah
Universitas Sebelas Maret Surakarta


This study discusses “the local wisdom summarized in the proverbs of the Javanese
community in Ex-residency of Surakarta”. The purposes of this study are to describe (1) the
background of the local wisdom as summarize in the proverbs of the Javanese community in
Ex-residency of Surakarta, (2) to elaborate further reasons and specific times the people in Ex-
residency of Surakarta employ the Javanese proverbs that summarize the local wisdom, and (3)
explain the cultural meanings resided in the Javanese proverbs. This study employed ethnographic
methods framed by the ethnolinguistic study to find the cultural meanings. Data and the data sources
are categorized into primary and secondary data; the data collection method is done through the
observation-participation and in-depth interview techniques; data analysis employed the ethnoscience
model which underwent 12-phases of advanced research stages (of taxonomic, componential and
domain analyses) to find the cultural themes; validity of the data is attested with the triangulation
techniques (the triangulation of data, methods, researcher, and theory). The results encompassed (1)
background of the local wisdom summarized in the Javanese proverbs expressed by the Javanese
community in Ex-residency of Surakarta influenced by the cultural factors, the Javanese language,
aesthetical, ethical, social, economical, political, and geographical factors; (2) the community in Ex-
Surakarta expressed the Javanese proverb that summarizes local wisdom, the demands of fidelity
to the culture is inevitable, media that facilitates the growth of the Javanese language, aesthetical
and ethical motivations, social conditions, economical motivation, political media which show the
geographical background; and (3) the cultural meaning of the Javanese proverbs which summarize
the local wisdom of the community in Ex-residency of Surakarta, all of which are to show the
courtesy, avoid direct confrontation, the proverbs also indicate levels of the beauty of the language
use, nationalism, foster cooperation, develop the intellect.

Keywords: ethnolinguistic, ex-residency of Surakarta, Javanese proverb, local wisdom

INTRODUCTION language use may reflect the nature and personality

Javanese language as a product of the Javanese of the users. Moreover, the meaningful expression
community reflects the highest of its culture. The of indirectness is a reflection of Javanese culture
nature and behavior of the Javanese community which is a very typical for the Javanese community.
are visible through the language or language Instead, the Javanese culture will continue to be
activities. The Javanese cultural development symbiotic mutualism with the language.
enriches the Javanese language in all the aspects. Javanese proverbs as language use of a
Paribahasa or Javanese proverbs, as a form of complex category are still commonly found in

Wakit Abdullah - Ethnoliuistic Study of Local Wisdom in Ex-Residency of Surakarta

common and daily life of the Javanese community Javanese proverbs expressing life optimism; these
in Ex-residency of Surakarta. Philosophical individual characteristics are easily subverted by
approach of understandings to the Javanese the instant mindset; which is instructed to avoid
proverbs based on the finding data indicated emotion that easily burns out and widens up
the life wisdom of the Javanese ancestors. This because of a small, trivial and resolvable case.
phenomenon literally becomes evidence that the Such a diplomacy becomes an important choice as
community still maintains sense of belonging and well as deemed to be a shortcut to avoid the future
willingness to preserve their cultural heritages. The outrageous reactions and regretful; having a strong
Javanese proverbs as part of the idiomatic aspects and steely fighting spirit and unyielding struggle
of the Javanese language are not merely verbal for the sake of the upright, the strength and self-
expressions intended to demonstrate the beauty identity of the Indonesian nationality, etc.
of the language. However, they are considered Conceptually, the idea of local wisdom is
to be part of the ways that the Javanese people understood as the efforts of using various ways by
in Ex-Surakarta to express long experience and people of certain community to address the issue
wisdom of the Javanese people’s lives. Among with a rightly and properly manners (Ahimsa,
other types of the employed Javanese proverbs 1997; Wakit, 2013). Furthermore, local wisdom
are (1) sapa salah bakal seleh ‘who goes wrong, (local genius) (Quaritch Wales in Poespowardojo,
therefore will be defeated’. (2) aja dumeh ‘do not 1986: 30; Rahyono, 2009: 7–9) as “the sum of the
be arrogant’, (3) ana dina ana upa literally means cultural characteristics the which the vast majority
there is a day there is a rice, whereas culturally it of a people have in common as a result of Reviews
means ‘stay excited and optimistic in building a their experiences in early life”. This concept
life motivation’; (4) rukun agawe santosa, crah contains fundamental thoughts about (1) the
agawe bubrah literally means ‘harmony leads to characteristics of the culture, (2) a group of people
be strong, bickering leads to be damaging’, while as the owner of the culture, and (3) life experience
culturally meant in harmony create a powerful and that produces such cultural traits.
divorced disarray may cause weak even destroyed; According Mahsun (2005: 81) adapted from
5) sapa nandur bakal ngundhuh ‘Who do will reap the Journal of Indonesian Linguistics, mentioning
the results’. many ways to uncover the cultural behavior
In literary context, the verbal expressions of (of indigenous) society, one of them is through
the Javanese proverbs which summarize the local viewing the language use. The evidence on the
wisdom of the daily life of the Javanese people are language use to uncover the behavioral aspects of
encoded in the literary expressions. While in the the speakers is thus a possible thing. Additionally,
context of the values of universal life is empirical the idea structure of the language use has to do
objectives, i.e. the messages resided in proverbs with people of community’s thinking, a thought
are significantly matched with the present contexts, by Sapir-Whorf (1956), and reformulated by Clark
both in Ex-residency of Surakarta and in the and Clark (1977: 557) confirmed that the language
framework of the nation and state of Indonesia’s use has an influence on the way people think. The
diversity. Therefore, the benefits of rethinking the concept of linguistic relativity means encode the
disclosed values of local wisdom in the Javanese way language and cognitive categories of culture
proverbs enable the reinforcement of identity and affect the way people think, so that speakers of
inspiration for the future generations. The values of different languages think and behave differently
everyday life reflected from the Javanese proverbs because it (Aggs-lingual, October, 28, 2016).
summarize various dimensions of the Javanese Whorf (1956 Robert M. Krauss and Chi-Yue Chiu)
lives which are not limited by space and time assumed that the use of language to encode the
(universal, universality). Therefore, being deemed results of experience in the parallelism between
to be part of the Javanese community, enable linguistic and cognitive structures. Consequently,
these individuals a resistance against selfishness, every language combine metaphysics or naive
collective arrogance, and cultural separatism, conception of reality and the speaker of the real
political, economic, and territorial greediness. The different languages have different mental image of

Humaniora, Vol. 28, Number 3 October 2016

the same state of affairs. the Javanese language in Relation to Economic

According to Dove (l985: xv) the role of Potential of Klit i k a n Market in Surakarta (An
traditional culture is closely linked with the Ethnolinguistic Study).
fundamental process of social, economic and Therefore, proble m s related the Javanese
ecological society. Moreover, traditional culture proverbs which en g a g e the local knowledge
is a dynamic one, which in this case, cannot be are among the factors underlying the use of the
separated from the influence of the local leadership Javanese proverbs expressed by the community
traits (Uffortd, ed., 1988). in Ex-residency of Surakarta as part of the local
Ethnolinguistics as elaborated by Foley wisdom, why do the community in Ex-Surakarta
(1997) is a branch of linguistics that examines use Javanese proverbs that summarize the local
the relationship from language to language to wisdom, how cultu r a l meanings resided in the
express the meanings subsequently appropriate Javanese proverbs summarize the local wisdom
with its cultural contexts. Among relevant studies of the Javanese community in Ex-residency of
discussed the Javanese language and culture in Surakarta.
Ex-residency of Surakarta are the studies done by Based on these things, there should be research
Wakit Abdullah (1999) on the Javanese language and inventory of expression, paribasan Java
in Surakarta, the results stated that the Javanese language in the Ex-residency of Surakarta. This
language in Ex-Surakarta, although within one study is important because the values of the local
living area, the ​​influence on the center of languages​​ culture or local wisdom manifested in the proverbs
and cultures of Java in Surakarta still indicates can be used as guidelines for ethics, philosophy
a dialectal variat i ons which characterized by of life, tradition, philosophy, and thus capable of
both phonetic and l exical variations; Wakit sustaining life balance within this heterogeneous
Abdullah (2001) studied the Elements of Nepotism country. In addition, understanding the factors as
Summarized in the Javanese proverbs expressed by well as the motivation behind the disclosure of
the community in Surakarta, the results concluded Javanese proverb in various social and political
that there are the Javanese proverbs that reflect domains as a form of speaking wisely put the
the nature of the Javanese nepotistic sense and Javanese as a high society personality. Based on
values in addressing the situation and in running the above background, this study discusses the
for a government; Wakit Abdullah (2009 and values, several factors and motivations on the use
2010) on the Javanese Language in Relation to the of paribasa the Javanese language as one of the
Javanese Community’s Conducts in Surakarta (An local wisdom of Javanese culture.
Ethnolinguistic Perspective; Sri Supiyarno (2011)
studied the values ​​of humanism, the results reveal METHOD
that the Javanese p r o verbs summarize the life Methodologically, this study adopts a
value particularly the life wisdom of the Javanese descriptive-qualitative research method which
ancestors; Ni Wayan Sartini (2009) in an article applied the ethnographic methods and followed
entitled “Menggali Nilai Kearifan Lokal Budaya by the ethnoscience model of analysis (Spradley,
Jawa Lewat Ungkapa n ( Bebasan, Saloka, Dan 1997: 19) and linguistic methods if necessary.
Paribasa)”. By using data from saloka, bebasan The sources and research data covered both
and paribasa, her study discussed such cultural primary and secondary forms of verbal expressions
values reflected i n t he linguistic expressions. (Javanese proverbs) and nonverbal expressions
Accordingly, there are five idiomatic expressions (context, cultural events) of which the local
in Javanese cultu r e such as (1) expressions knowledge is resided in out of the contexts of
which are describ e b ehavior and ideology; (b) the Javanese community’s language and culture
expressions which are related with strong will; (3) in Ex-residency of Surakarta. The purposive and
expressions which are describe relationship human snowball samplings are used as a technique of
and God, (4) relationship between humans, (5) collecting the data, these processes would continue
expressions which reflect improper behavior. In until getting a complete-comprehensible data
addition, Christiana Dwi Wardhana (2012) studied (Sutopo, 2006: 45–46). As this study focused in

Wakit Abdullah - Ethnoliuistic Study of Local Wisdom in Ex-Residency of Surakarta

providing explanation to the Javanese proverbs first period and passed down from generation to
used by the Javanese community living in the Ex- generation, because it is considered as the easiest
residency of Surakarta, the sample populations took way for them to give advice, warning or satire. And
21 key informants under specific and minimum of vice versa, the contents are easily caught by the
five criteria1. Among the informants were taken parties advised. When investigated the letter and
from 5 regencies (Wonogiri, Sragen, Karanganyar, spirit contained therein, so many materials that can
Klaten, which represents each district. Techniques be drawn from the historical, social and meaning of
of data collection employed (1) participant their lives at that time.
observation (Spradley, 1997: xvi), (2) in-depth- In Javanese culture, proverbs are widely used
interviewing technique with selected informants to convey messages or certain values. Those values
to interpret the Javanese proverbs expressed by the are very noble and great and inherited. These
Javanese community in Ex-residency of Surakarta. proverbs are used to provide advice, guidance
Furthermore, the ethnoscience model of analysis or warning. Each of the use proverbs and the
(taxonomic, componential, and domain analyses) contextual situations are motivated by a number of
to relevantly find the themes of culture (Spradley, factors. Based on the finding data, the results of this
1997: 120). Validity of the data were measured up study can be described in the following paragraphs.
with triangulation techniques (triangulation), key Factors underlying the use of the proverbs
informant reviews and member check (Sutopo, by the Javanese community in Surakarta which
2006: 92). Results of the analyses are presented in summarize the local wisdom. The factors may
both formal and informal methods. include:
1. Cultural Factors. Amongst the finding data, it
is found that the cultural factors have become
one of the triggering spirits of the Javanese
Proverbs and Javanese Proverbs community in Ex-Surakarta to faithfully use and
express the Javanese proverbs in everyday life,
Meider (1985: 119) defines proverbs as
both in the formal and informal atmospheres to
“short sentences which contain society’s generally
meet the needs of “communication” hereditary
understood wisdom, truth, morals, and traditional
from time to times. For example, on certain
views in the form of metaphorical words, easily
traditional events such as childbearing, wedding
memorized and passed down from generation to
as well as death to funeral processions, the
generation”. Meanwhile, according to the view
rituals are customarily followed by the acts of
of a linguist named N.R. Norrick (1985: 78)
cleaning local village, rice planting season and
proverbs is a form of conversation, a deductive
harvest management, feast-day rituals, among
sayings (instructive) or common meaningful
other related spells, related to personifying
suggestions, freedom of expressions through using
the magical figures, ancestors, addressing the
the figurative meaning”. Furthermore, proverbs
painful sufferings, life expectancy, kinship,
contains very rich of historical experience of
peak inner satisfaction, divinity, and related to
the public expressing their ideas related work,
harmony, etc. In sum, as a linguistic expression
life and culture. The uses of proverbs in a right
Javanese proverb relates to everyday life
and appropriate manners and time of everyday
processions (childbearing, wedding, death
communication shows a unique characteristic of
to funeral, planting rice to harvesting,
the speech society.
circumcision, etc.).
Indonesia is widely known as a nation of
2. Linguistic Factors. Language as a medium
about 300 tribes and each has its own cultural
to communicate things related to the mindset
identity (Koentjaraningrat in Warnaen, 2001: 5).
(concerning the positive ideas), a life-view
Every tribe has its particular proverbs that reflect
(related to the philosophical understandings
local values. The phrase used is usually impressive,
toward life as illuminated by religious
with a broad meaning and content wise. Proverb
teachings, upheld the traditional positive
widely used in the daily lives of people in the
values, and other positive life guidelines)

Humaniora, Vol. 28, Number 3 October 2016

and the worldviews (physically and mentally, emotions, avoid speaking bluntly which cause
land-sea, top-down) to be one of the reasons to unpleasant evaluation. Therefore, as a kind
why in the daily life of Javanese community of linguistic expression, the Javanese proverbs
in Ex-residency communicate the inner summarize local wisdom on ethics as a social
motivations to which consciously view the life’s guidance incorporating to the things
Javanese proverb as a media to explain pivotal perceived inward sense related to where, when
messages. Furthermore, the proverbs itself are and about what reflections to the attitude of
intentionally expressed to avoid the possibility saluting, insulting, tolerant, proportionate
of impolite belief or sense, which might offend manners, etc.) of the interlocutors.
other people’s feelings, or easily deemed 5. Social factors. Socially within the life of the
oneself to a lower-value degree, as well as to community, there is a view which is maintained
avoid feeling shallow, and the like. Figuratively that expressing the Javanese proverbs, in
and pragmatically to meet the related matters essence, is a realization of promoting the
of aesthetics (speaking beautifully) and ethics spirit of togetherness for the benefit of tranquil
(maintaining good sense and manners), logical and harmonious life of the society. As it has
(both the listener and reader should have self- elaborated in advance that the benefits of
encouragement to the positive messages resided language which express the Javanese proverbs
in them), as well as expressing the Javanese are the means of building and maintaining
proverbs as a way to place oneself in a right the spirit of cooperation (communication can
and noble position in their social lives. be properly and harmoniously undergone
3. Aesthetical Factors. Aesthetics in a sense for it is not principally built on an offensive
that the Javanese community expresses the way of expression) and be able to develop
proverbs both in formal and informal life wisdom (both interlocutors, the speakers and
which are pragmatically expressed to obtain listeners can be benefited from pondering the
additional value to a more beautiful (aesthetic) messages resided in the Javanese proverbs).
way of expressing the Javanese language Therefore, as linguistic expression Javanese
according to the use of dictions, redactions, proverbs summarize local wisdom pertaining
expressions, and emotional effects. In the one with any social event and matters related
hand, communicating a local language by way to the encountering public spheres (social
of expressing proverbs that reflect a sense of harmony or disharmony, social backwardness
beauty could help the interlocutors to avoid or advancement, or being further from the main
mismanagement in a communication due to city, etc.).
breaking self-sensitivity which triggers one’s 6. Economical Factors. Traditions on expressing
emotional state. In addition to expressing the Javanese language by way of proverbs
the proverbs could be perceived as things engage a number of traditional events (ritual
motivating the inward awareness, harmonious acts of cleaning local village, wedding,
expressions (artwork material, physical, circumcision, death and funeral processions,
communication, self-positioning, etc.) of the etc.), there come to be a group of intelligent
interlocutors. people who acquire qualifications related to
4. Ethical Factors. Javanese proverb is part of the ability of utilizing proverbs for the benefits
the option to smartly address with potential use of their lives. As a result, this group of people
of polite communication. The local community could earn money from their traditional life-
realize that the use of the Javanese proverbs skill or ability to ngrengga basa ‘create a
in their own daily communication is to poster beautiful language’ by leveraging the Javanese
politeness in expressing certain message as proverb to occupy a number of professional
well as a sound act of communication through careers and jobs such as to be a Javanese
ethics and modeled by figurative language to Master of Ceremony (MC) (pangendhali wara,
avoid offensive communication due to direct paniti laksana etc.). Therefore, as a linguistic
use of language, control the interlocutors’ expression Javanese proverb summarize a local

Wakit Abdullah - Ethnoliuistic Study of Local Wisdom in Ex-Residency of Surakarta

knowledge related to the economic situation articulated? These are important questions to
that engaged both the social or personal address the anthropological linguistic phenomenon
achievements (sufficiency, insufficiency, of proverbs. Thus, there are underlying factors
unsuccessful crop, side jobs, other sources of stimulating people, as mention above, in specific
income, etc.) context the Javanese community in Ex-residency
7. Political factors. The existence of Javanese of Surakarta, and people of Java in wider scoop.
proverbs amidst the society can be well- In proverbs, implicit element of cultural
maintained because they dealt with the ongoing system of society with regard to the values,
political atmosphere, which sharpened, and worldview, guidelines and rules become a
referred to sensitive things, uncompromising reference for members of the society. Being part
and frightening. As part of the linguistic of the oral tradition, the development of proverbs
expressions, Javanese proverbs summarize is greatly influenced by the changes taking place
local wisdom which are referred to the ongoing in the supporting community. Any change in
political situations, numerous events and the community, usually accompanied by the
atmospheres of dealing with suffered things disappearance of the proverbs which no longer fit
in life beings of the interlocutors (troubled, with the circumstances that have changed. In the
restless, confused, scared, bored, revenge, days that are no longer traditional, there are lots of
hatred, etc.). values provided in proverbs that are still currently
8. Geographical Factors. Geographically, it is relevant. This means that these values can still be
found that the use of the Javanese proverbs applied, even more is needed to bring the public
indicates a position wherein the Javanese back to the noble values. Proverbs is importantly
community undergoes their life. Whether in needed to stem the new values that arise because
the lowlands or in the mountains, in office, or of the modernization and globalization. Some of
as an ordinary person, as an educator or as an the relevant proverbs work under the supporting
employee, as a parent or as a child, being in an factors.
atmosphere of formal or informal, in the village Reasons for the Javanese Community in Ex-
or in the city, and various other identifications. Surakarta Use and Express the Javanese Proverbs
On expressing the Javanese proverbs, people which Summarize the Local Wisdom, as identified
normally relate the previous activities and in the following paragraphs:
conditions to particular themes occurred at any 1. Cultural factors. The existence of the Javanese
specific and ongoing time. However, expressing proverbs that summarize the local wisdom is
the Javanese proverbs generally influenced by an actuality due to the demands of practicing
the previously established proverbs or sayings hereditary traditions which have been well-
from the local language center and culture maintained from generations. Culturally, the
which become the main option, because community live in Ex-residency of Surakarta
these proverbs are aesthetically deemed to realize their power as a central figure for the
beautifulness and more ethical use of language Javanese tradition. The ideas summarize in
and have been widely adopted and understood cultural terms such as memetri ‘scrutinizing,
according to the degrees of politeness and the compiling, paying attention, and nourishing’
practitioners of that language. and nguri-uri ‘preserving, maintaining’
the Javanese language and culture which
In regard of those data, it is understood that the summarize local wisdom to able to be heard,
use of proverbs in context enables us to understand written, followed, applied, and deemed as
the unknown side of the ‘story’, how different guidance to positive values in order to avoid
aspects of life were and are reflected in people’s negative values. Therefore, it is not surprising
mind, what is considered important in a culture’s that the pioneers of the Javanese language and
perception of its micro world and thus remembered culture would take advantage of the available
and transmitted, how are the ‘others’ perceived, opportunities to express the Javanese proverbs
how is the ‘anger’ and fear of the difficult times that summarize local wisdom. This is done so

Humaniora, Vol. 28, Number 3 October 2016

in order the messages resided in the proverbs patrap ‘body language’ and pangucap ‘spoken
are significant for their lives, so that every language’ and with unggah-ungguhing basa
member of the community could follow the Jawa ‘the Javanese speech levels’. If one has
positive instinct of their Javanese innateness. successfully fulfilled the Javanese speech levels
2. Linguistics Factors. Javanese language as a and both rightly and properly use of dictions,
medium of expressing the Javanese proverbs then the beauty of the Javanese proverbs may
facilitate this, both in terms of the potential increasingly reach a high degree of aesthetic.
beauty of the language (Kawi language) and 4. Ethical factors. In addition to factors related
in terms of the depth and universality of the to the cultural language, aesthetical aspects,
reaching messages, meaning, and enable to the Javanese communities in Ex-residency of
summarize the motivations of the practitioners. Surakarta still maintain the Javanese proverbs
Among the motivations are (a) economical and that summarize the local wisdom due to the
practical motivations (encourage practitioners demands on the ethical factors (the demand
to earn money from the jobs), the motivation of showing polite expressions). The Javanese
to show the potential skills of using language, proverbs are expressed with a hope that the
(b) ideological motivation (to be able to convey community can fulfill the ethical factors in
important messages resided in the Javanese communications. For example, promoting
proverbs, the motivation to preserve the ideas could avoid direct confrontation between
Javanese proverbs), and for any other reason. people in conflict, then the properly expressed
For the community, motivations that encourage Javanese proverb as expressed by Prabowo
them in expressing ideas with Javanese (Presidential Candidate in 2014) publically
proverbs is essential meant to show their local stated that becik ketitik ala ketara ‘good will
knowledge (manners to overcome problems of appear, so the evil’ on accepting his situation of
their lives in rightly guided way and according being a victim of his rival’s fraudulent which led
to local traditions) by means of the beautiful him into feeling dissatisfaction about the results
aspects of the Javanese language (either in the of the presidential election of 2014 announced
forms of poems, poem and diction). by KPU. Prabowo seemed to unwillingly
3. Aesthetical Factors. The use of the Javanese extend the issue, so that he expressed the above
proverbs summarizes the local wisdom, Javanese proverbs to neutralize the situation
because of the aesthetic demands (demands of and prevent for the forthcoming problems.
expressing ideas through beautiful language). Why did Prabowo express that Javanese
On using the Javanese language, most speakers proverb? Because his ancestral origin was from
(of Java) normally express their thoughts Javanese ethnic, especially who was originated
in beautiful language. These manners are from Banyumas. In addition, he also intended
often termed as ngrengga basa ‘to decorate’ not to easily lose his anger which might at the
a language and the type of such language use end offend a group of people who opposed the
are termed as basa rinengga ‘the decorated political direction against his supporters.
language’, the language which is intentionally 5. Social factors. The use of the Javanese proverbs
created to give a sense of beauty out of the that summarize the local wisdom reflects
use of the literary expressions and literature’. the demands of social factors (of observing
Therefore, in case any practitioners who have politeness in language use to maintain harmony,
not yet been able to achieve such a degree, cohesiveness, mutual help, mong-kinemong
then aesthetically they are not yet qualified to ‘maintain mutual respect’, ngajeni ‘honor’).
the degree of understanding and having ability Thus, the use of the Javanese proverbs is deemed
to speak the Javanese language beautifully, to be important for the Javanese community
durung Jawa ‘not able yet’ (personal in Ex-Surakarta to keep the atmosphere of
communication, Parmin et al., 2013)2. Like the Java community who willingly advance
two sides of a coin, if the degree of using the harmony, cohesiveness, mutual help, mong-
Javanese language determined by memorizing kinemong ‘maintain mutual respect’, ngajeni

Wakit Abdullah - Ethnoliuistic Study of Local Wisdom in Ex-Residency of Surakarta

‘honor’ (personal communication, Nuryani, proverbs that summarize the local wisdom
et al, 2013)3. Why should be like that?, triggered by the demands of political factors
because the community still maintain the which include other motivations such as
values of Javaneseness as reflected through cultural, linguistics, aesthetics, ethics and
the beauty of the language (catchy rhyme social factors (the demand of observing
and in meaningful expressions), a realization politeness in language use to maintain
to avoid possibility of communicating direct harmony, cohesiveness, mutual help, mong-
confrontation (kinds of expressions which kinemong ‘maintain mutual respect’, ngajeni
employed figurative, metaphorical, by way ‘honor’). The important effects in expressing
of refracted, and connotative meanings and ideas through metaphorical language such as
symbolic expressions as a strategic means of Javanese proverbs could soften the manners
communication) on behalf of the local tradition and build a better cooperation and avoid
(at any given time and situation, the Javanese unstable emotion on using the language.
language is distinctively expressed from one The exemplification on the political factors
which is common and daily spoken language) concerning the use of Javanese proverbs
it requires an atmosphere which leads them to occurred in the Indonesian presidential election
be in-group on a certain time and even longer, in 2014 ago. When the nationalist Prabowo
therefore, one of the successful binders to publically expressed a Javanese proverb, he
increase social engagement is on an interesting strategically employed Javanese proverb to
use of the Javanese language, more exciting and avoid any improper or sarcastic response that
lovely nuance (using the Javanese proverbs). might trigger another great problem. Prabowo
6. Economic Factors. Expressing the Javanese Djojohadikusomo (a presidential candidate of
proverbs that summarize the local wisdom 2014) expressed a Javanese proverb becik ketitik
essentially followed by the demands of the ala ‘good will appear, so the evil’ to sincerely
economic factors (of the family income to accept his trouble situation due to an unfair act
maximally employ the Javanese language and trait of his rival in the presidential election
skills in serving people or the community in in 2014 regarding the results of the election
need). The existence of an individual or group announced by KPU (official commission of
of individuals who are associated with the the Indonesian general election). Prabowo was
motivations from which these economic factors unwilling to extend the issue; so alternatively
emerged, in Ex-residency of Surakarta is vivid he expressed the Javanese proverbs as a means
phenomenon and promising one, especially for of telling publically his desperate feelings and
those who engage with professional career or to remain discreet as a civil society. In addition,
proficiency in beautifully use of the Javanese he did not want to pursue a continuing conflict
language and other professionalism such that ultimately hurt the harmonious life of the
as being an MC in a wedding ceremonial societies.
process in Javanese tradition. Engaging with 8. Geographical Factors. Expressing the
professional career as an MC in the Javanese Javanese proverbs that summarize local
tradition (pangendhaliwara, pamedhar sabda, wisdom motivated by geographical factors
paniti laksana, etc.), there are individuals (place or ecology). When factors of culture,
who take it as a main professional career after language, aesthetic, ethical, social deemed
retirement, or to deem it as a sideline career, as an important consideration for Prabowo to
or just being available in case any relative or express a Javanese proverb becik ketitik ala
family would ask for help in participating to ‘good will appear, so the evil’ an expression
resemble the agendas of a wedding ceremonial to sincerely accept any trouble situation of
or other agendas related to the Javanese any unfair act and trait of his rival. Prabowo
traditions (personal communication, Sutrisno, personally aware of the role given by the
et al., 2013)4. Javanese proverbs as an alternative means of
7. Political factors. Expressing the Javanese expressing feelings for the majority Javanese

Humaniora, Vol. 28, Number 3 October 2016

or listeners would automatically understood seductive smile’ culturally is a potential characters

him. He was additionally aware of his rival that can be capital to communicate positively;
ethnicity (Joko Widodo) with all his supporters momotatine ‘patient’ culturally reflect a wisdom
as part of the Javanese community. The results of the Javanese life that indicates situational
of this study showed that when the Javanese characteristic ‘of a great soul’. (b) The integrity,
proverbs are used to address any case, then the moral strength and principle, for example wedi
listeners should understand the ongoing context wirang ‘fear of getting embarrassed’ as a literary
along with its high level use of dictions, then language which in everyday language expressed
the desired proverbs could be aligned with the wedi isin ‘fear of getting embarrassed’ reflected
existing environment. messages of such expressions may contribute to a
The Cultural Meanings of the Javanese spirit of build characters of the Indonesian spirit of
Proverbs which summarize the local wisdom in Ex nationalism . The life experiences of the nation’s
Surakarta, elaborated as follow: predecessors remained an idea which indicates that
Javanese proverbs that reflect the personal wedi wirang as a literary language that can provide
conducts (characters) of the pioneers whose act inspiration and spirit of the mental strength as well
and saying contributed to the spirit of nationalism, as to be self-prevention against carelessness and
among the Javanese proverbs are adus kringet recklessness (personal communication, Hartini,
‘sweat bathing’ culturally illustrates spirit of et al., 2013)5. (c) the Javanese proverbs reflect
struggling, working, earnest, never give up, empirical circumstance of the users’ community,
unwilling to be always in dependency with others, which additionally (1) reflect the nature of a great
persistent in achieving goals and keep maintaining soul, for example lobokatine ‘having tranquil heart’
them, unafraid of suffering from troubles and culturally reflect the Javanese local knowledge
facing the trials. Hence the Javanese proverbs in which is important to the national spirit; (2) reflect
relationship with the national spirit become an the spirit of moving forward, for example ngangsu
important capital. With that burning spirit, the kawruh ‘seeking for knowledge’ illustrates the
Indonesian people will soon achieve their goals. willingness to gain more knowledge; (3) reflect the
The Javanese proverb wani mati ‘daredevil’ gentle nature and virtuous manners of the users,
reflects a historical and nationalistic spirits of the for instance on proverb menang tanpa ngasorake
Indonesian heroic figures. These heroic figures ‘winning (something) on its right way/ showing
came from all parts of the Indonesian archipelagos. enough appreciation, resolving problem in a
Therefore, it is highly expected that the next peaceful way’, being respectful towards each other
generations of the Indonesian people could inherit and not to try to beaten, humiliated, and negatively
a daredevil spirit to defend their country and perceived one another; (4) showing the attitude of
nation. avoiding bribery and women abuse, as expressed
The Javanese proverbs that reflect personal in a proverb ojo kengguh mring krincinging dhinar
conducts could sometimes be deemed as a barrier ‘never easily get tempted to the gleaming of money
against nationalism, the Javanese proverbs such / wealth’, aja kengguh mring klubuking mina ‘never
as mbukak wadi ‘revealing one’s secret’. This easily be tempted to the moving curve of a fish, do
expression in accordance with intelligence and not follow attitudes of the sycophants, ‘never try
secret aspects of the country becomes a serious to obey the promptings of the bad persons’ , aja
problem, because a personal character that unlocks kengguh mring klimising wentis kuning’ never
the secrets (country, leaders of a country, etc.), easily get tempted to the beauty of the smooth
shall weaken the strategy and the various interests legs (of women) (personal communication, 2013,
of the Indonesian people. Purwanto, et al., 20136); (5) showing the values
Other life values summarize in the Javanese of spirituality and consciousness in sacrificing,
proverbs are actualized in the form of literary style exemplified by a proverb jer basuki mawa bex
(literary works) which imply significant moral vya ‘success disserves a cost’, yen dibeciki liyan
messages as follow: (a) refine manners, for example tulisen jroning watu ‘in case (someone) shares
on the Javanese proverbs manis eseme ‘(showing) a goodness write it on a stone’, yen mbeciki liyan

Wakit Abdullah - Ethnoliuistic Study of Local Wisdom in Ex-Residency of Surakarta

tulisen jroning lebu ‘when (you) do good things to factors; (f) economical factors; (g) political factors;
others, never try to remember them’; (6) showing and (h) geographical factors.
life optimism about and being insightful, as The cultural meanings reflected from the
expressed on a proverb jagad ora mung sagodhong Javanese proverbs expressed by the community
kelor ‘the world is bigger than a merunggai leaf’, in Ex-residency of Surakarta that summarize
(personal communication, Sairin, et al7., 2013 the local wisdom, elaborated as follow; (a)
(7) reflecting character that cannot be trusted and the Javanese proverbs that reflect the personal
harming others, such as lunyu ilate ‘words that conducts (characters) which contribute to the
lack of trustworthiness’ ‘whose tongue does not spirits of nationalism; (b) Javanese proverbs that
always tell what his/her heart means/hypocrisy’, reflect the personal conducts being deemed as a
gedhe endhase ‘boastful, pompous, arrogant’ barrier against nationalism; (c) other life values in
metaphorically in the Javanese culture such the Javanese proverbs are actualized in the forms
Javanese proverbs reflect a message that a person of literary style (literary works), these refer to the
who are claimed to have special authority, over- meanings of (1) refining manners, (2) enhancing
ability or social status tend to be more pretentious or integrity, moral strength and life principles, (3)
to do something as pleasure, lack of respect toward reflecting the empirical circumstances of the local
others, (8) not showing a leadership character community (such as reflecting the nature of great
who should always be responsible for his/her act souls, reflecting the fighting spirit and persistency,
and words, as stated on a proverb mbukak wadi reflecting the spirit of moving forward, reflecting
‘revealing one’s secret’, rai gedheg ‘having a bit the gentle nature and self-virtuousness, showing
thick or never getting shame on (something)’, ora the attitude that against money bribery and women
katon dhadhane literally means ‘never showing his abuse, demonstrating the value of spirituality and
own chest, ‘unwilling to show his noble qualities, consciousness to sacrifice, showing a life optimism
(personal communication, Suryanto et al.8, 2013) and insightfulness, reflecting an unreliable and
(9) reflecting a boastful character, showing off irresponsible characters and harming people,
his/her special abilities, as stated on a proverb reflecting the social figure who are unnecessary
adigang, adigung, adiguna ‘being over-proud for to be followed, reflecting a personal trait of
his/her social power, dignity and intelligence’, asu arrogant because of his/her achievement and social
gedhe kerahe ‘powerful or big people will always position, reflecting the real conducts of society
be a winner at any social clash or court decision’, in Ex-residency of Surakarta, having a realistic
(10) betrayal, as stated on a proverb mbukak wadi relationship with the heroic people (figures),
‘revealing one’s secret’, mbuang tilas’ disposing philosophical relationship, satire (criticism),
a footstep, evidence, document’, (11) amoral, as treason and amoral.
expressed rai gedheg ‘having no shame’.
CONCLUSION Aggs-language. (October, 28 2016). “I love English
Based on the above finding data, the results language Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis”. Retrieved
of this study can be concluded as follow; factors from:
underlying the use of Java proverbs expressed by the-sapir-whorf-hypothesis/
the community in Ex-residency of Surakarta which Dove, Michael R., (l985), Peranan Kebudayaan
summarize local wisdom (a) cultural factors, (b) Tradisional Indonesia dalam Modernisasi.
linguistic factors, (c) aesthetical factors, (d) ethical Jakarta: Yayasan Obor
factors, (e) social factors, (f) economical factors, Mieder, W. (2004). Proverbs: A handbook. London:
(g) political factors, (h) geographical factors. Greenwood Press.
People in the Ex-residency of Surakarta Mahsun. (2005). “Konsep Ruang dalam Bahasa
express the Javanese proverbs that summarize the mBojo dan Kaitannya dengan Cara Pandang
local knowledge which are additionally influenced Masyarakat Penuturnya”, dalam Linguistik
by (a) cultural factors; (b) linguistic factors; (c) Indonesia, Pebruari 2005, Th ke-23, No.1.
aesthetical factors; (d) ethical factors; (e) social

Humaniora, Vol. 28, Number 3 October 2016

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DIPA FSSR UNS, Surakarta:Fakutas Sastra criteria; they are (1) the full enculturation, (2) direct
dan Seni Rupa Universitas Sebelas Maret. involvement, (3) the unknown cultural atmosphere,
Suharsini, Arikunto. (l993). Prosedur Penelitian Suatu (4) adequate time, and (5) a non-analytical (Spradley,
Pendekatan Praktek, Jakarta: PT. Rineka 1997: 61).
Cipta. 2 Parmin HS. (65 years old), Sutrisno (56 years old)
and Joko D. (50 years old) of Karanganyar regency,
Sutopo, HB., (2006) Metode Penelitian Kualitatif,
Jaten district
Surakarta: Universitas Sebelas Maret Press.
3 Mr. Dayat, SH. (50 years old), Mrs. Nuryani Amd.
Wakit Abdullah, et al., (2010). “Kearifan Lokal (40 years old), Drs. Ari Widiyanto (55 years old) of
Petani di Pesisir Selatan Kebumen (Kajian Wonogiri regency, Ngadirojo district
Etnolinguistik)”, Laporan Penelitian Hibah 4 Sutrisno (45 years old), Arie Yulianto (30 years old),
Fundamental, Surakarta: Fakutas Sastra dan and Arisanti (40 years old) of Boyolali regency,
Seni Rupa Universitas Sebelas Maret. Banyudono district.
Wakit Abdullah, et al., (2011). “Bahasa Jawa dan 5 Hartini, M. Hum (56 years old), Nanik Herawati
Hubungannya dengan Perilaku Orang Jawa di (50 years old), Prembayun (35 years old) of Klaten
Kota Surakarta”, Laporan Penelitian Hibah regency, Klaten district
Fundamental, Tahun I, Surakarta: Universitas 6 Purwanto (59 years old), Ari Wibowo (50 years
Sebelas Maret. old), Warsono (56 years old) of Sukoharjo regency,
Wakit Abdullah, et al., (2012). “Bahasa Jawa dan Mojolaban district
Hubungannya dengan Perilaku Orang Jawa di 7 Sairin (70 years old), Widodo (56 years old),
Kota Surakarta”, Laporan Penelitian Hibah Ariyanti (57 years old) of Surakarta City, Jebres
Fundamental, Tahun II, Surakarta: Universitas district.
Sebelas Maret. 8 Surynato (50 years old), Dr. Rahmanu W. (54 years
old), Drs. Setyo Budi (57 years old) of Sragen
regency, Karangmalang district.


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