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Proposed Lesson Plan

Muhammad Arya Natalegawa (12202041)

Course : IAIN Pontianak
Level : Intermediate
Topic : Food
Learning :1
Time Allocation : 2 x 35 Minute
A. Learning Objectives
1. students can repeat and say what they hear in English correctly and aloud
about food
2. students can converse to ask about food in English
3. Students are able to mention various types of food and interpret them in
B. Learning Activities
 Preliminary activities (10 Minute)
1. the teacher opens with greetings in English and students answer the teacher's greeting in
English then proceed with reading a prayer (2 minute)
2. the teacher makes an agreement on the students to organize well, listen to the name of the
food, answer the questions and what do you say if you want to go to the toilet while looking at
the presence of students and student readiness (3 minute)
3. The teacher invites students to warm up with song movements in English and asks a few
questions in English, for example what day is today?, what have you had breakfast?, what did
you feel today? etc. (3 minute)
4. the teacher reviews the previous material and gives an overview of the benefits of studying
today's material for everyday life (2 minute)
 core activities (20 minute)
tools and materials: food menu books for students and teachers
1. Listening
 Students are asked to listen to the kinds of food the teacher says and repeat what they
hear classically in English.
 The teacher pays attention to the students' English pronunciation and corrects if there
is an incorrect pronunciation.
2. Speaking
 the teacher gives examples of dialogues related to the material.
 students practice these dialogues with their friends (this exercise is done in pairs or
3. Discuss
students show the food intended by the teacher according to the clue given in English (in
singing or movement)
C. closing activities (5 minute)
 students draw food according to the clue requested.
 the teacher gives questions and students answer the question orally.
 the teacher sees the results of student work and reflects on the activities carried out.
 The teacher asks students about today's lesson.
 The teacher gives an overview of the material for the next lesson.
 students end the lesson by praying and saying good bye.
D. Evaluation
 oral test.
 for work.
E. assessment criteria format.
 product (result of discussion).
 aspect.
 criteria.
 score.
 draft.
1. knowledge
2. practice

know, Pontianak, 06 April 2023

supporting lecturer, English teacher

Melitansina,M.Pd Muhammad Arya Natalegawa

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