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NAME: ____________________________ GR.& SEC._________  SCORE:________ 

Directions: Read the sentences below and identify what they refer to from the given choices below each.
Write the letter of your answer directly in the blank.

_____1. Which of the following BEST describes a volcano? 

               A. It is a place within the mantle where rocks melt to generate magma. 
               B. It is a long tube in the ground that connects the magma chamber to Earth’s surface. 
               C. It is an opening in the Earth's mantle through which lava, volcanic ash, and gases escape. 
               D. It is an opening on the surface of the Earth that allows material warmer than its 
                     surroundings to escape from its interior. 
_____2. Which of the following statements about volcanoes is TRUE? 
               A. Volcanic eruptions can be predicted. 
               B. Volcanic eruptions are always violent. 
               C. Volcanoes cannot be found in bodies of water. 
               D. Volcanoes give us information about inner Earth 

For questions 3-5, refer to Figure 1 (Parts of a volcano) 

_____3. Which part represents the magma chamber? 

               A. 1                B. 2                C. 3                D. 7 
_____4. What part of the volcano is represented by Part 1? 
               A. crater                                           C. main vent
               B. magma                                         D. magma chamber 
_____5. Which of the following statements correctly describes Part 8 in Figure 1? 
               A. It is cloud of ash formed by volcanic explosion 
               B. It is a fast-moving current of hot gas and rock that is moving away from a volcano. 
               C. It is a basin, circular in form, which can be large in radius and sometimes great in depth. 
               D. It is a silicate rock that is hot enough to be in liquid form, expelled from a volcano and 
                    reached the Earth’s surface during an eruption. 
_____6. What type of volcanoes are formed from wide thin layers of lava? 
               A. lava domes                                  C. shield volcanoes
               B. cinder cones                                D. composite volcanoes 
_____7. What type of volcano is Mayon Volcano which is formed from alternating layers of lava flow,
undissolved stone and ash? 
               A. lava domes                                  C. shield volcanoes
               B. cinder cones                                 D. composite volcanoes 
_____8. At depth in the Earth, nearly all magmas contain gas dissolved in liquid. When do the gases form
into a separate vapor phase? 
               A. When volume of gas is reduced as pressure increased. 
               B. When volume of gas expands as pressure is increased. 
               C. When pressure is decreased as magma rises toward the surface of the Earth. 
               D. When pressure is increased as magma rises toward the surface of the Earth. 
_____9. Which type of volcano ejects a basaltic magma? 
               A. Cinder cone                                 C. Shield
               B. Composite                                   D. Stratovolcanoes 
_____10. In magma formation, what should be the temperature and pressure requirements? 
               A. High temperature and high pressure 
               B. Low temperature and low pressure 
               C. High temperature and low pressure 
               D. High pressure and low temperature 

For questions 11-12, refer to the table below:

Composition Source Material Viscosity Gas Silica Location of

Content content formation

Basaltic Upper mantle Low 1-2 % About 50 Both oceanic and

magma %  continental

Andesitic Oceanic crust and Intermediate 3-4 % About 60 Continental margins

magma oceanic sediments % associated with
subduction zones

Rhyolitic Continental crust High 4-6 % About 70 Continental crust

magma % 

_____11. Which of the following statements correctly compares the three magma compositions based on
the table above? 
               I. Rhyolitic magma has the highest gas content and highest silica content and the most 
                    viscous magma composition. 
               II. Basaltic magma has the lowest gas content, but the highest silica content and the least 
                    viscous magma composition. 
               III. Andesitic magma has greater silica and gas content than basaltic magma but less than the 
                    silica and gas content of rhyolitic magma. 
               A. I, II and III                                 C. II and III 
               B. I and II                                        D. I and III 
_____12. Based on the given data about the gas and silica contents of magma, what would be the correct
arrangement of the three types of magma composition if you are to arrange them in an increasing order of
               A. Basaltic, Andesitic, Rhyolitic 
               B. Andesitic, Rhyolitic, Basaltic 
               C. Rhyolitic, Andesitic, Basaltic 
               D. Basaltic, Rhyolitic, Andesitic 
_____13. Based on the figure below, use numbers 1-5 to sequence the process on how magma is formed
which lead to volcanic eruptions. 

_____ The magma rises and collects in chambers within the crust. As magma fills the
               pressure grows until the pressure gets high enough. 
_____ Oceanic plates sink into the mantle below. As the oceanic plate sinks, fluid is squeezed out of 
_____ When the pressure gets high enough, the magma can break through the crust and spew out in
               volcanic eruption. 
_____ The fluid flows up into the mantle rock above and changes its chemistry, causing it to melt and 
               formation of magma. 
_____ A denser oceanic plate collides with a continental plate. 

_____14. Which gas from erupting volcano causes Global Warming? 

               A. Carbon dioxide                           C. Methane gas
               B. Sulfur dioxide                             D. Hydrogen sulfide 
_____15.During the eruption of a volcano, different dissolved gases and dust particles were released into
the atmosphere. What might be the effect of these materials on the environment and on the living things? 
               A. Global Warming                          C. Disruption of aircraft travel
               B. Respiratory illness                       D. All of the choices
_____16. Heat from the volcano can be utilized as energy source. Which energy comes from the
               A. Biomass                                       C. Geothermal 
               B. Dendrothermal                             D. Hydroelectric 
_____17. Which locations can be good sources of geothermal energy? 
               A. Ocean, river, sea                          C. Geyser, hot spring, ocean
               B. Geyser, ocean, river                     D. Geyser, hot spring, steam vents 
_____18. Where is the first geothermal power plant located in our country? 
               A. Albay                                           C. Leyte
               B. Batangas                                      D. Negros 
_____19. Which statement is TRUE about geothermal energy? 
               A. Its supply is limited                    C. It generates greenhouse gases
               B. It causes global warming            D. It is a sustainable energy source 
_____20. Which shows the correct sequence of the flow of energy in a Geothermal Power Plant? 
               A. electricity steam generator turbine hot water 
               B. hot water generator turbine steam electricity 
               C. generator turbine steam hot water electricity 
               D. hot water steam turbine generator electricity 
_____21. Heat energy can be trapped and used for our daily activities. What are the two ways in doing
               A. through the use of fossil fuels 
               B. through Geothermal heat pumps 
               C. through Geothermal power plant 
               D. Both B and C 
_____22. How is geothermal energy harnessed as source of electricity? 
               A. Wells are drilled on Earth’s surface to pump steam or hot water 
               B. The steam from hot water spins the turbine to produce electricity 
               C. The turbines are connected to generators that generates electricity 
               D. All of the above 
_____23. What is the positive effect of building a geothermal powerplant? 
               A. Lesser cost                                 C. Nuclear Fallout 
               B. Lesser Pollution                         D. Global Warming 
_____24. Which problem may occur as a result of building a geothermal energy facility? 
               A. The burning of fossil fuel. 
               B. Water pollution from the chemicals. 
               C. Toxic gases can be released when drilling. 
               D. All the above 10
_____25. Geothermal Power Plants is susceptible to trigger this natural calamity? 
               A. Earthquakes                               C. Hurricanes
               B. Forest Fire                                  D. All the above 
_____26. Which of these are considered as the disadvantages of using geothermal energy? 
               I. Low carbon footprints energy source 
               II. Reservoirs are not permanent 
               III. Harmful gases maybe released into the atmosphere 
               IV. High cost of constructing the system 
               A. I and II                                       C. I, III and IV
               B. II and III                                     D. II, III and IV 
_____27. What is/are the advantages of using geothermal energy? 
               I. The production cost is cheaper 
               II. The main source of energy is the sun 
               III. Safe and friendly to the environment 
               IV. It is available everywhere on Earth 
               A. I and II                                       C. III only 
               B. I and III                                      D. IV only 
_____28. Arrange the following sequence of conversion of geothermal energy into electrical energy in a
geothermal power plant. 
               I. Steam is used to turn the turbine 
               II. Cool water is injected to the ground 
               III. Generator converts mechanical to electrical energy 
               IV. Hot water is pumped up and steam is produced 
               A. I, II, III, IV                                 C. II, IV, I, III
               B. II, III, I, IV                                 D. IV, I, III, II 
_____29. Which volcano is located on the northwest slopes of North Cotabato and Davao
               A. Mt. Bulusan                               C. Mt. Olilia
               B. Mt. Apo                                      D. Mt. Taal 
_____30. Why is the Philippines the best place to build geothermal power plants? 
               A. Because Philippines is a rich country. 
               B. Because the temperature in the Philippines is too hot. 
               C. Because the Philippines is in the of Pacific Ring of Fire. 
               D. Because there is lesser chance that an earthquake might happen.
_____31. Which statement BEST describes topography? 
               A. It is the total distance above sea level. 
               B. It is the side of the mountain that experiences floods. 
               C. It is the curve of the earth and the distance from equator. 
               D. It is the physical attribute, surface shapes and features of an area. 
_____32. Which part of the mountain has more vegetation? 
               A. top                                              C. sideward 
               B. leeward                                       D. windward 
_____33. Which BEST describes the leeward side of a mountain? 
               A. The side of the mountain that experiences floods. 
               B. The side of the mountain that receives less precipitate. 
               C. The side of the mountain that receives more precipitate. 
               D. The side of the mountain that experiences more vegetation. 
_____34. How do oceans affect the climate of an area? 
               A. The solar radiation is absorbed by ocean. 
               B. Ocean currents act much like a conveyor belt. 
               C. The ocean helps to distribute heat around the globe. 
               D. All of the above. 
_____35. In a theory, Earth’s surface was covered by vast sheets of ice. What do you call these vast
sheets of ice? 
               A. glaciers                                       C. ice
               B. haze                                            D. snow 
_____36. Which refers to the angular distance from the equator that greatly affects the climate and
weather of an area? 
               A. altitude                                       C. height
               B. elevation                                    D. latitude 
_____37. Why do mountainous areas have generally colder climate than the surrounding land? Because
of … 
               A. higher altitude                            C. far from the ocean
               B. higher elevation                          D. far from the lowland 
_____38. What happens to the temperature as you go to the top of a mountain? 
               A. does not change                          C. temperature decreases
               B. temperature increases                 D. temperature goes up and down 
_____39. How does higher altitude affect the climate of an area? 
               A. The closer you get to the equator, the hotter it gets. 
               B. The higher you go above sea level, the colder it gets. 
               C. The farther you get from the equator, the colder it gets. 
               D. The process by which heat from the sun is trapped near Earth's surface. 
_____40. What region receives the least amount of solar radiation? 
               A. equatorial                                   C. temperate 
               B. polar                                           D. tropical 
_____41. Which of the following is the best practice to reduce the effect of climate change? 
               A. organic farming                         C. burning fossil fuel
               B. livestock raising                         D. car manufacturing
_____42. Which is TRUE about greenhouse effect? 
               A. Greenhouse gases on the surface absorb heat from the atmosphere. 
               B. Greenhouse gases on the surface absorb heat from the earth’s interior. 
               C. Greenhouse gases in the upper atmosphere absorb heat from the outer space. 
               D. Greenhouse gases in the lower atmosphere absorb heat from the earth’s surface. 
_____43. Which of the following is NOT likely result of global warming? 
               A. Rising sea level                          C. Increased storm frequency and intensity
               B. Worsening health effects            D. Increased agricultural productivity worldwide 
_____44. Which condition happens during La Niña phenomenon? 
               A. Trade wind becomes stronger. 
               B. Upwelling of cold water is blocked. 
               C. Air pressure in the western Pacific increases. 
               D. Air pressure in the eastern Pacific decreases. 
_____45. Which of the following gases is NOT a greenhouse gas? 
               A. Methane                                     C. Water vapor
               B. Nitrogen                                     D. Carbon dioxide 
_____46. Which of the following phenomena are included in climate change? 
               A. Decomposition and germination 
               B. Weather changes and precipitation 
               C. Volcanic eruptions and earthquake 
               D. Global warming and extreme change in weather patterns 
_____47. Which of the following is NOT expected to increase with enhanced climate change? 
               A. Flood                                          C. Less typhoons 
               B. Drought                                      D. Sea level rising 
_____48. Which activity contributes the MOST to carbon emissions? 
               A. Forestry                                      C. Agriculture
               B. Transport                                    D. Energy supply
_____49. Which can cause global warming? 
               A. Deforestation 
               B. Industrial and agricultural activities 
               C. Air pollutants due to extraction of natural gas 
               D. All of the above 
_____50. Which of the following is classified as natural factor that caused global warming? 
               A. Burning of fuels 
               B. Melting of ice caps 
               C. Typhoon and heavy rains 
               D. Methane release from arctic wetlands 
_____51.Which of the following statement is TRUE about constellations? 
               A. The patterns of asteroids viewed from earth that resembled different images. 
               B.The earth-based interpretation of two-dimensional star patterns on the sky. 
               C.The patterns on the sky made up of stars with different brightness and distances from 
               D.Both B and C. 
_____52. Are all the constellations visible from anywhere on Earth in the entire year? 
               A. No, because as the Earth revolves around the sun. 
               B. No, because there are times that stars do not give off light. 
               C. Yes, because all constellations can be found in a one place. 
               D. Yes, because all the constellations do not change its position. 
_____53. How do ancient Greeks name stars within the constellation? 
               A. according to figure                    C. according to brightness
               B. according to distance                 D. according to their position in the constellation 
_____54. How are constellation being used? 
               A. in navigation
               B. in keeping track of the calendar 
               C. in assessing when to plant crops 
               D. all of the above 
_____55. Why are most of the constellations visible at night? 
               A. Because stars travel at night. 
               B. Because the sun is too bright. 
               C. Because they only appear at night. 
               D. Because of the motion of earth in its orbit around the sun. 
_____56. Can you see the same stars every night? 
               A. Yes, stars do not change position. 
               B. Yes, we are seeing the same stars every night. 
               C. No, the stars travel from one place to another. 
               D. No, as the earth rotates the part of the sky you can see changes. 
_____57. Why are some constellations not seen in certain months? 
               A. Because the earth revolves around the sun. 
               B. Because the brightness of the sun outshines their visibility. 
               C. Because of the gravity that affects the rotation and revolution of the earth. 
               D. Because of the tidal waves attracting each other, creating a huge tsunami that washed out 
                    the constellation. 
_____58. Is the sun the biggest factor why there are less visible constellations during daytime? 
               A. No, because the sun has nothing to do with it. 
               B. Yes, because it is closer, and brighter as seen on earth. 
               C. Yes, because it helps transform them into other celestial bodies. 
               D. No, because the sun is the one responsible to give light to the moon. 
_____59. Which of the following statements BEST describes why Polaris is used widely in navigation? 
               A. It can be seen easily. 
               B. It changes its position every night. 
               C. It is often situated in a good position in the sky. 
               D. It does not change its position at any time of the night. 
_____60. Knowing the altitude of Polaris will determine your latitude. If you are at the north pole, how
many degrees is the north star above the horizon? 
               A. 45                B. 90                C. 180                D. 360 

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