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User’s Manual: AMASIS R9.30

MPAO-OP Release: 1.0 Date: 4th April 2014


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User’s Manual: AMASIS R9.30

MPAO-OP Release: 1.0 Date: 4th April 2014

- Contents -

Involved AMASIS releases .................................................................................................. 3

Table of modifications ........................................................................................................ 3
Tracking ............................................................................................................................... 3
Introduction: Work with Maintenance Program ................................................................ 4
Main access: Work with Maintenance Program - Operations .......................................... 6
Prerequisite: Work with Maintenance Program - Operations ........................................... 6
Involved services ................................................................................................................ 7
MPAO-OP-P1 Create Operation .......................................................................................... 8
MPAO-OP-P2 Change Operation .......................................................................................13
MPAO-OP-P3 Copy Operation ...........................................................................................14
MPAO-OP-P4 Link Operation.............................................................................................15
MPAO-OP-P5 Effectivity restriction of operation .............................................................16
MPAO-OP-P6 Consumable, Ingredients, Tools and other means ...................................17
MPAO-OP-P7 Qualification resources ..............................................................................19
MPAO-OP-P8 Access panels .............................................................................................20
MPAO-OP-P9 Linked documents ......................................................................................21
MPAO-OP-P10 Cycles and Segments ...............................................................................31
MPAO-OP-P11 Operation schedule...................................................................................32
MPAO-OP-P12 Consistency check of Maintenance Program..........................................33
MPAO-OP-P13 Reports ......................................................................................................34
MPAO-OP-P14 More functions ..........................................................................................35

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User’s Manual: AMASIS R9.30

MPAO-OP Release: 1.0 Date: 4th April 2014

Involved AMASIS releases

This document applies from the following A.M.A.S.I.S release:

A.M.A.S.I.S R9.30

Table of modifications


R1.0 04/04/2014 Application of document



Service Service Service

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MPAO-OP Release: 1.0 Date: 4th April 2014

Introduction: Work with Maintenance Program

This procedure presents the full process to be followed in AMASIS for building a Maintenance
Schedule, i.e. a list of recurrent tasks applicable to an aircraft, through protocol/effectivity couple.

The Maintenance Program defines all the mandatory tasks, their contents and frequency, which apply
to a type of aircraft, excluding the tasks that apply to equipment (managed through Kardex and/or
SBs/ADs and Standard module).

The Maintenance Program, also called Maintenance Protocol or Maintenance Recommended

Schedule is a set of mandatory tasks, defined from Aircraft Maintenance Manual. They can be
grouped into Checks or remain independent. In this case, they are known as ‘Out of Phase’.

Each task, called Maintenance card describes the main characteristics such as content description,
skill, station, approval level but especially frequencies, tolerances, thresholds and amendment level.

However, it is at Operation level that task is precisely defined, i.e.:

- content of work to be performed,

- list of access panels to be opened and closed to perform the tasks,
- list of required qualifications,
- list of technical documents to look up for performing the task (Operator Card, Service Bulletin,
Illustrated Part Catalog…),
- list of required tools, ingredients, consumable …

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(Out of Phase)


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MPAO-OP Release: 1.0 Date: 4th April 2014

Main access: Work with Maintenance Program - Operations

Scheduled Maintenance module Maintenance Program menu Operations menu

Prerequisite: Work with Maintenance Program - Operations

- The user must have the access rights to Operation management (refer to Work with, Work
with roles menu, Work with users).

- Building of maintenance program requires prior definition of effectivity and protocol of involved
aircraft and their link created (refer to Common A/C Effectivity & A/C).

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MPAO-OP Release: 1.0 Date: 4th April 2014

Involved services

Technical Records (or Engineering) for definition of Maintenance Schedule

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MPAO-OP Release: 1.0 Date: 4th April 2014

MPAO-OP-P1 Create Operation

To create an operation, we recommend you to duplicate an existing operation and to change it. Refer
to §MPAO-OP-P3 process.

To create an operation, from main menu:

- Select Scheduled Maintenance menu Maintenance Program Operations

- Click button (or F9).

The following window is displayed to define the new operation:

Field description

Protocol Protocol to which the operation belongs. It is mandatorily defined in

the Background data (refer to Effectivities & A/C §INFO-AC-P3
doc). Mandatory field. This alphanumeric code of 5 positions is
displayed when you click Protocol or press F4 key.

Operation Operation code with 18 alphanumeric characters (mandatory field).

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MPAO-OP Release: 1.0 Date: 4th April 2014

This code is used to identify the maintenance task, it must be unique

for a given protocol.
For mono-operation cards, it can be the same as card one, on the
contrary, it will be useful to keep the root of card code with an index
for operation rank.

Title Title of the operation, issued from the A.M.M. or C.M.M. Mandatory
alphanumeric field of 40 characters.

Task Generic code of type of work to be performed.

The code used must be defined in the list of task codes (refer to
Documents §INFO-DOC-TSK doc).
Example: GVC General Visual Check, OPC Operational Check.

ATA ATA and subATA chapter, to which card is related.

Optional alphanumeric fields of 2 and 4 characters (F4 key).
This ATA chapter must be defined in the Background data. It can be
used as a sort criterion in the Work Packages or for maintenance

A/C zone A/C main zone of work. The zone is defined in the Background data.
(refer to Effectivities & A/C §INFO-AC-P11 doc). This information
can be one of the criteria of operation sequencing in the work

Work station The work station notion mainly serves to identify intervention zones,
not necessarily described in the manufacturer documentation. It must
be defined in the Background data. This information is principally
used to group the maintenance operation by work station, as it is used
for operation sequencing in the work package.

Phase The phase is an additional criterion for chronological sequencing of

tasks in the work package. It must be defined in the Background
data. This optional field will be useful only if you decide to divide the
check into several job phases.

Control Indicates if operation requires a control or not.

The user can define several levels of control to be more precise. In
this case, the signature of controller is required at the time of work
package print-out, such as job card print-out.

Approval Code of authorities (e.g.: FAA...) which approved the protocol.

Optional alphanumeric field of 4 characters, can be parameterized.

MRB Number of Maintenance Review Board from which the operation is

issued. Optional alphanumeric field of 3 characters

Level Level of maintenance to which operation is related (e.g.: major

maintenance, minor maintenance, line maintenance …). Optional
alphanumeric field of 2 characters.

Deferral Check box indicating that an operation can be deferred or not.

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MPAO-OP Release: 1.0 Date: 4th April 2014

If not checked, it prohibits deferral of this operation at the time of work

package update and then will block check closing.

Production code Selection list used to define a production code related to company
(configurable in the Background data (refer to Documents doc)

Maintenance level Selection list used to define the maintenance action level (can be
parameterized in List miscellaneous settings of SB/AD or
Scheduled Maintenance accessible in Common Background data
Miscellaneous) related to user.

Note This field is used to draw user’s attention on existence of a note

specifying the application characteristics of the operation (e.g.: check
and card triggered by an event, check depending on conditions …).

Out of Phase Check box indicating that the maintenance operation is part of a
maintenance protocol or not; Out of Phase operations are mainly
operations which frequency does not correspond to any check

An Out of Phase operation cannot be linked to a check but can be integrated to an existing Work
Package or generate a Work Order through its linked card.

Waiting Check box used to indicate if document is waiting. During a precise

event, the document will be awaked. The linked schedules do not
have a default deadline.
Reason for triggering of this document. Selection list that can be
parameterized in List miscellaneous settings of SB/AD or
Scheduled Maintenance accessible in Common Background data

CMR Certification Maintenance Requirement. Selection list used to indicate

the required maintenance specification for maintenance specification.
Selection list that can be parameterized in List miscellaneous
settings of SB/AD or Scheduled Maintenance accessible in Common
Background data Miscellaneous).

NR National Requirement. Check box

VR Vendor Recommendation. Check box

Frequency Operation frequency can be expressed with:

Code of initial check type (example: repetitiveness every check A).
If the only introduced value is ‘check’ field; we recommend you to
describe performance cycle (or loop) and step (interval between two
checks) in protocolar check management.
Optional alphanumeric field, which possible values are previously
defined in the Background data (refer to Documents §INFO-DOC-
CHK doc)

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Flight hours:
Frequency of the operation expressed in airborne flight hours.
Optional integer numeric field.

Frequency of the operation expressed in cell cycles. Optional integer
numeric field.

Frequency expressed in calendar duration. This duration must be
expressed in time unit, which coding is determined by calendar code
management in the Background data (refer to Effectivities & A/C
§INFO-AC-P6 doc) (example: 10 MO for 10 months).
Field including two parts, the first one is an optional integer numeric
field, and the second one is a mandatory alphanumeric field, if the first
one is introduced.

Other ageing 1, 2, 3:
Frequency expressed in a unit known as ‘non-standard’ (e.g.: APU
hours, engine cycles ...). These units must be defined in the
Background data (refer to Effectivities & A/C §INFO-AC-P5 doc)
and it is possible to combine up to three simultaneous non-standard
frequencies. Field including two parts, the first one is an integer
numerical field indicating quantity, and the second one is an
alphanumeric field indicating ageing unit.

All these criteria can be combined, triggering of schedule is made by default by the first deadline
reached in a unit. Should this not be the case, the following field will be used:

Last deadline For operations with multiple frequency (in hours AND cycles, or in
calendar AND hours …) only, this field is used to trigger schedule with
the last value reached. This quite rare case has been introduced to
answer SB constraints which can have this sort of characteristics
(case of SB integrated to protocol). The default value of this field is
No, triggering occurs with the first deadline reached.

Tolerance A tolerance can be associated to all these ageing, that can be

introduced on the same line of each frequency (with the same write
rules). These fields are for information only, as schedule does not
include possible tolerances in the calculation of deadlines.

Threshold Value from which the operation application starts, (threshold) in the
indicated unit (type). The threshold is an integer numerical value,
whereas the type is one of the ageing types defined in the
Background data

Numeric integer value associated to unit.

From date
Validity start date, used for calendar thresholds only (e.g.: thresholds:
1 MO from 30/11/11 -> operation schedule will be triggered the
30/12/11 only).

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MPAO-OP Release: 1.0 Date: 4th April 2014

For operations linked to cards also linked to checks, the frequencies are indicated for
information only. Launching of card is linked to check one.

If no frequency is indicated, AMASIS considers that operation has a unique application and
schedule is automatically closed at the first performance.

Theoretical cost of operation performance. It is the sum of manpower
cost and material cost (list of used consumables and rotables).

Graphics documents:
Synthesis of the number of graphics documents (scanned documents,
pdf formats, images or other electronic documents) linked to this
operation via Graphics Documents module.
E.g.: Job Instruction Card, Aircraft Maintenance Manual, Illustrated
Part Catalog.

Number of cards links to this operation.

Time (M/H) Load in manhours, necessary for operation performance.

Duration indicated by the manufacturer and necessary for operation
performance. This duration is the sum of the times defined on the
operations linked to the card for:
- performance of operations by each mechanics
- opening/closing of access panels.

Duration of operation performance in the company. This duration is
based on the manufacturer time weighted by coefficients defined in
table 30 . These coefficients are the result of statistical records
used to compare real performance times with time defined by the
manufacturer. A tool can be used if necessary to update these
coefficients on all the operations.

- To end the process, click Validate button

- Quit change mode clicking (or F2).

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MPAO-OP Release: 1.0 Date: 4th April 2014

MPAO-OP-P2 Change Operation

An operation must be linked to a card in order to be activated.

To change an operation, from main menu:

- Select Scheduled Maintenance menu Maintenance Program Operations

- Select the protocol and operation, put cursor on operation and click button (or press F2).

- Update the parameters making up the active operation (see description of parameters in

- To end the process, click Validate button and quit change mode clicking button (or
press F2).

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MPAO-OP Release: 1.0 Date: 4th April 2014

MPAO-OP-P3 Copy Operation

An operation must be linked to a card to be activated in the schedule.

To copy an operation, from main menu:

- Select Scheduled Maintenance menu Maintenance Program Operations

- Select the protocol and operation, put cursor on operation and click button (or press

- To select the constituent elements of the reference operation to be copied in the new one, tick

the boxes in the following window and click Validate button:

- Change the protocol or (and) operation code and the parameters related to the new operation
(see description of parameters in §MPAO-OP-P1).

- To end the process, click Validate button or press Enter and quit change mode clicking

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MPAO-OP Release: 1.0 Date: 4th April 2014

MPAO-OP-P4 Link Operation

To link operations to a card, from main menu:

- Select Scheduled Maintenance menu Maintenance Program Operations

- Select the protocol and operation.

- Click Linked cards tab and click button (or press F2).

- In «Available card(s)» window, select the protocol and code, even part of it, of the card to be

linked and click to display the available cards.

The cards already linked to active card will be removed from the list of available cards.

Adds selected card

Adds all the cards of the list

Removes the selected card

Erases all the linked cards

If card is selected, it can be viewed up with button.

- To end the process, click button (or press F2).

AMASIS shows the number of cards linked to the active operation between [ ] in tab title (without
taking into account possible exceptions specific to some A/C S/Ns).

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MPAO-OP Release: 1.0 Date: 4th April 2014

MPAO-OP-P5 Effectivity restriction of operation

It may happen that, for a same protocol, some operations apply to some aircraft and not to others. In
this case, the user can specify the aircraft to which the operation applies.

To update an operation, from main menu:

- Select Scheduled Maintenance menu Maintenance Program Operations

- Select the protocol and operation.

- Click A/C serial numbers tab and click button (or F2).

- In the window on the right, introduce effectivity and S/N of aircraft to which the operation

- In «Detail» window, select:

to end update,
to add an A/C serial number to the list,

to delete an A/C serial number to the list,

to display involved A/C sheet.

As the process is linked to A/C S/N, we recommend you to select it in the window of followed A/C,
which is displayed from Serial number (or F4).

By default, AMASIS considers that the operation is applicable to all the aircraft of a same protocol. If
you want to exclude all the aircraft, tick ‘Not applicable’ box.
Note: the tab title specifies that card is ‘[Not applicable]’.

- To end the process, click Validate button

- Quit change mode clicking button (or F2).

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MPAO-OP Release: 1.0 Date: 4th April 2014

MPAO-OP-P6 Consumable, Ingredients, Tools and other means

This tab includes data related to material needs for job performances (ingredients, equipment, tools).
This information is used both for job preparation and launching:

To specify the consumable, ingredients, tools necessary for an operation performance, from
main menu:

- Select Scheduled Maintenance menu Maintenance Program Operations

- Select the protocol and operation.

- Click Ingredients tab and click tab (or press F2)

- In «Detail» window, select:

to validate change made to ingredients

to add ingredients

to delete ingredient

to display the reference of selected P/N

to display the inventory card of selected P/N (Note: inventory card of default
store of the user)

to display the resources of selected P/N (physical existence in the stores of the
company, including alternates)

to carry forward the changes on linked WOs

Field description

P/N Reference of material (spares, ingredients, tools ...) necessary for

operation performance. The reference exists a priori in the reference
cards, but not necessarily.
It is possible to select it in the list of existing P/Ns with F4 key.

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Description Description of material displayed by AMASIS if the reference card


Type Type of the reference. This field enables the classification of the
references and to differentiate the ingredients from the tools, etc…
The type is previously defined in the Background data.

Quantity Quantity necessary to job performance.

PU Packaging unit of the part necessary for operation performance. Eg.:

KG for Kilo, MT for meter …

- To end the process, click button to validate update

- Quit change mode clicking button (or F2).

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MPAO-OP Release: 1.0 Date: 4th April 2014

MPAO-OP-P7 Qualification resources

This tab includes information concerning loads in manhours, by qualification. This enables to obtain
the workload of the check by qualification.

To specify the loads and qualifications necessary for performance of an operation, from main

- Select Scheduled Maintenance menu Maintenance Program Operations

- Select the protocol and operation.

- Click Qualifications tab and click button (or press F2).

- In «Details» window, select:

to validate changes made to qualifications,

to add a qualification,

to delete a qualification,

to access qualification detail.

to carry forward the changes on linked WOs

Field description

Qualification Code of qualification required for job performance.

Code must be defined in qualification file in the Background data.

Nb Number of persons simultaneously necessary for each qualification.

Manufacturer time Total job time for the number of persons, in hours hundredths. This
time corresponds to the information supplied by the manufacturer.

Coef1 & coef2 The set of these coefficients enables to weight the manufacturer time
and to obtain a customized time.

Company time Calculated job time. It has been customized compared to

manufacturer time.

- To end the process, click button or press Enter to validate update

- Quit change mode clicking (or press F2).

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MPAO-OP-P8 Access panels

To specify the access panels linked to an operation, from main menu:

- Select Scheduled Maintenance menu Maintenance Program Operations

- Select the protocol and operation.

- Click Access tab and click button (or F2).

- In «Details» window, select:

to validate coefficient changes

to add an access to the list of already linked accesses

to delete an existing access

to access the list of all the accesses of the protocol defined in the Background
data (refer to Effectivities & A/C doc §INFO-AC-P12) and eventually to create

to carry forward changes on opened WOs.

Field description

Effectivity and access Code of access panel to be used. It must be defined in the list of
panels of the effectivity.

Manufacturer time Opening and closing time of panels, defined by the manufacturer,
stated in hours and hundredths.

Coef1 & coef2 The set of these coefficients enables to weight the manufacturer time
and to obtain a customized time, more representative of airline times.

Airline time Calculated work time. It has been customized in relation to

manufacturer time.

- To end the process, click button or press Enter to validate update

- Quit change mode clicking (or F2).

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MPAO-OP-P9 Linked documents

This tab is used to link reference documents with an operation. For this, various types of link exist
(simple or multiple links). It will be possible to link these operations between themselves, with
maintenance cards, SB/AD documents or miscellaneous documents not defined in the system.

Simple link management

Dead link: Graphical link only

« Source » document is complemented with a « linked » document for information purposes.
It can be a document describing an operating mode, a photo, etc.

No schedule can be generated for the linked document.

This type of link concerns all the documents for information purposes of source document:
a production document, a report template, an image, etc.

Equal link:
The « source » document and the « linked » document are combined.
Any action on one of the two documents will systematically be carried over the other.
Each document has its own schedule, but they are synchronous.

This type of link is particularly recommended when the user does not want to give priority to one of the
two linked documents.

Piloting link:
The « source » document controls the linked document.
Any action on the « source » document will systematically be carried over the « linked » document.

The linked document is totally controlled by the « source » document.

No manual action is possible on the schedule of the « linked » document.

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MPAO-OP Release: 1.0 Date: 4th April 2014

This type of link is particularly recommended when a «Regulatory» document (JC, SB, AD etc.) is
applied via a « Production » document (Engineering Order, etc…). It enables to have an Airworthiness
status without requiring that the source document serves as the application document.

Simple opening link:

Closing of « source » document causes opening of « linked » document.
Reopening of « source » document leads to closing of « linked » document.

None of the actions on « linked » document has an effect on « source » document.

Performance of a « One shot » document corresponds to a closing.

This type of link is particularly recommended in case of provisory follow-up. It facilitates the transition
of a follow-up to another (change of contents, frequency, etc.).

Simple closing link:

Closing of « source » document causes closing of « linked » document.
Reopening of « source » document leads to reopening of « linked » document.

Closing of « linked » document displays a warning message if « source » document is opened.

Reopening of « linked » document displays a warning message if « source » document is closed.

Performance of a « One shot » document corresponds to a closing.

This tab is used to create and manage links with regulatory documents concerning card performance.
The linked documents will be called during work package report through the linked tasks.

To link 2 documents by a simple link:

- Put cursor on « Linked documents » tab in change mode

- Press in the bottom part

- Select Simple link and click Next

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- Select the type of document to be linked with the source document and enter its reference
(Reference type/Protocol/Reference/Revision/Sequence No) and click Next

Depending on the selected document, different types of link can be created:

Document Possible simple link

Other type of document (unknown document) Dead link
JC Card Dead link
OP Operation Simple opening link
SB SB/AD/CN Simple closing link
Equal link
Piloting link

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Access to possible links is shown in the window below.

- Select the link to be created between the documents

- Click on End to create the link

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Multiple link management

Selected piloting link:


Performance or closing of « source » document causes a decision on the follow-up action to be made
to the « linked » documents:
Reopening of « source » document causes closing of opened « linked » document.

None of the actions on « linked » documents has an effect on « source » document.

This type of link is particularly recommended in case of conditional follow-up. It facilitates the transition
of a follow-up to another (change of contents, frequency, etc.).

Mutual piloting link:

An action applied on the « source » document is carried over the « linked » documents.
Performance or closing of « source » document is carried over all the « linked » documents.

Opening or reopening of a « linked » document is carried over the « source » document.

Performance of a « linked » document causes an update of the history of « source » document, but
performance of « source » document is determined by performance of ALL the « linked » documents.
Closing of all the « linked » documents causes closing of « source » document.

This type of link is particularly recommended in case the user wants performance of a document to be
flexible. It can be processed in block by « Source » document or the set of « linked » documents.

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Exclusive piloting link:

« Source » document is totally piloted by « linked » documents.

Opening or reopening of a « linked » document is carried over the « source » document.

Performance of a « linked » document leads to an update of the history of the « source » document,
but performance of « source » document is determined by performance of ALL the « linked »

This type of link is particularly recommended in case the user wants to breakdown a «Regulatory »
document (JC, SB, AD, etc.) into several items of « Production ». It enables to have an Airworthiness
status without requiring that the source document serves as the application document.

To link several documents with a multiple link:

- Put cursor on « Linked documents » in change mode

- Press in the bottom part

- Select Multiple link and click on Next

- Select the type of document to be linked to « source » document and enter its reference (type
of reference /Protocol/Reference/Revision/Sequence No) and click

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- Repeat this procedure for the document or the other documents to be linked

It is possible to remove a document to be linked with a click on icon.

- Once the documents are selected, click Next

The possible links are accessible in the following window:

- Select the link to be created between the documents

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- Click on End to create the link

AMASIS shows the number of linked documents between [ ] in tab title.

In the links window, the document in red represents the source document. If you view up one of the
linked documents, this one will be displayed in grey.

to display or not the arborescence of linked documents

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To manage linked Documents, from main menu:

To add a document

To display AMASIS document

To insert a graphics document

To carry over update on opened WOs

Field description

Protocol Protocol to which the operation belongs

Reference Document code.

Description Text used to provide more data.

Nb pages Number of pages of document.

Revision date Revision last date.

Linked graphics document

Reference of linked graphics document.

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To validate

To add a document

To delete a document

To carry over update on opened WOs

To define A/C concerned by the document and click to add A/C

To display the copy (Library module)

To manage graphics documents

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MPAO-OP-P10 Cycles and Segments

This information is to be introduced when aircraft maintenance is managed through an equalized

protocol, i.e. maintenance load is spread out to improve aircraft availability.
Checks are referenced with cycles and segments. Linked maintenance tasks that will be used in check
must have the same cycles and segment to be effectively called.
If, for example, a card includes two shifted operations, one in segment 1, the other in segment 2, the
last one must have the same cycle and its corresponding segment.

To change an operation, from main menu:

- Select Scheduled Maintenance menu Maintenance Program Operations

- Select the protocol and operation.

- Click Cycle and Segment tab and click button (or press F2).

- In the window on the right, select:

to add a sequence in the list

to delete a sequence in the list

- To end the process, quit change mode clicking button (or press F2).

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MPAO-OP-P11 Operation schedule

Some cards have a frequency different from check one, thus linked cards and operations; their
schedule is also different from protocolar check, card and operation one. These cards are called Out
Of Phase cards.
These cards, known as OOP are made of OOP or not operations.

These out of phase operations can however be integrated to a Work Package or be performed
through a Work Order linked to out of phase card.

We recommend you to initialize out of phase card schedule once they have been build (out of phase
operations linked to out of phase cards) because AMASIS automatically initializes the schedules of all
the linked out of phase operations.

To access schedule of an operation, from main menu:

- Select Scheduled Maintenance menu Maintenance Program Operations

- Select the protocol and operation.

- Click A/C schedule tab and click button (or press F2)

This tab shows the schedules in progress related to this operation.

- In «Details» window, select:

to display operation schedule,

to generate the WOs linked to scheduled operations,

to access the WOs linked to these scheduled operations

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User’s Manual: AMASIS R9.30

MPAO-OP Release: 1.0 Date: 4th April 2014

MPAO-OP-P12 Consistency check of Maintenance Program

Once the Maintenance Program has been built with:

­ checks (see Check maintenance program doc),

­ cards linked to checks (see Card maintenance program doc),
­ operations linked to cards,

It is necessary to check if consistency of built tree structure complies with objective. If no linked is
defined, the operation will not be taken into account in any Work Package.

Check of operations/cards links:

Use Operations without Cards selection parameter

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User’s Manual: AMASIS R9.30

MPAO-OP Release: 1.0 Date: 4th April 2014

MPAO-OP-P13 Reports

The various AMASIS native reports can be displayed with button.

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User’s Manual: AMASIS R9.30

MPAO-OP Release: 1.0 Date: 4th April 2014

MPAO-OP-P14 More functions

In the main menu, use the following buttons:

to print the detail of selected operation

to update qualification times (of operations) from M/Hs introduced in Manhours module

AMASIS enables to cancel out update of this coefficient if the number of data is insufficient.

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User’s Manual: AMASIS R9.30

MPAO-OP Release: 1.0 Date: 4th April 2014

to carry forward (selective) changes made to card on the operations:

This option is particularly interesting after a revision of Maintenance Program.

to carry forward the changes made to access times on the operations in case of update of this
data in the background data.

to display tracking of an operation.

Tracking gives the information on document creation (creation date and time, user who created the
operation) and the latest modification made.
Tracking concerns operation header (Detail part of an operation) and operation effectivity (serial
number filled in).

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