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Media literacy/ Crime and Punishment Website Exclusive

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Emilia Ferreiro said "Literacy is no longer seen as the simple
transmission of an instrumental technique, carried out in a
specific institution"...

Vol No. 25

Media literacy is the

ability to access,
Information sources
analyze, create and can be
act using all forms of indispensable tools
communication. when it comes to
From interpreting educating ourselves,
emojis, to but they can also be
harmful if we are
subliminal messages
in advertisements,
not careful.
producing viral
videos or recognizing
native advertising.

Fyodor Mikhailovich
Dostoevsky Dostoevsky was a Russian
novelist, short story writer,
essayist, and journalist. His
literary works explore
human psychology in the
troubled political, social, and
spiritual atmospheres of 19th-
century Russia, and engage
with a variety of
philosophical and religious
themes. Rodia

His most acclaimed novels

include Crime and
Punishment (1866), The
Idiot (1869), Demons (1872), The critic N. N. said; "the only book that reading
and The Brothers addicts talked about. And when they referred to
Karamazov (1880). it..."

-Technology is a useful servant, but a
Website Exclusive
dangerous master -Christian Lous Lange.

Media literacy facilitates our civic and social

development, it also regulates the information we can
find in the new media, it requires us to be responsible
with the information we share, to be careful with the
information we acquire and to be careful with the
consumption of information from dubious sources.
Literacy makes us be careful, but it also helps us to keep
ourselves well informed from reliable sources, it
Vol No. 25
provides us with the necessary skills that this new media
gives us, making us take full advantage of the benefits it
offers. It tells us about the consumption of information
and the creation of content, this is done through a
methodology that encourages critical thinking, promotes
creativity and activates the spirit of autonomous

Media literacy.
Accessing the information we want becomes easier, educating
ourselves autonomously becomes more dynamic and fun, we
will have at hand a lot of information that can serve us in our
growth, but as always, this has its disadvantages, considering
that accessing information is much easier, creating that
information is also easier, providing false information is a crime
and we can easily fall into this kind of traps, We find post using
scientific words to convince us of the effectiveness of certain
drugs, and it ends up being a complete fraud, every day we see
influencers selling products not acts for us, they sell it to us as if
it were a doctor, manipulation is certainly a tool widely used in
this medium, making the consumer fall completely into their
clutches. We are often unaware of the impact we have on the
Internet and how susceptible we are to manipulation by digital

Media literacy Website Exclusive
1 2
I remember when the famous

FAKE NEWS "fake news" became a media

joke, hurting not only those
who were part of the joke but
Fake news can become a also presidents, as in the case
bad joke or a prolonged of Trump, the impact of this
problem that can affect news was so great that people
those who fall into the ended up falling into the
trap. manipulation of these and the
political campaign of that
president was affected
It is common to find people on Twitter pretending to be smart and
sharing fake news that then become viral and harmful, let's not go
that far, let's go back to Colombia and pay as an example to our vice
president, who in the middle of her election was harmed because a
woman, who had the audacity to upload,listen well, to TikTok, (the
new reliable source of information) a video where she claimed to be
the vice-president's daughter, the aforementioned woman thought it
was funny to make such video and, as Colombians have been
manipulated for many years, many fell into the trap, to France, who
was not happy with what happened, had to go to Twitter (yes,
Twitter) to clarify everything

Media literacy.

Emilia Ferreiro said "Literacy is

no longer seen as the simple
transmission of an instrumental
technique, carried out in a
specific institution"

digital manipulation
and you are right, it is no longer something of the
school, it goes beyond it, and brings with it a huge
responsibility that as a citizen we must assume.
Media literacy is a continuous learning process for
every citizen, and it is much more complete when
it includes knowledge, skills and aptitudes, as well
as access and coverage of the media.

Crime and Punishment Website Exclusive

This novel, one of the greatest and most enduring in

world literature, contains two of Dostoyevsky's
characteristic themes: the relationship between guilt
and punishment and the idea of the redemptive
power of human suffering, vigorously posing the
conflict between Good and Evil, that ethical dualism
that is a constant in the author's work. Under the
naturalistic framework of a thesis novel, a
metaphysical and moral allegory underlies.
Dostoyevsky observes that the punishment does not
intimidate the criminal, since he already morally
asks for punishment. Among the enormous work of
the Russian novelist, this book is undoubtedly the
one with the greatest formal completeness.

Crime and
The first time I read this work, I was
impressed by how the protagonist justified
his actions and above all, used each person
for his own benefit, seeing them only as a
source and not someone who was really
worth forming a bond, in crime and
punishment explores human thought, our
own self and the justification for certain
attitudes we have, define, this piece of art, is
undoubtedly; limiting it, it tells us about
that inner struggle of good and evil and PSYCHOLOGY
questions our thoughts, combined right
with wrong, moral with immoral, and
exposes how the criminal is not intimidated
by a judicial punishment, because there is
no worse punishment than his mind itself,
this book is about poverty and social class
and people who rise above their class and
people who fall from the class they were
born into

Crime and Punishment Website Exclusive

It is about the wild dreams and follies of youth.

Reading, Crime and Punishment is a roller coaster ride,
every detail, every word, fragment, paragraph, totally
worth it. There is nothing more terrifying than our
mind... to lose it is not only to lose ourselves, it is to
disconnect ourselves from the world, "Crime and
Punishment" is an entertaining, intense and dramatic
soap opera starring an unforgettable character of a
broad psychological story and full of poignant scenes
that follow each other without pause, thus being a
novel with a gripping reading on its surface and
Vol No. 26 extraordinarily clear in its depths.


Crime and
In his memoirs, the critic N. N. said; "the
only book that reading addicts talked about.
And when they referred to it, they used to
complain about its overwhelming strength
and the distressing effect it had on readers,
to the point that those with nerves of steel
almost fell ill, while those with weak nerves
were forced to abandon reading it". It is
certainly not an easy book to read, it
requires commitment from the reader, he
must be willing to lose his morals and sanity
for a short period, but what I am sure of is
"And now I know that he who is master of that the reader will not be the same once he
his will and possesses a powerful finishes reading it.
intelligence easily succeeds in imposing
himself upon other men; that the most
daring is the most right in the eyes of
others; that he who defies men and scorns
them wins their respect and becomes their
lawgiver. This is what has always been seen
and will always be seen. One must be blind
not to notice it."

Vol No. 26

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