Operation Eclipse

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Operation Eclipse

Operation Briefing
Classified Material
For Eyes of Black Falcon Military Group Members ONLY

Operation Objective
We have been tasked with a high-priority mission to raid and disable a mining
complex constructed by the Patriots of Democracy (PoD) near the city of
Schorciana. The PoD is a well-organized and well-armed group, and we
anticipate heavy resistance during this operation. Our first objective is to attack
an enemy camp near El Chara that is used as a holding base for an enemy QRF
that is on standby to move to the mining complex if any threat is detected. The
second objective is to take out any personnel located in the radio
communications base constructed at the top of the mountain near the complex,
that base is mostly used to transmit messages between the complex and Fort
Ronograd and can be used to call in reinforcements if there are problems with
the QRF. Our last primary objective is to eliminate the PoD's ability to mine the
newly discovered uranium deposits by disabling the mining complex and
capturing or neutralizing any PoD personnel in the area. During the operation,
we anticipate heavy resistance from the PoD, and we expect them to deleply
large numbers of units to defend the complex. Therefore, we will maintain a
high level of situational awareness and readiness throughout the operation.
This is a high-risk operation, and we must be prepared for any eventuality. I
expect each and every one of you to carry out your assigned tasks with the
utmost professionalism and dedication.

Operator Gear
Operators will use their issued equipment and weaponry based on their MOS,
without change.
Intel and Resources

The camp where the enemy QRF is located

The Long Range Radio Communications Base

Front area of the Mining Complex
Rules of Engagement
Hold fire until lead, weapons free if we are engaged. No civilian presence so no
need to get a PID before engaging.

Attack Plan

QRF Camp near El Chara

Attack Plan:
We firstly will move into El Chara with helicopters flying low to avoid detection
from any enemy units. On infill we will dismount, clear the city of El Chara to
neutralize any units that might alert our raid on the complex and then we will
move on foot towards the QRF Camp and begin an all out assault on the

Extra Info:
The Long Range Radio Communications Base

Attack Plan:
For the second phase we will take out the Radio Communications Base at the
top of the mountain near Schorciana City, we will infill in with 2 teams in 2
helicopters. Team 1 will make an entry from the north side, on dismount they will
move up and secure the heli pad for team 2 to make a landing. After both teams
are joined they will move in and clear the tents.

Extra Info:

The Mining Complex

Attack Plan:
We will begin the assault by making entry through the main gate with an
armored convoy separated in 2 teams. On entry teams will split, Team 1 will
move on the left side of the compound clearing the first buildings and then
moving up to clear the housing area that is in construction further up the
mountain. Team 2 will stick to the right side clearing the first building and tent
and then moving up the road to the main mine area. We will also have air
support present.

Extra Notes:
⬜ - Points of interest
| - Team 1
| - Team 2

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