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ACROMIOAXILLOSUPRASTERNAL NOTCH The airway assessment plays a vital role in the
INDEX FOR PREDICTION OF DIFFICULT preoperative evaluation as it identifies potential
AIRWAY TAKING CORMACK AND problems that may interfere with oxygenation and
LEHANE GRADING SYSTEM AS GOLD ventilation during airway management. It is the first
step in formulating an appropriate airway plan to
STANDARD. manage an unanticipated difficult airway or emergency
airway management.
The definitive airway assessment tests should be simple
to perform and cost-effective. The screening tests with
General anesthesia is still needed for several surgical
high sensitivity, specificity, and positive predictive value
interventions and requires endotracheal intubation. The
should have the ability to determine predictors of
difficult airway is a well-known entity, and a long list of
difficult airway. There is dramatic variation in the
predicting scores is present, yet a high degree of
diagnostic accuracy of various screening tests which can
diagnostic accuracy still needs to be improved.
be summarized as differences in definition and
Acromioaxillosuprasternal notch index (AASI) has shown
incidences of difficult intubation in different studies,
some excellent results in recent times.
contrasting patient characteristics, inadequate
statistical power, and distinct test thresholds. The
To determine the diagnostic accuracy of
general population has a low prevalence of difficult
acromioaxillosuprasternal notch index for predicting
airways or failed intubation; this makes the positive
difficult airways, take the Cormack and Lehane grading
predictive value consistently low. There is no accurate
system as the gold standard.
screening test that may predict a failed intubation and
CICO situation in the general population. It is, therefore,
In this study, the cases of both genders aged 20 to 70
impertinent that every anaesthetist should be well
years undergoing any surgery under general anesthesia
equipped and skilled to manage such cases. (1)
having ASA class I to IV were included. AASI score of
Acromioaxillosuprasternal notch index (AASI) is a new
equal or less than 0.49 was taken as difficult airway
index measured by a vertical line drawn between the
while on Cormack and Lehane grade; it was labeled as
upper surface of the acromion process and the upper
yes where grade III or IV was seen.
limit of the axilla denoted as line (A). The second line (B)
is drawn from middle of the suprasternal notch
In this study, there were 350 cases, out of which 218
horizontally, transecting line (A). A part of line (A),
(62.29%) were males, and 132 (37.71%) were females.
which lies above the A and B line intersection, is
The mean age of the subjects was 40.20±12.86 years,
denoted as line (C). The length of line C is divided by line
and the mean BMI was 24.71±3.13 (table 17). There
A to obtain AASI (AASI = C/A) (Figure 1).
were 294 (84%) cases in ASA Class I and II and 56 (14%)
Very little data is available regarding the utility of AASI
in class III and IV. Difficult intubation on AASI was seen
for predicting difficult airways, but it has shown good
in 54 (15.43%) and 57 (16.29%) cases on Cormack and
sensitivity and specificity.
Lehane grading. 
Diagnostic accuracy of AASI for prediction of difficult
intubation was 96.29% with sensitivity of 90.74%,
specificity of 97.30%, PPV of 85.96%, NPV of 98.29%
with p= 0.001. This difference was also statistically
significant with all the confounding variables like age,
gender, ASA class, and BMI. 
The acromioaxillosuprasternal notch index is a
significant predictor for difficult intubation, taking
Cormack and Lehane's grading as the gold standard.
This difference is considerably better regarding age,
gender, BMI, and ASA class. 
Keywords: AASI, Cormack and Lehane, Difficult

pectoralis major muscle. 2) Draw a second line

perpendicular to line A from middle of the suprasternal
notch. 3) The portion of line A lying above the
intersection by line B was line C. 4) AASI was obtained
by dividing line C by line A. (AASI = C/A).
All patients undergoing general anesthesia received
premedication with midazolam (0.03 mg/kg). The
anesthesiologist commenced the intravenous anesthetic
induction with propofol (5mg/kg) and muscle relaxant
atracurium (0.5mg/kg). Following ventilation of the
lungs with 100% oxygen for three minutes, the
consultant anesthesiologist performed the laryngoscopy
with Macintosh blade No. 3 with the head in the sniffing
position, blinded to the measurements of AASI and
Cormack and Lehane grading system was assessed. The
laryngoscopy view was graded as; grade I = fully
Figure 1: Acromioaxillosuprasternal notch index; AASI exposed glottis, grade II = glottis partly exposed,
anterior commissure not visible, grade III = only
It is well studied about the individuals with a deep neck epiglottis visible and grade IV = epiglottis not visible.
in the chest (i.e., with a sloping clavicle), are associated Grade I and II were termed as easy visualization of the
with difficult visualization of the larynx (DVL). This puts larynx and grade III and IV were termed as difficult
into consideration an anatomical landmark test that can visualization of the larynx.
easily be done at bedside. This study aims to evaluate If there was a failure to intubate in the first attempt and
the predictive validity of a new index (based on the difficulty in visualization of laryngoscopy view,
surface anatomy of the upper chest), called the intubation was re-attempted with Macintosh blade
acromioaxillosuprasternal notch index (AASI), and No.4, coupled with adjustment of external laryngeal
compares it to Cormack and Lehane grading system for pressure and head position. The data was processed by
assessing difficult laryngoscopy view in patients for SPSS version 23. Mean and standard deviation was
general anesthesia. calculated for quantitative variables i.e., age and BMI.
Materials and methods: Frequency and percentages were calculated for
After the approval from the local ethical review categorical data like gender, ASA class and outcome i.e.
committee of the hospital and an informed consent difficult intubation as yes or no for
from the enrolled patients, a total of 350 consecutive acromioaxillosuprasternal notch index and Cormack and
patients aged between 20 to 70 years with ASA class I-IV Lehane grading system. A 2×2 table was formed to
scheduled for elective surgery requiring endotracheal detect sensitivity, specificity, PPV, NPV and diagnostic
intubation were enrolled in this cross-sectional accuracy. Effect modifiers were controlled through
validation study during the period May 13, 2022, to stratification of age, gender, BMI and ASA class. Post
November 13, 2022. stratification chi-square test was applied, p ≤0.05 was
The exclusion criteria included; malignancy of head and taken as significant and post stratification diagnostic
neck region, prior history of radiation to head and neck accuracy was also calculated.
region, any anatomical abnormality affecting the Results:
opening of mouth and BMI > 35 kg/m 2. After consent,  This study comprised 350 subjects, of which 218 (62.29%)
these patients were assessed for were males, and 132 (37.71%) were females. The mean
acromioaxillosuprasternal notch index (AASI) and age of the subjects was 40.20±12.86 years and mean
Cormack and Lehane grading system and difficult BMI was 24.71±3.13, all mentioned in table 01
intubation was labelled as per operational definition. All respectively. There were 294 (84%) cases in ASA Class I
the results were collected and recorded on the same and II and 56 (14%) in class III and IV as in figure 2. AASI
proforma. ≤ 0.49 was defined as the best cutoff point for difficult
AASI was calculated using the ruler on the patient lying intubation. Difficult intubation on AASI was seen in 54
in supine position and upper extremities on the side, (15.43%) and 57 (16.29%) cases on Cormack and Lehane
based on the following measurements: 1) Draw a grading.
vertical line from the upper margin of the acromion Diagnostic accuracy of AASI for prediction of difficult
process to the upper border of the axilla at the intubation was 96.29% with sensitivity of 90.74%,

specificity of 97.30%, PPV of 85.96%, NPV of 98.29% above the suprasternal notch's level, was used for the
with p= 0.001 as shown in table. This difference was prediction of DVL. (5) (6)
also statistically significant with all the confounding In the present study, the diagnostic accuracy of AASI for
variables like age, gender, ASA class and BMI as shown prediction of difficult intubation was 96.29% with
in tables mentioned below. sensitivity of 90.74%, specificity of 97.30%, PPV of
Table 01: Patients’ characteristics 85.96%, NPV of 98.29% with p= 0.001 taking Cormack
All (350) and Lehane grading system as the gold standard. This
Gende difference was also statistically significant with all the
r 218(62.29%) confounding variables like age, gender, ASA class and
Male 132(37.71%) BMI. These results were comparable to the findings of
Female the previous studies done in this context.
Age 40.20 ± Kamranmanesh MR et al. compared this AASI to MMP
12.86 classification, and it showed prediction of difficult
BMI 24.71 ± 3.13 intubation to be 15.25%, which was very close to the
findings of the present study, with prevalence of
15.43%. They had a sensitivity of 78.90%, and a
specificity of 89.40% of AASI. (7) These results were also
supported by a slightly lower sensitivity and specificity
by the study by Shiga et al.
The other studies also used the similar protocol for
index cut-off values. The study by Kamranmanesha MR
et al. also used the statistical cutoff point of AASI as
0.49 cm; clinically this was approximated to 0.5 for
simplification. A value of less than 0.5 was used as a
criterion for EVL, and that higher than 0.5 was
considered for DVL. (7)
In a study by Safavi M et al., they compared various
grading scores to predict difficult intubation. AASI had
the highest specificity, positive likelihood ratio, PPV, and
NPV compared to the other predictive tests. The AASI is
Discussion: not dependent on patient position and shows intra-
All surgical procedures requiring general anesthesia thoracic indexes. The advantages of AASI are the use of
usually have to be intubated with endotracheal tube by an inexpensive and easily applicable instrument for this
an anesthesiologist for maintenance of a patent airway. measurement. The limitation of their study was that
Difficult and failed intubation is always a concern and their results did not apply to all populations, such as
unanticipated difficult airway is still considered a known obstetrics, infants, and morbidly obese. (7)
cause of morbidity and mortality during induction of Different studies have shown various risk factors to
anesthesia. (2) affect the difficult intubation. This variability in the
The incidence of difficult laryngoscopy view or tracheal incidence has been attributed to multiple factors,
intubation is 0.1–20.2%, which can be attributed to the including anthropomorphic features among diverse
different patient populations and criteria used. Various populations, airway management protocols, degree of
investigators have used several simple bedside tests muscle relaxation, and various grades of laryngoscopy
based on anatomical landmarks to predict difficult view, head position, application of cricoid pressure, and
intubation in preoperative evaluation. These tests type or size of laryngoscope blade used. (8) (9)
include the modified Mallampati test (MMP), inter- In the present study, the AASI was significantly better in
incisor distance, sternomental distance, thyromental predicting difficult airways. These results show
distance (TMD), hyomental distance ratio, and upper lip alignment with the studies performed on obstetric
bite test, each with a different degree of success. (3) (4) patients that depict an association between patient
The risk factors associated with difficult visualization of weight and a reduced laryngoscopy view. (10) (11) 
the larynx (DVL) included a short neck and prominent However, Brodsky et al. showed contrasting results to
mandible. A new tool called acromioaxillosuprasternal the present study and found that neither obesity nor
notch index (AASI), characterized by anatomical BMI was associated with difficult intubation. (12)
landmarks where the arm–chest junction's portion lies Lundstrom et al. demonstrated in a large cohort study

that BMI was a statistically significant predictor of 6. Law JA, Broemling N, Cooper RM, Drolet P,
difficult intubation. However, the predictive value of Duggan LV, Griesdale DE, Hung OR, Jones PM,
BMI was weak so that it might be more appropriate Kovacs G, Massey S, Morris IR, Mullen T,
than weight. (13) Murphy MF, Preston R, Naik VN, Scott J, Stacey
There were a few limitations of the study as it did not S, Turkstra TP, Wong DT; Canadian Airway Focus
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a lot of work to measure in a few cases due to different anticipated difficult airway. Can J Anaesth. 2013
angles for pre-assessment. Nov;60(11):1119-38. doi: 10.1007/s12630-013-
However, there were many strengthening points as well 0020-x. Epub 2013 Oct 17. PMID: 24132408;
as this study described a very high yield of diagnostic PMCID: PMC3825645.
accuracy and introduced a relatively newer test. 7. Kamranmanesh MR, Jafari AR, Gharaei B,
Conclusion: Aghamohammadi H, Poor Zamany N K M, Kashi
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